Creating a parameterized report with an rnw file. I am trying to reference specific figures from a code chunk that has multiple figures in it (generated by a loop through a list of figures). I know if there's a single figure I can reference it from the chunk label with \ref{fig:foo} as Yihui mentions in . But I cannot seem to reference specific figures in the chunk. I tried referencing the unique figure caption or the chunk as a whole but both give me ??. Is there a way to do this?
I searched this Dynamic LaTeX references in R comment with knitr and its linked questions but wasn't able to make it work.
Also in Figures captions and labels in knitr , the plots are combined into one big plot which bypasses the problem.
\usepackage{caption} % Needs to be after hyperref. jumps you to top of figure not to label.
<<figures, fig.cap=c('fig1','fig2')>>=
figure1 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(x=mpg,y=cyl))
figure2 <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(x=drat,y=wt))
plots <- list(figure1,figure2)
as we can see in \ref{fig:figures}
Just append a number to it:
as we can see in \ref{fig:figures1} and \ref{fig:figures2}
To figure this out, you should look at the .tex file, which contains
\includegraphics[width=\maxwidth]{figure/figures-1} \caption[fig1]{fig1}\label{fig:figures1}
for the first one, and similar stuff for the other. The \label{fig:figures1} part is what your \ref needs to refer to.
I am producing a latex report which produces multiple plots in a dlply call. The dlply call is of course in a single chunk and in order to get labels and captions to change I am using a snippet from Steve Powell below. The approach works but it seems knitr doesnt quite format the output correctly. A simple example that demonstrates:
opts_knit$set(progress = F, verbose = F)
fig.width=6.75, fig.height=4, # Default figure widths
for(x in seq(1,20)){
capt<-paste('Caption for fig.',x)
This almost works. The trouble is that knitr places the closing \caption brace outside the \label brace which can be seen in the snippet from the .tex file below:
\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{0.969, 0.969, 0.969}
\includegraphics[width=\maxwidth]{figure/Figure1} \caption[Caption for fig]{Caption for fig. 1\label{fig:Figure1}}
latex can handle this if there are only a few figures like this but with larger numbers of plots, it starts to place them incorrectly.
I have also tried this with a
approach and get the same result.
Further clarification: I found this on wikipedia's Latex/Floats... page:
If you want to label a figure so that you can reference it later, you have to add the label after the caption (inside seems to work in LaTeX 2e) but inside the floating environment. If it is declared outside, it will give the section number.
The 'inside seems to work in LaTeX 2e' part caught my attention. It seems it works only because the error is ignored a number of times? I am using
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>.
I think the bit of code is in hook_plot_tex function line 120 of hooks-latex.R:
fig2 = sprintf('\\caption%s{%s\\label{%s}}\n\\end{%s}\n', scap, cap,
paste(lab, if (mcap) fig.cur, sep = ''), options$fig.env)
This would fix it?
fig2 = sprintf('\\caption%s{%s}\\label{%s}\n\\end{%s}\n', scap, cap,
paste(lab, if (mcap) fig.cur, sep = ''), options$fig.env)
Suggestions? I am not familiar with the github process...
Short answer is it seems to be a LaTeX issue caused by too many \includegraphics commands and no pagebreaks. Function to accomplish multiple figures with captions and labels from within loop (with credit to Steve Powell and Yihui):
plot.knit<-function(chunkLabel,#text for chunk label which is also used for figure file name
capt,#text for caption
plt)#plot object to be placed
cat('\\newpage')#some sort of page break must be inserted along the way to keep latex from breaking.
This can be modified to add any of chunk options you would like.
Long Answer:
Here is what I did to get it to work. I downloaded knitr from github, made the suggested alteration above, compiled, and ran example. The altered code did not change the outcome. Further investigation of latex error took me to the LaTeX FAQ where it states:
The error also occurs in a long sequence of float environments, with no intervening text. Unless the environments will fit “here” (and you’ve allowed them to go “here”), there will never be a page break, and so there will never be an opportunity for LaTeX to reconsider placement. (Of course, the floats can’t all fit “here” if the sequence is sufficiently prolonged: once the page fills, LaTeX won’t place any more floats, leading to the error.
