Flicker on Postback in Chrome Browser - asp.net

In this web application,there is a huge flicker on postback when accessed in Chrome browser. However, it does not happen in IE and Firefox.
What can be the possible cause?
Here is the video that shows flicker in Chrome and here is the video that shows smooth navigation in Firefox.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
ps: this web application uses Telerik controls.

Just try this
switch off 'Hardware acceleration' from the Advanced Settings > System
This might solve your issue. This issue was raised as a bug in Chromium project earlier.
Also try to see the console if any errors are coming up.
I know that this is not a specific answer but hope this helps you.


RadlistBox fails in google chrome

I have radlistbox in pop-up which is causing a run-time Error "System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format error is thrown." .when the same pop-up is been opened in IE or FireFox it works properly without any error or interruptions.Please Provide solution to this problem.
HTML and JavaScript and the way they work differ from browser to browser, so you need to post the code that causes the problem so someone can help you. For example, Chrome provides float numbers for dimensions and positions when zoomed, so this may be the cause. This broke some controls that store such numbers in the client state. This page offers workarounds and the easier way to get a fix is to upgrade your Telerik controls version http://feedback.telerik.com/Project/108/Feedback/Details/144661-fix-system-formatexception-input-string-was-not-in-a-correct-format-thrown-o
Due to Anti-virus the pop-up was acting weird.After Disabling the anti-virus it worked fine.

Do I need to add something special in order to see my site properly on iPad?

I have built a website(asp.net): http://avior-ins.co.il/
I can view the site on my computer(I have checked Firefox, safari, chrome and explorer and everything's OK), but the customer says that the CSS seems to be defective when he use iPad.
I don't own an iPad/iPhone, but I don't see any problem when I use my android phone(Motorola droid razr). I have also checked the site http://ipadpeek.com/, which is supposed to be a kind of iPad emulator and I don't see any problem.
Will you please check the site from Ipad and tell me what can cause the bug?
Thanks from advance!
In case you run into too much trouble developing a one-size-fits-all web page, you can have an ipad version of the page and then use detect/redirect strategy.
This fellow has a few nice approaches to that already worked-out.
Thank you all for the help. The real problem was an tag with text-indent -9999px.
It was placed on the site's menu and when I removed it, I looked ok.

Why does the following flash not initially load in firefox, but works in chrome and IE

The following flash does not initially load in firefox, but if I click the second tab on the right, and then go back to the first, it loads. This works in Chrome and IE. Here is the webpage.
This is odd, normally things dont work in IE but do in Chrome and Firefox. Upgrade your Flash Player is my advice
Have you ruled out the possibility of it being a browser problem and not related to the site?
Does Firefox do this for any other sites?
Try clearing you cache and upgrading your Flash plugin to rule out the browser.
At a guess, a timing issue. Flash doesn't keep a network stack, it merely passes network calls to the browser, so any kind of logic that is sensitive to the timing or order of loads, load events, etc., can function differently from browser to browser.
But it's impossible to say more without seeing some code.

In what situations does Flash / SWF misbehave in different browsers?

Recently I had some issues with Flash in IE, involving a SWF which is something like a gallery.
In Firefox its loads perfectly, but in IE it doesn't work properly sometimes. The first time it is loaded its works fine but when I refresh all the images are blank. The image data came from XML.
I wish to get some tips regarding the browsers and Flash / SWF behavior in each.
Thanks in advance.
I once faced a similar problem. IE first displays image properly. Upon refresh it didn't display the image. The problem was with the IE security settings on scripting languages. If the script fails to load properly on first time, IE blacklists the script and hence blocks it from running again. When u reset the security settings it will work. But you should still get into the bottomline of the issue and fix it.

Does this seem like an IE8 float bug to you?

I've noticed a strange behavior in two different sites when using IE8.
The first site is in the site that I maintain xebra.com.
The second site is google analytics.
The behavior is that when an address is typed directly into the address bar of IE8, both sites display correctly,
But when one of the sites has already been loaded, and you press the refresh button or F5 key, the layout gets all screwed up:
See screenshots here: here
Something is causing IE8 to render in 'quirks mode' which causes the breakage.
You can duplicate this by browsing to your site in IE8 and selecting Tools > Developer Tools > Document Mode > Quirks Mode.
Make sure your document is always being served in standards mode.
EDIT My original answer had 'compatability mode' where it should have read 'quirks mode' - the two are different.
JS.Companion was what was causing this odd bug, and not IE8. Phew!
I spent the whole morning trying to figure out what was going on, I removed companion.js and bingo my site is perfect! thanks for this.
That's really strange. I don't have the problem on my computer with Companion.JS installed and http://www.xebra.com/ web page (under Vista SP1).
I would be happyto correct the Companion.JS bug that generates this problem if you can provide more information about the problem.
