Create 2D bar code that contains back-tab - 2d

Is it possible, and if so how, do I create a 2D bar code using IPL, intermec programming language, that contains human readable text, TAB, and BACK-TAB. The goal is to print the bar code that can then be scanned on a different computer that we have no control over. The software running on the PC contains fields that would be populate based on the information contained in the bar code along with TAB, BACK-TAB, and SPACE. The goal is to print the bar code containing numerous information and keystrokes that will allow the users to simply scan the 2D bar code which will fill out all information on their workstation.
I have tried to emulate the shift-in, Tab, and shift-out but nothing seems to work.
I read several article that indicate I can do this, and several that indicate I cannot. Neither list clear reason why this will or will not work.


Obtain values from Shiny context from cmd

I am looking to get the values from a reactive function, based on a specific set of inputs, but without the dashboard open or visible. Is this possible?
I have two possible solutions, both of them I am not sure are possible, and which of the two would be better. Also, I do think there could be a better solution.
Start the dashboard at a specific time and write away a csv with the required information. I don't know how to put the input values to the right settings though (they would be different from the normal initial settings). Hopefully start this without a visible endpoint (headless chromedriver for example).
Within Shiny, do a check if it's a specific time. If that's the case, change all inputs to the right settings, and export/do something with the required values. I don't prefer this, as there will be users using the dashboard at that time, and I don't want to disturb their work.
To give a bit more context, I would like to obtain values/dataframes from several dashboards at a specific time. These values are calculated via a chain of multiple reactives and inputs. I cannot trust that these dashboards are already running, so I need to start them.

Troubles with arangodb graph viewer

In graph viewer, is it possible to not start with a random vertice? When I uncheck the option, the graph simply disappears. But I don't get to choose the starting point anywhere.
And when I set up the configuration it is not saved to the graph view. Is this going to be fixed? I find it kind of a key feature for a graph-database to be able to easily explore the graph.
I am working with arrangodb 2.3.1
Anyway, besides some trouble with the graph viewer, I really enjoy this fancy multi model database! And for me it is a big plus it's made in Germany! Keep on the great work arangodb-team!
As already mentioned in the comments you can select the start vertex later.
Click on the Filter icon (see image)
Two input boxes should appear - Attribute name and Attribute value. Type in _key into the left box (see image)
Type in a known _key of a vertex (or another attribute) into the right box (see image)
Simply hit return and you should see the vertex with the given _key value

With Gtk3, how do I make a tree view accessible?

I'm working on a Python+Gtk3 application with a fancy-looking GtkTreeView:
This is great for sighted users, but here's what Orca (the screen reader) says for a row in that tree view:
"Image, Devhelp, Collapsed, 9.2 MB"
A few problems, of course. First, it doesn't mention the checkbox for each row because I'm packing three cell renderers into a column. The three are available, but for some reason Orca doesn't mention the checkbox when it's buried that deep. Meanwhile, the image it mentions is the one on the far left, which is usually empty but sometimes a "restart required" indicator. Naturally, a blind user, much like a sighted user, couldn't care less that it is an image.
What I would like to do is to poke at the accessibility objects that describe this table in order to make them a little more helpful. Using Accerciser, I can see that these exist, but they all seem to be implemented with private, undocumented classes (like GtkTreeViewAccessible), and they don't look terribly extensible, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. Knowing that the treeview's accessible object is an AtkTable at some level, I did the following to set an accessible description for the image cell in the Backup row:
access = self.treeview_update.get_accessible()
cell_access = access.ref_at(0,0)
cell_access.set_image_description("Requires system restart")
(Orca still says "Image" after speaking the description, but I'll assume it knows what it's doing).
However, that code isn't very nice. When I call access.ref_at, I'm making particular assumptions about how GTK is mapping cell positions to rows and columns in the ATK object. I'm also limited to calling that when I first populate the tree, and I'm not sure if that is particularly sane.
So there's my problem: I would like to add accessible descriptions for my tree view cells in a nice way that won't break unexpectedly. How can I do that?

ASP.NET Reporting - Do any tools allow the generation of a composite report from parts of other reports

Let's say I have 10 reports, each of which contain 1 or more tables and charts.
I want to allow a user to select a bar chart from report 1, a grid and pie chart from report 2, a grid from report 3 etc to create a composite report.
I think I have a solution in Telerik whereby I combine multiple reports together, as sub-reports, and hide all elements (tables, charts) except the ones that the user wants to include. If all elements are placed inside min-sized panels then white space should disappear as elements are hidden. I've done a quick test using this method and it appears to work.
My question is, is this the best way to approach the requirment? Are there better approaches with other tools such as Crystal Reports, ActiveReports and DevExpress?
Are you trying to combine these report at run time? In ActiveReports, these 3 reports can be run separately and then all the three of them can be combined to create one report document or individual pages from these can be combined together to create another report document. This document can then be viewed in any of the viewers, printed or exported to pdf and excel and such.
At design time, it is doable but is not worth it. Will need some code to make sure that the layout is first created correctly based on user selection of certain kind of report and then you will have to make sure that correct data is getting fed prior to running the report.

Display opencv frames in a window with button and text control

I'd like to ask you some information about a problem which i want to solve.
At the moment, I have two opencv applications:
application A: where i track an object with two types of algorithms and each time i save a frame in an image file and i control the application behavior with some commands which i write in the shell
application B: where i have a loop which reads every time the image file and display it
So, I launch these two applications together in order to track the object with appA and to display results with appB which reads everytime the frames saved by appA in the hard disk.
I want to integrate application B in application A in order to show a window (like this: in order to have a loop which shows image in the first area and to use buttons in order to give commands which at the moment i write in the shell.
Do you think it's possible to display the frames in an area with Qt or opengl or wxwidgets?
Which solution is the better and the easier to apply?
At the moment, my application B is very simple:
Mat img=imread("result.jpg",1);
if(waitKey(200)==27) break;
I want to show these frames in a window which has also some buttons.
In particular, as you can see in the attached image in this post, i want to create a window divided in two parts: the first one which display the frames captured from opencv camera and the second part (or area) which has some buttons (B1, B2, B3..) which the user can press in order to control the application behavior.
(At the moment, i use a switch/case in appA to trap the keyboard keys)
There is some example based on a template similar to what i'd like to do?
(like the jpg image i've told before:
I propose that you just use the inbuilt GUI in OpenCV: highgui. It has keyboard/mouse IO, window control with a message loop, buttons, sliders etc. And there is no need to do any conversions of the cv images to show them.
Have a look at: (It is written for old IplImage style CV, but the C++ interface is almost the same, use cv::imshow to draw images)
Also, here is the documentation for the C++ style interface.
There is also the possibility to convert your CV images to QImage in Qt and do it that way... you should be able to find solutions for that on Google.
There are some examples out there for implimenting this.
Basically what you want to do is:
capture a frame from your camera
manipulate the image
use cvConvertImage to convert it into a format wxImage can read
draw this image on to a wxCanvas
For the GUI part of this, you would need to create a wxFrame or wxWindow, place some sizers and buttons at appropriate places.
So basically make a frame, put a sizer on the frame, then put a panel in the sizer.
next make a vertical sizer on the panel. First add a wxCanvas to the vertical sizer, then place a horizontal sizer in the vertical sizer. Now add 3 buttons to the horizontal sizer, and you have your panel.
