I want to run the R code from here for bash:
git log --format=format:%cd --date=short --shortstat --no-merges master \
| paste - - - | sort --key 1 | sed '$a\\' \
| awk --field-separator "\t" '
$1 != date { print date, ins, del; date = $1; ins = 0; del = 0; }
{ match($2, /([0-9]+) ins/, m); ins += m[1];
match($2, /([0-9]+) del/, m); del += m[1]; }' \
| R --eval '
calendarHeat(V1, sapply(pmax(V2, V3), log))'
But there is no r --eval command at my bash, it says:
WARNING: unknown option '--eval'
How should I run this?
This definitely works. Here is a quick ad-hoc shell script I made of your snippet:
git log --format=format:%cd --date=short --shortstat --no-merges master | \
paste - - - | sort --key 1 | sed '$a\\' | \
awk --field-separator "\t" \
'$1 != date { print date, ins, del; date = $1; ins = 0; del = 0; }
{ match($2, /([0-9]+) ins/, m); ins += m[1];
match($2, /([0-9]+) del/, m); del += m[1]; }' | \
r -lmakeR -e'X <- read.table(textConnection(readLines("stdin"))); \
png("heatmap.png"); \
calendarHeat(X$V1, sapply(pmax(X$V2, X$V3), log)); \
which, when running in the repo our Rblpapi project, produces the image below.
I do use two littler features here: -l to load a package (here makeR which I had to install from its archive, and -e ... for an expression. In R we would just prepend library(makeR) to the expression string...
I have a text which contains a piece of ASCII art. How can I print it to a console in Free Pascal? I know that it would be easier in other program languages, but I am only allowed to use Free Pascal.
Writing it with multiple writeln() for each line would be too exhausting.
Is there another way to do it?
(\\( \
_...._ _,-' `-.
\ ,' `-._.---.,-' . \
\`. ,' `.
\ `-...__ / . .: y
`._ ``--..__ / ,'`---._/
`-._ ``--' | /_
`.._ _ ; <_ \
`--.___ `. `-._ \ \
`--< `. (\ _/)/ `.\/
\ \ `<a \ /_/
`. ; `._y
`--. / _../
\ /__..'
; //
< \\
`. \\
`. \\_ __
`.`-' \\
`----'' hjw
Assuming your file is called ASCII_ART.txt, then do something like:
program DisplayASCIIArt;
SL: TStringList;
SL := TStringList.Create;
SL.LoadFromFile('ASCII_ART.txt'); // use real name (full path!) here.
// if the console window closes immediately, add the following two lines:
Write('Press [ENTER] key...');
I have a list of header files created thus:
HDRS=$(foreach x, $(DIRS), $(call expand,$(x)))
Which yields a list like a/a.h b/b.h ...
but when I use this in a for loop:
for i in $(HDRS) ; do \
echo $$i \
cp $$i $(some_dir) \
$$i is empty. And the cp fails, having only one argument.
The usual variants of $$i ( $i, $$i, $(i), ${i} ), don't change anything, nor do the usual variants of $(HDRS) ("$(HDRS)", etc.).
gmake echos the for-loop as
for i in a.h b.h ; \
do \
echo $i \
cp $i somedir \
Which looks correct.
But the implicit bash shell emits an error "/bin/sh -c: line 5: syntax error: unexpected end of file"
gmake then exits due to the failed command.
Due to the \, make emits the recipe as a single line. This confuses the shell. Try this instead, using ; in place of the line terminator:
for i in a.h b.h ; \
do \
echo $i ; \
cp $i somedir ; \
I found this command in dockerfile like below.
echo -e 'skip-host-cache\nskip-name-resolve' | awk '{ print } $1 == "[mysqld]" && c == 0 { c = 1; system("cat") }' /etc/my.cnf > /tmp/my.cnf
I couldn't undersand it.
The awk program prints each line from the input file. If it finds the first line that starts with [mysqld], it uses the system command cat to print the text from the pipe.
Personally, I would use something like this:
awk -v add='skip-host-cache\nskip-name-resolve' \
'{ print } $1 == "[mysqld]" && found == 0 { print add; found = 1; }' my.cnf
I have 10 devices that using hp-ux and i want to check the disk space in each devices.
my requirement is if the space more than 90%, the info of device ans space will be save to a log.
this is list of device and ip address which i set as variable ipadd:
and so on..
