I have a stanfit object called fit returned by rstan::stan(...) to infer a parameter theta. I can now analyse theta using e.g. rstan::summary(fit, pars="theta").
I later realised that I am more interested in inference about the square of theta. I should have included a transformed parameters block in the STAN model to include theta_squared as a parameter in the output.
Is it possible to add the transformed parameter theta_squared <- theta^2 to the existing stanfit object, as if it had been calculated in a transformed parameters block?
I don't know if you can (or should) add a parameter to the stanfit object manually.
At least you can get the MCMC samples by as.data.frame(fit), and then play with it as you wish, including defining theta^2.
You can get a lot of those same graphs (rhat, ac, etc) using ShinyStan, which does allow you to add a quantity like this (if it's a scalar). For example,
# create shinystan object (sso)
sso <- as.shinystan(fit)
# add theta_squared to sso
sso <- generate_quantity(sso, fun = function(x) x^2,
param1 = "theta", new_name = "theta_squared")
# launch the shinystan interface
I am new to Dymola and I want to run a linearized model with initial conditions.
I know how to Linearize it. I can get the StateSpace object in Command window or get the dslin.mat.
Now I want to run it with initial conditions. I found them in the dsin.txt file, but cant bring them together.
Is there an implemented way or do I need to write it on my own?
Best regards,
You can use the block Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace to build a model containing a state-space description, as shown below:
The respective code is:
model StateSpaceModel
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace sys annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Step step(startTime=0.5) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
connect(step.y, sys.u[1]) annotation (Line(points={{-39,0},{-12,0}}, color={0,0,127}));
annotation (uses(Modelica(version="4.0.0")));
end StateSpaceModel;
Additionally you can use a script (or a Modelica function) that does some work for you. More precisely, it
linearizes any suitable model. I've used the state-space model from the MSL itself, so you can be sure the result is correct.
translates the above model to be able to set the parameters from the command line
sets the parameters of the state-space block called sys. This includes the ones for the initial conditions in x_start
simulates the model with the new parameters
// Get state-space description of a model
ss = Modelica_LinearSystems2.ModelAnalysis.Linearize("Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace");
// Translate custom example, set parameters to result of the above linearization, add initial conditions for states and simulate
sys.A = ss.A;
sys.B = ss.B;
sys.C = ss.C; // in case of an error here, check if 'OutputCPUtime == false;'
sys.D = ss.D;
sys.x_start = ones(size(sys.A,1));
simulateModel("StateSpaceModel", resultFile="StateSpaceModel");
I have two graphs, which I suppose to train them independently, which means I have two different optimizers, but at the same time one of them is using the tensor values of the other graph. As a result, I need to be able to stop specific tensors being updated while training one of the graphs. I have assigned two different namescopes two my tensors and using this code to control updates over tensors for different optimizers:
mentor_training_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "mentor")
train_op_mentor = mnist.training(loss_mentor, FLAGS.learning_rate, mentor_training_vars)
mentee_training_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, "mentee")
train_op_mentee = mnist.training(loss_mentee, FLAGS.learning_rate, mentee_training_vars)
the vars variable is being used like below, in the training method of mnist object:
def training(loss, learning_rate, var_list):
# Add a scalar summary for the snapshot loss.
tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
# Create the gradient descent optimizer with the given learning rate.
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
# Create a variable to track the global step.
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
# Use the optimizer to apply the gradients that minimize the loss
# (and also increment the global step counter) as a single training step.
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step, var_list=var_list)
return train_op
I'm using the var_list attribute of the optimizer class in order to control vars being updated by the optimizer.
Right now I'm confused whether I have done what I supposed to do appropriately, and even if there is anyway to check if any optimizer would only update partial of a graph?
I would appreciate if anyone can help me with this issue.
I have had a similar problem and used the same approach as you, i.e. via the var_list argument of the optimizer. I then checked whether the variables not intended for training stayed the same using:
the_var_np = sess.run(tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('the_var:0'))
assert np.equal(the_var_np, pretrained_weights['the_var']).all()
pretrained_weights is a dictionary returned by np.load('some_file.npz') which I used to store the pre-trained weights to disk.
Just in case you need that as well, here is how you can override a tensor with a given value:
value = pretrained_weights['the_var']
variable = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('the_var:0')
sess.run(tf.assign(variable, value))
Good evening,
I have a quick question about mle2() syntax. I have an optim() routine that optimizes a log-Likelihood function of the following form (and this runs thousands of times, so i don't want to change much):
ObjFun <- function(p, X, y, ModelFunction, CostFunction)
where p is a vector of 1-8 parameters, X is the input matrix, y is the response/independent variable vector, ModelFunction is a function specifying the shape of a model, and CostFunction specifies the cost/loss function the model likelihood should incorporate during the optimization. The code works fine with optim() or maxLik [maxLik] wit the following code:
maxLik(ObjFun, method="NM", start=c(1,2,3,4,5),
X=conc, y=y, ModelFunction=Model1, CostFunction=GCost)
constrOptim(init.par, ObjFun, ui = Ui, ci = Ci, method = "Nelder-Mead",
control = control1, X=X, y=y, ModelFunction= get(Model1),
CostFunction= get(GCost))
##i'm obviously using constrained optimization in my actual problem.
