Reduce columns of a matrix by a function in R - r

I have a matrix sort of like:
data <- round(runif(30)*10)
dimnames <- list(c("1","2","3","4","5"),c("1","2","3","2","3","2"))
values <- matrix(data, ncol=6, dimnames=dimnames)
# 1 2 3 2 3 2
# 1 5 4 9 6 7 8
# 2 6 9 9 1 2 5
# 3 1 2 5 3 10 1
# 4 6 5 1 8 6 4
# 5 6 4 5 9 4 4
Some of the column names are the same. I want to essentially reduce the columns in this matrix by taking the min of all values in the same row where the columns have the same name. For this particular matrix, the result would look like this:
# 1 2 3
# 1 5 4 7
# 2 6 1 2
# 3 1 1 5
# 4 6 4 1
# 5 6 4 4
The actual data set I'm using here has around 50,000 columns and 4,500 rows. None of the values are missing and the result will have around 40,000 columns. The way I tried to solve this was by melting the data then using group_by from dplyr before reshaping back to a matrix. The problem is that it takes forever to generate the data frame from the melt and I'd like to be able to iterate faster.

We can use rowMins from library(matrixStats)
res <- vapply(split(1:ncol(values), colnames(values)),
function(i) rowMins(values[,i,drop=FALSE]), rep(0, nrow(values)))
# 1 2 3
#[1,] 5 4 7
#[2,] 6 1 2
#[3,] 1 1 5
#[4,] 6 4 1
#[5,] 6 4 4
row.names(res) <- row.names(values)


Order data frame by column and display WITH indices

I have the following R data frame
> df
1 3
3 2
4 1
5 3
6 6
7 7
8 2
10 8
I order it by the a column with the order function df[ order(df), ]:
[1] 1 2 2 3 3 6 7 8
This is the result I want, BUT, how can list the whole data frame with the permuted indices?
The only thing that works is the following, but it seems sloppy and I don't really understand what it does:
> df[ order(df), c(1,1) ] # I want this but without the a.1 column!!!!
a a.1
4 1 1
3 2 2
8 2 2
1 3 3
5 3 3
6 6 6
7 7 7
10 8 8
If we need the indices as well, use sort with index.return = TRUE
data.frame(sort(df$a, index.return=TRUE))

repeat sequences from vector

Say I have a vector like so:
vector <- 1:9
#$ [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I now want to repeat every i to i+x sequence n times, like so for x=3, and n=2:
#$ [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9
I'm accomplishing this like so:
index <- NULL
x <- 3
n <- 2
for (i in 1:(length(vector)/3)) {
index <- c(index, rep(c(1:x + (i-1)*x), n))
#$ [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9
This works just fine, but I have a hunch there's got to be a better way (especially since usually, a for loop is not the answer).
Ps.: the use case for this is actually repeating rows in a dataframe, but just getting the index vector would be fine.
You can try to first split the vector, then use rep and unlist:
x <- 3 # this is the length of each subset sequence from i to i+x (see above)
n <- 2 # this is how many times you want to repeat each subset sequence
unlist(lapply(split(vector, rep(1:(length(vector)/x), each = x)), rep, n), use.names = FALSE)
# [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9
Or, you can try creating a matrix and converting it to a vector:
c(, replicate(n, matrix(vector, ncol = x), FALSE)))
# [1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9

Rearranging the columns of a data frame [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Splitting triplicates into duplicates
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Given a data frame, I'd like to rearrange it and return another data frame of 2 columns. The 2 columns of this data frame are made up of any 2 elements of a row in the original data frame. So we will have C(ncol,2) * nrow number of rows in the second data frame. Here's an example. Given the data frame z, I'd like to return x. How can I do this?
> z = data.frame(A = c(1,2,3), B = c(4,5,6), C = c(7,8,9))
> z
1 1 4 7
2 2 5 8
3 3 6 9
> x
1 1 4
2 1 7
3 4 7
4 2 5
5 2 8
6 5 8
7 3 6
8 3 9
9 6 9
Or, you could try:
matrix(apply(z, 1, combn,2), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 1 4
#[2,] 1 7
#[3,] 4 7
#[4,] 2 5
#[5,] 2 8
#[6,] 5 8
#[7,] 3 6
#[8,] 3 9
#[9,] 6 9
To get data.frame as output
setNames(, 1, combn,2), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)), LETTERS[1:2])
Something like this would work
newz <- setNames(, lapply(split(z, 1:nrow(z)), function(x)
# A B
# 1.1 1 4
# 1.2 1 7
# 1.3 4 7
# 2.1 2 5
# 2.2 2 8
# 2.3 5 8
# 3.1 3 6
# 3.2 3 9
# 3.3 6 9
This generates the new rows using all combinations if the columns via combn(). If you hate the default rownames, you can get rid of them with
# A B
# 1 1 4
# 2 1 7
# 3 4 7
# 4 2 5
# 5 2 8
# 6 5 8
# 7 3 6
# 8 3 9
# 9 6 9

