Xampp asking for a password only when accessed through hostname - wordpress

I have Xampp setup on my windows machine, with a WordPress site, when accessing it, through localhost, it runs normally, however after I linked my computer, through no-IP, for a dynamic DNS, and attempt access through the internet using the hostname, I get prompted for a username and password for some reason.
I'm not sure why this is happening.

I realized I didn't forward a port so it was actually redirecting to my router page and asking for username and password.
Anyhow, I found this YouTube video on how to forward a port for linksys router: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIK-RpVNAM8
Didn't realize it was more of a Network question.


Deploy gatsby on nginx has wrong redirect address when refresh and brings out port number?

I hava a website, and deploy the site on nginx in docker container. The proplem is when I refresh the site the chrome address bar brings out the port number and redirect wrong.
I am a front-end progromer and don't hava any server permission. so i can try nothing on back end. On the server side already tried nginx config file but nothing help.
This is the website address:
If you refresh brings out port number 8181.
I expect normal address redirect.
This qustion is solved just add a slash at the end of the address,
this address
to this address
I don't know the detail why it solved the problem. but it worked.

Symfony 4 swiftmailer configuration issues

I have tried setting up SMTP in the dotenv file:
And I've sent an email using php bin/console swiftmailer:email:send. This gave me an error:
[app] Exception occurred while flushing email queue: Connection could not be established with host webmail.mydomain.nl [Connection timed out #110]`
So I assumed this is caused by the firewall. So then I tried to send an email via an online SMTP tester and the email got sent and all worked as expected.
However, this still does not work on my server. Even after turning off the firewall on my (Windows) VPS, the same error persists.
My setup is as follows:
I have a VPS (WINDOWS) with plesk where I host my domain and the mail server.
I also have a home server (CENTOS) where I host my subdomain with plesk.
What am I overlooking? What could be the cause of this issue?
Some host providers block 465 and 25 port. So only 587 is left to use. First, contact your host provider and ask if they are blocking SMTP ports. And if not please come back with more information and server config.
So apparently, please correct me if im wrong. This is what I think I did wrong:
I have a subdomain from my main plesk which I host on my home server. The project i'm working on is running from there.
The main domain with that plesk account is running on a VPS with the mailserver.
As it turns out (I think) my ISP from my home internet has restricted access to port 25. And thats why my home server cant access the mail server.
I tried to disable firewalls everywhere, even routed the ports in my router to my home server, nil fix. (please note that i tried to telnet to several SMTP servers not just my own) with all access rejected.
I tried it with another port (465) from my home server and it works now.
At the end using another port did the trick. I am however not sure that this is the issue. But this is just my guess.

Login to OAM through OHS server redirect issue

I have an OHS 11g server setup on host1 with port 7777 and OAM 11g configured on host2 with port number 14100.
After I finished all the configurations. Now if I access host1:7777/oamconsole it redirects me to host2:14100 login page, then if I enter the correct username and password it logs in to OAM console with no problem and URL is back to host1:7777. Is there any way I can make the login page itself going through OHS server without redirecting to host2:14100 port? Thank you.
I have read a lot of documents and watched some videos, their environments seem to behave the same way but no one seems to care about the login page is still using host2:14100.
It turns out just update the Load Balancer HOST and PORT settings in oamconsole will make the login page use that HOST and PORT.

