Create instance specification code in Rhapsody - rhapsody

I am working on a Rhapsody SysML project for work and we need to be able to model different configurations of our system. To give a concrete example, if our system is a vehicle, we want to be able to simulate that vehicle with different configurations of engines, wheels, etc.
This is my first time using SysML but in the book A Practical Guide to SysML it discusses, in chapter 7, the concept of Instance Specifications. These sound like exactly what we need, and Rhapsody appears to have support for them. So we created an Instance Specification in Rhapsody, giving it specific values for the engine and wheels. But once we create the instance specification we cannot find any way to actually create an instance from that specification. We noticed that Rhapsody doesn't even generate any code for the instance specification.
So my questions are the following, can Instance Specifications be used to create different configurations of a system and if so how? If not, what is the best method for modeling different configurations of a system?
Thanks for any help you can provide.


How can I make a 3D visual programming language

This is not a joke. and I want a tutorial.
I want to make a 3D (node editor / programming language / graph editor) like this picture:
How can I do that?
These are just some thoughts on the matter, I think some planning will be required.
I'm unaware of any tutorials explaining how to build node editors, but since so many node editors exist, perhaps your best source for inspiration can be other people's codebases.
I think you can look at prior art:
Also, I think you can plan it like this:
figure out what it will look like (maybe you can make a mockup on blender first)
think about what kind of interactions will be allowed, how will the mouse work?
Consider using an existing 3d framework like openframeworks or unity
design a command palette or list of keyboard shortcuts of things that will be required
study existing 2d note editors, consider evaluating the work of John Paul Morrison (Flow Based Programming) and things like NoFlo or PyFlow among many others, you can study the ones that have actual users like the Unreal Node Editor, or more recently I think Unity also has one.
design an execution engine (how will the code actually run, input ports, output ports, etc).
consider the format that you'll use for saving/loading the networks, is it sqlite? json? will you need to store the coordinates and perhaps the dimensions of the nodes, and the connections between the nodes?
if a new node is to be located, where will it be put? do you need to indicate an arbitrary point in 3d space, or is it better to have the new node positions to be relative to existing objects?
component property editors may be important, each node will probably have it's own set of properties, will each node be custom, with a custom ui for editing? or will there be a general property editor for all the nodes? these decisions should be made.
custom node properties can be used to make the ui easier for the user, however
the global property editor will allow you to create many components relatively inexpensively.
what operations need to be supported? do you need auto-layouting algorithms, like graphviz's dot?
will the runtime allow for step by step execution? node statistics? real time visualization?
consider who is your target market for this tool, and why this tool will be useful outside the existing tools, is it music artists using the next vvvvv ? or is it graphic artists making the next shader? will be useful for web development? or for a specific niche?
I hope you'll find these thoughts and ideas useful in your process, and I look forward to the things you will build.

Using Rule Flow in InRule for Workflow

I see Rule Flow which supports action so it may be possible to build some types of workflow on top of this. In my situation I have an case management application with tasks for different roles, all working on a "document" that flows through different states and depending on state, different role will see in their queue to work on.
I'm not sure what your question is, but InRule comes with direct support for Windows Workflow Foundation, so executing any InRule RuleApplication, including those with RuleFlow definitions, is certainly possible.
If you'd like assistance setting up this integration, I would suggest utilizing the support knowledge base and forums at
Full disclosure: I am an InRule Technology employee.
For case management scenarios, you can use decisions specifically to model a process. Create a custom table or flags in your cases that depict the transition points in your process (steps). As you transition steps, call a decision which will determine if the data state is good enough to make the transition. If it is, then set the flag for the new state. Some folks allow for multiple states at the same time. InRule is a stateless platform; however, when used with CRM it provides 95% of the process logic and relies on CRM to do the persistence. I have written about this pattern in a white paper:

Guidelines on structuring code for .net projects

I generally use IoC pattern in my projects which are most of the time based. Are there any guidelines on how to structure the projects in a general 3 layered project UI+BL+Data Access. I want to know more about how the folders should be created, where should constants be kept at within each layer (I keep all the strings such as query string parameters, stored procedure parameter etc in file named Constants which is singleton). How should I create classes that interact with Data Access layer from Business Layer etc. and all such code structure questions.
Is there any guidance or a book on this?
Microsoft has a plethora of information on this. I've used Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise as my bible for software architecture
Check out this MSDN guide as well
Also, take a look at some application frameworks like Sharp Architecture for examples
A lot of NHibernate tutorials demonstrate software design principles that can be applied to any solution
#robbymurphy has a great answer. I would only add that I keep most constants and interfaces in a separate project/assembly altogether. I call this my "core" assembly and and define interfaces that allow me to pass data from the top of the stack to the bottom without tightly coupling them.
It is not so much where they are used, but for what purose. I once attended a seminar class where the instructor pounded "high cohesion, low coupling" into our heads, over and over.
Keep those things that, in the real world, belong together, together, but, reduce dependencies between object whenever possible.
This is a cohesion question as well as a coupling issue: if the constants are truly internal to a class, make them private static members (i.e. and internal state enum) . If they are truly internal to a project, create a class for them, and make them internal (a database specific constant in your data layer). Otherwise, put them in a public class in their own project.

