Top menu Bootstrap centered (SmartAdmin Template) - css

I'm having trouble centering the top menu of a template, someone could give me a hint of what I do?
The template:
(Need to change the config in right icon to top menu)
Image explanation
I tried to change float: left without success, text-align in 'li' without success...

We have no access to your code to be sure, but try to add that to your css
.navbar-nav {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
> li {
float: none;
display: inline-block;
it should work, but let me know


Problems w/ Right aligning navigation and/or making the nav inline with logo

Unable to set the main nav to right align. Please see site: Also, can it be set to be inline with the logo (under the button)?
Using Wordpress, theme: Avada. Tried float: right in CSS and failed.
change in your css like this
padding-top: 19px;
display: inline-block;
float: right;
output you get like this

How to center a text in circle bullets?

I have some CSS problem. On the website on the accordion section "Finansijski izveštaji", how can I make text inside that section center on the page, so that is not align to the left? I tried few ways with text-align:center or margin: 0 auto, but it want works.
Also I on the accordion I have some problem with:
ul {
list-style: circle;
When I leave it like that, page push that circle bullets little bit outside the section (it looks ugly and unclean), but it nicely displays text.
Other scenario is when add:
ul {
list-style: circle inside;
circle bulltets are displayed perfectly in the line with the section but text acts little bit funky like this -
Is there any way to solve that problem, so that circle bullets are in line with section, but without the funky looking text?
For the first part of your question.
Answer to your question is also in
.container {
text-align: center;
ul {
display: inline-block;
add following code into your style.css file:
.accordion-content ul {
position: relative;
left: 50%;
you can adjust 50%; value to whatever you like.

Menu link areas not aligned with text [wordpress]

After playing around with my header and and main menu it seems the link box is not actually aligned with the text. I tried playing around with margins and padding but I can't seem to get it to work or find the right class. I would like to keep everything where it is currently and just move the link areas to the right so everything aligns. Any input is appreciated.
This is happening because you have:
.main-navigation ul li a, .menu_centered_style .gbtr_first_menu li
left: 40px;
Removing the left: 40px; should fix this.
EDIT: Try adding the following styles
.menu_centered_style .gbtr_first_menu ul
margin-left: 108px;
.menu_centered_style .gbtr_first_menu .shopping_bag_centered_style_wrapper
margin-left: -24px;

Bootstrap Issue With Nav Pills and Search Bar Expansion Misalignment (Beginner)

I'm using a Mediawiki Bootstrap theme and have managed to center the nav pills. However, now when you click on the Search button to expand it, the search box moves up a bit. The site is here.
I tried making the height of the nav pills section bigger as I thought maybe it just couldn't fit, but that didn't help any.
Any ideas?
The alignment of the search box is coming from the CSS style
#media screen {
.navigation .navbar-search {
display: inline;
float: none;
position: relative;
top: -2.25em;
If you set the top to 0px the alignment looks good to me.

Change menu bar width

I'm trying to center the menu bar and make the menu bar fit the text.
Here is a website I'm trying to edit:
I've already figure out that I can center menu items this way:
.menu {
.menu li {
margin-left: -5px;
.menu li li {
But I can't seem to fit the menu bar to the width of the menu items.
I've calculated it should be 445px long, but when I change this:
#container {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 960px;
to 445px, the whole page it affected, not just the menu bar.
Any ideas how to fix it?
You can do it very very similarly :). One of the effects of display: inline-block; is that the element attempts to resize itself to contain its children. You could achieve this with float or position: absolute as well, but those do not really fit into this layout.
.main-nav { text-align: center; }
.menu { display: inline-block; }
I guessed you might want to center the menu, so I added the text-align too.
Tip: If you use the inspector of your browser (all modern browsers have a pretty decent one), you can easily figure out which element you need to change.
When I looked at your page, it looks like the part you really need to change is the "main-nav" class.
The #container div contains your whole page so you don't want to mess with that one.
