"mycreatedwpsite.example.com is currently unable to handle this request. 500." - wordpress

I have developed a site on WordPress.org locally on my computer.
And I wanted to launch the site online.
I purchased a GoDaddy Domain. I purchased Bluehost hosting.
And wanted to transfer the site from local server to hosting service.
I found a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM9Z8aQTCvQ At 2:27 the tutor shows, "Before we export the database we need to change our URL.".
I did it. And I hit the "save changes" button. After that I have been trying solution after solution all over the internet.
Bluehost's ftp manager. Filezilla file transfer. Bluehost's WordPress installation (I imported my theme, didn't work.)
Tried different videos of move WordPress from localhost to server.
I found lots of articles about this problem on Internet. Even Codex WordPress Changing Site URL article.
But nothing from suggested solutions works for me.
And nothing works.
My local site by WAMP server and WordPress.org still looks amazing.
And after typing domain URL web browser still shows "isn't working."
PHP logs show:
[24-Mar-2016 16:10:50] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function
array_replace_recursive() in
on line 512

One reason that causes this issue is suppressed fatal error. Try enabling error_reporting and display_errors.
If you need to test the settings without modifying php.ini you can use something as below.
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("track_errors", 1);
ini_set("html_errors", 1);

For the future googlers.. for me this was a permission issue which got messed up after I had checked a tag out using Git. So all I had to do was run the following command inside the website root to reset the permissions back to Directories:755 & Files:644.
chmod -R u+rwX,go+rX,go-w ./
Further more the checkout had also messed up the file ownership. So I ran the following command inside the website root to set it back to the specific user:usergroup.
chown -R web1:client0 ./
Note:- Your username:usergroup would vary, so you shall have to adjust the above command to fit your environment.


Wordpress File permission issue all of a sudden

My website had been working well. But recently I started to see some abnormalities.
When I upload a media file, it says the file can't be moved to upload/2022/08; When I create a new post, the featured image choice section on the backend are gone; On frontend, plugin WP-SCSS is reporting file permission issue on the cache folder;
I had to manually change the related folder from 0755 to 0777 to solve these issues. But why all of a sudden it requires 0777 while it never had? The only change I made recently to the server is doing some package upgrade for my linux server. It was a one-click-go and I didn't take a closer look to what had been upgraded but I do remember seeing most items are related to PHP8.0 or PHP8.1. Could this be the reason the file permission issue is acting up?

Wordpress: unable to connect to wp-admin (localhost can't provide a secure connection?)

I've got a MAMP (version 6.3) localhost using Apache running on a Mac Mini locally and i am in final testing before publishing a new plugin that i've created. I popped my plugin into my plugins directory (as i will when i go into production) and suddenly, I am unable to access wp-admin to look at Wordpress (as in 'localhost:8888/wp-admin). Localhost access works just fine (as in 'localhost:8888'), but when attempting to enter wp-admin, the page fails to be served up with the following messages:
"This site can't provide a secure connection
localhost sent an invalid response.
I cannot find ANY information that will help me find a solution. There is nothing in the Apache logs at all. I've got debugging set up and running on my site and there's nothing in there at all. I literally have NO idea how to proceed in finding the problem. I get the same messages in either Chrome or Safari.
I've searched this error and it seems it could be a few things, but the source seems to be a bad certificate or something. If so, i don't know how to correct that condition. IF my understanding is correct, localhost doesn't even require SSL (?), so even the "ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" is confusing.
Another suggestion that i've found is to disable your plugins folder by renaming it to essentially invalidate ALL plugins. I've tried that as well, no change in the error message that i am receiving.
Can anyone provide any concrete steps for how to resolve this so that i can get into the wp-admin facility on localhost? I admit that i know "not much" about certificates and SSL and the like. I literally don't know where to start.
request via http, something like this
open your wp-config.php file and add this online
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false );
save the wp-config.php file. You can add just above this line
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */
Now try opening your localhost this should work.

