Combine the css of two adjacent siblings - css

Is there a way to to combine the css of two adjacent siblings? I have some code generated by some wordpress theme where I'd like to use css to modify.
For the code below, I would like to hide the p "hide-me" when the class "myclass" also was given a class name "john"
would like to have something like this:
(.first-sibling .myclass.john) ~ (.second-sibling .hide-me) {display:none;}
<div class="parent">
<div class="first-sibling">
<p class="myclass john">Paragrah to determine the hiding of hide-me</p>
<div class="second-sibling">
<p class="hide-me">Hide this if myclass has a class named "john" </p>
Thank you

To achieve what you are asking for with your current HTML you need to use Javascript. Your other option is if you can apply class john to the parrent then you can have CSS such as this and it would work:
.first-sibling.john + .second-sibling{
display: none;
Here is a JS Fiddle
You can also further manipulate HTML so that the two p elements are under same div and then further use CSS Selectors to accomplish this. For list of all CSS selectors you can view here:


Hide all elements with duplicate class names besides the first with CSS

I have a loop displaying some markup that has dynamic class names. Is it possible to hide all elements with duplicate class name besides the first instance? For example below I would only want the first .SomethingDynamic1 and the first .SomethingDynamic2 to be visible.
I think I might be able to use the div[class^="group"] "starts with" attribute selector to achieve this but am I able to match dynamic text after that and filter out the duplicates? I would prefer a CSS only solution if possible.
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic1">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
<div class="group-SomethingDynamic2">
Update (credit #Temani Afif)
If you want a CSS only solution, you will need to know the classes to filter beforehand.
Given that, you can simply use a siblings selector like the following:
.group-SomethingDynamic1 ~ .group-SomethingDynamic1 {
display: none;
Here is a stackblitz example

CSS: is there a way to insert the content of an attribute as text in my output?

Normally, CSS works by matching element names in the HTML:p.heading1 {} affects all elements of type p with class heading1.
Is there a way to display an object/text that only exists as an attribute?
For example, this is my HTML:
<body var="text I want to insert">
<div class="titlepage">
<p class="titlepagetext">this should also be displayed</p>
The title page has a number of <p> children. In addition to them, I want to display the content of body/var on the title page.
You can probably consider CSS variables. The custom property will get inherited by all the elements inside the body and you can use pseudo element to display it where you want:
.titlepage:before {
<body style="--var:'text I want to insert'">
<div class="titlepage">
<p class="titlepagetext">this should also be displayed</p>
AH Formatter has an -ah-attr-from() extension function that will let you get the contents of an ancestor's attribute (see
You could use -ah-attr-from() in a rule for .titlepagetext::before.
When you using css, you can't target parent. There is no way to get parent selector. And content: "" can apply only for pseudo-classes.

CSS - Set parent element display none

I have a web code generated by an aplication (built in angular). It is a menu choice where I need to hide some of them. It looks e.g. like this:
<div class=first>
<div class=second>
<a href=href1>
<div class=second>
<a href=href2>
<div class=second>
<a href=href3>
Now what I need is to hide the div which contains a element with href2.
I can hide the a element:
.first .second a[href="href2"] {display:none}
But I need to hide the whole div element. I thought:
.first .second < a[href="href2"] {display:none}
that doesn't work.
I KNOW THE JQUERY SOLUTION with has function. The problem is I can only adapt css files of the application. If i'm right I cannot use jquery in css file.
Please...any Idea how to do this ?
thanks a lot for help
best regards
At the moment there is (sadly) no way to adress the parent element with CSS.
I don't know your layout or CSS Code but maybe you can just structure your HTML-Code in a different way.
And now I understand your question...
To hide (for example) the 3th .second div you don't need to adress it from the child element but from the parent element.
What you are probably looking for are the nth selectors,
for instance: nth-child() or nth-of-type().
You can find more info here.
Also, you should probably take a look at the basics of HTML and CSS.
In your code you have not closed the <a> tags or wrapped the values of the attributes in quotation marks.
<div class=first></div>
<div class="first"></div>
To hide (for instance) the first element you could use the :first-child selector or the :nth-child() selector. Since you will probably use the nth-child() selector this would be:
.first > .second:nth-child(1) {
display: none;

css - define styling for siblings child element

I am trying to define styling for second sibling's child element based of first sibling's class.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve
<div >
<div class="one">
<div class="find edit">
Find me
<div class="two">
<div class="change">
Change me
In this example, I want "Change me" to be green if "edit" class is found. Is it possible to achieve this purely based on css?
Help much appreciated.
As far as I know, it's not possible to access the parent selector (I wish it was). If you could consider this structure, it'll be no problem at all:
<div class="one edit">
<div class="find">
Find me
<div class="two">
<div class="change">
Change me
.one.edit + .two .change { color: green; }
If not, you could easily accomplish what you're after with a little JavaScript.
Here You can find answer:
Complex CSS selector for parent of active child
Short answer copied from link:
Selectors are unable to ascend
CSS offers no way to select a parent or ancestor of element that
satisfies certain criteria. A more advanced selector scheme (such as
XPath) would enable more sophisticated stylesheets. However, the major
reasons for the CSS Working Group rejecting proposals for parent
selectors are related to browser performance and incremental rendering
Now I notice the edit class required in the child. You cannot.
simply you need something like a parent selector, and this doesn't exist in CSS 3, it's suggested in CSS 4 though, but that's far from happening any time soon.
More here:
CSS selector for "foo that contains bar"?
Depending on which browsers you care about, this may work: + div.two > div.change {
color: green;
Live Example:

How can be CSS used to style web pages meant to be served by Lift when Lift uses CSS classes for the purpose of its own?

Lift framework seems to use class="lift:something" in HTML tags but what if I want to apply some ordinary CSS to this tag and want it to have an ordinary class name?
Each HTML element can have multiple classes separated by spaces, e.g.
<div class="lift:something something-else"></div>
You can target one or more of those classes in your stylesheet.
If Lift doesn't let you apply your own classes to elements (I'm not a Scala programmer), you may need to apply classes to other elements instead, like wrapper divs, and select based on those:
<div class="something">
<div class="lift:something"></div>
you can use many classes in dom elements:
<div class="lift:something my_extra_css_class">
Or, if the styling is meant to be unique, you can use an id and style the id and not the class:
<div class="lift:something" id='my_id'>
bla: blabla;
foo: bar;
fruit: banana;
codfish: sausage;
car: garage;
cash: atm;
