meld - GLib-GIO-ERROR**: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system - unix

I have installed meld 3.14.2, at last (on NFS share in Redhat 6.3 server), after nearly 40 hours of efforts , installing each and every dependency and at last seems to be successful. But one finale error needs to be solved:
(meld:20703): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
There was answer here: GLib-GIO-ERROR**: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
I am not aware of these jargons before. So, please explain in detail what to do.
Do I need to set the variable $XDG_DATA_DIR or not? And if, why and what should be the value?
And I can find that the compiled file is already located in MyApp/share/glib-2.0/schemas.
However, I have also tried the following, even though the compiled schema is already there:
glib-complile-schemas <PATH_TO_SCHEMAS> --targetdir=MyApp/share/glib-2.0/schemas
But still I am getting the error. I have tried the variable too by setting it to MyApp and MyApp/share/glib-2.0/schemas. That too doesn't work.
I have also tried reinstalling gsettings-desktop-config. Still error. In my case, it's 3.12 version.
So, what's going on here?? Please explain. I have been sleepless. :(
Thanks you!
And also for your information, I have installed all the dependencies GTK+,ATK,CAIRO,PANGO etc... under the same installation directory with prefix=<base>/meld/deps.
meld binaries resides as follows: <base>/meld/bin/
cairo binaries are installed as follows: <base>/meld/deps/bin/
atk binaries are installed as follows: <base>/meld/deps/bin/
Similarly, you can think of other dependencies

Well I am unsure why you are installing it to its own prefix... but just setting GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to the full path to the schema dir should work.


Setting up Yocto on my Ubuntu (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS/bionic) with error "ImportError: No module named '_sqlite3'"

my first posting on setting up Yocto development environment
on my Ubuntu system (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS/bionic), based on the information enclosed in the document from
this web link (
All is well until... ~/poky/build$ bitbake core-image-sato
which results in this error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/sqlite3/", line 27, in <module>
from _sqlite3 import *
ImportError: No module named '_sqlite3'
Below is my effort to proceed past this error, which didn't resolve the
error above. Please be generous and provide some guidance. I searched for
relevant posting locations; any advice on a better place is appreciated.
Thank you.
A web search on this error () results in:
How to Use SQLite in Ubuntu |
~/poky/build$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
which tells me this:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libsqlite3-dev is already the newest version (3.22.0-1ubuntu0.1).
sqlite3 is already the newest version (3.22.0-1ubuntu0.1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
linux-headers-5.0.0-23 linux-headers-5.0.0-23-generic linux-image-5.0.0-23-generic linux-modules-5.0.0-23-generic
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
So, evidently sqlite3 exists on my system. Here are the SO references that I checked:
[ImportError: No module named '_sqlite3' in python3.3][1]
[importerror no module named '_sqlite3' python3.4][2]
[ImportError: No module named _sqlite3 (even after doing eveything)][3]
[ImportError: No module named _sqlite3][4]
I have just kicked off a build verifying the Brief-Quickstart steps verbatim on an otherwise fresh Ubuntu 18.04 install. There is not even SQLite installed at all, yet the build proceeds nicely. So the chances are pretty high the python installation in your development host is busted in some way or the other. Yet, there might be reasons for it:
you maybe selected python 3.5 explicitly because some other thing you did requires it
you maybe selected python 3.5 implicitly because you forwarded from on old installation, installed something that depended on it, or similar.
In any case, I'd guess that now tinkering with the link might break things somewhere else on your machine, which should be avoided IMHO.
So what are your options now? My advice would be to start building in a container, in the simplest for that requires no more than installing docker and kicking off docker run -it ubuntu:bionic /bin/bash - at least to verify things are generally working.
In the longer term you might want to make a specialized container for this with one or two additions:
1) have all the needed packages set up already
2) using a standard user instead of root.
This is the way I do things personally. An alternative would be to use the prepared things by CROPS as it is a known good solution, and it significantly reduces problems originating from host system pecularities.

