folder explorer for server files -

Is it possible to rename/move or delete files from a web application (ASP.Net MVC) that are on a server folder just like how you would do it locally? I would want the user to be able to upload say 30 files (from a scanner auto-feed) into a temporary folder on the server (cannot save it locally due to data security) and then allow the user to be able to rename /move before uploading them onto Azure blob storage.
I saw few examples - jquery file tree seemed good but not sure if it allows rename and moving. Please suggest solutions for working with the server folder. I intend to delete the server folder after I am done transferring files to Azure. TIA.

Yes, you can do this by giving the USER that is running the ASP.Net application (defaults to IUSR) permissions to write to that folder.
Be very careful though, as you're potentially opening your website for abuse when doing this.
See: for how IIS users operate.


Clear Temp ASP.NET files from Azure Web Site

I have a issue with a ASP.NET nopCommerece Plugin that seems to be cached on the server.
I have cleared the nopCommerce cache and restated the application but it didn't help
One of the normal steps is to clear out \Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files but since this is a Azure Web Site, I only have access via FTP and I don't have access to that directory.
How do I go about clearing the Temp Files.
when you publish the website on to azure, by right clicking and choosing publish, there should be a option under setting saying: Remove additional files at destination. Check it and publish.
I managed to do this by creating a temporary file in the bin folder of my website.
This casuses the temporary hash file to change in the temp folder and then ASP.Net rebuilds everything.
See here for more details about the hash file and its relation to rebuilding.
Remove Additional files didn't fix my problem as it only removes files in webroot not the temporary files. As far as I can see with Azure you have no access directly to the temporary files

ASP.NET Protect files inside folder

I have a shared hosting account in which I upload my ASP.NET application. I let the user upload .doc files inside a folder, the problem is I only want logged users to be able to download those files, so I wrote a dispatcher, you give it the id and it reads the file and writes it to the browser, hiding the file location, nevertheless I want to protect the directory where all the files are, so you can only download files using the dispatcher, I tried marking it as a password protected directory, but now ASP.NET can't get access either.
You need to restrict the NTFS permissions on that folder to only allow the user your applicaiton is running as. This might be difficult in a shared host environment...
The ideal solution would be to move the folder outside of the site root but I guess as you are using shared hosting this may not be possible.
One other solution would be to move docs to the App_Data folder which is protected by .NET (see here What is the App_Data folder used for in Visual Studio?)

Folder permission ASP.NET site online

I'm uploading files into a folder. It works as it should when I run the solution locally, but when I've uploaded the site to the web server using "copy website", - I can no longer upload files to the folder.
Can I change the permissions somehow?
It depends is the user that is trying to upload the file(s) into that directory on the server have permissions to that folder on the server, eg: read/write, ect... Also is the user that will be using that program on the server is running the application as themselves or as the IIS User account, or some other dedicated account?
Since you are doing it through the VPN, try terminal serving to that server and if you have personally permissions to make this change as in give permissions then do it yourself or ask the admins to do it for you.
Depending on the folder you are uploading your files into and the account you have configured the web server to execute your application under, there might be different ways to achieve that. But basically you should rant write access to this account to the given folder you are saving the uploaded files into. But if you use some of the special ASP.NET folders such as App_Data for example to store the uploaded files, the account should already have write permission to that folder. And if you have uploaded your site to some hosting company that don't provide you the possibility to change permissions on the different folders that are part of your website you might need to contact the support so that they perform he necessary modifications that you need.

ASP.NET Session & Delete Folders

I have a web app where the administrator can create news, pdf documents and other stuff in his cms panel.
The problem is when the admin delete a new or something else the app deletes all the files related to that new, I mean the images, pdfs and other documents. Tha main problem is those files are stored in folders under the "news" folder and when the app deletes them the session is lost.
How can I do to have a file system without losing the session?
I'd like that file system within the app folder...
Impossible for us to store those folders outside the app and we don't want to use StateServer because of the performanne....
Any other solution?
Your session is lost becasue IIS recompiles. The easiest solution in my opinion is to store your files outside the wwwroot.
Discussed on SO: ASP.NET restarts when a folder is created, renamed or deleted
Let's stay your app is in c:\inetpub\wwwoot\virtualdir1
You make a work directory:
Give the proper rights (read/write/etc) to the user of your app pool and it should all work like a charm.
More info on setting the rights: What are all the user accounts for IIS/ASP.NET and how do they differ?
Store the path to the workdirectory in your web.config (you no not want to hardcode it)
Having those files within the app folder is a poor desgin. The session is probably lost as you are causing IIS to recycle due to the file system changes. It is much safer to not have your web application able to write to its own folder, doing so is a security risk.
Separate your document folder and web site folder. And give right permission your document folder.

Remove temporary files web application

I'm developing a Web application, and there is a page when user must submit files which are saved into temporary folder on the server. If everything goes well, I send ajax request to the server to remove users uploaded file. But, if user closes the browser or shutdown the computer, I can't detect that.
In this case, what is the best way to gurantee that unused files are not stored forever? The site is developed in ASP.NET MVC and will be hosted on II7. Does IIS7 provides some configuration to deal with temporary files? Or I need to implement some service, which will be executed in a background with low priority and periodically check if there are "old" files to be removed?
Any help is very much appreciated.
I would have a windows service in the background to delete old files at some interval.
