All-in-one extension - Actions doesn't work - alfresco

I'm using Alfresco 5.1 Community and SDK 2.2. I migrate my project to All-in-one extension to make a Rapid Application Development (RAD) .
I have two custom document library actions, that works without the all-in-one extension, but here, doesn't appear the image of the button and doesn't open the pages that is supposed (and doesn't give any error...).
There are any reason for this?
Another question, I get this: Failed to Refresh Web Scripts for Alfresco Share. Response status: 401, message: Unauthorized on IntelliJ, when I'm trying to run the project all-in-one with (alt+f9).
The error that I get in the shell:

As I already explained in a former answer, RAD has been disabled by default in SDK 2.2 since Spring Loaded would currently prevent the repo from starting up, according to the official release notes for SDK 2.2 .


Converting - mvc 5 web application (Visual studio 2017) to .exe setup file

I would like to know if there is any possibility to convert an mvc 5 web application into an .exe setup file. I tried various links. But i didn't get any output. I received a .msi file and when i tried installing, the installation stops right at the beginning displaying a message = "installation stopped. Please try again". or if i try to install the setup file i get a message = "Invalid.. Please check if package exists...bla bla bla"
Some of the links that i tried are listed below.
And Much More...
You first need to do some preparation:
Set up IIS 6 Management Compatibility (To prevent those "Installation stopped" errors)
Install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. (To add setup project template to VS)
Then you can create and configure and setup project and run the setup.
1 - Set up IIS 6 Management Compatibility
Open Turn Windows features on or off → Internet Information Service → Web Management Tool and check at least the following items:
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility.
This is to fix the following error:
The installer was interrupted before application could be installed.
You need to restart the installer to try again
2 - Install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects.
This is to add setup project templates to Visual Studio. Here, we are interested in Web Setup Project.
3 - Create and configure the setup project
Create setup project
Right click setup project → Add → Project output and choose what you need. You need at least primary output and Content Files from your web project.
Then you can build the project and run setup.exe.
You can setup other properties like ASPNETVersion, Manufacturere, product Name, ...
If after deployment you faced with error complaining about \roslyn\csc.exe, you may want to include roslyn files or remove roslyn compilation at all. For more information take a look at this post.
You can add CustomAction to do some custom actions during install/uninstall. You can find a lot of examples around, like this post.
You can even customize UI and add some input and use them during installation. You can find a lot of examples around, like this post.
In general, if your deployment is a common site deployment having a few files and database, a better option is creating Web Deploy Packages and then install the package to IIS. You can automate that process easily.
vs-2017 ---> other project types ---> web setup project
Screen shot

Error: Unable to generate deps.json, it may have been already generated. when adding a Service reference to Xamarin forms

I have a Xamarin forms v3.1 project with the .NET standard approach.
I tried to add a reference to a web service I have using
"add connected service" and then from the pop up, I choose Microsoft web service reference provider.
I add the web service link, Visual Studio (2017 v15.8) discovers its structure, and then when I click finish, it takes a while but then shows this error:
Unable to generate deps.json, it may have been already generated.
You can specify the "-d" option before the tool name for diagnostic
output (for example, "dotnet -d ": C:\Program
Any idea why this is happening and how to solve this issue?
Execute tool-line command:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-svcutil
What worked for me was running the "dotnet restore" command in VS 2019.
When I add a service reference to a core web application, I got the same error. After the investigation I came to know that, somehow svcutil was not installed. Once I installed svcutil using Nuget Package Manager (Install-Package dotnet-svcutil), this issue resolved.
More details about .net core and svcutil : Ref :
For a .NET Core 2 application you cannot install dotnet-scvutil ver 2.0.1. For me it worked with ver 1.0.4.
After you install this you need to update rest of the NuGet packages except dotnet-svcutil.

Cannot get out of the box Visual Studio 2015 sample to work in Azure

I must be missing something. I did this
Download VS2015
Create new ASP.NET 5 preview site (With Azure and details).
Run locally and verify it works
Publish with all the default settings. Success!
Goto site. DOES NOT WORK. It only says.
This web app has been successfully created....
What is going on ?
Try refreshing your browser. Often times if you visit the site before a deployment as well as after a deployment, the browser caches your site. You can alternatively try "incognito mode" or "private browsing".
This should force a get on the site, which may be the particular issue you are running into.
Is the app that you're publishing to Azure a .NET 4.6 app? 4.6 Framework isn't yet supported on the Azure platform - we're updating the platform to support the new framework over the next 1-2 months. Can you confirm the framework version of the app you're trying to deploy?

