Anglesharp converts single quotes into double quotes? - anglesharp

It appears that AngleSharp converts single quotes into double quotes. Is this true? If so, it affects me being able to get JSON data from a request. I'm calling a controller that returns html wrapped in a json object. Part of the html has attributes using single quotes. After calling the OpenAsync method, the resulting document converts them into double quotes. So when I then use Newtonsoft.Json, it tries to deserialize based on those. Is there a way to keep that from happening through a configuration settings?

This is wrong. AngleSharp follows the HTML spec. and outputs all HTML with a default serializer, which uses double quotes for, e.g., attributes. For your JSON data you don't have to worry.
It sounds to me that you download something that was never supposed to be deserialized and serialized again. If you present a little bit more details what you actually try to do (present a MWE please) I can go into details what should be changed / could be done to achieve what you try to do.


Parse JSON inside JSON attribute using JSONPath

I have a JSON list where one of the attributes of each element happens to be a JSON itself. It comes from a poor design upfront, but here it is.
I want to query the distinct attributes inside the JSON string contained in the elements.
Here is an example, just one item. I hand-wrote the code, but believe me that is valid JSON in production by the way it's generated
"extraData": "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
I would like to query for something like $.*, but obviously such syntax does not work.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Jsonpath evaluator.
The syntax should be something like parse($.*.extraData).*.foo
This article suggests me that no such operator is available to parse a JSON inside a JSON
It has to be JSONPath only for data analysis purposes. In Java, I use Jackson to parse the extraData object as a JsonNode, but my goal is to explore the large data set, and perhaps obtain some distinct values I want to use for enumeration purposes.
To JSON Path, the embedded JSON is just a string. The best you could do with a single operation is use a RegEx in the expression selector, but getting RegEx to identify JSON is really tricky, and that's if your implementation even supports RegEx.
I think the best option would be to use two paths:
The first path gets the embedded JSON. $.*.extraData
Parse that value
The second part gets the data you need. $.foo
This requires some extra code, but I think it's your only realistic option.

Kusto's `parse_json` doesn't work on custom dimensions

I'm hoping to be able to analyze structured data stored in a custom dimension of a custom telemetry event emitted to application insights, and getting some weird behavior. It seems like the JSON can't be parsed normally, but if I pass it through strcat it is able to parse the json just fine.
| where name == "PbConfigFilterComponentSaved"
| take 1
| project
strcatType=gettype(strcat('', customDimensions.Json)),
strcatParsedType=gettype(parse_json(strcat('', customDimensions.Json)))
jsonType: string
parsedType: string
strcatType: string
strcatParsedType: dictionary
Is there a better approach to getting parse_json to work on this kind of value?
In case it's in any way relevant, here's the value of customDimensions.Json:
Could you please demonstrate a sample record that isn't parsed correctly?
Speculating (before seeing the data): Have you verified the final paragraph here doesn't apply to your case?
It is somewhat common to have a JSON string describing a property bag in which one of the "slots" is another JSON string. […] In such cases, it is not only necessary to invoke parse_json twice, but also to make sure that in the second call, tostring will be used. Otherwise, the second call to parse_json will simply pass-on the input to the output as-is, because its declared type is dynamic.
The type of customDimensions is dynamic and so accessing a property like customDimensions.json from it will return a string typed as dynamic.
You have to explicitly cast it as string and then parse it:
I think the "Notes" section in the documentation is exactly the issue, as mentioned by Yoni L. in the previous answer.

How to override resource (.resx) behaviour

We are applying localization in our application by using resx files and using it by calling Resources.Resource.Key and ResourceManager class to get the values of keys. Currently we are facing an issue that in some languages single (') and double quotes (") are appearing while in English resource there is no such thing like that. Problem is that when we calls javascript methods like alert('value') in code then it crashes because single quote within another single quote does not work. I know there is way to handle it by replacing single quote with "\'" but in order to fix this I need to write this code throughout the application. Is there any workaround that whenever I call the resource by calling above ways I mentioned earlier One method automatically called in which I can modify the value return by the resource. Waiting for your valuable suggestions. Thx
Anywhere you're referencing resources you should HTML encode the output. If you're using ASP.NET WebForms you can use <%: Resources.Strings.Something %>. If you're using the Razor view engine then it will be HTML encoded by default.

