Wordpress theme development for a big site - wordpress

I am developing a theme for a site usign wordpress as a cms. The site has already more than 2000 posts. I am working locally on my computer and trying to simulate the post types etc here. Almost done. But I am very scared to upload and activate the new theme I have been developing locally.
What is the best way to test it and see everything is OK and be sure that I am on the safe side.
Thanks for your answers.

Not sure what you're asking exactly here but what you should be doing is testing it in an environment that's the same as your production environment. In other words, same operating system version, same web server version, same PHP version, same MYSQL version, etc.


AWS Lightsail WordPress Multisite plugins require FTP?

I have a WordPress Multisite running on a relatively new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lightsail instance, based on a Bitnami image (provided through AWS Lightsail) running a LAMP stack, based on Debian.
Until recently, plugins installed through the WordPress multisite Administrator Dashboard installed and ran good. Worked great before, no problems. Now, for some reason, attempting to install any WordPress plugin surfaces a dialog requiring FTP credentials be provided. There's a screenshot of the WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials at the end of this message.
I'm thinking this - new - demand to provide FTP credentials when adding a WordPress plugin is happening due to permissions. Naturally, I'd rather not need to install WordPress plugins using FTP.
So, I have two questions:
What settings were accidentally - somehow - changed to cause WordPress to now produce this new requirement asking for FTP credentials when installing any WordPress plugin?
How to I fix WordPress so that plugins can be installed without FTP?
I did see many solutions for fixing permissions on the Internet, except since I'm new to AWS, Linux (Debian) & WordPress I'd like to use this opportunity to learn how this situation happened, while learning how to fix the hiccup. Other than using a few new plugins, which installed & ran fine without FTP, I have not made any edits to any internal WordPress files.
The only chance to change permissions might - maybe - have happened when setting-up users within my AWS account, including setting-up of a Yubico key with key-pairs --> I don't think that security change would influence the LAMP stack running the WordPress multisite, but I wanted to offer information that might - maybe - related to security changes influencing why, now, adding WordPress plugins requests FTP credentials.
Thanks in advance, everybody. Thank you. :)
WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials
I tried to add many, many WordPress plugins to confirm that every WordPress plugin now asks for FTP credentials for any new plugin.
I have looked at many Internet posts explaining how to change WordPress & Linux permissions, along with posts explaining how to change WordPress configuration files to not ask for FTP when installing new plugins. I have not acted on these many suggestions since I'm cautious & careful --> I'm ready to study months & months becoming a Linux, WordPress, and supporting technologies expert, but at this stage since I'm new to all-of-the-above, I'm reluctant to make any changes until I fully understand the technologies (after making this post, I will make copies of WordPress configuration-files to test changes that can be undone, but I wanted to see whether StackOverflow might help me learn what happened in the first place, while learning how to correctly fix these issues.
I pay for AWS Premium Support --> I've sent a message to AWS Premium Support, but so far have not heard back from AWS.

How to run a wordpress.com hosted website locally using docker?

Currently we have a WooCommerce webshop hosted on wordpress.com. This webshop was setup as a prototype and because of its succes we want to start developing the webshop further. We don't want to change the production website directly, but we want to develop inside a closed development environment (e.g. locally using docker).
I have tried to run the webshop locally by exporting all its data using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. Afterwards I have created a docker environment with a wordpress and a mysql container. On the wordpress container I've also installed the All-in-One WP Migration plugin and I've imported all the data. It looked like this worked fine, but after a few clicks I saw that I could not navigate to any other URL besides the homepage. I have read online that the Wordpress codebase being used on wordpress.com differs from the default codebase which can be download on wordpress.org. So I think this means the wordpress.com export file can't be imported into a default wordpress container.
Because of this I've tried to download all the files on wordpress.com using FTP and run the website myself using a php container. This also didn't work, because I can't download all the files using FTP because of the permissions. I also contacted the support of wordpress.com, and they told me they couldn't sent me the contents of these files. But without these files, I don't know how I can run the wordpress.com website locally.
I hope someone can help me with getting the wordpress.com website to run locally in a development environment. A suggestion how we can implement a workflow where we can change the webshop in a development environment and deploy the changes to our production website is also very welcome.
Edit: For now I've chosen to run my site in a docker environment and write down all the changes I make locally. When I'm satisfied with the site locally, I will repeat the changes I made earlier on the production website. I've chosen this workflow because I don't really know the structures inside Wordpress. I don't know how I can migrate the files and database tables I need to switch theme, without overwriting the database tables I want to keep (e.g. WooCommerce orders table).
Have you tried running it on a localhost? MAMP is a good option for this.

