UNIX: variable inside variable - unix

I just try to put variable inside variable but it doesn't work... How can i Fix it?
DEL=$(find . -type f | sed "s/^.*\///g" | sed -n '/\./p' | sed "s/.*\.//g" | uniq)
EL=$(${DEL} | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')

You can try
EL=$(tr '\n' ',' <<< "$DEL" | sed 's/,$//')
EL=$(echo "$DEL" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//')


Can't add double quotes to file's directory

I need to get this result having this format :
"hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_1ELPC | grep "^d" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 "
So I tried to use this instruction :
paste0("hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_","1ELPC",cat(" grep \"^d\" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 "),sep = "")
But, this return
grep "^d" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 [1] "hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_1EPSE"
So, the problem is about using the cat function, In fact I need that its result will be in quoted format. In other way, I can't understand why the result was inversed here ?
I'm assuming you split up the arguments to paste0 for a specific reason. As #RuiBarradas mentions - cat is for printing, but not returning an actual object (always returns NULL):
paste0("hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_",
" grep \"^d\" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 ",
sep = "")
[1] "hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_1ELPC grep \"^d\" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 "
which looks to me like what you want.
Do note that, in the output \" is one character (a double quote). i.e.,
> nchar("\"")
[1] 1
To further illustrate the point:
temp <- paste0("hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_",
" grep \"^d\" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8 ",
sep = "")
> cat(temp)
hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_1ELPC grep "^d" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8
> print(temp, quote = FALSE)
[1] hadoop fs -ls -d -C -t /hdfs/data/t1/t11/34/1EX4/ | grep indicateurs-PUB_1ELPC grep "^d" | sort -k6,7 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f8

jq parsing date to timestamp

I have the following script:
curl -s -S 'https://bittrex.com/Api/v2.0/pub/market/GetTicks?marketName=BTC-NBT&tickInterval=thirtyMin&_=1521347400000' | jq -r '.result|.[] |[.T,.O,.H,.L,.C,.V,.BV] | #tsv | tostring | gsub("\t";",") | "(\(.))"'
This is the output:
I want to replace the date with timestamp.
I can make this conversion with date in the shell
date -d '2018-03-17T18:30:00' +%s%3N
I want this result:
This data is stored in MySQL.
Is it possible to execute the date conversion with jq or another command like awk, sed, perl in a single command line?
Here is an all-jq solution that assumes the "Z" (UTC+0) timezone.
In brief, simply replace .T by:
((.T + "Z") | fromdate | tostring + "000")
To verify this, consider:
| .[1] |= ((. + "Z")|fromdate|tostring + "000") # milliseconds
| .[1:length-1]
| "(" + join(",") + ")"
jq -rR -f timestamp.jq input.txt
Here is an unportable awk solution. It is not portable because it relies on the system date command; on the system I'm using, the relevant invocation looks like: date -j -f "%Y-%m-%eT%T" STRING "+%s"
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}
NF==0 { next }
{ sub(/\(/,"",$1);
cmd="date -j -f \"%Y-%m-%eT%T\" " $1 " +%s";
cmd | getline $1;
$1=$1 "000"; # milliseconds
printf "%s", "(";
}' input.txt
Solution with sed :
sed -e 's/(\([^,]\+\)\(,.*\)/echo "(\$(date -d \1 +%s%3N),\2"/g' | ksh
test :
<commande_curl> | sed -e 's/(\([^,]\+\)\(,.*\)/echo "(\$(date -d \1 +%s%3N),\2"/g' | ksh
or :
<commande_curl> > results_curl.txt
cat results_curl.txt | sed -e 's/(\([^,]\+\)\(,.*\)/echo "(\$(date -d \1 +%s%3N),\2"/g' | ksh

df -h unix command output

how can I get the df -h command output into excel format or csv file.
df -k | tr -s " " | sed 's/ /, /g' | sed '1 s/, / /g' | column -t
df -h | column -t
I have tried as above but the format is not right. I'm not able to load the format into a excel or a table.
Can you please help
try this:
df -k | tr -s " " | sed 's/ /, /g' | sed '1 s/, / /g'
and see this

cygwin help trimming output

ping google.com -n 10 | grep Minimum | sed s/^\ \ \ \ //
will output:
Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 49ms, Average = 32ms
I want to trim from the space after the = to the the , in Minimum
So then it would only show:
One way using awk:
ping google.com -n 10 | awk '/Minimum =/ { sub(",","",$3); print $3 }'
$ echo "Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 49ms, Average = 32ms" | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/,//
So this should work, but might not be the most elegant expression of your requirement.
ping google.com -n 10 | grep Minimum | awk '{print $3}' | sed s/,//
You could also use cut instead of awk.

Unix Sorting Problem

My sorting doesn't work for numbers (k3 to k6) but it works for k1 and k2 which are alphabets. How to sort for k3 to k6? Thanks for you help.
MacOS X for dummies:Mary Abraham:53.48:88:38
awk -F":" '{ printf "%-30s %-20s %-10.2f %-10d %-10d %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, "$"$3 * $5 }' BookDB.txt | sort -nk3
Looks like the spaces in the book title and author name are causing sort to miscount the columns, If you print a seperator character like '|' between each field in awk, then you can use sed to temporarily replace all the spaces like so,
| sed -e 's/ /#/g' -e 's/|/ /g' | sort -nk3 | sed -e 's/ /|/g' -e 's/#/ /g'
