Oracle Installer:[INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements - oracle11g

I am trying to install Oracle 11G R2 in windows 64-bit. But getting the below error
Oracle Installer:[INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements
What is the solution?

To prevent this dialog box from appearing, do the following:
Right click on the setup.exe for the Oracle 11g 32-bit client, and
select Properties.
Select the Compatibility tab, and set the Compatibility mode to
Windows 7. Click OK to close the Properties tab.
Double click setup.exe to install the client.

After downloading the two zip files related to Oracle 11G R2.
Create a folder in some directory (For say "Oracle_11G_R2").
Extract both zip files into the same folder "Oracle_11G_R2".
And run setup.exe file present inside /database/setup.exe.
It should run correctly now.

It could be related with your Java version. Go ahead and download the Database version which includes Java.
However, if you are configuring a local development workstation I recommend you to download the Express Edition.
Here is the link:
or google this: OracleXE112_Win64
Good luck!

None of the other answers worked for me.
Make sure both unzipped files are in same folder, but also right click on setup.exe, select properties, compatibility, and then put a checkmark in "Run this program in compatibility mode for..." and select Windows 7.
I successfully launched the installer without the error message on Windows 10 for the 32-bit version of Oracle 11g release 2.

$ yum -y install comapt-libstdc* libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libbaio-devel glib-devel glibc-headers glib-common kernel-header
$ yum -y install compat-libcap1 gcc gcc-c++ ksh compat-libstdc++-33 libaio-devel

its awful oracle installer:
I got it as I used MY_PC as NETBIOS name instead of MYPC (Underscore is bad for it..)
Can be an historical reason.. but message is obscure.

i was also getting this error, remove oracle folder from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
Also remove all component of oracle other version (which you had already in your system).
Go to services and remove all oracle component and delete old client from

To make #Raghavendra's answer more specific:
Once you've downloaded 2 zip files,
copy ALL the contents of " -> Database -> Stage -> Components" folder to
" -> Database -> Stage -> Components" folder.
You'll still get the same warning, however, the installation will run completely without generating any errors.


A product matching the following parameters cannot be found during VS Installation

I've tried all the solution available at StackOverflow and VS developer community but I'm unable to resolve the error saying.
A product matching the following parameters cannot be found:
channelId: VisualStudio.15.Release
productId: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Community
Here are the solutions that I've tried.
tried deleting the VS folder in Program Files
tried running InstallCleanup.exe -i with cmd (as administrator)
tried running InstallCleanup.exe -f with cmd (as administrator)
tried deleting VS packages from Program Data
tried installing with new and old both packages
I had this problem and was able to solve with following steps
Open a command prompt with admin privileges
Run following command (this will clean up previous install cache. -full option is important)
"%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe" -full
Restart the installer
Hope this helps. Just to add, I did not have to uninstall VS 2015 for this to work.
Follow these steps and your issue will be resolved:
Please navigate to C:\Program Files x86 and search for a Microsoft Visual Studio folder. Then right click and delete that folder.
Then remove only Visual Studio folders from these 2 locations, if they are there:
Lastly, please type regedit in the lower left search field to access the registry editor... Once it's open navigate to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE > SOFTWARE > MICROSOFT and check for a Visual Studio folder there. If you see one there, right click and delete the folder.
Before you attempt your installation again, make certain you are following these guidelines below:
Make sure your Windows is up-to-date, check for any pending Windows Updates.
Disable any anti-virus/firewall temporarily (this includes Windows Defender). Installer needs unblocked access to the internet to access Microsoft Servers.
Clean up the (C:\Windows\Temp) folder.
When launching the Installer, Right Click and select "Run as Admin"
Overlooking the above steps results in most installations failures.
For people looking for solutions to VS2019 issue, The InstallCleanup.exe is under "Installer" directory instead of its subdir.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe" -full

RStudio: how to set the Git executable in Windows 7?

I'm using Windows 7 Enterprise on a work laptop.
I downloaded the GitHub Desktop app from the GitHub site ( and installed it. I read somewhere that the GitHub Desktop app automatically installs Git. I verified version control is working OK using both the GitHub Desktop app and also using the command line in shell.
But now I want to use Git with my RStudio app. SO I went to Tools | Global Options, clicked on the Git/SVN item on the left panel. The second item in the dialog asks for "Git executable". I looked in all the usual places like:
C:\Program Files
but cannot see where the Git executable is. Do you have any suggestions?
Look deeper into your AppData\Local\GitHub folder. I found mine in AppData\Local\GitHub\Portable_Git_XXXXXX\bin\git.exe where XXXX is a string of 32 characters or so.

Error when installing Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.0 in Visual Studio 2013