This is my script so far :
#!/bin/csh -f
set ipaddress = (`awk '{print $2}' "ipadd"`)
set device = (`awk '{print $1}' "ipadd"`)
# j = 1
while ($j <= $#ipaddress)
echo $ipaddress
set i = 90 # Threshold set at 90%
set max = 100
while ($i <= $max)
rsh $ipaddress[$j] bdf | grep /dev/vg00 | grep $i% \
|awk '{ file=substr($6,index($6,"/") + 1,length($6)); print "WARNING: $device[$j]:/" file " has reached " $5 ". Perform HouseKeeping IMMEDIATELY..." >> "/scripts/space." file ".file"}'
# i++
# j++
The output after bdf:
/dev/vg00/lvol2 15300207 10924582 28566314 79% /
/dev/vg00/lvol4 42529 23786 25510 55% /stand
The output at terminal after exec the script:
The output at .file:
WARNING: $device[$j]:/ has reached 79%. Perform HouseKeeping IMMEDIATELY...
My question is, is it my looping have something wrong cause only iterates one time only because my .file output only show one device only?
And why $device[$j] not come out in .file output?
or awk have problem?
Thank you for the advice.
Your code tested for each possible percentage between 90 and 100.
Persumably, you'd be OK with code that checks once, and asks 'is device percent greater than 90%'?. So then you don't need the inner loop at all, and you make only 1 connection per machine, try
#!/bin/csh -f
set ipaddress = (`awk '{print $2}' "ipadd"`)
set device = (`awk '{print $1}' "ipadd"`)
# j = 1
set i = 90 # Threshold set at 90%
while ($j <= $#ipaddress)
echo $ipaddress
echo "#dbg: ipaddress[$j]=${ibpaddress[$j]}"
rsh $ipaddress[$j] bdf \
| awk -v thresh="$i" -v dev="$device[$j]" \
'/\/dev\/vg00/ { \
sub(/%/,"",$5) \
if ($5 > thresh) { \
file=substr($6,index($6,"/") + 1,length($6)) \
print "WARNING: " dev ":/" file " has reached " $5 ". Perform HouseKeeping IMMEDIATELY..." >> "/scripts/space." file ".file" \
# j++
Sorry, but I don't have a csh available to dbl-chk for syntax errors.
So here is a one liner that we determined worked in your environment.
rsh $ipaddress[$j] bdf | nawk -v thresh="$i" -v dev="$device[$j]" '/\/dev\/vg00/ { sub(/%/,"",$5) ; if ($5 > thresh) { file=substr($6,index($6,"/") + 1,length($6));print "#dbg:file="file; print "WARNING: " dev ":/" file " has reached " $5 ". Perform HouseKeeping IMMEDIATELY..." >> "/scripts/space.file.TMP" } }'
I don't have a system with bdf available. Change the two references to $5 in the sub() and if test to match the field-number of the output that has the percentage you want to test.
Note that -v var="value" is the standard way to pass a variable value from the shell to an awk script that is enclosed in single-quotes.
Be careful that any '\' chars at the end of a line are the last chars, no trailing space or tabs, or you'll get an indecipherable error msg. ;-)
When I run the below program, I get no return, however the program still runs forever until I end it. Can some one please exoplain to me why this would happen. I am trying to get this complex awk statement to work, however, have been very unsuccessful.
The code I am using for my Cshell is (its all on one line, but I split it here to make it easier to read):
awk '{split($2,b,""); counter = 1; while (counter < 13)
{if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" > counter)
{{printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year3'")}; counter++;
else if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" <= counter)
{{printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'")}; counter++;}
else echo "fail"}}' fileRead >> $year$month
The text file I am reading from looks like
fff 101010101010
yyy 100100100100
Here $year2 and $year3 represent counters that start from 1987 and go up 1 year for each line read.
$cmonth is just a month counter from 1–12.
$letter is just a ID.
The goal is for the program to read each line and print out the ID, month, and year if the position in the byte code is 1.
You have some mismatched curly braces, I have reformatted to one standard of indentation.
awk '{ \
split($2,b,""); counter = 1 \
while (counter < 13) { \
if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" > counter){ \
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year3'") \
counter++ \
} \
else if (b[counter] == 1 && "'$cmonth'" <= counter) { \
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'") \
counter++ \
} \
else print "fail" \
} # while \
}' fileRead >> $year$month
Also awk does'nt support echo.
Make sure that the \ is the LAST char on the line (no space or tab chars!!!), or you'll get a syntax error.
Else, you can 'fold' up all of the lines into one line. adding the occasional ';' as needed.
OR you can take the previous version of this awk script (without the \ line continuation chars), put it in a file (without any of the elements outside of the ' ....' (single quotes) and call it from awk as a file. You'll also need to made so you can pass the variables cmonth, letter, year2 and any others that I've missed.
save as file
edit file, remove any `\' chars, change all vars like "'$letter'" to letter **
call program like
awk -v letter="$letter" -v year2="$year2" -v month="$month" -f myScript fileRead >> $year$month
for example
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, "'$letter'","'$year2'")
printf("%s%s%s\n", $1, letter,year2)