Can I change the theme name in WordPress? - wordpress

How can I change the theme name in WordPress and where?
Can I also change the folder name theme1244 in public/wp-content/themes/theme1244 without having problems in the future?

Step 1: Firstly go to wp-content/themes/ folder. And then rename your theme folder to whatever you want.
Step 2: Open your theme folder and open style.css file. In top part of style.css you will see theme name. Rename it and save changes.
Step 3: Go to Wp-admin/appearance/themes and activate your theme under new name.
If you are using child/parent theme and you also rename parent theme folder&name, so after Step 3 you should additionally change parent theme path (template field) in child theme’s style.css.
note : renaming your theme will stop its automatic updates, you should do it manually in the future.

All the above is correct, but is not enough. After you rename the theme, e.g. rename the folder old-theme --> new-theme, you should copy the theme customizations (colors, header / footer, widgets, etc.) from the old theme to the new theme. This is done directly in the MySQL database:
Find an option named theme_mods_old-theme in the table wp_options
Copy the option_value (it is a text holding the theme customizations in a special WordPress format)
Put the copied value in a new option named theme_mods_new-theme in the wp_options table.

You can absolutely change the name of the folder without having any problems. If you want to change just the themes name, open the style.css in the root folder of your theme and edit the name in the comments at the top of the file. If you plan on doing more changes, you might be better off creating a child theme:

I changed my theme name in wp-content/themes/{your site name folder}/style.css
I am using a child theme
Theme Name: WhateverYouWantToNameIT
Template: twentytwenty

The answers above are good, but I wanted the full list and this is it
so go to: wp-content/themes/{your site name folder}/style.css
and change this values if they exist, if not you can add them
/* this should be at the top of your theme CSS file
Theme Name: Twenty Fifteen Child
Theme URI:
Description: Twenty Fifteen Child Theme
Author: John Doe
Author URI:
Template: twentyfifteen
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: twentyfifteenchild
See Source for more details

Its absolutely easy and simple, just follow instruction
1. Just rename theme name with your desire theme name.
2. open your desire theme name and open style.css file, and find theme name and changes with your desire theme name.
3. you can see your desire theme in admin dashboard-> appearance-> themes, just select and activate it.


Whitelabel WordPress Theme

How do I change a WordPress Theme name and keep it changed after an update? I have tried renaming the wp-content/themes/ folder, and the name inside the style.css file as well. However, the theme goes back to its original name after the update.
Perhaps there is a plugin that automatically overwrites the theme name and renames its folder to make it white label?
Steps that I have already done:
wp-content/themes/<renamed theme> - Changed theme name
Changed name inside theme's style.css file
Anything I can do to make the theme name automatically renamed even after the theme's automatic update (have to keep it due to security).
Change the name in the /themes/[renamed theme]/style.css
The line > Theme Name: [change it here]
If you update a theme via the WordPress admin it will overwrite all of its content. If you don't want it to update, try also changing the version to something really high in the style.css.
Version: 99.99
If you still want the renamed theme to update automatically it will always update all files. This can't be avoided.
Why not just use a child theme instead?

How to activate the child theme in Wordpress?

I create a new style.css and use it in child theme. And I create a new folder in wp-content and name it as themename-child and upload the style.css that I created. Now, I go to wp dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes and I look the child theme that I create. And I found this error:
Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
Accesspress Lite The parent theme is missing. Please install the "AccesspressLite" parent theme.
Is there anything that I need to upload? Please help me. I'm new in WordPress. Thank you!
No, the problem here is that you must specify the parent template in commented area of your child style.css
Example from Wordpress Codex
Theme Name: Twenty Fourteen Child
Theme URI:
Description: Twenty Fourteen Child Theme
Author: John Doe
Author URI:
Template: twentyfourteen
Version: 1.0.0
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: twenty-fourteen-child
#import url("../twentyfourteen/style.css");
Line with
Template: twentyfourteen
is what your need. Your parent theme must be in corresponding folder, in this example, themes/twentyfourteen.
Also, in your parent template you must load style.css via get_stylesheet_uri() for child theme to work correctly.
Seems clear to me that you need to install the Parent Theme, which is required for child theme installation...
The parent theme is missing. Please install the "AccesspressLite" parent theme.
The whole purpose of the child theme is that it feeds it's adjustments into the parent theme, so you don't have to adjust parent theme settings.