Design and Modelling for DexExpress eXpressApp Framework

The DevExpress XAF does much basis work for you, it creates a database based on your business objects, and dynamically generates a UI based on these, with basic functions like add, delete, sort etc. already present.
This leaves me wondering how to go about properly designing and modelling an application built on this framework. I could only model my business objects, or I could identify functions provided by the framework and include them in a details model down to sequence diagram level, but so much is being done by 'external' calls that I feel I would be wasting valuable time.
I am hoping someone with experience modelling application designs for this specific framework can give me some advice on what areas I should focus on.
As for DC, as Leon mentioned above, it has many benefits compared to the regular persistent classes. If all goes according to plan, we will release the Domain Components technology in the near future, and resolve all the remaining issues with it.
If you feel that it is hard to learn, please let us know the most difficult parts you experienced. We will be glad to review them and possibly make the things easier for you and other users.
I apologize for the delay in responding; I was on sick leave. You will receive more timely responses if you post your questions in the DevExpress Support Center.
Am I correct that you are looking for something like visual designer for your business models?
If so, then I am afraid that XPO (XAF) does not currently provide such a functionality. However, you can use free third-party tools for modeling, such as Liekhus ADO.NET Entity Data Model XAF Extensions
I hope you find this information helpful.
I'm using XAF for almost two years now and I'm very happy with it. Developing an app is very quick, nice architecture, both Win and Web the same time and great UI. As with all frameworks, it has a learning curve, but if your already familiar with DevExpress controls that it's not very hard.
As Dennis mentioned, most behaviour can be overriden or extended. Regarding your modelling question, if think an important choice you have to make is whether or not you will use their Domain Components technology. Basically they have 2 ways: the old fashion way by inheriting from the XAF or XPO base classes or by using DC. DC allows a clean separation in modules and allows multiple inheritance. They can do that by generating classes runtime, but it still has some issues.
And the framework comes with a Business Class Library, a set of common classes which may be useful.
When I get stuck or cannot find the answer myself, I always use their fantastic Support Center. Most issues I ran into were already asked and answer on that site.
Briefly, each XAF application consists of Modules. There can be standard (system) and extra (user-defined) modules. Each Module can contain business objects, so-called Application Model customizations, Editors, Controllers, and Actions to provide additional business logic, customize UI and provide interaction between framework parts. You can model and customize your application on each level listed above, including but not limited by the underlying framework's metadata and data store ones. You can find more information about the framework's architecture here:
I should emphasize that it is possible to override behavior of almost every part of the framework. For instance, create your own editors for detail and list forms, override certain standard controllers, etc.
If you experience any further difficulties with our framework, feel free to contact us through our Support Center. We will be always glad to not only answer you questions, but advice a certain technical or design solution, provide some example code, etc.

Restrict violation of architecture - MVP

If we had a defined hierarchy in an application. For ex a 3 - tier architecture, how do we restrict subsequent developers from violating the norms?
For ex, in case of MVP (not MVC) architecture, the presenter should always bind the model and view. This helps in writing proper unit test programs. However, we had instances where people directly imported the model in view and called the functions violating the norms and hence the test cases couldn't be written properly.
Is there a way we can restrict which classes are allowed to inherit from a set of classes? I am looking at various possibilities, including adopting a different design pattern, however a new approach should be worth the code change involved.
I'm afraid this is not possible. We tried to achieve this with the help of attributes and we didn't succeed. You may want to refer to my past post on SO.
The best you can do is keep checking your assemblies with NDepend. NDepend shows you dependancy diagram of assemblies in your project and you can immediately track the violations and take actions reactively.
It's been almost 3 years since I posted this question. I must say that I have tried exploring this despite the brilliant answers here. Some of the lessons I've learnt so far -
More code smell come out by looking at the consumers (Unit tests are best place to look, if you have them).
Number of parameters in a constructor are a direct indication of number of dependencies. Too many dependencies => Class is doing too much.
Number of (public) methods in a class
Setup of unit tests will almost always give this away
Code deteriorates over time, unless there is a focused effort to clear technical debt, and refactoring. This is true irrespective of the language.
Tools can help only to an extent. But a combination of tools and tests often give enough hints on various smells. It takes a bit of experience to catch them in a timely fashion, particularly to understand each smell's significance and impact.
You are wanting to solve a people problem with software? Prepare for a world of pain!
The way to solve the problem is to make sure that you have ways of working with people that you don't end up with those kinds of problems.... Pair Programming / Review. Induction of people when they first come onto the project, etc.
Having said that, you can write tools that analyse the software and look for common problems. But people are pretty creative and can find all sorts of bizarre ways of doing things.
Just as soon as everything gets locked down according to your satisfaction, new requirements will arrive and you'll have to break through the side of it.
Enforcing such stringency at the programming level with .NET is almost impossible considering a programmer can access all private members through reflection.
Do yourself and favour and schedule regular code reviews, provide education and implement proper training. And, as you said, it will become quickly evident when you can't write unit tests against it.
What about NetArchTest, which is inspired by ArchUnit?
// Classes in the presentation should not directly reference repositories
var result = Types.InCurrentDomain()
// Classes in the "data" namespace should implement IRepository
result = Types.InCurrentDomain()
"This project allows you create tests that enforce conventions for class design, naming and dependency in .Net code bases. These can be used with any unit test framework and incorporated into a build pipeline. "
