how to consume non-persistent MBO from maximo anywhere - maximo-anywhere

How can we consume non-persistent MBO from maximo anywhere app. I have a requirement to add/remove non-persistent mbo. I have done persistent mbo , is it same approach here also or different.Please share sample also

You should be able to consume Non-Persistent MBOs through the OSLC layer, depending on your Maximo level (this was added in relatively recent versions of Maximo).
However for non-persistent attributes and objects, you have to explicitly "Include" them in the Include/Exclude fields dialog inside the Object structures application.
Make sure that you can export or import these Non-persistent fields through the OSLC layer directly before attempting to use them in Maximo Anywhere. Maximo Anywhere will consider them to be server-side/persistent attributes, and will not be aware that under the covers, the Maximo OSLC layer has implemented them as non-persistent attributes.


Asynchronous Database Access Layer in PureMVC

I'm trying to refactor an existing project into PureMVC. This is an Adobe AIR desktop app taking advantage of the SQLite library included with AIR and building upon it with a few other libraries:
Paul Robertson's excellent async SQLRunner
promise-as3 implementation of asynchronous promises
websql-js documentation for good measure
I made my current implementation of the database similar to websql-js's promise based SQL access layer and it works pretty well, however I am struggling to see how it can work in PureMVC.
Currently, I have my VOs that will be paired with DAOs (data access objects) for database access. Where I'm stuck is how to track the dbFile and sqlRunner instances across the entire program. The DAOs will need to know about the sqlRunner, or at the very least, the dbFile. Should the sqlRunner be treated as singleton-esque? Or created for every database query?
Finally, how do I expose the dbFile or sqlRunner to the DAOs? In my head right now I see keeping these in a DatabaseProxy that would be exposed to other proxies, and instantiate DAOs when needed. What about a DAO factory pattern?
I'm very new to PureMVC but I really like the structure and separation of roles. Please don't hesitate to tell me if this implementation simply will not work.
Typically in PureMVC you would use a Proxy to fetch remote data and populate the VOs used by your View, so in that respect your proposed architecture sounds fine.
DAOs are not a pattern I've ever seen used in conjunction with PureMVC (which is not to say that nobody does or should). However, if I was setting out to write a crud application in PureMVC, I would probably think in terms of a Proxy (or proxies) to read information from the database, and Commands to write it back.

Why use facade pattern in EJB?

I've read through this article trying to understand why you want a session bean in between the client and entity bean. Is it because by letting the client access entity bean directly you would let the client know exactly all about the database?
So by having middleman (the session bean) you would only let the client know part of the database by implementing the business logic in some certain way. So only part of the database which is relevant to the client is only visible. Possibly also increase the security.
Is the above statement true?
Avoiding tight coupling between the client & the business objects, increasing manageability.
Reducing fine-grained method invocations, leads to minimize method invocation calls over the network, providing coarse-grained access to clients.
Can have centralized security & transaction constraints.
Greater flexibility & ability to cope with changes.
Exposing only required & providing simpler interface to the clients, hiding the underlying complexity and inner details, interdependencies between business components.
The article you cite is COMPLETELY out of date. Check the date, it's from 2002.
There is no such thing anymore as an entity bean in EJB (they are currently retained for backwards compatibility, but are on the verge of being purged completely). Entity beans where awkward things; a model object (e.g. Person) that lives completely in the container and where access to every property of it (e.g. getName, getAge) required a remote container call.
In this time and age, we have JPA entities that are POJOs and contain only data. Don't confuse a JPA entity with this ancient EJB entity bean. They sound similar but are completely different things. JPA entities can be safely send to a (remote) client. If you are really concerned that the names used in your entity reveal your DB structure, you could use XML mapping files instead of annotations and use completely different names.
That said, session beans can still perfectly be used to implement the Facade pattern if that's needed. This pattern is indeed used to give clients a simplified and often restricted view of your system. It's just that the idea of using session beans as a Facade for entity beans is completely outdated.
It is to simplify the work of the client. The Facade presents a simple interface and hides the complexity of the model from the client. It also makes it possible for the model to change without affecting the client, as long as the facade does not change its interface.
It decouples application logic with the business logic.
So the actual data structures and implementation can change without breaking existing code utilizing the APIs.
Of course it hides the data structure from "unknown" applications if you expose your beans to external networks