wordpress child theme not working

i am new to word press now i am working on wordpress child theme. now i am going to creat child theme of " Chulavista " theme.
i just creat a sub directory and creat file with name of style.css
in my style.css just place this code
#charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */
Theme Name: chulavista Child
Theme URI:
Description: Chulavista child Theme
Author: Agilesoft
Version: 1.3
License: GNU General Public License
Template: chulavista
#import url("../chulavista/style.css");
its simple. but when i activate child theme the layout font and header will be change and show recent post, meta, and category in top menu div.
i can't understand this behaviour. because when i activate parent theme it will be correct.
Please help me out of this problem...
Thanks in advance
Your style.css is correct, your problem is something else.
I will assume that you are working on a Linux Environment.
If you want to install custom themes manually copying your theme directly in the wp-content/themes folder, be sure you create a symbolic link for it as well:
sudo ln -s /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/your_theme/ /var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/themes/your_theme
I had the same problem as you and I fixed it by creating the symbolic link. Hope this helps.
The Child theme is an individual theme which relies on the Parent's theme files. When you activate the Child theme, you have to set the Appearance settings for the theme. Similar to what you do while activating another Parent theme.
Note that the layout font might be changing due to the same reason.
Does Chulavista support child themes? If it hasn't been written with child themes in mind, it might not properly support them. e.g. if it uses get_template_directory_uri() instead of get_stylesheet_directory_uri(). Check the functions.php and header.php files in the Chulavista theme to see if that is the case.

Why is style.css breaking my custom Wordpress theme?

I have a clean install of WP 3.0.1, installed through cPanel and have created a directory for my new theme at /wp-content/themes/mytheme.
With an empty directory, the theme does not appear in the theme manager of the WP backend (as expected). If I add any PHP files (e.g. "page.php"), a warning appears in the theme manager that "mytheme" is broken because there is no style.css (again, as expected). But when I add style.css to the directory, the warning disappears and my theme is nowhere to be found in the theme manager. What's going on here?
Inside your style.css file you have to make sure that you are calling the default settings which wordpress will pick up, if you open up the default theme 'twentyten/style.css'
you will see this at the top..
Theme Name: Twenty Ten
Theme URI:
Description: The 2010 theme for WordPress is stylish, bla bla bla
Author: the WordPress team
Version: 1.1
Tags: black, blue, white, two-columns, fixed-width, etc..etc..etc..
this has all the information wordpress needs inorder to include that theme in your appearence section.
once you have this inside your 'Mytheme' folder it will show up in the theme section, if you create a small png file called 'screenshot.png' add this inside your MyTheme folder, this will show up as the thumbnail for that theme... again look inside the twentyten folder and see how the files are arranged, this will give you a better understanding of how wordpress themes are built...
best thing to do while creating a new theme from scratch is possibly creating a copy of the twentyten folder and edit out all the un-required elements..
that gives you a good building block to work against.
or if you want there are a few themes out their which are naked themes, meaning they have the bearbones of what a theme needs then you can built upon..

Is the syntax for the Wordpress style.css template element available anywhere?

I've recently embarked upon the grand voyage of Wordpress theming and I've been reading through the Wordpress documentation for how to write a theme. One thing I came across here was that the style.css file must contain a specific header in order to be used by the Wordpress engine. They give a brief example but I haven't been able to turn up any formal description of what must be in the style.css header portion. Does this exist on the Wordpress site? If it doesn't could we perhaps describe it here?
Based on
The following is an example of the first few lines of the stylesheet, called the style sheet header, for the Theme "Rose":
Theme Name: Rose
Theme URI: the-theme's-homepage
Description: a-brief-description
Author: your-name
Author URI: your-URI
Template: use-this-to-define-a-parent-theme--optional
Version: a-number--optional
Tags: a-comma-delimited-list--optional
General comments/License Statement if any.
The simplest Theme includes only a style.css file, plus images if any. To create such a Theme, you must specify a set of templates to inherit for use with the Theme by editing the Template: line in the style.css header comments. For example, if you wanted the Theme "Rose" to inherit the templates from another Theme called "test", you would include Template: test in the comments at the beginning of Rose's style.css. Now "test" is the parent Theme for "Rose", which still consists only of a style.css file and the concomitant images, all located in the directory wp-content/themes/Rose. (Note that specifying a parent Theme will inherit all of the template files from that Theme — meaning that any template files in the child Theme's directory will be ignored.)
The comment header lines in style.css are required for WordPress to be able to identify a Theme and display it in the Administration Panel under Design > Themes as an available Theme option along with any other installed Themes.
The Theme Name, Version, Author, and Author URI fields are parsed by WordPress and used to display that data in the Current Theme area on the top line of the current theme information, where the Author's Name is hyperlinked to the Author URI. The Description and Tag fields are parsed and displayed in the body of the theme's information, and if the theme has a parent theme, that information is placed in the information body as well. In the Available Themes section, only the Theme Name, Description, and Tags fields are used.
None of these fields have any restrictions - all are parsed as strings. In addition, none of them are required in the code, though in practice the fields not marked as optional in the list above are all used to provide contextual information to the WordPress administrator and should be included for all themes.
You are probably thinking about this:
THEME NAME: Parallax
AUTHOR: Martin Jacobsen
If I'm not way off, Wordpress uses this info to display in the "Activate Design" dialog in the admin backend.