Techniques for resolution may involve redefining the floats using the float package’s [H] float qualifier, but you are unlikely to get away without using \clearpage from time to time.
So, I added
after the plots are generated in each step of the loop. This resulted in no errors being thrown and the figures in correct locations. Also,
works and seems to do a better job at placing the figures 2 on a page in my actual document.
The working code:
opts_knit$set(progress = F, verbose = F)
fig.width=6.75, fig.height=4, # Default figure widths
for(x in seq(1,20)){
capt<-paste('Caption for fig.',x)
I am sorry, I am new to using knitr to make slides. I generally use the latex() function in Hmisc package to generate my tables based on R objects. I would like to produce a slide that shows the r code and then below it displays the properly formatted table. Something like:
``` {r}
latex(tabdat,file="tables/tabdat.tex",ctable=TRUE,caption="A basic table",caption.loc="bottom",label="tab:dat1",row.names=NULL,rowlabel="")
So that the finished slide displays the exact r code and the formatted table looking exactly as if I had run latex using \input{tabdat}
I would appreciate any advice on how to accomplish this.
I am a bit puzzled because you talk about PDF/LaTeX output but you are using R markdown tags.
Here are small examples for both cases, R Sweave, i.e. LaTeX output, and R markdown, i.e. HTML output. For creating the LaTeX code there are several packages available (xtable, Hmisc etc.) for HTML AFAIK only xtable.
The main point of how to include the raw output just like it appears in the console is the same for both output types and was already explained by Tyler Rinker above, i.e. by adding results="asis" to the chunk options.
PDF/LaTeX / Rnw-file
<<echo=FALSE, message=FALSE>>=
latex(head(iris), file = '')
HTML, Rmd-file
```{r echo=FALSE}
```{r results='asis'}
tbl <- xtable(head(iris))
print(tbl, type="html")
Look here for more examples and options:
I have an Rnw file (a large one) and I want to show all code used in an appendix.
It is suggested in some of the knitr examples (, also a good MWE) that having a code block like this is the way:
<<Rcode, eval=FALSE, ref.label=all_labels()[-1],echo=TRUE, cache=FALSE>>=
This works fine except all the code chunks merge into each other and none are labelled.
On the other hand if I run purl(myfile.Rnw) it labels the code chunks and separates them by two lines, which makes things much easier to read.
Is there any way of automatically listing the code using the second approach in a report appendix? I know I can have a code chunk to run purl to produce myfile.R as part of my report, but how do I then show the code in myfile.R in my appendix?
Here's an example .Rnw file (called "example.rnw"):
x <- 1:10
y <- 10:1
z <- 1:5
If you create a file in your working directory called "template.rnw" that just contains:
Then, you run:
Does that make sense? Basically, you're purling, stitching the purled code, knitting the original document, and then compiling the resulting LaTeX ("example.tex") that includes the knitting and purling. Everything should be formatted nicely (and consistently).
I'm using Sweave and latex() from the Hmisc package to insert a longtable in my PDF.
When I do it the first time, the table is spread nicely, filling up the pages with the table.
If I do it again, some pages are only half full (like page 4 of PDF), which looks weird and somehow wrong because it seems to be unnecessary space.
Is there a way to control this? Or what could I do to improve the look?
Especially, if I'm adding some text and graphs, it won't look good with the empty space on page 4.
I want to insert this longtable
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10)
x.big <- data.frame(x)
latex(x.big,"",file="",longtable=TRUE, dec=2,caption='First longtable spanning several pages')
then write some text. Maybe add a graph...
And then another table
latex(x.big,"",file="",longtable=TRUE, dec=2,caption='Second longtable spanning wrongly')
Don't pass this question over to the latex group, this is a problem of Hmisc/latex that adds a \clearpage into tex every 40 lines by default. Check parameter of latex. I do not understand why this default has been set, but something like
latex(x.big,"",file="",longtable=TRUE, dec=2,
caption='Second longtable spanning wrongly',
gets you around the problem.