Mixing VB6 "legacy code" and a web application

I'm working on a new website, written in VB.Net using ASP.NET MVC2, there is a need to call "legacy" VB6 code for various complex bits of business logic. The VB6 is a framework consisting of many dlls and is very stateful, we are pretty much emulating how the framework is used in our client application, ie the application runs (lots of state setup), a user logs on (even more state) and then loads a file (even more state).
I've been provided with a "web service interface framework" to get this up and running for use in the web app, this "web framework" hides the legacy code behind a thin layer running under IIS. The idea being that thread pooling provided by IIS will reduce memory use etc etc. I can't help but believe that the guy who provided this has missed the point, since each instance is so stateful there is no way that a thread pool can work, since once a user logs on using one particular object from the pool, no other object will be capable of servicing that client (since it wont have the state)! Also, adding a web service interface and associated SOAP marshalling is a huge overhead compared to calling the objects directly.
The only way I can think of doing this is either a single legacy interface instance which is used by all clients and blocked by each call until it completes, or a thread per client with each legacy interface object being created in a new thread and living for the life of the client.
None of these is ideal but with the amount of code in question and the prolonged migration programme to .net (2+ years and still stateful) I can't think of an alternative. We run the original client app in a citrix environment for some customers so I expect that it could also run ok with thread per client given a beefy enough server and that the overheads of the framework itself should be lower than when the client app is involved.
Any ideas??
I suggest that you take a look at this framework Visual WebGui. I am an employee with this company and therefore wouldn’t sound objective but I believe Visual WebGui had solved some of the major issues with scaling statefull applications and turning single user environment into multi user environment. Worth a look.
Here's an option but it won't be pretty.
It sounds like you need to associate a long lived object (the stateful object to your backend tier) with individual users.
You could store this object in Application state and associate it with the users Session state with a key. You'd need to provide a wrapper to keep track of them all. When the session dies you could capture the event and destroy the backend object.
Application state is a key/value store just like Session. You can access through HttpContext.Application
The big downfall to this is that the objects you put in there stick around until you destroy them so your wrapper and session destroying code need to be spot on. Other than that this might be a quick way to get up and running.
Like I said, it won't be optimal, but it'll probably work.
More info on implications:
You could also make this work in a web farm environment. Store the information needed to recreate your stateful legacy object in Session state which can be shared between the machines using the built in SQL Provider. If a user bounces to a server where the object doesn't exist your Application state wrapper can just recreate it from the Session state info.
This just leaves how to clean up the stateful object on servers where it isn't needed. In your retrieval wrapper update a hashtable or something with the access time each time the given stateful object is accessed. Have a periodic cleanup routine in th wrapper detroy the stateful objects that haven't been accessed since a little more than the session timeout value of your web app.