Can not access the website via SSL

We have deployed our website to the live webserver, Windows Server, IIS 7.5. Website asp.net, .NET 4.5
I have configured the website bindings to allow https requests for this website.
Asked the hosting provider to open up the port 443.
I can access the website over internet with port 80, no issues at all. (http://mysite.com)
But I can not access via https, (https://mysite.com).
But I can access the site via SSL from the server itself, that means SSL configurations are fine.(https - localhost)
But I can telnet (telnet mysite.com 443), it responds to GET request via telnet.
I have rechecked the certificate and changed it to a self-signed certificate, issue is still there.
These requests not being tracked in IIS logs as well, seems like the request is not reaching IIS. Hopefully something goes wrong before it reaches the server.
But, when I access the website as http://mysite.com:443, it works.
I m bit confused with this behaviour. Obviously the port 443 is open by the hosting company. But something is wrong with requests over HTTPS, which is supposed to send a request to port 443. Please help.
Because your site is working when you access http://mysite.com:443, I am almost sure that you created wrong binding on IIS. Instead of selecting https from combo box you selected default http.
There is a tutorial on how to do this on youtube: Changing IIS 7.5 Bindings by David Johnson
You've establish that the port is open and the hostname binding is there, otherwise http://mysite.com:443 would not work. Its the SSL part that's not working, hence you can connect directly by port and telnet (port 443 but not SSL) but not a browser via https. It's only a browser connecting to a https url that will expect SSL.. I'm pretty sure I've had the same issue, but cannot recall the exact cause but it was definitely related to an invalid SSL configuration or SSL binding.. The behaviour was like there is no connection, nothing, which is unusual, its the bad config causes the browser to abort the connection. If I remember what, I'll update or comment below.
So you can access the site using https://localhost? Your question is not quite clear on this point... what is the exact URL you are using? If it's https://localhost, that is actually an indication that your certificate is configured incorrectly. You seem to be interpreting this as an indicator that it's working OK and that is not the case. The domain name is tied to the certificate and SSL will work only when accessing the site using that domain name. So if it works for "localhost", something is wrong.
Finally I found the solution. Issue was a setting in the load balancer of the hosting provider. I have asked the question from them and they have figured out the issue. Anyways it was a good learning curve for me. And this knowledge is going to help others.
The firewall was already allowing both HTTP/HTTPS, which is why we could telnet through and run a GET / and still pull down content from the 404 page of the IP address.
It appears there was a certain profile applied to the HTTPS configuration in the load balancer which would only work for HTTP, so they have disabled that.
When they set this up for HTTP and HTTPS they were not able to test HTTPS, because to do so would require an SSL certificate in IIS - which it appears we have already provided.
Thanks everyone for your help on this!

authentication issue with an intranet website running under IIS6

I have an an intranet website running under IIS6 (under a specific port, not the default one) with a integrated windows authentication enabled and uses an application pool configured with a service account. the issue is, if I access the website using the server name with a fully qualified domain in the URL, it throws a login prompt (doesn't work even if enter my windows login credentials), but if I use the IP address of the server then it works fine. Please let me know what I need to do to get the URL with server name working.
for example http://servername:8080/default.aspx throws login prompt, but http://ip address:8080/default.aspx works fine
I am experiencing the same problem. I believe it is something to do with Kerberos authentication mechanism. If it resorts to NTLM it will work (which it does when using an IP address). Kerberos requires an SPN registered on Active Directory for it to work. Kerberos also won't allow you to have application pools running under different accounts but with the same server name. In these situations you should have an alternate name for the site and register that with Kerberos. However, I haven't actually resolved the issue yet so these are just suggestions.
Two possible problems come to my mind:
The DNS server in your network is not resolving servername to an IP
Run Ping servername from the command line to check if the name brings the IP expected
edit the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and add the server name and IP address
The Bindings in IIS6 does not expect servername
Make sure that servername is included in the list or the Host Header Name field is empty
I had exactly these symptoms when the web server had its IP address changed due to a new internal IP addressing scheme. Pass through authentication worked from the webserver itself but not from any other system. From other systems, using the host name in the URL caused IE to prompt for credentials which were always rejected, using the IP address in the URL caused IE to prompt for credentials which were accepted. After chasing a lot of red herrings we suspected that the server was caching credentials against the old IP address, so we rebooted the server and it all came right.
Try this. I had exactly same problem and it fixed it for me (I'm the linked thread)
I set my AuthenticationProvider for my website to "NTLM, Negotiate"
Following these instructions:
With a slight change to their instruction to set provider of course
cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/WebSite/root/NTAuthenticationProviders "**NTLM, Negotiate**"
You can get the Website ID by clicking on the "Web Sites" folder on the left in IIS. This should list all your website with their ID
Thanks to Nick's answer that lead me to it
