Sylius - empty string insted of ShippingMethod in shipping action - symfony

In http://localhost:8000/checkout/shipping I got an error
CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception
Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException: "Expected
argument of type "Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShippingMethod",
"string" given" at
line 58
and the $value of transform method is an empty string.
It's strange because I got this error only on my project version, and on contribute version everything is ok, despite the version of sylius is in both the same (latest commit). Moreover I don't overwrite ShippingMethod so I don't now why this strange behaviour happens.

Today, I found the same error.
But just days ago everything worked. I often update the project from the git (master branch) and by composer. Therefore I started to look for errors in the last commit. After half a day with the debugger I found no critical changes in the last Sylius commits.
I drew attention to the version of Symfony. It's: 2.8.3. I rolled up to 2.8.0 and the problem has been resolved. I did not understand what was the cause of the error. But the fact remains - selection the delivery method form of Sylius with Symfony v2.8.3 is not working.
I hope this helps.


Doctrine 2.9.x-dev

Did somebody tried Doctrine 2.9.x-dev? I am using with symfony 5.2.6. I know it is a dev version but when run any command I get an error for example:
[critical] Error thrown while running command "'doctrine:schema:create'". Message: "An option named "em" already exists."
and when I run only bin/console i get error
[critical] An error occurred while using the console. Message: "An option named "em" already exists."
An option named "em" already exists.
It is because this is dev version (2.8.4 is working) or am I missing something?
The error comes from doctrine/doctrine-bundle - it seems like it is not compatible with doctrine/orm 2.9.x-dev yet.
The problem is already being worked on, but the PR has not been merged yet, see:
If you really need the dev version to work with Symfony right now, you will need to apply the changes manually, but I would recommend waiting for a stable release.

Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util.ModuleComponentIdentifierImpl

I have connected my Android application with firebase-database by putting this dependency (kapt '') but after that I am getting errors like the one mentioned in title also when I synchronized the project I am getting different errors like: Connection time out, Failed to resolved build listener.
Enabling/Disabling offline work and setting proxy in file doesn't work for me.
Also you guys have seen that I used 'kapt' in dependency as it is necessary to use, without it I am getting error "failed to resolve 15.0.0". Removing 15.0.0 doesn't work for me.
I am using Android Studio 3.2 and sadly I can't update this version.
Gradle version: 5.1.1 and
Plugin version: 3.4.0

Fatal Error on wordpress

I came back to my site after a long break and TADAH : Fatal error: Call to undefined function update_post_caches() in /home/web/cote-image/port2016/wp-includes/query.php on line 3818
You can see that on :
Have you some answer to help me ?
I remove all the plugins for test but nothing
I think it was an update 4.6.1 to 4.6.3 but i don't have idea.
This issue is caused by W3 Total Cache plugin. You should disable and enable it again or better update it if it is not the latest version. If you still experience the problem try renaming or removing the w3-total-cache folder.
Here is more regarding this issue

RabbitMqBundle, always getting error. Symfony2

i've just installed the RabbitMqBundle for Symfony2.
I've followed the example on the page, literally copy&pasted the configuration and i'm always getting this error:
Warning: DOMElement::setAttribute() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given
A bit further down the line:
at DOMElement->setAttribute('class', object(Definition)) in XmlDumper.php line 182
Does anyone have an idea? Did i do anything wrong? Just installed via composer etc.
Actually updating from Symfony 2.6.3 to 2.6.8 fixed it!

Missing Labels in Drupal Admin

I've just noticed that all of my checkboxes and radio buttons are missing labels on my drupal site admin menus. Not sure when this started (I've checked several backups, and it is present in all of them), but I'd like to find a solution.
I have tried disabling modules, but to no effect at the moment.
I've attached a screenshot
I have noticed a couple of PHP warnings pop up on a couple of pages - these are:
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown option bit(s) set at offset 0 in /persistent/html/includes/ on line 1606
Warning: in drupal_clean_css_id![enter image description here][1]entifier() (line 3731 of /persistent/html/includes/
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unknown option bit(s) set at offset 0 in /persistent/html/includes/ on line 1606
was the clue apparently.
PHP had recently been upgraded from 5.3.13 to 5.3.14, and this seemed to change the way in which preg_match is handled. Upgraded again to 5.3.15 and the problem was still there - so I downgraded to 5.3.13 and the problem was solved.
Found other instances of people getting a similar preg_match error on Wordpress which subversion php upgrades!
