Get checkbox value of own made form type in Symfony - symfony

I have added the following form typo in Symfony to my form. As it is not a member of the entity I need to handle it manually in the controller. How can i get the checkbox value in my controller?
->add('showUrl', 'checkbox', array(
'mapped' => false,
This is the generated html in the form:
<input type="checkbox" id="cuslocation_accountreg_showUrl" name="cuslocation[accountreg][showUrl]" required="required" value="1">



Symfony EntityType Extended with Jquery Validate Plugin

I encounter a problem related to the use of the EntityType with the extended and multiple set to true (which generates checkboxes) and then validating each field separately (required or not) using the JqueryValidate plugin.
I'm using the automatic rules set by the class and attributes, so all fields work well but the checkboxes.
This happens because the validator uses the attribute name to set validation rules, but each validation rule is only applied once per name, so only the first checkbox is validated. This combined with the impossibility to change the names for the choices of an EntityType with extended and multiple, makes it impossible to use this configurations together.
->add('checkboxes', EntityType::class, [
'class' => MyClass::class,
'required' => false,
'expanded' => true,
'multiple' => true,
Checkboxes rendered
<input type="checkbox" id="appbundle_myclass_checkboxes_1" name="appbundle_myclass[checkboxes][]" value="1">
<input type="checkbox" id="appbundle_myclass_checkboxes_2" name="appbundle_myclass[checkboxes][]" value="2" required="">
Is there a way to change the name attribute of those checkboxes so I can do multiple validations on them?
Or is there a workaround to make the validator work in these cases?

How to access each items of form_widget(form.**)

How to access the each form item
$builder->add('icon', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'UserBundle:IconPics',
'property' => ‘label', 'expanded' => true, 'multiple' => false,
in twig
{{ form_label(form.icon) }}
{{ form_widget(form.icon) }}
it show this codes automatically and works well as radio button selector.
<div id="fos_user_registration_form_icon">
<input type="radio" id="fos_user_registration_form_icon_1" name="fos_user_registration_form[icon]" required="required" value="1" />
<label for="fos_user_registration_form_icon_1" class="required">pictureA.jpg</label>
<input type="radio" id="fos_user_registration_form_icon_2" name="fos_user_registration_form[icon]" required="required" value="2" />
<label for="fos_user_registration_form_icon_2" class="required">pictureB.jpg</label></div>
But I want to access each items in this code manually.
Since,I want to change code like this.
pictureB.jpg --> <img src="pictureB.jpg">
pictureA.jpg --> <img src="pictureA.jpg">
Is it possible??
If you want to customise the way any form widget is rendered, you've then to override it. Take a deeper look at How to customize Form Rendering section of the documentation.
You can find here the default behaviour of all the form fields widget blocks. As described in the documentation, you've to,
First, know which block to override.
Then, Override the block using form theming (the documentation
is full of examples whether you need to override your widget only
when a given template is concerned or globally on your application)

Symfony2 Forms: How do I create a collection of 'entity' forms

I have a one to many unidirectional relationship in my model. A User has one of many Status.
Using doctrine these are mapped as a unidirectional many-to-many with a unique constraint on one of the join columns.
I'd like to use a symfony form to select a status from the status table, submit the form and have symfony persist the relationship.
I've tried two approaches:
Using the Entity form type, however this produces an error (due to the many-to-many relationship doctrine expects to receive an instance of ArrayCollection rather than a single status object.
Using a collection entity objects. When using this approach an empty div with the id status is rendered in the form. Where as I expected a select box to appear containing status options.
Here is the code. Where am I wrong?
Entity code:
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Status")
protected $status;
Form type code:
$builder->add('status', 'collection', array(
'type' => 'entity',
'allow_add' => true,
'options' => array(
'class' => 'SunflyCoreBundle:Status',
'property' => 'name',
Form template code:
<form action="{{ path('_product_create_process') }}" method="post" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
{{ form_widget(form) }}
<input type="submit" />
HTML Rendered on the page:
<div id="product_status" data-prototype="STUFF THAT WONT RENDER ON SO"></div>

symfony2 comparing hidden field with its hash with form validation

I would like to know how to compare fields in symfony2 form with custom validation.
In particular I want to compare a simple hidden field with its hash.
<input type="hidden" name="smoke" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="smoke_hash" value="kahsjkdasjkdh3iuy84932798" />
Something like "repeated Field" but validated with my own logic.
But more something like this:
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\HashMatchString;
->add('smoke', 'hidden', array(
'data' => 1,
->add('smoke_hash', 'hidden', array(
'constraints' => array(
new HashMatchString('smoke')
Form Goodness in Symfony 2.1
I’ve already see the solution of Steven Brown ( but is one year ago with multiple touches on core files...
I’ve created a gist: Gist
Just add validation method to your entity

Drupal Custom Module / Form Question: Adding an array of fields

I'm creating a custom module where I'd like to have the "add another item" functionality for a particular field, but I can't seem to figure out what I need to do in order to accomplish this... I've been going through Drupal forums and their Forms API Reference, but I must not be getting something.... I'm using Drupal 6.20, and in my module, I tried:
$form['options'] = array(
'#title' => t('Options'),
'#type' => 'fieldset',
$form['options']['address'] = array(
'#tree' => 1,
Thinking I would get an text input that looked like this:
<input type="text" class="form-text text" value="" size="60" id="edit-address-0-value" name="address[0][value]">
But, I just get an input that looks like this:
<input type="text" class="form-text" value="" size="60" id="edit-address" name="address" maxlength="128">
You need to set #tree on the element above the one you want to duplicate. FAPI will store values in a tree structure from that element on downwards.
To get a name like address[0][value] you will need something like
$form['options']['address'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
$form['options']['address'][0] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
$form['options']['address'][0]['value'] = array(
But you don't need the [value] part unless you are actually trying to achieve multi-valued grouped fields or if your field has a complex (custom) data type implemented with multiple PHP values (ie. latitude/longitude, start/stop dates, etc.).
You will also probably need to store the number of values in something like $form['options']['#nb_values'] or in an hidden field (if you plan to add the additional fields to the form using JavaScript).
