Material Design Lite - Programatically Open and Close Toast - material-design-lite

I would like to open and close MDL toast rather than use the timeout property as indicated in the MDL usage guide. The reason is that I want the toast to remain while geolocation is occuring, which sometimes takes 10+ seconds and other times happens in 1 second.
Any idea how this could be done?

A q&d solution i found, invoke cleanup_ method on the sb object.
With this solution i can show the sb, click action handler to hide it, then re trigger the action to show it without any problem.
var snackbar = form.querySelector("[class*='snackbar']");
if (snackbar) {
var data = {
message: 'Wrong username or password',
timeout: 20000,
actionHandler: function(ev){
// snackbar.classList.remove("mdl-snackbar--active")
actionText: 'Ok'
As cleanup_ is not part of the public api, i guess it worth to enclose this with some small checks to avoid a disaster.
&& snackbar.MaterialSnackbar.cleanup_()
&& snackbar.classList.remove("mdl-snackbar--active")

Got it working as so: I basically set a 30 second timeout on the toast assuming my geolocation and georesults (GeoFire) will take no more than 30 seconds.
I get the length of the returned array of map markers and multiply that by the javascript timeout events. I finally remove mdl-snackbar--active which hides the toast. So, basically - it works.
The above actually had a major problem in that additional toasts would not display until that long timeout completed. I could not figure out how to apply the clearTimeout() method to fix it so I found a solution that works - trigger the toast up and down by just toggling the mdl-snackbar--active class - no timer setting necessary.
So to call toast as normal using this code, simply tools.toast('hello world',error,3000). To programatically open and close toast call tools.toastUp('hey') and tools.toastDown(), respectively. So, you might call tools.toastDown after a promise resolves or something...
var config = (function() {
return {
timeout: 50, //in milliseconds
radius: 96, //in kilometers
var tools = (function() {
return {
toast: function(msg,obj,timeout){
var snackbarContainer = document.querySelector('#toast'); //toast div
if(!obj){obj = ''}
if(!timeout){timeout = 2750}
data = {
message: msg + obj,
timeout: timeout
toastUp: function(msg){
var toast = document.querySelector('#toast');
var snackbarText = document.querySelector('.mdl-snackbar__text');
snackbarText.innerHTML = msg;
toastDown: function(count) {
setTimeout(function () {
var toast = document.getElementById("toast");
}, config.timeout * count);
In case you want to fire tools.toastDown after a timeout loop, you can do:
function drop(filteredMeetings) {
for (var i = 0; i < filteredMeetings.length; i++) {
//drop toast once markers all dropped
if(i === filteredMeetings.length - 1) {
tools.addMarkerWithTimeout(filteredMeetings[i], i * config.timeout);


meteor emit event then used by aframe eventlistener

I have an aframe object in main.html:
<a-gltf-model id='player1' foobox playmyclip src="#myMixBun" ></a-gltf-model>
I want to have it perform a gltf clip animation when the eventListener ‘driveplay’ is emitted.
In foofile.js:
AFRAME.registerComponent('playmyclip', {
init: function () {
var el = this.el;
el.addEventListener('driveplay', function () {
el.setAttribute('animation-mixer', {clip: 'Drive', loop: 'once'});
Currently I have it so when the j key is hit ‘driveplay’ is emitted:
AFRAME.registerComponent('foobox', {
init: function() {
var el = this.el
var swingno = 0;
self = this;
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
const keyName = event.key;
if (keyName === 'j') {
// code to store record of event in Mongo for second player
var playerid = self.el.getAttribute('id');
var playerMid = Games.findOne({name: playerid})._id;
Games.update({_id: playerMid},{$set:{swings : swingno}});
swingno = swingno + 1;
But I also need to have the animation to happen at the same time on player2‘s screen. So in the above code I increment a variable in Mongo every time the animation happens. Then in main.js meteor automatically emits an event whenever “swingno” changes in Mongo.
import {EventEmitter} from 'meteor/raix:eventemitter';
Event = new EventEmitter();
var swingcnt1 = 0;
counter() {
if (Games.findOne()) //mongo is ready to access
var plyr1Swing = Games.findOne({name: "player1"}).swings;
if (plyr1Swing !== swingcnt1) {
swingcnt1 = plyr1Swing;
console.log(“this shows on player2’s console automatically”, swingcnt1);
else {null}
return { ........};
When player1 hits the “j” key the animation happens correctly on his screen, plus the event is recorded in Mongo, and player2 receives the updated Mongo value (since it show in the console.log).
The problem is the
statement doesn’t trigger the animation in player2‘s screen. This is a little tricky, since I need meteor’s “raix:eventemitter” package to create an event that the aframe event listener can see. It’s possible I’m not actually emitting an event at all, since I don’t know how to test if it’s working. Or possibly aframe can’t see the emitted event.
Possibly there’s an easier way of doing this. Thanks for any help.
SOLVED The solution was to use the listener code from meteor’s raix:eventemitter package inside Aframe’s component.
AFRAME.registerComponent('playmyclip', {
init: function ()
var el = this.el;
listener = function() {
el.setAttribute('animation-mixer', {clip: 'Drive', loop: 'once'});
Event.on('driveplay', listener);
Plus the foobox component no longer needs:
if (keyName === 'j') {
Both player1 and player2 get the animation event from
in main.js when the meteor helper notices a change in the mongodb.

METEOR - Show loader and run methods at specific time

I wanna build a loader circle what goes from 1 to 100% and in the meantime to run some methods.
loader circle
The scenario is:
load the page and start counting.
When the counter is at 50% pause counting and run the first method and when I have the result to start counting from where I was left.
count until 90% and run the second method.
I was trying something with Meteor.setInterval on onCreated but I'm not sure if it's the right method to do this.
Can someone give me some ideas about how to approach this?
There are several ways you can do this depending on your specific needs and you might even want to use one of the many Reactive Timer packages that are out there.
Here is one working example that only uses the Meteor API (no packages). Note, I did not actually incorporate the loader circle animation since it wasn't specifically part of the question.
Template definition
<template name="loader">
Template logic
Template.loader.onCreated(function() {
// used to update loader circle and triggering method invocation
this.elapsedTime = new ReactiveVar(0);
// handle for the timer
var timerHandle;
// starts a timer that runs every second that can be paused or stopped later
const startTimer = () => {
timerHandle = Meteor.setInterval(() => {
this.elapsedTime.set(this.elapsedTime.get() + 1);
}, 1000);
// pauses/stops the timer
const pauseTimer = () => {
// let's first start our timer
// runs every second and triggers methods as needed
this.autorun(() => {
const elapsedTime = this.elapsedTime.get();
// call methods based upon how much time has elapsed
if (elapsedTime === 5) {
// call method and restart the timer once it completes'methodOne', function(error, result) {
// do stuff with the result
} else if (elapsedTime === 9) {
// call method and restart the timer once it completes'methodOne', function(error, result) {
// do stuff with the result
// helper used to show elapsed time on the page
loadingPercentage: function() {
return Template.instance().elapsedTime.get();
Let me know if you have any questions.
This is what i was trying to do:
var instance = this;
instance.progress = new ReactiveVar(0);
var loader = {
maxPercent: 100,
minPercent: instance.progress.get(),
start: function(){
var self = this;
this.interval = Meteor.setInterval(function(){
self.minPercent += 1;
if(self.minPercent >= self.maxPercent) {
if( self.minPercent == 25) {
loader.pause();'runMethodOne', (err,res)=>{
if (!err) loader.resume();
if(self.minPercent == 75) {
loader.pause();'runMethodTwo', (err,res) =>{
if(res) loader.resume();
pause: function(){
delete this.interval;
resume: function(){
if(!this.interval) this.start();

Jasmine - Testing links via Webdriver I/O

I have been working on a end-to-end test using Webdriver I/O from Jasmine. One specific scenario has been giving me significant challenges.
I have a page with 5 links on it. The number of links actually challenges as the page is dynamic. I want to test the links to see if each links' title matches the title of the page that it links to. Due to the fact that the links are dynamically generated, I cannot just hard code tests for each link. So, I'm trying the following:
it('should match link titles to page titles', function(done) {
client = webdriverio.remote(settings.capabilities).init()
.elements('a').then(function(links) {
var mappings = [];
// For every link store the link title and corresponding page title
var results = [];
for (var i=0; i<links.value.length; i++) {
mappings.push({ linkTitle: links.value[0].title, pageTitle: '' });
.getTitle().then(function(title, i) {
mappings[i].pageTitle = title;
// Once all promises have resolved, compared each link title to each corresponding page title
Promise.all(results).then(function() {
for (var i=0; i<mappings.length; i++) {
var mapping = mappings[i];
I'm unable to even confirm if I'm getting the link title properly. I believe there is something I entirely misunderstand. I am not even getting each links title property. I'm definately not getting the corresponding page title. I think I'm lost in closure world here. Yet, I'm not sure.
I still have not figured this out. However, i believe it has something to do with the fact that Webdriver I/O uses the Q promise library. I came to this conclusion because the following test works:
it('should match link titles to page titles', function(done) {
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() { resolve(); }, 1000);
promise.then(function() {
var promises = [];
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
However, the following does NOT work:
it('should match link titles to page titles', function(done) {
client = webdriverio.remote(settings.capabilities).init()
.elements('a').then(function(links) {
var mappings = [];
// For every link store the link title and corresponding page title
var results = [];
for (var i=0; i<links.value.length; i++) {
mappings.push({ linkTitle: links.value[0].title, pageTitle: '' });
.getTitle().then(function(title, i) {
mappings[i].pageTitle = title;
// Once all promises have resolved, compared each link title to each corresponding page title
Q.all(results).then(function() {
for (var i=0; i<mappings.length; i++) {
var mapping = mappings[i];
I'm not getting any exceptions. Yet, the code inside of Q.all does not seem to get executed. I'm not sure what to do here.
Reading the WebdriverIO manual, I feel like there are a few things wrong in your approach:
elements('a') returns WebElement JSON objects ( NOT WebElements, so there is no title property thus linkTitle will always be undefined -
Also, because it's a WebElement JSON object you cannot use it as input, which expects a selector string not an object - To click a WebElement JSON Object client.elementIdClick(ID) instead which takes the ELEMENT property value of the WebElement JSON object.
When a client.elementIdClick is executed, the client will navigate to the page, trying to call client.elementIdClick in the next for loop cycle with next ID will fail, cause there is no such element as you moved away from the page. It will sound something like invalid element cache.....
So, I propose another solution for your task:
Find all elements as you did using elements('a')
Read href and title using client.elementIdAttribute(ID) for each of the elements and store in an object
Go through all of the objects, navigate to each of the href-s using client.url('href'), get the title of the page using .getTitle and compare it with the object.title.
The source I experimented with, not run by Jasmine, but should give an idea:
var client = webdriverio
.then(function (elements) {
var promises = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.value.length; i++) {
var elementId = elements.value[i].ELEMENT;
.elementIdAttribute(elementId, 'href')
.then(function (attributeRes) {
return client
.elementIdAttribute(elementId, 'title')
.then(function (titleRes) {
return {href: attributeRes.value, title: titleRes.value};
return Q
.then(function (results) {
var promises = [];
results.forEach(function (result) {
.then(function (title) {
console.log('Title of ', result.href, 'is', title, 'but expected', result.title);
return Q.all(promises);
.then(function () {
This fails to solve your problem, when the links trigger navigation with JavaScript event handlers not the href attributes.

