When I updated to retrofit:2.0.0 from beta4 I got this error:
cannot find symbol method isSuccess()
It is a small problem the method isSuccess() just become isSuccessful() and they both have the same functionality.
so just replace every isSuccess() to isSuccessful().
I found following method addinfocallback() in the document of JuMP beta0.18, but couldn't find any in the latest beta's document.
Did anyone know any?
solutionvalues = Vector{Float64}[]
# build model ``m`` up here
function infocallback(cb)
push!(solutionvalues, JuMP.getvalue(x))
addinfocallback(m, infocallback, when = :MIPSol)
There is no equivalent. Here are the docs: https://jump.dev/JuMP.jl/stable/manual/callbacks/
If you want to find multiple MIP solutions, use:
If I use a built-in Sass function that returns an error, it will display the path of where it is used.
Using a built-in Sass function:
Code from _test.scss.
.foo {
color: darken(blue, s);
Will result in:
error _test.scss (Line 2: $amount: "s" is not a number for `darken')
Now, if I use a custom function that returns an error, it will display the path of where it is defined instead of where it is used.
Using a custom function:
Code from _test.scss.
.foo {
color: example(string);
Code from _functions.scss.
#function example($string) {
#error 'error message';
Will result in:
error core/utils/_functions.scss (Line 2: error message)
Is there any solution for solving this "issue"?
Your examples are similar only visually, underlying logic is completely different:
For built-in function Sass throws error by itself because code is not valid from Sass point of view.
Into second example you're throwing error because code is not valid from your point of view. Code itself if valid from Sass point of view in this case.
In both cases Sass displays same information about error location - a point into your codebase where error occurs. But in a case of your own, intentional error throwing actual point where error occurs actually matches a place where you're generating this error - exactly at a place where you have your #error directive. So there is no mistake into Sass behavior because it knows nothing about reasons why did you decide to throw an error.
You can always analyze stack trace that is displayed (at least by node-sass) along with error message to decide where did you get to point of error from. You can also use #debug to display context that may be useful for error analysis.
I am getting an error in telerik rad editor.
The error is
Error while executing IECleanAnchorsFilters - RegExpError; Expected quantifier
Can anyone suggest an answer which does not involve updating telerik?
Added simple line on page load and in all RadEditors
Under what circumstances the IMFMediaSourceTopologyProvider::GetMediaSourceTopology() does not fail? It always fails with code 0xc00d36e6 (MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND).
Please do not answer with a link to MSDN.
Here is the solution after pissing blood for hours.
You have to call QueryInterface() on IMFSequencerSource object to get the IMFMediaSource like this:
hr = pMFSequencerSrc->QueryInterface( __uuidof( IMFMediaSource ), (void**)&pMediaSource );
Now on pMediaSource object call CreatePresentationDescriptor() to get the presentation descriptor required for the GetMediaSourceTopology() call.
That MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND error... nice work M$
I need to get an element coordinates(location) using cooresponding page-object method.
Now I'm using the following method to get it:
- myelementname_element.wd.location[0] --> to get X
- myelementname_element.wd.location[1] --> to get Y
But I'm constantly getting the following warning:
You are calling a method named wd at d:/JenkinsWorkspace/jenkins/...
This method does not exist in page-object so it is being passed to the driver.
This feature will be removed in the near future.
Please change your code to call the correct page-object method.
Could you please help me and provide me with corresponding page-object method?
To use methods supported by watir-webdriver (or selenium-webdriver) elements, but not directly supported by the page-object-gem elements, you need to first get the native element. This is done by calling the element method for the page-object-gem element:
As you can see, you can get the three different gem element classes by doing:
puts page.myelementname_element.class
#=> PageObject::Elements::TextField
puts page.myelementname_element.element.class
#=> Watir::TextField
puts page.myelementname_element.element.wd.class
#=> Selenium::WebDriver::Element
For your specific example, you want to do: