I am very new to R but I am interested in learning more and improving.
I have a dataset with around 40,000+ rows containing the length of neuron segments. I want to compare the length trends of neurons of different groups. The first step in this analysis involves sorting the measurements into 1 of 6 different categories such as '<10' '10-15', '15-20', '20-25', '25-30', and '>30'.
I created these categories as appended columns using 'mutate' from the 'dplyr' package and now I am trying to write a boolean function to determine where the measurement fits by applying a value of '1' to the corresponding column if it fits, and a '0' if it doesn't.
Here is what I wrote:
for (i in 1:40019) {
{if (FinalData$Length[i] <=10)
} else {FinalData$`<10`[i]<-0}} #Fills '<10'
if (FinalData$Length[i] >=10 & FinalData$Length[i]<15){
} else{FinalData$`10-15`[i]<-0} #Fills'10-15'
if (FinalData$Length[i] >=15 & FinalData$Length[i]<20){
} else{FinalData$`15-20`[i]<-0} #Fills '15-20'
if (FinalData$Length[i] >=20 & FinalData$Length[i]<25) {
} else{FinalData$`20-25`[i]<-0} #Fills '20-25'
if(FinalData$Length[i] >=25 & FinalData$Length[i]<30){
} else{FinalData$`25-30`[i]<-0} #Fills '25-30'
if(FinalData$Length[i] >=30){
} else{FinalData$`>30`[i]<-0} #Fills '>30'
This seems to work, but it takes a long time:
system.time(source('~/Desktop/Home/Programming/R/Boolean Loop R.R'))
user system elapsed
94.408 19.147 118.203
The way I coded this seems very clunky and inefficient. Is there a faster and more efficient way to code something like this or am I doing this appropriately for what I am asking for?
Here is an example of some of the values I am testing:
'Length': 14.362, 12.482337, 8.236, 16.752, 12.045
If I am not being clear about how the dataframe is structured, here is a screenshot:
How my data frame is organized
You can use the cut function in R. It is used to convert numeric values to factors:
cut(x = x,breaks = c(0,3,6,9,12),labels = c("grp1","grp2","grp3","grp4"),right=F)
set right = "T" or "F" as per your need.
You can vectorise that as follows (I made a sample of some data called DF)
DF <- data.frame(1:40000,sample(letters,1:40000,replace=T),"Length"=sample(1:40,40000,replace=T))
MyFunc <- function(x) {
x[x >= 10 & x < 15] <- "10-15"
x[x >= 15 & x < 20] <- "15-20"
x[x >= 20 & x < 25] <- "20-25"
x[x >= 25 & x < 30] <- "25-30"
x[x > 30] <- ">30"
x[x < 10] <- "<10"
DF$Group <- MyFunc(DF[,3])
If it has to be 6 columns like that, you can modify the above to return a one or zero for the appropriate size and everything else, respectively, for each of the 6 columns.
Edit: I guess a series of ifelse might be best if it really has to be 6 columns like that.
DF$'<10' <- sapply(DF$Length, function(x) ifelse(x < 10,1,0))
I have a single data frame data and a vector cryptos <- c("btc","eth","bnb","xrp") (where "btc" and etc. are the names of crypto currencies). I need to create a FOR loop that would sum the values of each coin.
So far, I've managed to 'return' every value with a print function:
cryptos <- c("btc","eth","bnb","xrp")
for(i in 1:4) {
print(data[data$crypto_name == cryptos[i], 3]) #where 3 is the number of a column with crypto values
So it prints the given currencies' values:
[1] 45065
[1] 2190.07
[1] 459.61
[1] 1.12
Yet, I do not want to print these values, just sum them with the use of a loop. Please tell me, how could I possibly do this.
Is this what you need?
sum( data[data$crypto_name %in% cryptos, 3] )
A basic sum loop is trival:
s = 0
for(i in 1:4) {
s = s + data[data$crypto_name == cryptos[i], 3]
I'd like to know the shape or length of the filtered dataframe through multiple conditions. I have 2 methods I've used, but I'm a little stumped because they're giving me different outputs.
Method 1
x <- df[df$gender=='male',]
x <- x[x$stat == 0,]
OUTPUT = Some Number
Method 2
nrow(sqldf('SELECT * FROM df WHERE gender == "male" AND stat == 0'))
OUTPUT = Some Number
I'm a little confused as to why the outputs would be different? Any ideas?