Separate unique and duplicate entries in dataframe based off id

I have a dataframe with an id variable, which may be duplicated. I want to split this into two dataframes, one which contains only the entries where the id's are duplicated, the other which shows only the id's which are unique. What is the best way of doing this?
For example, say I had the data frame:
dataDF <- data.frame(id = c(1,1,2,3,4,4,5,6),
a = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),
b = c(8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1))
i.e. the following
id a b
1 1 1 8
2 1 2 7
3 2 3 6
4 3 4 5
5 4 5 4
6 4 6 3
7 5 7 2
8 6 8 1
I want to get the following dataframes:
id a b
1 1 1 8
2 1 2 7
5 4 5 4
6 4 6 3
id a b
3 2 3 6
4 3 4 5
7 5 7 2
8 6 8 1
I am currently doing this as follows
dupeIds <- unique(subset(dataDF, duplicated(dataDF$id))$id)
uniqueDF <- subset(dataDF, !id %in% dupeIds)
dupeDF <- subset(dataDF, id %in% dupeIds)
which seems to work but it seems a bit off to subset three times, is there a simpler way of doing this? Thanks
Use duplicated twice, once top down, and once bottom up, and then use split to get it all in a list, like this:
split(dataDF, duplicated(dataDF$id) | duplicated(dataDF$id, fromLast = TRUE))
# $`FALSE`
# id a b
# 3 2 3 6
# 4 3 4 5
# 7 5 7 2
# 8 6 8 1
# $`TRUE`
# id a b
# 1 1 1 8
# 2 1 2 7
# 5 4 5 4
# 6 4 6 3
If you need to split this out into separate data.frames in your workspace (not sure why you would need to do that), assign names to the list items (eg names(mylist) <- c("nodupe", "dupe")) and then use list2env.

R: create a data frame out of a rolling window

Lets say I have a data frame with the following structure:
DF <- data.frame(x = 0:4, y = 5:9)
> DF
x y
1 0 5
2 1 6
3 2 7
4 3 8
5 4 9
what is the most efficient way to turn 'DF' into a data frame with the following structure:
w x y
1 0 5
1 1 6
2 1 6
2 2 7
3 2 7
3 3 8
4 3 8
4 4 9
Where w is a length 2 window rolling through the dataframe 'DF.' The length of the window should be arbitrary, i.e a length of 3 yields
w x y
1 0 5
1 1 6
1 2 7
2 1 6
2 2 7
2 3 8
3 2 7
3 3 8
3 4 9
I am a bit stumped by this problem, because the data frame can also contain an arbitrary number of columns, i.e. w,x,y,z etc.
/edit 2: I've realized edit 1 is a bit unreasonable, as xts doesn't seem to deal with multiple observations per data point
My approach would be to use the embed function. The first thing to do is to create a rolling sequence of indices into a vector. Take a data-frame:
df <- data.frame(x = 0:4, y = 5:9)
nr <- nrow(df)
w <- 3 # window size
i <- 1:nr # indices of the rows
iw <- embed(i,w)[, w:1] # matrix of rolling-window indices of length w
> iw
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 2 3
[2,] 2 3 4
[3,] 3 4 5
wnum <- rep(1:nrow(iw),each=w) # window number
inds <- i[c(t(iw))] # the indices flattened, to use below
dfw <- sapply(df, '[', inds)
dfw <- transform(data.frame(dfw), w = wnum)
> dfw
x y w
1 0 5 1
2 1 6 1
3 2 7 1
4 1 6 2
5 2 7 2
6 3 8 2
7 2 7 3
8 3 8 3
9 4 9 3
