display wordpress posts in a non-wordpress external site - wordpress

I have looked for almost every info available there but nothing worked for me. I want to show wordpress posts of some users on my website which is not on wordpress platform but hosted in MS Azure.Can someone guide me on this.? The wordpress website is free so i cant use plugin.

Just creating this as an answer:
You can use WordPress Rest API now as it's part of WordPress core and doesn't require any 3rd party plugins.


Why is the blog section of my wordpress site not on Google?

I recently started a website,(fortunepush.xyz),
I made a seperate sub directory for my blog section and added wordpress to it with Ocean WP theme. I realized that my posts are not coming up on google, site indexing is failing everytime.
I do not understand what is wrong with the site?
Does installing seperate wordpress in my subdirectory affect google somehow?
I just want my posts to show up on google.
The SEO is very well done and properly optimized, also if anyone can check
can you check if my blog is mobile friendly because it shows up perfectly on my iphone, but google says its not mobile friendly.
The sitemaps are not being indexed too.This is the sitemap index
Make sure you don't have checked "Search Engine Visibility" option in Reading Settings on admin.
The option you will find here in admin side: mydomain.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php

How to integrate Magento Store and display products into wordpress theme/ website?

I am a newbie to eCommerce, and in process of developing a website for my upcoming eCommerce store from scratch.
I have been working with WordPress "Albar " theme. After researching I found Magento to go ahead with my store.
I have installed Magento through Hostgator ( Hosting service), I am somewhat familiar with adding products , but not able to get a solution to display the products to my website , ie; on WordPress theme.
How to link the store to website ? I have come across WordPress Integration plugins , but still couldn't find a solution.
By default there are some pages appearing in the Magento > CMS > Pages and in preview it opens with the link after my domain name.
Kindly help me out with this problem.
Regards ,
You have to write extension for Magento that adds new controller which return json with products. In Wordpress create ajax request that reads this json and displays products.

what is the best way to integrate wordpress subdirectory with joomla website?

Sorry for the trouble. I just want to ask is there a way to integrate wordpress subdirectory into joomla website? What i am trying to do is develop a blog site with wordpress subdirectory in joomla's corporate site and everytime that i post an article in wordpress it will display in root joomla website's template. Is there a way to do this?
Simply installing WordPress in a subdirectory of a Joomla site will not automatically display WordPress posts in the Joomla template.
You could develop a WordPress template that matches the Joomla one, or consider a Joomla integrated solution like https://www.corephp.com/joomla-products/wordpress-for-joomla
For what it's worth, it is fairly easy to blog within Joomla. You might consider looking at your specific needs and they to accomplish everything from within Jomla.
In the terms of usability & user friendliness having just one platform is the best solution.
There are plenty of joomla! Blog extensions available in JED directory and, I am sure you will find the most appropriate.
By the way, here is a FREE tool called WordPress to JoomBlog converter, that allows migration, saving all the users, categories and blog comments. Just to let you know

Wordpress: Using it as a news CMS only?

I tried to search everywhere for an answer to my question but I still doesn't understand how Wordpress fully work.
I would like to use Wordpress as my news system CMS only. This means, I do not wish to set up my page layout via the Wordpress theme interface. If you guys know another news CMS called CuteNews, I want my Wordpress to operate pretty much like CuteNews.
How can I put Wordpress post entries into my website that uses my own layout (and not using the theme interface in Wordpress).
For people looking at this from google. Check out this blog post
I have used this as a starting point for my detached wordpress site and it's working perfect.
You can actually! Without converting it to a theme. It works for me as I don't do wordpress themes but I use WP to power the back-end of my websites. I utilize WP's CMS feature.
here's a checklist of what you can possibly do to your website.
Your website design (html/css)
Install Wordpress on your server, or locally.
Download Blank WP Template, set this as your default template for your wordpress site.
Edit the Theme's CSS/Header/Footer according to your website design while keeping essential WP codes provided in the template.
Set your News Page as the Blog Entry in WP Dashboard.
If you want some news preview, such as titles to appear somewhere on your site like homepage, you can either call it thru PHP code available on the net or install a plugin in WP.
Items listed above maybe broad, but that's a starting point, as you can research on the net for detailed information on how to go about your website with wordpress CMS.
Best of Luck!

How do you install PrestaShop inside a Wordpress install

I'm trying to install Smashing Magazine's free e-commerce wordpress theme that uses PrestaShop and Wordpress together. I've been trying for about a day already and can't figure it out. Anyone willing to help?
this is the link to the file
You should look at these suggestions they are very similar to your problem. You should also install the Prestashop-to-Wordpress plugin and the PrestaShop module for WordPress. I think you have to pay for the PrestaShop module for WordPress though.
It is two separate installs, 1 wp and 2 prestashop! The theme was designed to look the same so one can have both and user can navigate both but seems as they are on one platform, you can't install prestashop inside wordpress, you could possibly add the header & footer as well as a widget inside the blog or use iframe to view parts of it. They are two different platforms and to integrate both fully you would either have to create a module of some sort for prestashop or a plugin for wordpress in either case you would be using one or the other with both installed in your hosting account. If you want a shop in your blog or a blog in your shop the best way to do this would be to have a web designer create you a custom themes that look similar for both wordpress and prestashop, this would also be the case for any other shopping of blog platform. With that said both wordpress and prestashop offer solutions. With wordpress you can add plugins in order to sell products in your blog, with prestashop they offer various blog modules that you can install in your store, so you do have some options, I hope this helps sort it out for you, Good Day!