I installed Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio 2013 CTP 2.0. I then updated VS2013 to update 4. Now I can't upgrade MDHA to 3.0 because it tells me to uninstall 2.0 first, however the uninstaller doesn't work. When trying to uninstall 2.0 from Programs and Features, it just goes through the setup and then doesn't remove the software from the Add/Remove list.
I tried following this however it doesn't work:
I ended up discovering that the package GUID in the the KB article is wrong. I used this to uninstall the 2.0, then I could install 3.0. The package ID may vary so you may need to search the directory for vs2013mda_0.1.exe and replace the command with your package location.
"%ProgramData%\Package Cache\{38f367f1-1468-4f16-a4c4-29747084003b}\vs2013mda_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763};vsupdate_KB2829760
Also,be prepared to wait. This takes a long time.
Thank you TechnoTim, the problem is that, every people has its own package GUID.
To solve the problem, you must lunch the command from the root directory, c:\, changing the package GUID with your package GUID.
In my system:
C:\>"%ProgramData%\Package Cache\{dea88246-f74a-4171-ad6c-d9c978bf2973}\vs2013md
a_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43
To find the right package GUID I go to C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\ and search for
vs2013mda_0.1.exe and save the path in the block note, then change in path in the orignal command and lunch it from the root directory c:\, and its work.
Sorry fom my english.
"You cannot install Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.0 in Visual Studio 2013"
To resolve this issue, follow these steps to uninstall Multi-Device Hybrid Apps for Visual Studio CTP 2.0
Open a command prompt as an administrator.
Run the following command: "%ProgramData%\Package Cache{dea88246-f74a-4171-ad6c-d9c978bf2973}\vs2013mda_0.1.exe" /uninstall /passive /force /burn.ignoredependencies={53d408db-eb91-43fb-9d8f-167681c19763};vsupdate_KB2829760
Run vs2013mda_0.3.exe again for Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP 3.0.
The above worked when installing update 4, please see:
I solved this problem by another way.
I have tried to uninstall from command line, but no one of paths don't exists on my computer.
And I simply created another user with administrator permissions and installed new apache cordova tools from that user.
In my situation it correctly works running by new created user and old user.
Sorry for my horrible English.

MariaDB on Windows - what is this error when trying to start the database engine?

I am asking this question as an offshoot myself and another SO had from this other MariaDB question:
MariaDB on Windows - getting started help?
When I install MariaDB (v5.2.4), open the command window, navigate to the folder where the files are installed, and type in the following to start the database:
net start mysql
I get the following error:
the service name is invalid
I didn't do anything complex, just ran the installation and tried to get started.
Any ideas?
The error basically tells that installer did not create the service (it currently does not create services), thus you'll need to do it yourself.
start elevated command line
switch to directory of your MariaDB installation (C:\Program Files\MariaDB 5.2.4, something like that)
bin\mysqld --install
and only then
net start mysql
Assuming that there is nothing that runs on port 3306, this will stat.
Alas, the server you will create this way would not be optimized at all.
It is better to create a configuration file my.ini (take a look at MySQL docs and .ini files in the installation directory for examples), and put with performance -related stuff here (innodb bufferpool size etc). With config file, you'll need a different command line to register service (step 3 above):
bin\mysqld --install MySQL --defaults-file=path\to\my.ini
Installer for 5.2.4 is basic indeed. It is being reworked though, new one is going to be better usable.
I installed MariaDB that comes with XAMPP on Windows 10. You will see only mysql in the XAMPP Control Panel. However, if you click Shell on the control panel you can access MariaDB monitor and MariaDB.
Here are some notes:

Where to get this Java.exe file for a SQL Developer installation

I just installed Oracle 11g, and tried to start Oracle SQL developer so as to start writing queries.
It is asking me:
Enter the full pathname for the java.exe file .
Where do I find this? I did a global search for java.exe and am sure did not get some Oracle related pdf files. Also my Oracle is installed out of users/vas.
I found my java.exe that worked for SQL Developer at C:\ORACLE11G\product\11.2.0\client_1\jdk\bin where C:\ORACLE11G is my Oracle Home. The client that I have installed is 11.2.0.
Hope this helps.
I encountered the following message repeatedly when trying to start SQL Developer from my installation of Oracle Database 11g Enterprise: Enter the full pathname for java.exe.
No matter how many times I browsed to the correct path, I kept being presented with the exact same dialog box. This was in Windows 7, and the solution was to right-click on the SQL Developer icon and select "Run as administrator". I then used this path: C:\app\shellperson\product\11.1.0\db_1\jdk\jre\bin\java.exe
You need to install JAVA SDK
and give the path upto bin directory which contains the java.exe file.
example - c:/programfiles/java/jdk/bin
Hhere is what what I did to fix it:
Make sure JDK is installed (Not JRE).
Make sure Oracle is installed
Open the file ..\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldevloper.conf and add the following line to set jdk path:
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Oracle\11g\product\11.1.0\client_1\jdk
If it dont allow you to save the file, copy whole sqldeveloper folder to a different location where you have write access to modify this file.
Run sqldeveloper.exe (from the new place if you moved the folder out from oracle folders) as administrator and enter the jdk path that comes with your oracle installation: e.g. C:\Program Files\Oracle\11g\product\11.1.0\client_1\jdk\bin
You have to give the path to jdk ...typically C:\Program Files\Java..
Still if it is asking you for the path then
Check this
Please provide full path >
In mines case it was E:\app\ankitmittal01\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk\bin\java.exe
From :
In a virtual machine of WinXP.
My "java.exe" was in the Oracle11g folder, under the path "C:\Oracle11g\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk\bin\java.exe".
Hope it helps!!
If you have Java installed, java.exe will be in the bin directory. If you can't find it, download and install Java, then use the install path + "\bin".
If you don't want to install Java or you just want to get started writing queries quickly, then use SQL*Plus, which is the command line too.
It's not pretty, but will get you started quickly and there is Oracle documentation on it.
you can enter the jdk path required as th full path for java.exe in sql developer for oracle 11g.
I found the jdk at the following path in my system.
Use any JDK installation as long as it is NOT 64bit.
The easiest way to find out if it is 64bit installation is to check the folder it resides into.
C:\Program Files\... is for 64 bit programs
C:\Program Files (x86)\... is for 32 bit programs
You must install the latest Java SE Development Kit (note not the Java SE Runtime Environment ) and provide the path ex C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_41
you should browse to where java installed, then go to bin directory which contains the java.exe file.
example - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin\java.exe
but you should run your SQL Developer as Administrator
If you are asked to enter the full pathname for the JDK, click Browse and find it. For example, on a Windows system the path might have a name similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51.
