Prevent nesting in SCSS/SASS output [duplicate] - css

This question already has an answer here:
Is there a SASS rule for outputting a descendant to the root?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
With all the neat features in SCSS, it can be easy to get carried away and end up with some pretty rough CSS.
Take, for example, a classic nested rats nest -
.image {
.imageWrapper {
img {
.textWrapper {
title {
caption {
Which compiles to
.image {
.image .imageWrapper {
.image .imageWrapper img {
.image .textWrapper {
.image .textWrapper .title {
.image .textWrapper .caption {
This is not only hard to read, but a slog on processors.
Now, I'm not one to use unspecific class-names (just how long is too long?) so nesting has very little functional use to me, but I find it makes my pre-compiled SCSS extremely understandable - the ability to imply the relationship an element has with its parent and children is invaluable to both myself and the next developer who happens across my code.
Is there any way to keep my SCSS nested in all or (preferably) part of my sheet without rendering endless child selectors in my CSS?

I think you're looking for the #at-root directive.
It works by ‘jumping out’ of where you nest it in your Sass to be a the top level.
For example, you could to this :
.image {
color: #333;
#at-root {
.imageWrapper {
color: #666;
img {
color: #999;
.stayNested {
background-color: #555;
#at-root {
.textWrapper {
color: #aaa;
title {
color: #ccc;
caption {
color: #fff;
That would compile to this :
.image {
color: #333;
.imageWrapper {
color: #666;
.imageWrapper img {
color: #999;
.image .stayNested {
background-color: #555;
.textWrapper {
color: #aaa;
.textWrapper title {
color: #ccc;
.textWrapper caption {
color: #fff;
For more info, see the official documentation


SCSS Nesting and extend

When I do a yarn build of the scss below I can only see the .select-list__item:hover in the compiled css, I am not seeing anything else from the class such as .select-list__item--selected I am not sure what the issue here is.
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
&--selected:hover {
background: #00FF00;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;}
I believe it is to do with how placeholders (ie: %chosen-name) are meant to be used.
Although this is not explicitly pointed out in the documentation they are meant to be small bits that are reusable.
At my company, we use one for our generic button styles (margin, padding, font) and we extend that into all of our buttons (primary, secondary, tertiary).
A potential solution for your use case:
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
background: blue;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;
&--selected:hover {
background: #00FF00;
Or here's another - bit of an OTT solution for the example but you get the idea:
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
background: blue;
%selected-list__item {
background: #00FF00;
&:hover {
background: #00FF00;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;
&--selected {
#extend %selected-list__item

Bootstrap classes inside a defined class

Is there a way to put made classes inside a class?
.my-upper-class{ .hidden-md, .hidden-sm, .hidden-lg}
Not with plain CSS, but with Sass, like so—
.hidden-sm {
background: red;
.hidden-md {
color: blue;
.hidden-lg {
font-size: 1em;
.my-upper-class {
#extend .hidden-sm;
#extend .hidden-md;
#extend .hidden-lg;
which outputs the final CSS as below, which is pretty much what you are looking for.
.hidden-sm, .my-upper-class {
background: red;
.hidden-md, .my-upper-class {
color: blue;
.hidden-lg, .my-upper-class {
font-size: 1em;

Convert & symbol in scss to less

I have to convert some SCSS files to LESS. For most part it is just case of changing $ with # but there are style that use the scss parent selector & that I don't know how to convert.
Here is example
// Sidebar
.sidebar {
.block {
&.newsletter {
.btn {
&:before {
background: transparent;
&.filter {
ol {
li {
a {
color: #blue;
&:before {
display: none;
.filter-options-title, .block-title {
color: #444;
padding-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 12px;
&:after {
color: #666;
How would I replace out those parent selectors to make it the same generated CSS?
The & parent selector is actually the same syntax in Less and SCSS!
From the Less Documentation on Parent Selectors:
The & operator
represents the parent selectors of a nested rule and is most commonly
used when applying a modifying class or pseudo-class to an existing
In comparison, here's the SASS/ SCSS documentation on parent selectors for pseudo classes:
So in the case of your code, it would be:
$blue: blue;
.sidebar {
.block {
&.newsletter {
.btn {
&:before {
background: transparent;
&.filter {
ol li a {
color: $blue;
&:before {
display: none;
.filter-options-title, .block-title {
color: #444;
padding-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 12px;
&:after {
color: #666;
(try compiling/ validating here:
#blue: blue;
.sidebar {
.block {
&.newsletter {
.btn {
&:before {
background: transparent;
&.filter {
ol li a {
color: #blue;
&:before {
display: none;
.filter-options-title, .block-title {
color: #444;
padding-bottom: 10px;
font-size: 12px;
&:after {
color: #666;
(try compiling/ validating here:
As well as the official documentation, this article on CSS Tricks is helpful too:
Hope that helps :)

How to extend in scss from parent (in case of BEVM)

I try to understand BEVM+SCSS philosophy.
I don't know how to extend V from BE in this case.
What I want to achieve:
.block {
&__element {
background-color: black;
&--variation-a {
#extend &__element; //won't work
color: red;
&--variation-b {
#extend &__element; //won't work
color: green;
What I want to avoid:
.block {
&__element {
background-color: black;
&--variation-a {
#extend .block__element; //work but ugly
color: red;
&--variation-b {
#extend .block__element; //work but ugly
color: green;
The only way I've found it's to have a kind of %element { ... } aside and extends from it, but it's not exactly what I want.
You can use variables. $b to store block name and $e to store element name.
Sassmeister demo.
.block {
$b: &;
&__element {
$e: #{$b}__element;
background-color: black;
&--variation-a {
#extend #{$e};
color: red;
&--variation-b {
#extend #{$e};
color: green;
But it's bad practice to nest element styles by modifier. Modifier must only override styles.

its possible css selector inside another selector

sorry but it's confusing to me, somebody knows how it's possible or it's not possible..
#divp {
background-color: lightgrey;
.odiv {
background-color: yellow;
.pp { background-color: black; }
a { color:red; }
.pp { background-color: lightgreen; }
a { color:blue; }
#divw {
background-color: lightblue;
.odiv {
background-color: blue;
.pp { background-color: white; }
a { color:yellow; }
.pp { background-color: green; }
a { color:lightblue; }
i want create divs with internal css rules and i dont want to write all the time the same..... like
#diw .odiv .pp { background-color: white }
#diw .odiv .a { color: white }
#diw .odiv .other { color: blue }
is it possible?
Nesting selectors is not possible, but you might want to checkout CSS preprocessors, which will let you do this. for example.
It is not possible in standard CSS. But it is possible in Sass (and other CSS Preprocessors):
It works exactly as you posted in your question:
background-color: red;
p{ font-size: 18px; }
Will output this:
.div1{ background-color: red }
.div1 p{ font-size: 18px; }
Check out for a way to play around with Sass.
