IISRESET windows 10 (IIS 10) Access denied - iis-10

I'm just wondering, why I get error during an iisreset in my development machine.
When I execute the command in a Command Prompt some times it wokrs,sometimes it throws an Access Denied Error, and sometimes it throws a file not found exception.
If anyone finds a solution to this anoying problem, I would appreciate a hint how to get rid of it.
In the IIS I'm just hosting an .NET 4.6.1 MVC site.

This stupid error happens randomly and was very annoying especially when you place iisreset inside a script and assume it will do its thing; took me a while to figure it out. It is not related to the service being stopped as can be seen in this picture:
The only thing I use now is:
net stop W3SVC
net start W3SVC
Haven't had a problem since then.

I got exactly the same error time ago. Running it in German too. Take a look at this article: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/iis-reset-issue-restart-attempt-failed/ba-p/1031976
Judging from #Giorgi Nakeuri's question about the event logs. The "World Wide Web Publishing" (called only "WWW-Publishingdienst" in German) is very likely not running. You need to start it. The "Windows activity process service" fails because of the first one failing.

I think it says that he was unable to start the service, mainly due to a Problem with authorization. The solution of the problem can be provided in several different ways
1- Configuration causing the authorization error can be corrected
applicationHost.config with XML
2- This authorization can be revoked through the Windows register. Example approach here:
3- Machine configuration can be changed in accordance with this
permission. Please continue with the option that suits you :)
i hope it will resolve

Specifying the machine name also helps in some scenarios:
iisreset %ComputerName%


Task `IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroup` encounter issue "The Parameter is incorrect .. exited with code '87'"

hoping that someone can help me with my issue. I've been trying to solve this issue for a week now and still doesn't have a solution.
Here is my issue - I'm encountering the below issue when my pipeline is publishing my application in IIS (Local IIS)
Before, it's working fine and I don't know why this happen now after re-running a new pipeline. I tried to re-install my IIS and removed all MachineKeys. But still got the same error. Also, after re-installing everything, I changed the Owner of all MachineKeys installed on my machine to my account (which is an administrator).
Also, I tried to removed this in the applicationHost.config of the inetsrv as other solution I found on the internet suggestion but still got the same issue.
But then, after searching for other solution - I found out that the command that's running on my pipeline for publishing into IIS somehow causes this issue. The password parameter.
I tried the command below, on running cmd as Administrator and removing the password parameter and it works.
appcmd.exe set site /site.name:"RTP_LoginService" -applicationDefaults.applicationPool:"RTP_LoginServiceAppPool" -[path='/'].[path='/'].physicalPath:"%SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot\RTP_LoginService" -[path='/'].[path='/'].userName: -[path='/'].[path='/'].password:
But still thinking why this become an issue right now as before it's working even though there's a password parameter and I don't have any changes on the Task for publishing in my local IIS as this is a default command by the Task.
Thanks you in advance to anyone who can help me and give light to my issue I'm experiencing.
Giving Credentials of Physical Path for Virtual Machine Directory can also be the trouble for this password excluding issue. Tried to reproduce the issue and got some solution for this as mentioned below.
This problem will also rise because of the corrupted IIS Configuration Key. We need to avoid the key to be corrupted by encrypting the key in applicationhost.config file.
Create another test machine and generate configuration key.
Use that key for checking.
Exporting the key
From the working IIS server we need to export the key.
aspnet_regiis -px "iisConfigurationKey" "Your path for file.xml" -pri
Import config file from created test server
aspnet_regiis -pi "iisConfigurationKey" "Your path for file.xml"
Implement AES encryption algorithm: Replace the AES Provider which is a default encryption method element from applicationHost.config and configProtectedData and restart the server.
I got this working now. So, I fixed this issue by re-installing IIS URL Rewrite as somehow it got uninstalled on my machine. After that, it now working as expected.

Why attach debugger to IIS instance

It may be a silly question but why one would like to attach debugger to IIS instance?
These SOs
Attach Debugger to IIS instance
How do I attach the debugger to IIS instead of ASP.NET Development Server?
show you how to do it but could you let me know what are the benefits of doing this?
One time, in my entire career, we had a web app that started getting strange errors that had us baffled. We tried a dozen things to try and figure out what was wrong, but we were panicking and needed an answer immediately. So, we attached a debugger to the production instance and set up a few watch/break points. It helped us track down the errors and fix the problem.
Naturally, it hung the server during our debugging session, and made people mad, but no more mad than they already were, because of the problem we had.
It would not have been necessary if the code had been written better, with error logging and diagnostic points. I don't expect to ever do it again.
Apart from TimG's post a couple of reasons I can think of are:
To debug the application in a closer representation of its
production environment
To debug on a remote machine
Example, like #TonE #1 -- in order to test a deployed website (with web.config transformations) locally, like if you can't remote debug a live website or just need to test config transforms (since you can't run them in-place):
Open site project from C:\Dev\AwesomeWebSite\AwesomeWebSite.sln
Publish the site to a local folder C:\Webs in Release mode (or Whatever mode)
Set up a local IIS website pointing at the published project
Do stuff on the locally-deployed version (e.g. browse pages, make webservice calls, etc)
Attach VS to w3p.exe (appropriate instance) in order to debug the deployed version
You might be able to effectively do the same thing by instead pointing the Project at your IIS website per this answer.