Meteor template autorun (Session variable)

Imagine I have a session variable that holds an image source. Every second, I want to the helper that contains this session to run.
if (Meteor.isClient) {
'imageSrc': function (e, template) {
var clock = setTimeout(function() {
var position = IMAGE_POOL.pop();
Session.set("currentTarget", position);
}, 1000);
var position = Session.get("currentTarget");
var imageSrc = '/' + position + '.bmp';
return imageSrc;
the image sources are coming from a global IMAGE_POOL. However, it is possible that the pool contains two same images consecutively. In this case, Session.set() will be called with the same argument and the session will remain unchanged.
Q1. When Session variable remains unchanged, does the template helper not autorun even if Session.set() is called?
Q2. If so, how should I make it run every time a new image is popped?
No, Tracker computations are not invalidated if the value doesn't change.
Session.set('test', false);
Tracker.autorun(function() { console.log(Session.get('test')) }); //Logs 'false'
Session.set('test', false); //Nothing
Session.set('test', true); //Logs true
In your case, if you want to preserve this code structure (which seems a bit heavy to me) you could instead store an object with a timestamp:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
'imageSrc': function (e, template) {
var clock = setTimeout(function() {
var position = IMAGE_POOL.pop();
Session.set("currentTarget", {
position : position,
timestamp :
}, 1000);
var position = Session.get("currentTarget").position;
var imageSrc = '/' + position + '.bmp';
return imageSrc;

Geofire query doesn't activate unless ctrl + f5

I am using the geofire library with angularjs. I noticed something odd happening when writing out a basic geolocation based query. Upon a state change, the page displays blank and the query doesn't appear to execute. However, if I ctrl + f5, the data displays and query executes.
I wondering why this is happening. I've included my controller code below. Any help is appreciated, I've been trying numerous things (tried updating user's geolocation to force an event to get triggered, $timeout, etc).
'use strict';
.controller('DiscoverController', [
'$scope', '$state', 'fbRef', 'fbGeo', '$geofire', 'Discover', '$timeout',
function($scope, $state, fbRef, fbGeo, $geofire, Discover, $timeout) {
var ref = new Firebase(fbRef);
var geoRef = new Firebase(fbRef + 'geofire/');
var $geo = $geofire(geoRef);
$scope.searchResults = [];
var query = $geo.$query({
center: [37.68465, -122.1420265],
radius: 10
// Setup Angular Broadcast event for when an object enters our query
var geoQueryCallback = query.on('key_entered', 'SEARCH:KEY_ENTERED');
// Listen for Angular Broadcast
$scope.$on('SEARCH:KEY_ENTERED', function (event, key, location, distance) {
// Do something interesting with object
ref.child('users').child(key).once("value", function(snapshot) {
var user = snapshot.val();
// Cancel the query if the distance is > 50 km
if(distance > 50) {
$scope.favoriteUser = function(favoritedID, favoritedTwitterID){
Discover.favoriteUser(favoritedID, favoritedTwitterID);