But I can't get it to work easily with mle() or mle2(). I just want to run it in mle2 to compare the likelihood profile with my own profiling function. Before i go digging through the mle2() code, does anyone know if it's my unnamed parameter vector or the additional arguments that make the function crash? I thought it was the former, but i am confused because the error it's giving me is:
mle2(ObjFun, method="Nelder-Mead"", start=c(1,2,3,4,5),
X=X, y=y, ModelFunction=Model1, CostFunction=GCost)
"minuslogl() : argument "ModelFunction" is missing, with no default"
and that argument is clearly specified. I couldn't really find any examples with additional parameters in the vignettes.
I would have just commented on this post as it's obviously related:
Creating function arguments from a named list (with an application to stats4::mle)
But I don't have enough points to comment.
mle2() has options vecpar and parnames options that should allow one to specify "for compatibility with Optim", according to Ben's vignette. I simplified the objective function (the log-likelihood) to include hard-coded loss and model examples. The result looks like this:
mod2 <- mle2(ObjFun2, method="Nelder-Mead", start=list(1,2,3,4,5),
vecpar=T, parnames=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
However this still doesn't work. I have a hard time troubleshooting it because i don't know how to refer to the parameters inside the objective function after the call from mle2. If i include debugging commands such as print(p[2]) inside the ObjFun2, it returns NULL. So the parameter is no longer in a vector form. However print(A) forces the function to crush. Again, I can't find any working examples of this online, so maybe I'm missing something very simple.
I can't use the parameters argument as Ben suggested in the above link because my models are not linear.
I attempted to look inside the mle2() but got stuck on a call to calc_mle2_function().
Here is a snippet of R script doing beta regression on data "GasolineYield":
data("GasolineYield", package = "betareg")
gy_logit <- betareg(yield ~ batch + temp, data = GasolineYield)
gy_logit4 <- update(gy_logit, subset = -4)
The 4th line magically deletes the 4th observation and update the fit automatically, but I don't quite understand the why this parameter works in the update function here, because I tried to look up the documentation by ?update, but couldn't find there's such parameter.
I'm curious about how to find right documentation in this case, because maybe I want to add some new observation instead of removing it. Any help?
subset in betareg works the same as subset in lm, therefore you can read lm documentation.
From the help file you can find:
subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
Hence by setting select=-4 you are lefting out the fourth row in the estimation.
update() contains the ... parameter, which means any parameters that are not matched in your call to update() are passed on to the function that does the estimation. In this case, that is betareg(), which does have the subset argument.
This type of thing is very common in R. Many higher-level function that call other user-visible functions will have the three dot parameter and pass any unmatched parameters on, so you have to search all the user-visible functions that get called in order to know all possible options.
You can check out the help file for the top level function (update() in this case) to get an idea of which functions get the leftover parameters.
I am trying my hand at learning Latent Component Analysis, while also learning R. I'm using the poLCA package, and am having a bit of trouble accessing the attributes. I can run the sample code just fine:
ds = read.csv("http://www.math.smith.edu/r/data/help.csv")
ds = within(ds, (cesdcut = ifelse(cesd>20, 1, 0)))
res2 = poLCA(cbind(homeless=homeless+1,
cesdcut=cesdcut+1, satreat=satreat+1,
linkstatus=linkstatus+1) ~ 1,
maxiter=50000, nclass=3,
nrep=10, data=ds)
but in order to make this more useful, I'd like to access the attributes within the objects created by the poLCA class as such:
attr(res2, 'Nobs')
attr(res2, 'maxiter')
but they both come up as 'Null'. I expect Nobs to be 453 (determined by the function) and maxiter to be 50000 (dictated by my input value).
I'm sure I'm just being naive, but I could use any help available. Thanks a lot!
Welcome to R. You've got the model-fitting syntax right, in that you can get a model out (don't know how latent component analysis works, so can't speak to the statistical validity of your result). However, you've mixed up the different ways in which R can store information pertaining to a model.
poLCA returns an object of class poLCA, which is
a list containing the following elements:
(. . .)
Nobs number of fully observed cases (less than or equal to N).
maxiter maximum number of iterations through which the estimation algorithm was set
to run.
Since it's a list, you can extract individual elements from your model object using the $ operator:
res2$Nobs # number of observations
res2$maxiter # maximum iterations
In some cases, there might be extractor functions to get this information without having to do low-level indexing. For example, many model-fitting functions will have a fitted method, which pulls out the vector of fitted values on the training data; and similarly residuals pulls out the vector of residuals. You should check whether there are such extractor functions provided by the poLCA package and use them if possible; that way, you're not making assumptions about the structure of the model object that might be broken in the future.
This is distinct to getting the attributes of an object, which is what you use attr for. Attributes in R are what you might call metadata: they contain R-specific information about an object itself, rather than information about whatever it is the object relates to. Examples of common attributes include class (the class of an object), dim (the dimensions of an array or matrix), names (names of individual elements of a vector/list/array) and so on.