Transparent Single Sign On within Identity Server -

Following scenario: I'm successfully authenticated in application A, token and cookie is issued. Later I go to the application B. Application B is ASP.NET MVC application. Now when I click the Login button I'm, as expected, successfully logged-in without redirection to the Login page. But I would like to be logged-in without to click on Login button. So when I come to the home page the button shows "Logout", but do not redirect anywhere when I'm not authenticated, until I click on the "Login" button. Now I'm using standard OWIN Middleware and Authorize Attribute. What is the proper way and alternatives to achieve this? Need I write own Authorize Attribut filter?

From the 2nd app you can trigger a "silent" login attempt via an iframe passing prompt=none in the authorization request. If the user is already logged in, then they will get a response immediately (success of failure). Check the docs for the params:


Sina Weibo Authorization page

I'm developing a Sina Weibo integration and I'm doing the oauth correctly but I have a problem with authorization page. When I click on enter, I accept authorization page and I can loggin correctly but if I log off and I try to clic another time enter, I can only see a login page, but no an authorization page.
How can I force that an authorization page shows always?
The correct login flow consists of the following:
1. redirect user to the authorize page with the app's client id
2. client logs in to weibo (authentication)
3. client grants the application requested permissions (authorization)
4. client is redirected to your app page.
I believe the step you are asking about is #3. Once a user has granted your application permissions, this will be stored on their weibo account. The user will no longer be prompted to grant permissions every time the user logs in. The exception is when the user has removed your application from their weibo account. Thus there is no way for your application to force the user to reauthorize your app every time. It is unclear under what circumstances this would ever be required/beneficial.
As a side note:
If a user is already logged in, #2 is skipped by default. The user can be forced to relogin with the forcelogin parameter described in the docs:

How to sign-in to WIF federation on the same page?

I have this scenario.
RP with passive federation to 2.
Custom STS for user/password authentication
Everything is working fine. So far the user would press login link, which would go to a restricted area, thus the federation security was triggered, and login screen appeared. It would prompt him to write the credentials, the request was then processed, etc.
Now I'm required to create login (user/password) text-boxes on the same page (default page). How can I achieve federation sign-in operation without redirecting to a login page? Should (or can) I use FederatedPassiveSignIn control? If so, how?
You could show the login boxes on the unprotected landing page if IsAutheticated is false and then send a message to the custom STS login page with the credentials encrypted or whatever which then logs in behind the scenes and redirects back to your app. with the token in the normal manner.
However, if the user is not authenticated and bookmarks a page behind the landing page, they'll be redirected to the STS.
For anyone interested (I doubt someone actually is), I've solved it through - basically - simulating what login page does.
// makes credentials validation, and creates IClaimsPrincipal with the acquired claims
IClaimsPrincipal principal = LoginHelper.SignIn(editEmail.Value, editPassword.Value);
// retrieves the instance of the STS (in this case my custom STS)
TrustedSecurityTokenService service = (TrustedSecurityTokenService) TrustedSecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.Current.CreateSecurityTokenService();
// creates the request manually to point to my original page (or whatever page you desire)
SignInRequestMessage request = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.CreateSignInRequest(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "http://page/i/want/to/go/after/the/validation.aspx", true);
// processes first the request...
SignInResponseMessage response = FederatedPassiveSecurityTokenServiceOperations.ProcessSignInRequest(request, principal, service);
// ...then the response is processed, and redirected to URL above
FederatedPassiveSecurityTokenServiceOperations.ProcessSignInResponse(response, Response);
This created cookies, and principal is not IsAuthenticated. As if it were process by login page (at least it seems to work so far as expected).

Submit POST data when user logged in using forms authentication

I have application that use forms authentication to control access. Let's imagine we have file page.aspx with form in it. When I press search ( submit button in the form) then POST data is sent to that script and I get search results. However if user logged out, then pressed back button in browser and then pressed search, user is redirected to login page. After login,I get that page, but no POST data is sent to that page. Is there any easy way to fix that!
POST data cannot be sent when redirecting with HTTP redirect response.
So you have to change the flow of the application do detect that the user is logged out ealier:
Check login status with ajax request before submitting form
Store submited data in cookie to recreate the POST after logging in
Store submitted data in session before redirecting to login page
The forms authentication cookie is not the session cookie so if you still have your user session you might be able to store the search parameters in your user session and reload them after login.

