I have integrated an asp.net web application with office 365 mail using o365 api client library.I have a specific requirement, suppose I have stored the o365 mail id of other users in my database.The o365 mail username/ password also stored in my local database. Is there any way to see the other user's mail details using the mail id/ credentials?
If anybody has any idea please share.
Thanks in advance.
If your app is using OAuth code flow , it seems that only allow access to mail, calendar and contacts belonging to the authenticated user . You may use OAuth2 client credential flow, for your scenario and the app will be able to make calls to interact with any mailboxes in that tenant. Another choice is to use EWS Managed API ,since you get the password of the other user ,you will get the credentials like:
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("user_with_access#example.com", "password");
Check this thread for a demo.
OpenId is an id of a Wechat personal account when it is following a Wechat Service Account. And the OpenIds are different for the same Wechat personal account in different Wechat Service Accounts.
So I want to find out OpenId of single account only and not the list of all the OpenIds which are following that WeChat service account.
Does anyone know how to get it?
I have to use it to send a message in https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/template/send
You can get the user info via their UnionID first,(https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/en/User_Management/Get_users_basic_information_UnionID.html#UinonId) and then use the OpenID relevant to the current Official Account to send the Templated Message.
This way, your applications just need to track the UnionID, and get the user info on the fly, when needed (can be cached to avoid too many API calls etc).
1.Registing your service account with your email.
2.Getting your appid and appsecret.The appsecret must be saved after gained.
3.Setting the white doname in wechat service account managesites.When you are setting the doname, wechat will make you download a file and put it in your remote server where the doname sets.It will ensure the setting is from you and you can Scan code with your wxchat client.
4.Editing the miniprogram code. Use the method "wx.login()".you can get the jscode in the callback of "wx.login()" send it to your remote server.
5.Editing the remote server code.Send "get" request to get openid with your appid ,appsecret,the jscode from client.
Instead of using the built-in email system in Firebase, I wanted to use a SMTP called SMTP2Go but was wondering how to connect it and if need to buy my own email domain first or not? What requirements are needed to connect a SMTP to Firebase?
I assume you're trying to set up a custom SMTP server for sending (verification, password reset, email change) emails from Firebase Authentication. You can set a custom SMTP server in the Firebase Authentication console.
You don't need a custom domain for this. All you need to know is the SMTP host and port of SMTP2GO (something like mail.smtp2go.com and 587), and your account details from them (the username/password you use to log into smtp2go with).
The Sender address field is just what recipients see in the "From" field of the email, and also where any replies they send will be going. It can be whatever address you want to use to support your users.
If you would like to use the Gmail account as SMTP service for Firebase following steps might help you with that. I have shared a medium post about it if you would like to have more details.
Enable the 2 step verification for the G Suite account.
Create an app password for the account.
Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps
Unlock the captcha
The G-Suite account is ready to be used as an SMTP service for firebase.
Check this link please for more details.
I want to be able to access other users Google Calendars through a service account so I am not prompted for authorization. I am doing this in a simple .net c# console app. When I attempt to create my credentials in the Google API Manager, it gives me the following alert when I specify I am using a non UI app and I want to access User Data. Isn't the purpose of using the service account to access other users data without a UI?
"User data cannot be accessed from a platform without a UI because it requires user interaction for sign-in."
You may have misunderstood the meaning of using a service account to impersonate a user. To help you with Authentication, you might want to check this tutorial : Google Calendar API Authentication with C# by Daimto.
Things to take note of :
To be able to access other calendars by service account, users who own the calendar should share it to the service account.
To impersonate a user, you must know the email address.
From the tutorial:
If you are only accessing data that you own there is no reason to ask a user for permission to access it. You can use a Service account. (Privacy)
If you want to be able to access data owned by someone else you will need to be authenticated.
Hope this helps!
I'm using .NET backend on Azure Mobile Service. It's easy to set up authentication with social identity provider, so that the client can use e.g. Facebook iOS SDK to login, as illustrated in the official tutorial
In custom authentication, as I need to maintain my own Account table according to the official tutorial, I have full control over the registration & login.
I'd like to have a centralized User table to store information about all users, no matter which channel they used to authenticate.
My question is, is there a way for the .NET backend to be notified when a user register or login with a Facebook token? So that a new row can be added to the centralized User table even when the user is using Facebook to authenticate?
Thank you!
Yes - the User.GetIdentities() method contains the token and mechanism that was used to authenticate the user. You can use this to update your table. For an overview of how to use this token, see this blog post by the team: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/custom-login-scopes-single-sign-on-new-asp-net-web-api-updates-to-the-azure-mobile-services-net-backend/
Is it possible to give a user an email address on the local machine when they signup for an account with asp net forms authentication.
So say bob signs up on the website "foo.com" can i give him an email address like "bob#foo.com".
The account will only be accessed by the program and does not need a GUI.
If a user provides their unique name and password when signing, you can use the API for whatever mail server software you are running to create an email account for them.
ActiveX and Admin rights have nothing to do with this process.