opening google map fragment on button click in android studio - android-fragments

I would like to create an app in Android Studio that has a Button in Main Activity and when i clicks this button, it should open a google map with my customized lat,lng markers and camera functions as an another activity. I tried this one by creating a Button in the Main Activity.XML and wrote buttonOnClickListener() by specifying Intent that MainActivity.this,Mapfragment.class.For this I selected GoogleMaps as my start Activity instead of blank activity at starting of my project. And also for this MapFragment, I got Google maps API key. But when I run this App on my android mobile, it simply opening google map with my customized lat,lng instead of showing my Main Activity which is having a Button in it. I am confused with this, can anyone help me out of this problem.Thank You

Yes, I got it. I tried to solve this problem and got a solution for it. Initially as I said, at the starting of my project I selected a google map activity instead of blank activity. So now, to get a Button in my Main activity, I have created a MainActivity.XML in Layout folder and added a Button to it. Then, for this MainActivity.XML file corresponding .Java class was created and specified the MainActivity.XML in it and declared the Button and wrote OnClickListener for Button, so that when the Button clicks it should open my google map fragment with customized location. Importantly, we should specify this in the Manifest.XML as an Activity specifying it as a Launcher activity in the Application. Now, run the app and first it displays MainActivity with a Button and now when I clicks it, it opens my google map fragment activity with the help of Intent.


Click button on element popup

Okay so I am trying to create an automation to click on a button once it appears. I was able to find the code within a javascript source file in the website's code files that creates the element that contains the button in question, however it is not always there. It is generated once a trigger on a different UI is enabled, then it shows up on my end. I want it to automate clicking the button as soon as it appears.
Is there a way to do this? I am super new to code.
An example of what I am trying to do:
Someone in one UI creates an account that needs to be approved, it pops up an element on my end with an approve or deny button. I want to automatically and basically instantaneously click one of those two buttons any time it appears.
This is not exactly what I am trying to do, but it is similar. I do not own the website I'm trying to go this on*
I have no clue what I'm doing at all....

Launch watchkit app from long custom notification content area

I'm trying to implement a feature such that users can click on the notification content area (not app icon nor action buttons) to bring the main watchkit app open. The current official way to launch the main watchkit app is to tap the app icon or action buttons in a notification scene. But I feel like the app icon is actually quite small (and hard) to tap and sometimes users are not even aware of this feature.
What I'm trying to do now is to put my notification content into a table row in the notification controller and make this row clickable. This will give user a pretty big area to tap with. Then in the click event handler I'm trying to open the main watchkit app. But I haven't figure out a way to do that (none of the general navigation methods such as presentControllerWithName works from notification controller).
Any suggestions?

How to Keep Same UINavigationView Button across all storyboard views?

So I'm working through the code in this tutorial which has a small button labeled 'Touch Me'. When you tap this it brings up a new view which also has a close button. I've added a screenshot below and you can download the source code here.
The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to port over this .xib code to work in Xcode 4.2 storyboards. I am trying to keep that same 'Touch' button and 'AnotherView' displaying on a brand new 'Master-Detail Application' running iOS 5.
I am struggling to even keep the button displaying on every view. As in, you can tap the button 'Touch Me' to bring up this alternate view at any page - in the table view or the detail view. I hope this makes some sense? Note that I'm NOT talking about the table row, just the top right button in the UINavigationBar.
Please let me know if I can provide any more details! Just trying to build a similar functionality as the 'Touch Me' button in a fresh new iOS 5/Xcode 4.2 Storyboard app WITHOUT any .xib files. thanks in advance
As your know storyboard doesn't use XIBs so you won't be able to follow the tutorial line for line.
I recommended first creating a new storyboard project and select the "Master-Detail Application" template when creating the project. This will create a project with a Navigation controller. You can then follow the tutorial on customizing the navigation bar. When following the first part of the tutorial, you will need to select the initial view,"Navigation Controller", in storyboard and change its class to "KTNavigationBar" after you create that class.

simulate a click in StageWebView

I'm working on a flex mobile project now.
I've created a StageWebView and call function loadString()
var str:String='bookmark'
+'<span id=".E9.81.8B.E7.87.9F.E7.8B.80.E6.B3.81">bookmark</span>';
It's a simple sample that if you click on the bookmark and you can get access to it.
But I want to put the content in the tag into a spark list. And get the same result when I click the list which needs some kind of simulation of a click in a webView.
Is there any possibilities of doing this?
using StageWebViewBridge you can send events to your swf. i dont know the details how to work with it, but it should be straight forward. :)
simply register the click on the html tag using javascript and bridge it over to actionscript.

Not able to handle iframe and new window activity

I am not able to handle Iframe popups. In my application when i click on some buttons or link then open iframe pop up. activity which i do on that iframe popup is not recorded in selenium IDE.
select window command also not work.
When i click on link then it open in second window with same title. i am not able to handle that new window's activity.
Please provide me solution if any have.
You need to use the command Select Frame and not Select Window.
