Lyx: "Undefined control sequence" when using "preccurlyeq" - lyx

When I try using \preccurlyeq in math in lyx, and then compile I get error: Undefined control sequence
How can I fix that?

Go do Document > Settings > Math Options and then make sure "amssymb" is set to "Load automatically". If that doesn't work, change it to "Load always".
In the future (and also here if the above does not work), please always post a .lyx minimal example. For more information, read this:


How to print in r source stops

have a code that calls different codes inside it with source function. if an error occurs when running a source i would like to save the information of the error that appears but im not being able to do it. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks!
Did you try traceback() after the error occurred? You can also set it in options(error = traceback). I think RStudio IDE provides tracebacks by default.

RMarkdown can Knit but cannot run: could not find function "read_csv"

This issue is really strange, I want to read a csv file and after getting rid of all unnecessary parts my entire code boils down to this two-liner:
If I knit the Rmd file, it works and a new webpage opens as usual:
However, if I run it either by (1) clicking the green play button; or (2) clicking Run -> Run All button:
Then it just doesn't work (In case you are wondering whether or not there is a third line of code, I make the scope of the screenshot larger). The code is so short that I have no idea what could possibly be wrong.
Following the comment from #user12728748, I changed
and it works! But this is still odd since my understanding is that suppose there aren't namespace conflicts prepending namespace is not needed.
Loading readr explicitly, regardless of the order, does not work since it is loaded by tidyverse already:

Reactive UI Extending View Support The Type has a on_PropertyName_Changed method ** which is static

Based off this link:
Whenever I try to execute the code in the example using the RG.Plugins.Popup nuget I receive the following error: Fody: The Type MyType '1 has a on_PropertyName_Changed method (OnViewModelChanged) which is static.
My Code is exactly like the links code. Not sure why its causing this error to occur.
.... UPDATE....
Damn, So if anyone runs into this issue... my solution was removing the following weaver from the fodyweavers.xml file
<PropertyChanged/> --- REmove this line if added solves the problem!?
Why is this? Why does removing the above line solve the issue?
Below is my FodyWeaver file
<Weavers xmlns:""
I was just going to say. The code in the example is working because I use it. Your error points to ReactiveUI.Fody being the problem.
Can you provide a reproduction of what you had that was different from the sample?

Indentation issue in RStudio

Like many others, I like writing my codes on several lines and I appreciate the auto-indent feature offered by RStudio. The issue suddenly started when the word undefined showed up in the code editor whenever I pressed Enter as I expected an automatic indentation. It is important to mention that this does not affect the proper running of the code.
my_fun <- function(xxx){
NB: Actually, when I copied and pasted the code here, undefined was not copied to! I had to manually add it. Here is another example.
mtcars %>%
Basically this is just RStudio telling you that you have not preset your tab spaces, but it is not actually dropping commands into your code.
You have the option of setting tabs to however many spaces you feel is appropriate and it allows teams to work with consistent spacing.
If you go to the main menu and click on Tools > Global Options and on the second tab in the left column click onCode . There you can set the spaces to meet your personal needs (or teams profile) and the undefined message will disappear.
This photgraph shows where you can find the preferences.

LyX: Undefined control sequence \hline

Running LyX on Windows 7 with MiKTeX. I was trying to export LyX's "Embedded Objects tutorial" to PDF, but got this error:
Undefined control sequence
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
The offending code seems to be
(section 2.11.2 of the document).
May or may not be relevant: The document's preamble.
You can download the pdf of the manual online here:
Do you have the following packages installed?
arydshln, colortbl, diagbox, lettrine, marginnote, picinpar and sidecap
Although it says that you should be able to export without them, I've found that sometimes they are required. If this is true in your case, can you post which package was causing the problem so we can try to fix the document? To find this out, install the above packages one by one and test if you can export after each one. Don't forget to reconfigure LyX via Tools > Reconfigure after each install of a new package.