Error while deploying setup web project of vs 2003

I am getting error as
The specified psth is unavailable.The Internet Information Server might not be running or the path exists and is redirected to another machine. Please check the status of this virtual directory in the Internet Services Manager
there isn't much information to go on in that message however I think it's one of two possibilities:
Your path as wrong (can you provide it?)
The folder in IIS isn't set (can you check this?)
All of which is from the error message so I'm not being very helpful, but from experience I think it's most likely to be the path so I would double check and then check again where your deploying to.

Cannot Start IIS on my PC: COM+ System Application: Access is Denied

I'm trying to do some web development. I cannot start IIS (I need to run some Web Services).
As of about a month ago, the "COM+ System Application" service has started failing with this error:
The COM+ System Application service
failed to start due to the following
error: Access is denied.
DCOM also logs an error in the event log:
DCOM got error "Access is denied. "
attempting to start the service
COMSysApp with arguments "" in order
to run the server:
When I start IIS and the WWW service, everthing seems to work until I hit port 80 on my machine at which time the IIS/WWW services both crash unexpectedly:
The World Wide Web Publishing service
terminated unexpectedly. It has done
this 1 time(s).
The following event is placed in the application log as well:
The run-time environment has detected
an inconsistency in its internal
state. This indicates a potential
instability in the process that could
be caused by the custom components
running in the COM+ application, the
components they make use of, or other
factors. Error in
hr = 80070005: InitEventCollector
I have searched google until my fingers are numb. I've searched this site to no avail as well.
I have tried:
running the COM+ System Application service as an administrator.
reinstalling SP3 for XP
giving the "SERVICE" account full control to %SYSTEMROOT%\Registration
removing XP Security hotfixes installed about the time it stopped working
I've removed and reinstalled COM+ (it's possible, check google)
Any insight on the COM+ subsystem, it's files and settings or just how it operates would be greatly appreciated.
I need to get this problem resolved so I can get back to work.
Have you seen this link?
I'm having the same problem, and it appears it might have fixed it for me - though I did have to reboot afterwards which isn't explicitly in the kb instructions.
(Though it's hard to tell right now if this actually fixed it, because sometimes for me the problem would disappear on its own after a reboot (which doesn't make a lot of sense given the steps in the kb)).
Sorry all.
I forgot to update this when I found the solution... Well, it was self-inflicted. Some months ago, I removed the execute permissions from dllhost.exe. I hadn't been coding asp.net web apps at the time so I didn't notice the problem and couldn't put two and two together very quickly.
I eventually found it by turning on file system failed auditing on my Windows folder hive. I saw a mess of access denied messages related to dllhost.exe and remembered what I'd done.
Thanks for the help.

Replicate IIS setup from one machine to another

Looked for an answer to this and didn't see it.
This is for IIS 6.0 / Windows Server 2003.
I'm working with an extremely large ASP/ASP.NET application and I'm trying to get my development environment to match my team members environment. This process is basically trial and error: get an error, go into IIS, make a change, hope the error is fixed. Ugh. I'm hoping to find a way to replicate a set of IIS directories and their configurations on one machine onto my machine.
I did find a script that will iterate through and give me a list of all virtual directories on a machine. It helped, but not a lot since I still have to go in and set up all those virtual directories (I think there are like 20 of them ballpark). The whole process is complicated by the fact that we're mixing ASP and ASP.NET applications in the same application which spans many solutions and projects. Getting the whole thing up and going seems like way too much work but I've never heard of a real solution to this.
Would Powershell be helpful here?
You should export and import IIS metabase.
These might help:
IIS Settings Replication
IIS Metabase Backup and Restore
Fortunately, in IIS7, ASP.NET config is integrated with IIS config so the job is done by copying Web.config.
Here's Microsofts' documentation for iiscnfg. iiscnfg documentation
When I ran it the first time, I got an error that said "This script does not work with WScript." If that happens to you:
1. Click OK.
2. At the "Would you like to register Cscript as your default host for VBscript?" click Yes.
3. At "Successfully registered Cscript" click OK.
4. Run the command again