It looks like in method one you assigned x to df[df$gender=='male'] and then you replace x with assigning it to x[x$stat == 0]. So you will end up with nrow for how many stat == 0 only. Off of the top of my head with no dataset, maybe x <- df[df$gender=='male' & x$stat == 0] would work. Although I have never done it this way. I would use the subset function with x <- subset(x, df$gender=='male' & x$stat == 0) and then nrow(x).
I have written a function to identify peaks in a series of acceleration values. (I am aware of the quantmod package & findPeaks function, but it doesn't identify peaks according to my criteria.) I want to identify a peak as any value that follows three consecutive increases and precedes three consecutive decreases.
Here is my function... I apologise if it is very inelegant, but it's my first attempt at doing this. The vector x is a series of about 900-1200 acceleration values; e.g. 1.003841, 1.003570, 1.003428, 1.003261, 1.003033, 1.002630...
peakFinder <- function(x){
diffs <- sign(diff(x))
lags <- 1:length(diffs)
frame <- data.frame(diffs, lags)
frame$diffs <- ifelse(is.na(frame$diffs), 0, frame$diffs)
pks <- 0
for(l in frame$lags){
if ((frame[l,1] == 1) & (frame[l+1,1] == 1) & (frame[l+2,1] == 1)
& (frame[l+3,1] == -1) & (frame[l+4,1] == -1) & (frame[l+5,1] == -1)){
pks <- c(pks, l+2)
pks <- pks[-1]
The if statement keeps giving me the error "missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed". This is confusing because there are no missing values in either frame$diffs or frame$lags. I am probably making some other basic error, but I can't figure out what it is.
I would really appreciate some help!
OK, i think a slightly simplified version would be this:
x <- c(09,10,12,13,11,09,08,10,12,20,19,18,17) # peak 13 and 20
if (length(x) >= 7) # assuming length > 7
diffs <- sign(diff(x))
pks <- 0
for(i in 3:(length(diffs)-3))
if (all(diffs[(i-2):(i)]==+1) && all(diffs[(i+1):(i+3)] == -1))
print(paste("Peak at", x[i+1]))
when executed prints
[1] "Peak at 13"
[1] "Peak at 20"
so you can adopt it to your function.
I have a table in R with three columns. I want to get the correlation of the first two columns with a subset of the third column following a specific set of conditions (values are all numeric, I want them to be > a certain number). The cor() function doesn't seem to have an argument to define such a subset.
I know that I could use the summary(lm()) function and square-root the r^2, but the issue is that I'm doing this inside a for loop and am just appending the correlation to a separate list that I have. I can't really append part of the summary of the regression easily to a list.
Here is what I am trying to do:
for (i in x) {list[i] = cor(data$column_a, data$column_b, subset = data$column_c > i)}
Obviously, though, I can't do that because the cor() function doesn't work with subsets.
(Note: x = seq(1,100) and list = NULL)
You can do this without a loop using lapply. Here's some code that will output a data frame with the month-range in one column and the correlation in another column. The do.call(rbind... business is just to take the list output from lapply and turn it into a data frame.
corrs = do.call(rbind, lapply(min(airquality$Month):max(airquality$Month),
function(x) {
data.frame(month_range=paste0(x," - ", max(airquality$Month)),
correlation = cor(airquality$Temp[airquality$Month >= x & airquality$Temp < 80],
airquality$Wind[airquality$Month >= x & airquality$Temp < 80]))
month_range correlation
1 5 - 9 -0.3519351
2 6 - 9 -0.2778532
3 7 - 9 -0.3291274
4 8 - 9 -0.3395647
5 9 - 9 -0.3823090
You can subset the data first, and then find the correlation.
a <- subset(airquality, Temp < 80 & Month > 7)
cor(a$Temp, a$Wind)
Edit: I don't really know what your list variable is, but here is an example of dynamically changing the subset based on i (see how the month requirement changes with each iteration)
list <- seq(1, 5)
for (i in 1:5){
a <- subset(airquality, Temp < 80 & Month > i)
list[i] <- cor(a$Temp, a$Wind)
Based on the pseudo-code you provided alone, here's something that should work:
for (i in x) {
df <- subset(data, column_c > i)
list[i] = cor(df$column_a, df$column_b)
However, I don't know why you would want your index in list[i] to be the same value that you use to subset column_c. That could be another source of problems.