Web config transforms not working with Visual Studio online, VS2013 and Azure

I have an MVC5 website successfully deploying a staging and production release to Azure using continuous integration from Visual Studio Online (TFS).
I have followed this blog post
Continuous Delivery to Azure Websites with git using custom deployment script
I have even added the build that is required to build to my publish profiles. ie.
stagingbuild | any cpu.
note: this was not mentioned in the above mentioned blog post.
The sites deploy ok using by VS2013 build but the configs are not transformed. I just get the default web.config settings and not the transformed ones from web.staging.config etc.
note: I am only trying to transform one appSetting at the moment to get it working
I totally understand how to write transforms so I don't think this is an issue and when I preview my transforms in VS2013 they transform in the previewer window.
note: I am not publishing directly from VS but committing my changes to repo and continuous integration kicks in from my Visual Studio Online repo.
Open Builds in Team Explorer
Edit Build Definition of your build
Set Process > Build > Configurations > Any CPU|Release or any other configuration/CPU combo.

Remove Application Insight from application on Visual Studio 2013

On Visual Studio I added application insight to a project which creates a ApplicationInsights.config and not sure what other files were added to the project.
Thing is, doing right click and press Add Application Insight was pretty straight forward. Now I'm looking with no success a way to remove the application insight for that project.
How can I achieve that ?
On production server, using DebugView, I see the telemetry logs, even after shutting down the Application Monitor Services on the server.
Any help is appreciated, I want to completely get rid of application insight on that application.
I just wanted to add to the answers already given, having just gone through this process with an ASP.NET MVC 5 project.
Uninstall Using NuGet
As the other answers say, the best way to remove Application Insights is through Nuget: Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.
I found it best to remove Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web and all its dependencies first, then Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Javascript API.
This removed everything except:
the ApplicationInsights.config file,
a script snippet in _Layout.cshtml,
both of which I removed manually.
What Microsoft has to say
The Microsoft Azure documentation here:, says:
What does Application Insights modify in my project?
The details depend on the type of project. For a web application:
Adds these files to your project:
Installs these NuGet packages:
Application Insights API - the core API
Application Insights API for Web Applications - used to send telemetry from the server
Application Insights API for JavaScript Applications - used to send telemetry from the client
The packages include these assemblies:
Inserts items into:
packages.config (New projects only - if you add Application Insights to an existing project, you have to do this manually.) Inserts
snippets into the client and server code to initialize them with the
Application Insights resource ID. For example, in an MVC app, code is
inserted into the master page Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml
Remove Manually
To remove Application Insights without NuGet, or if like me you don't trust it and want to know which files are removed, I followed these steps:
Remove application insights from the web.config, under system.webserver.modules, search for ApplicationInsightsWebTracking.
Remove all Microsoft.AI (Application Insights) prefixed references from project references.
Remove all Microsoft.ApplicationInsights packages from package.config.
Delete ApplicationInsights.config file.
Remove script from _Layout.cshtml:
var appInsights=window.appInsights||function(config){
function r(config){t[config]=function(){var i=arguments;t.queue.push(function(){t[config].apply(t,i)})}}var t={config:config},u=document,e=window,o="script",s=u.createElement(o),i,f;for(s.src=config.url||"//",u.getElementsByTagName(o)[0].parentNode.appendChild(s),t.cookie=u.cookie,t.queue=[],i=["Event","Exception","Metric","PageView","Trace"];i.length;)r("track"+i.pop());return r("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),r("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),config.disableExceptionTracking||(i="onerror",r("_"+i),f=e[i],e[i]=function(config,r,u,e,o){var s=f&&f(config,r,u,e,o);return s!==!0&&t["_"+i](config,r,u,e,o),s}),t
Remove ai.0.15.0-build58334.js & ai.0.15.0-build58334.min.js from Scripts directory.
Clean & Rebuild all.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, you should only have to remove one extension and possibly one nuget package.
Uninstall the Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio extension and remove the Application Telemetry SDK for Services nuget package. The telemetry package is installed along with Application Insights but must be removed separately.
In my experience the telemetry package is not required if you wish to keep using Application Insights' other features. Removing the telemetry package will stop all telemetry logging but Application Insights will continue to report non-telemetry information just fine.
I would prefer to do this:
UnInstall-Package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web -RemoveDependencies
If you use the NuGet Package Manager for the solution (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution) you can search for ApplicationInsights and uninstall the package, and there is an option to remove dependencies. There may be several. This is the easiest way to cleanup ALL the dependencies, not just some.
With a new ASP.Net Core 1.1 project:
Remove the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore nuget package
Remove inject Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore.JavaScriptSnippet JavaScriptSnippet from the _Layout.cshtml page
Remove #Html.Raw(JavaScriptSnippet.FullScript) from _Layout.cshtml
Remove .UseApplicationInsights()from program.cs
I solved this by first uninstalling all Application Insight packages from (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution)
Then ran
Uninstall-Package Microsoft.AspNet.TelemetryCorrelation -Version 1.0.0 -RemoveDependencies
in the Nuget console.
That fixed it for me.
