I've just installed mpowaga:autoform-summernote . In the instructions it says to sanitize the HTML on the server and sends you to atmosphere to install a sanitize package. I have installed djedi:sanitize-htmlhowever I can't find any instructions on how to integrate/use this with autoform and simple-schema. I assume I'm suppose to define this in the schema. I'm a noob so some guidance would be most appreciated.
If you would like me to post my schema or something else I can.
Here is a sample code:
body: {
type: String,
label: "Enter Your Content here",
optional: false,
autoValue: function(){
return Meteor.isServer ? sanitizeHtml( this.value ) : this.value;
autoform: {
afFieldInput: {
type: 'summernote',
class: 'editor' // optional
// settings: // summernote options goes here
Using SimpleSchema in Meteor with the AutoForm + Select2 plugins , i am trying to generate the Options for a Select field from the database.
The 'occupation' collection is published, and a collection 'Occupation' is defined in Meteor.
In SimpleSchema I have this:-
occupations: {
type: [String],
label: 'Occupation',
placeholder: 'Comma spaced list of occupations',
options: function () {
return Occupations.find({});
But it does not return the collection results, and crashes the application without an error message.
It seems the best way to handle this is to supply the options list through a helper.
{{> afQuickField name='occupations' multiple=true tags=true options=listOccupations}}
Where listOccupations is a helper within the template containing the form.
listOccupations: function () {
return Occupations.find({}).fetch();
And we remove the options object from the schena
occupations: {
type: [String],
label: 'Occupation',
placeholder: 'Comma spaced list of occupations',
Have you tried, this approach:
autoform: {
options: {
var occupations = [];
Occupations.find().map(function(occ) {
{label: occ.description, value: occ._id}
return occupations;
hope this helps..
I had the same issue. I'm defining my collections schema in /lib/collections folder, and that is running on both server and client side. Given that, the console.log that I had was printing the correct values on server side and an empty array on client side.
What I did was:
if (Meteor.isClient){
Meteor.subscribe('service-categories-list', {
onReady: function(){
const serviceCategories = ServiceCategories.find({}).map(function(item, index) {
return {
label: item.name,
value: item.slug
Schema2._schema.type.autoform.options = serviceCategories;
I know that using the _schema is not a good idea, but I accept suggestions :)
Can any one tell me why this work in meteor:
"landTenancyType" : {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "selectize",
options: function(){
return [
{label: "Joint", value: "Joint"},
{label: "Tenancy In Common", value: "Tenancy In Common"}
but this does not work:
"landTenancyType" : {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "selectize",
options: function(){
return Categories.find().map(function(obj) {
return { label: obj.name, value: obj.name };
All the necessary publish and subscribe are working. Console does also show that values are coming from the collection. However a blank selectize ui is killing me. If i change type: "selectize", to type: "select", the select list is populated but i do not have the selectize goodness i need. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
By the way I am using meteor with autoform 5.0 and comerc:autoform-selectize.
I think the problem is in this line:
find returns a cursor, you could do find().fetch() to get an array. Then map would work on that array.
Can you return object wittin another objects from a function ? A function will always return a single entity (either single value or single object). Please re-check your code's following section:
options: function(){
return Categories.find().map(function(obj) {
return { label: obj.name, value: obj.name };
I'm using autoform and simple schema and I've defined a schema object with the following field:
confirm_nominee: {
type: Boolean,
autoform: {
type: "select-checkbox-inline",
options: function () {
return [
label: "Check here to certify that the volunteer nominated in the application is not a current member of the organization’s Board of Directors.",
value: 1
I just want it so if the box is left unchecked, the error reports "This field is required" and if it's checked, then the user is good to go.
This seems like it should be a really simple validation of whether the checkbox is checked or not. I've tried adding in a defaultValue of 0, but that doesn't work either.
Any thoughts?
Thanks so much.
Set in your schema rules the key allowedValues: [true] and the checkbox must be checked to be true and pass validation
confirm_nominee: {
type: Boolean,
autoform: {
type: "select-checkbox-inline",
allowedValues: [true],
options: function () {
return [
label: "Check here to certify that the volunteer nominated in the application is not a current member of the organization’s Board of Directors.",
value: 1
I want to be able to select several users from a list of users.
I am user collection2, simple-schema and autoform.
I'd like to generate a simple quickForm for doing this. Here's my simple-schema:
Schemas.Item = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
type: String,
label: "Name",
max: 100
userIds: {
type: [String],
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id
Looking at the autoform docs, I noticed that I want to have a select view so I need to pass in options.
I'd like to be able to do this right in my schema!
userIds: {
type: [String],
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id
options: function() {
// return users with {value:_id, label:username}
Otherwise, I'd have to generate a template with quickFormFields just to pass in the options.
Just to pile things on, there shouldn't be any duplicate userIds...
Thanks for any help
Probably you have already found an answer, but maybe somebody will find it useful. I have lots of different things to specify once you select user, that's why my type for users is [Object]. In your case, you can modify that. The most important part is autoform.options method and seems to be the part you were looking for.
users: {
type: [Object]
"users.$.id": {
// you can use your own type, e.g. SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id, as I am using custom Schema for accounts
type: Schemas.Account._id,
label: 'Select user',
autoform: {
options: function () {
var options = [];
Meteor.users.find().forEach(function (element) {
label: element.username, value: element._id
return options;
Snippet above will give you the list of all the users so you can easily select them from dropdown list.
Remember to add appropriate publish method to make that working as without that you will always get only currently logged one.
I'm trying to read entities from a Drupal Services endpoint into my Sencha Touch 2 application. The JSON output looks like this (simplified):
nid: 1
title: 'Test'
body: {
'en': [
'This is a test.'
Thats the model's coffeescript code:
Ext.define 'Node',
extend: 'Ext.data.Model'
idProperty: 'nid'
fields: [
{ name: 'nid', type: 'integer' }
{ name: 'title', type: 'string' }
{ name: 'language', type: 'string' }
{ name: 'body', type: 'auto', convert: convertField }
type: 'jsonp'
url: 'http://www.mydomain.com/rest/node'
convertField = (value, record) ->
console.log value # always "undefined"
return 'test'
Loading the model with a jsonp proxy works, but only the atomic fields (like "nid" and "title") are populated. I tried to add a "convert" function to the models body field, but the value parameter is always undefined.
Is there a way to load complex json data into a models field? Or do I have to use the Model-relations system (which would be a lot of mess ...). I also thought about overriding a Ext.data.Reader, but i don't really know where to start.