How to publish WordPress site built in WebMatrix

This is a 3 part question/advice. I built a WordPress site locally using WebMatrix a while back and had to upload it to GoDaddy. This was a mission, i couldn't get it to work no matter what i tried so i figured i was doing something wrong. Called them a few times and didn't get any help, until i called someone who had dealt with this before (think he said that he built a site the same way) and knew exactly how to get it working. I tried doing another site and went through the same issues publishing and couldn't upload it because i didn't write down what they told me to do the first time, and nobody else knows how to get this to work. So...
1- Is there a different hosting provider that I should use (I have a WordPress site on WebMatrix at home that I need to publish) that works better/easier with WebMatrix/Web Deploy?
2 - Is there a different/better tool you recommend for me to use other than WebMatrix for Wordpress? (WebMatrix installs WordPress automatically for me and gives me intellisense and other useful tools so I use it thanks to that)
3 - This is the most important, How can i publish a WP site that i completely built locally using WebMatrix when I'm ready? (i think there's plugins i need to download to re-route url's or something like that. And i think i need to edit the wp-config file too, not sure. A step by step from someone would be priceless)
I've searched every way i could think of when i was trying to publish the site a bit ago i seem to have read everything i could find and still couldn't figure it out. Any help would be great so that when im ready to publish the site i built at home i can get it up and running smoothly.
The easiest place to look for hosting for WebMatrix built sites is the Windows Web Hosting Gallery:
You can see a demo of setting up a site with Arvixe and deploying from WebMatrix (though not WordPress) here:
Shameless Plug
You can also easily use Microsoft Azure to host WebMatrix sites, and WordPress. Here's an article that describes how to set it up:
Hope this all helps!

Multiple Versions of Wordpress on Same Webserver

I have a web server running Wordpress 3.3 for a couple of sites and that is fine. I want to put another new website on this webserver but figure I should use the newer Wordpress 3.6 for this one. When uploading the newer version of Wordpress to my webserver my FTP client tells me that some of the Wordpress files already exist in the destination (only a handful). The thing is, I am uploading to a new blank folder. There are no Wordpress files in there.
I am wondering if there is some kind of conflict going on with 3.3 vs. 3.6 on my webserver?
Any help appreciated.
Thank you.
I guess that either you don't know what you are doing or you FTP client is cheating on you :).
If you have a separate directory for each web site (running wordpress or not) together with separate databases for each website then you can run multiple websites using different wordpress versions without any problems.
The only problems you can encounter is that you would need to upgrade you php and/or mysql or other libraries on your LAMP server for new wordpress software to be run, thats normally back-compatible and shouldn't affect your older wordpress installations but its always good to check before an upgrade.

How to maintain your development website vs. production website in WordPress?

In a wordpress installation we want to have our main site, and a staging site separated and different. Where in the admin interface you separate your staging area?
Let's say:
for production you will have: http://www.yourdomain.com/
but for staging we want to have: http://www.yourdomain.com/staging
Staging is the website that will be in production next.
Any ideas?
With Wordpress 3.0+ you might be able to create a network of sites or install multiple sites with an older version of Wordpress. The catch is I don't know of an easy way of moving the staging to production. I'm not entirely sure that will do what you want, but you may want to look into it.
Personally I'd think you'd probably be better off keeping your staging and production sites on 2 different servers and just do a copy over when you move to production.
I don't know of any instant, simple answers, but have you seen this article in the Wordpress support forum? It has some informed discussion and at-least partial solutions:
If your staging site doesn't need any database modification, or custom forms/widgets for the backend, you can create a new theme, and test it in the preview mode. When done, you can switch the theme to the new one!