How do I detect a federated identity from federatedpassivesignin control if the user is logged in at the STS

Hi I'm using the FederatedPassiveSignInControl on my site (called ChildSite) to get an user identity from a STS which is set up on another site (called ParentSite). The authentication of my site (ChildSite) is set to FormsAuthentication, so the FederatedPassiveSignInControl is located on ChildSite's forms authentication login page.
I have 2 scenarios. In the first the user logs in to ParentSite and continues to ChildSite via a link in ParentSite. In the second the user goes directly to ChildSite and logs in to ChildSite:
Scenario 1:
User opens ParentSite in browser
User logs in to ParentSite
ParentSite displays a link to ChildSite in browser
User clicks link to ChildSite
User goes to child site
Here the user comes to login page.
Wanted behavior is that the user is seamlessly redirected to the requested URL at ChildSite as he has already signed in at ParentSite.
Instead the login page is showed and the user has to click on the FedratedPassiveSigninControl button to retrieve his identity and then be redirected.
I cannot set the FedratedPassiveSigninControl property autosignin="true". It would always redirect the user to ParentSite when not logged in and that would break scenario 2.
I wonder how I detect, or how I get FederatedPassiveSignin Control (or other WIF components) to detect that the user is already logged in, not show FedratedPassiveSigninControl and just forward the user to his requested page.
Scenario 2:
User opens ChildSite in browser
User enters credentials in text inputs at ChildSite and clicks log in.
The requested page at ChildSite is displayed.
Am I missing something here?
The simplest approach would be to add an additional querystring parameter to your 4th step in Scenario 1 so that when you finally get to your login page, you have an "if" : "if the querystring parameter is present then AutoSignIn = true".
This is known as "home realm discovery" although your scenario is not typical as hrd usually involves two or more stses and here you have to differentiate between the sts and forms authentication.
This looks like a classic SSO scenario. ParentSite and ChildSite should probably be 2 different relying parties. If user goes to ParentSite, then whenever they hit a protected resource (anything that requires user to be authenticated), then they will be redirected to the STS for authentication. A session is established between the STS and the user browser and then and then the user returns to the ParentSite with a valid token (assuming a "happy path").
When they hit a protected resource on the ChildSite (e.g. through a link on ParentSite) they will be redirected again to the STS (e.g. they will be requesting a token specifically for ChildSite, a second Relying Party). This time, because there's already a session with the STS, the authentication step is completed already and a 2nd token is issued. All this works seamlessly for the user.
This chapter of the "Claims Guide" covers this scenario:
An additional note: credentials should not be entered in any of the sites, but in the STS.

ASP.NET: directing user to login page, after login send user back to page requested originally?

I am trying to manually implement a login system in ASP.NET 3.5. Basically, on load, I would like the site to check and see if user object is active, if not, than I want the login page to appear.
After user has logged in successfully, I would like the user to be able to access the same page he has requested originally.
for example:
user request to: MyPage.aspx - not logged in
login page appears instead of MyPage.aspx
user logs in successfully
MyPage.aspx appears instead of Default.aspx for example
Peering at the System.Net namespace, I see that there is an "HttpWebRequest Class" which has a "HttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect Property" but am unsure how that would get me back from the login page.
NOTE: I know there are automatic authentication systems setup in ASP.NET, but I would like to have manual control over the database.
-- Tomek
What you could do, if you don't want to actually use the built in Forms Authentcation is:
Check if the user is authenticated on each page you want to hide from anonymous users. If they are not authenticated, redirect them to your login page with the URL in the query string.
if(!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
Then on your login page, after a user logs in. Check the query string to see if there is a redirect parameter.
if(!String.IsNullorEmpty(Request.QueryString["redirect"]) {
string url = ResolveClientURL(redirect);
Of course this is all built into .NET using Authentication, where you can deny anonymous access to certain directories, and when you do that, .NET will redirect to your login page (which is set in the web.config) and will include a "ReturnURL=blahblah" on your login page.
Just an FYI.
Just save the originally requested url in Session or a hidden field on the login page
After successful login, use Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect to jump to that page.
It looks like another method is described here. It seems that you can use the following object to return from the login page:
Yet, according to the article, the better method is to use what JackM described, but with an overload:
Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", false);
In doing so, you prevent the Session from ending when the page is redirected.