Is it possible to return a html table from a WebMethod?

Using a WebMethod, I get a value needed to create a HTML Table and populate it.
Once it's done, I need the Table to be displayed.
Is it possible ?
Can a web service return an HTML table? Yes. Should you do it that way? Probably not. Please consider 'separating the concerns' so that the service is responsible only for returning the data. Then the consumer of the data can format it as needed. One possible implementation would be for the service to return XML and the 'presenter' to transform it with XSLT into the desired Table. In the long run, the code will be easier to maintain and understand. (Trust me; I've seen a project that had 2,500+ lines of string concatenation that built an HTML string. NOT fun!) As an added bonus, the web service's response will be much smaller.
You can return a string from a WebMethod, which means you could return a string that represents html... then render that string (taking care of required encoding) I cant say much more that that not knowing any more...
Create the markup in a variable and do Response.Write.
StringBuilder strHtml=new StringBuilder();

How can I preserve the QueryString semantics when converting an MFC CHttpServer based web server to ASP.Net?

In a legacy MFC CHttpServer based web server, we have a command parsing map something like this:
BEGIN_PARSE_MAP(MyHttpServer, CHttpServer)
ON_PARSE_COMMAND_PARAMS("intParam1=11 intParam2=12 intParam3=13 intParam4=14 strParam5=s5 strParam6=s6 strParam7=s7 intParam8=18")
This defines a page accessible at http://host/path/dllname.dll?MyPage that accepts up to 8 parameters named intParam1, intParam2, intParam3, intParam4, strParam5, strParam6, strParam7, and intParam8.
The calling applications can invoke the page with the parameters in a named fashion like this:
But the way MFC command parsing maps work, they can also call it with unnamed parameters as long as they are provided in the order defined by the map:
I would like to replace this old code with an ASP.Net page, but we have existing calling applications that will not be changed that invoke the page using both styles of parameter passing, named and unnamed.
I can easily manage the necessary URL rewriting to allow an ASP.Net page to respond to the URL as given above, replacing the path/dllname.dll? MyPage portion with the path to an .aspx page or .ashx handler.
The problem comes in when trying to handle the unnamed parameters in an equivalent fashion to the old MFC parameter parser. Request.QueryString treats all the unnamed parameters as being named with null and Request.QueryString[null] returns a comma-separated list of the values. This is pretty close to workable, but should one of the parameters actually contain a comma, this encoding falls apart because the extra comma is not escaped and splitting the string on the commas will end up with too many parameters.
In classic ASP, I believe Request.QueryString(...) returned a collection of all the parameters that were identically named. There seems to be no equivalent to that in ASP.Net that I can find.
As a secondary issue, the MFC command parsing map had some pretty convoluted logic for dealing with a mixture of named and unnamed parameters. Although the callers of the page in question will not be mixing their usage in this way, I am interested in perhaps duplicating the logic for completeness sake. Can anyone confirm that MFC's behavior was essentially the following?
Process all parameters in the URL from left to right, using & as separator.
If named (has an equal sign), apply the value to the parameter with the corresponding name, regardless of its position. If that parameter already assigned a value, error.
If unnamed, apply the value to the parameter at the nth position in the command parsing map, where n is the number of already processed unnamed parameters plus 1. If that parameter was already assigned a value, error.
Apply default values from command parsing map to any parameters not assigned above
If any parameters from command parsing map have not been assigned a value, error.
One more interesting note, it appears that Request.QueryString.ToString() will nearly reconstitute the original parameters on the URL, but it always moves the parameters with identical names to be together, including the unnamed parameters I am concerned with here.
Not sure if solves your problem, but you could try using Request.PathInfo. This will give you everything entered after the page, which you could then parse manually using something like a regex.
For example, if you had the URL:
The Request.PathInfo property would return:
Processing this into a set of values that you can work with could also be problematic as you've got both named and un-named parameters, but this should be achievable using regular expressions and/or splitting the string.
I found that Request.QueryString has a GetValues() method. This returns an array of strings and solves the problem of a comma being embedded within one of the values. It'll be even easier to use than having to split the results of Request.QueryString[null].
I still have a bit of work to use this to implement an MFC-like mapping of URL parameters that handles both named and unnamed parameters.