Codelite compiling issues (mingw32-make.exe *** [ALL] Error 2)

I'm having serious issues with Codelight. It has been working for days now, maybe even weeks but after today when I took my project to school to work on it there something happened. My workspace is in a onedrive folder so that I can work on it wherever I am. I have reinstalled codelight and reinstalled MinGW and set it up according to my school's instructions but right now I can't build anything at all (see attached image). I have been looking at other threads but none of them have helped so far. Error
What do you think happened?
Edit: I seem to have fixed the issue. When you let codelite search for a compiler, as it does the first time you launch it, you mess up the directories of things completely. So for example the directory for the C compiler should be $(CodeLiteDir)/tools/gcc-arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe instead of C:\MinGW or wherever it may be installed. Also, we use a patched version of codelite with 'added debugging support' for the md407 so you really don't want to update codelite. There were more issues, for example the C compiler options for my project, so when I built the project it complained about all sorts of things and the cursor wouldn't show up so debugging was impossible, but I managed to fix that too.
In conclusion: this was not fun to fix and codelite is sensitive.
I use Dev-C++ I got similiar 'Mingw32-make.exe' errors. When installing Mingw you will notice there is another directory 'c:\Mingw32\MSYS\1.0\bin'. Within MSYS this directory is global and it has some very important binary files like its own 'make.exe' file. 'Mingw32-make.exe' uses files from this directory. Because the IDE will not know about this directory you will need to include this in your system/environment path because outside of MSYS this directory is not global and 'ming32-make.exe' will not be able to access those binary files.
Regardless of your compiler if your 'make' is Mingw32 that path must be set.

rJava library not working. Unable to find jvm.dll

I realize this question has been asked before but none of the solutions worked for me.
After a 'successful' install of rJava I try library(rJava) I receive an error that R cannot find jvm.dll. Here are the solutions I've tried:
Setting my PATH to include a direct link to the jvm.dll directory. Also tried one level up
Clearing the JAVA_HOME environmental variable. Also setting JAVA_HOME to the directory of my jvm.dll
Direct install from using install.packages('rJava', .libPaths()[1], ''). I receive this error:
Find Java...
ERROR: cannot find Java Development Kit.
Please set JAVA_HOME to specify its location manually
Attempted setting the path of JAVA_HOME using this command: options(java.home="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre1.8.0_121\\bin\\client")
Other potentially useful information:
Going into cmd and running echo %JAVA_HOME% shows the correct directory
I restarted RStudio after every attempt
Running on Windows 7 64 bit.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Getting really frustrated trying to get this library working as it's needed for the xlsx library.
Egg on my face, the issue was that I accidentally pointed to environmental variable to an old 32 bit install of Java that I must have accidentally installed at some point in the last few years (thank you #user20650). Pointing everything back at the 64 bit version fixed things. For the record I did have to set JAVA_HOME to point to the correct directory. Also, make sure you have both the java JRE and JDK.
Egg on my face, the issue was that I accidentally pointed to environmental variable to an old 32 bit install of Java that I must have accidentally installed at some point in the last few years (thank you #user20650). Pointing everything back at the 64 bit version (ie C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121) fixed things after running install.packages('rJava', .libPaths()[1], '').
For the record I did have to set JAVA_HOME to point to the correct directory. Also, make sure you have both the java JRE and JDK. Also, for some reason my anti-virus did not like letting that rforge install go through (didnt like the findjava.exe), so I had to pause it for a moment.

:version shows "Dependencies: python27.dll, which is not on my computer

I downloaded Vim 7.3 and installed it on my Windows7 64 bit system. I coded a simple python 3.4 program and tried to run it without success using the :!python COMMAND. When I checked version, bottom of output said:
Dependency: python27.dll, python33.dll, x64-msvcrt-ruby200.dll, lva52.dll, libintl.dll, lidiconv.dll, iconv.dll.
When I checked, python27.dll is not found on my system at all, python33.dll is in a directory for a program called "Autodesk 123D Design". I didn't check for the others yet. Can someone explain if these are required and if so, where they go? I have no idea why they would not have downloaded with the program during install.
They are used for writing vim plugins in Python. They are not required for normal operation.
They are also unrelated to your problem; check the value of %PATH% to see if python.exe is accessible.

dart_api.h not found when build library dart_sqlite

As i ask before, to use dart-sqlite, I must install dart-ext:sqlite first. But every time I try to build it, I found error= Can not found dart_api.h. how to fix it?
I install it on ubuntu 12.04.
Thank you
It sounds like you didn't follow the build instructions:
Either edit to point to the SDK, or set the environment variable DART_SDK.
Once you correctly point DART_SDK to the dart-sdk directory of your local Dart installation, the build system will find $DART_SDK/include/dart_api.h just fine.