WordPress won't allow file upload - file cannot be moved to wp-content/uploads

When I try to upload files to the WordPress media library, I get an error saying that file cannot be moved to wp-content/uploads. I tried changing to 777 permissions (just to test) and it still did not work. I tried the following link:
which says to give the nobody user permission, which did not work.
I also tried adding the following link:
which says to add FTP connection data to wp-config.php, which did not work.
I tried to upload manually through FTP and then use the Add From Server plugin, however when given the correct connection information to Add From Server (which on other sites I've done with these permissions/ownership isn't even asked for), the plugin cannot connect.
Can anyone offer a solution?
Thanks in advance!
Try Like This in Terminal-sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/htdocs/wptest1/wp-content/uploads/2017/07 after creating suitable folders like uploads>2017>07 in wp-content folder in wordpress

WordPress website down

I'm new to programming & I have learned how to create websites using WordPress technology. I have created a website www.popstudio.in and it was working fine before.
Recently when I try to access the website, I get the following error.
The popstudio.in page isn’t working
popstudio.in is currently unable to handle this request.
I have attached a screenshot, refer screenshot
This is WordPress based website.
I have renamed the plugins folder and still the website was down.
I have renamed the themes folder still the website was down.
Common Solutions for the 500 Internal Server Error.
The two most common causes of this error are a corrupted .htaccess file and exceeding your server’s PHP memory limit.
The .htaccess file in your WordPress directory can become corrupted after you install a plugin or make another change to your WordPress site. The fix is simple. All you need to do is create a new .htaccess file.
PHP memory limit issues often occur as the result of a poorly-coded plugin running on your site or a site that’s grown considerably over time and is using too many plugins. You’ll begin to exceed the PHP memory limits set by your hosting provider once either of these things happen. The result is a 500 internal server error.
Error 500 is a very generic error message. The information you're providing is not enough for someone here to help you.
The first place you want to look at is the log file. On an Apache server it is a file called error_log in the directory of your site.
You can check if your .htaccess file is properly configured.
Otherwise get in touch with your web host support!
Good luck
Have you tried to delete (after make a backup) the .htaccess file on the root path of the site? If it work, just resaved permalinks from the back-office after that.
Most of the 500 errors on WordPress are due to a problem with this file (corrupted, rights problem ...).
Go to wp-config.php and update it
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false);
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
Make sure that once you have found your issue, to return it back to 'false'. Just as a security 'best practice'.

WordPress and Windows IIS Server Problems

I am currently working on a WordPress project on a remote IIS server. I consider myself well versed in the use of WordPress, however, most of my previous projects have been on Apache servers and I am really running into problems on the IIS server.
I have contacted the host, and made sure that I have the correct file permissions. However, I cannot upload files or edit themes/plugins from the WordPress backend.
For example, when I use the WordPress theme editor panel, I make changes in the text, but when I click save there is no "Your changes have been saved message" and the file is just reverted to what it was before.
When I try to upload an image inside a post, I receive the following message:
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\xxx.com\www\dev/wp-content\uploads.
I notice the slash to the right of dev is incorrect, but I cannot figure out how to change this. I have tried defining this in the wp-config file with several different variations with no luck. For example, I have tried adding define('UPLOADS', '\wp-content\uploads') and I have also tried using the absolute path.
Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I need to get this squared away as soon as possible, but I am not sure where to go from here. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
I have tried altering the "upload_path" via wp-admin/options.php with no success, and the following results:
When I try the absolute path, C:\xxx\wwwroot\xxx.com\www\dev\wp-content\uploads, I get the following
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\xxx.com\www\dev\wp-content\uploads.
When I try wp-content\uploads in the "upload_path", I get the following
The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\xxx\wwwroot\xxx.com\www\dev/wp-content\uploads.
Chris's Blog » Wordpress upload permissions on IIS 7 Fix or Google for the IIS6 fix:
...You need to give the IUSR account Read/Write/Modify permission on
your wp-content folder.... and you need to give the IIS_IUSRS group
Read permissions on your “C:\Windows\Temp” folder.
See 10 Reasons Why Not to Host Your Wordpress Blog on a Windows/IIS Platform
you need to give php temp dir full permissions (iusr) (network service) c:\winnt\temp is the default upload dir before it moves to the wp site so this has to be set
in php admin (in iis applet) u can change the temp dir if your not liking the fact its in your NOS dir
next issue u will have is max_fileupload size also in php admin
iis works great best if your the admin of the server to quickly make the needed changes