I am trying to write a nested for loop in R, but am running into problems. I have researched as much as possible but can't find (or understand) the help I need. I am fairly new to R, so any advice on this looping would be appreciated, or if there is a simpler, more elegant way!
I have generated a file of daily temperatures for many many locations (I'll call them sites), and the file columns are set up like this:
year month day unix_time site_a site_b site_c site_d ... on and on
For each site (within each column), I want to run through the temperature values and create new columns (or a new data frame) with a number (a physiological rate) that corresponds with a range of those temperatures. (for example, temperatures less than 6.25 degrees have a rate of -1.33, temperatures between 6.25 and 8.75 have a rate of 0.99, etc). I have created a loop that does this for a single column of data. For example:
for(i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
if (data$point_a[i]<6.25) data$rate_point_a[i]<--1.33 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=6.25 && data$point_a[i]<8.75) data$rate_point_a[i]<-0.99 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=8.75 && data$point_a[i]<11.25) data$rate_point_a[i]<-3.31 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=11.25 && data$point_a[i]<13.75) data$rate_point_a[i]<-2.56 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=13.75 && data$point_a[i]<16.25) data$rate_point_a[i]<-1.81 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=16.25 && data$point_a[i]<18.75) data$rate_point_a[i]<-2.78 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=18.75 && data$point_a[i]<21.25) data$rate_point_a[i]<-3.75 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=21.25 && data$point_a[i]<23.75) data$rate_point_a[i]<-1.98 else
if (data$point_a[i]>=23.75 && data$point_a[i]<26.25) data$rate_point_a[i]<-0.21
The above code gives me a new column called "rate_site_a" that has my physiological rates. What I am having trouble doing is nesting this loop into another loop that runs through all of the columns. I have tried things such as:
for (i in 1:ncol(data)){
#for each row in that column
for (s in 1:length(data)){
if ([i]<6.25) rate1[s]<--1.33 else ...
I guess I don't know how to make the "if else" statement refer to the correct places. I know that I can't add the "rate" columns onto the existing data frame, as this would increase my ncol as I go through the loop, so need to put them into another data frame (though don't think this is my main issue). I am going to have many many many points to work through and would rather not have to do them one at a time, hence my attempt at a nested loop.
Any help would be much appreciated. Here is a link to some sample data if that is helpful. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17903768/AVHRR_output.txt Thanks in advance!
Use ifelse which is vectorized:
ifelse(data$point<= 6.25,-1.33,ifelse(data$point<= 8.25,-0.99,ifelse(data$point<= 11.25,-3.31,.....Until finished.
For instance:
datap$x =
Andres answer is great for the apply part to get you thru all the "temperature" columns. I'm stuck here without a copy of R (at work) to experiment with, but I suspect if you create a vector of your cutoff values
xcut <- c(0,6.25,8.75,.11.25,...
and just do
x <- xcut[(which(x>xcut))]
you'll have a much simpler bit of code, and easier to edit as well. (note: I added the 0 value to avoid problems with small x values :-) )
here's another way using just logicals:
DAT <- read.table("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17903768/AVHRR_output.txt",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
recodecolumn <- function(x){
out <- vector(length=length(x))
out[x < 6.25] <- 1.33
out[x >= 6.25 & x < 8.75] <- .99
out[x >= 8.75 & x < 11.25] <- 3.31
out[x >= 11.25 & x < 13.25] <- 2.56
out[x >= 13.25 & x < 16.25] <- 1.81
out[x >= 16.25 & x < 18.75] <- 2.78
out[x >= 18.75 & x < 21.25] <- 3.75
out[x >= 21.25 & x < 23.75] <- 1.98
out[x >= 23.75 & x < 26.25] <- 0.21
NewCols <- apply(DAT[,5:9],2,recodecolumn)
colnames(NewCols) <- paste("rate",1928:1932,sep="_")
DAT <- cbind(DAT,NewCols)
I find that findInterval is useful in situations like this instead of nested if else statements as it is already vectorized and returns the position within a vector of cutoff points.
DAT <- read.table("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17903768/AVHRR_output.txt",header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)
recode.fn <- function(x){
cut.vec <- c(0, seq(6.25,26.25,by = 2.5),Inf)
recode.val <- c(-1.33, 0.99, 3.31, 2.56,1.81,2.78,3.75,1.98, 0.21)
cut.interval <- findInterval(x, cut.vec, FALSE)
# Add on recoded data to existing data frame
DAT[,10:14] <- sapply(DAT[,5:9],FUN=recode.fn)