Object integrity and caching in a stateful client

I'm wondering what strategies exist to handle object integrity in a stateful client like a Flex or Silverlight app.
What I mean is the following: consider an application where you have a Group and a Member entity. Groups contain multiple members and members can belong to multiple groups. A view lists the different groups, which are lazy loaded (no members initially). When requesting the details of the group, all members are loaded and cached so the next time we don"t need to invoke a service to fetch the details and members of the group.
Now, when we request the details of another group that has the same member of a group that was already loaded, would we care about the fact that the member is already in memory?
If we don't, I can see a potential data conflict when we edit the member (referenced in the first group) and changes are not applied to the other member instance. So to solve this, we could check the result of the service call (that gets the group details) for members that are already loaded and then replace the loaded ones with the cached ones.
Any tips, ideas or experiences to share?
What you are describing is something that is usually solved by a "first-level cache" (in Hibernate, the "Session"; in JPA, the "EntityManager") which ensures that only one instance of a particular entity exists in a particular context. As you suggest, this could be applied to objects as they are fetched from the server to ensure that all references to a particular entity are in fact references to the same object instance. You would also need a mechanism to ensure that entities created inside the AVM exist in that same context so they have similar logic applied to them.
The Granite Data Services project has a project called "Tide" which aims to solve this problem:
As far as DDD goes, it's important not to design the backend as a simple data access API, such as simply exposing a set of DAOs or Repositories. The client application cannot be trusted and in fact is very easy to manipulate with a debugging proxy such as Charles. I always design a services API that is tailored to the UI (so that data for a screen can be fetched in a single call) and has necessary security or validation logic enforced, often using annotations and Spring AOP.
What I would do is create a client side application service which does the caching and servicing of requests for data. This would handle whether an object already exists in the cache. If you are using DDD then you'll need to decide what is going to be your aggregate root entity. Group or Member. You can't have both control each other. There needs to be one point for managing loading etc. Check out this video on DDD at the Canadian ALT.NET OpenSpaces.

DDD and Client/Server apps

I was wondering if any of you had successfully implemented DDD in a Client/Server app and would like to share some experiences.
We are currently working on a smart client in Flex and a backend in Java. On the server we have a service layer exposed to the client that offers CRUD operations amongst some other service methods. I understand that in DDD these services should be repositories and services should be used to handle use cases that do not fit inside a repository. Right now, we mimic these services on the client behind an interface and inject implementations (Webservices, RMI, etc) via an IoC container.
So some questions arise:
should the server expose repositories to the client or do we need to have some sort of a facade (that is able to handle security for instance)
should the client implement repositories (and DDD in general?) knowing that in the client, most of the logic is view related and real business logic lives on the server. All communication with the server happens asynchronously and we have a single threaded programming model on the client.
how about mapping client to server objects and vice versa? We tried DTO's but reverted back to exposing the state of our objects and mapping directly to them. I know this is considered bad practice, but it saves us an incredible amount of time)
In general I think a new generation of applications is coming with the growth of Flex, Silverlight, JavaFX and I'm curious how DDD fits into this.
I would not expose repositories directly to the client. The first big problem as you mention is security: you can't trust the client, so you cannot expose your data access API to potentially hostile clients.
Wrap your repositories with services on the server and create a thin delegate layer in the client that handles the remote communication.
Exposing your Entities is not necessarily a bad practice it's just that it becomes problematic when you start to factor in things like lazy loading, sending data over the wire the client doesn't need, etc. If you write a DTO class which wraps one or more entities and delegates get/set calls you can actually build up a DTO layer pretty quickly, especially using code generation available in most IDEs.
The key to all of this is that a set of patterns should really only apply to a part of your application, not to the whole thing. The fact that you have rich logic in your domain model and use repositories for data access as part of DDD should not influence the client in any way. Conceptually the RIAs that I build have three layers:
Client uses something like MVC, MVP or MVVM to present the UI. The Model layer eventually calls into...
What I might call the "Integration Layer." This is a contract of services and data objects that exist on both the client and server to allow the two to coordinate. Usually the UI design drives this layer so that (A) only the data that the client needs is passed to it and (B) data access can be coarse-grained, i.e. "make one method call for all the state needed for this set of UI.
Server using whatever it wants to handle business logic and data access. This might be DDD or something a little more old school, like a data layer built using stored procs in the DB and a lot of "ResultSet" or "DataTable" objects.
The point really is that the client and server are both very different animals and they need to vary independently. In order to do so, you need a layer inbetween that is a fair compromise between the needs of the UI and the reality of how things might need to be on the server.
The one big advantage that Silverlight/WPF and JavaFX have over Flex + anything is that you can use a lot of logic in the first two because you have the same VM on both sides of the app. Flex is the best UI technology hands down but it lacks a server component where code could be shared and re-used more effectively.
