Access Bound Combobox with lookup Field? - ms-access-2010

I have a table. Table1. Table1.[Field1] displays a lookup field taken from Table2.[Field2].
In my Form I have two comboboxes. Combobox1 is bound to Table1.[Field2].
Remember.... Table1.[Field1] is displaying the "looked up value".
What I want to do is to use a bound Combobox2 so that it displays the looked up value (I have achieved this)... and then, when I change that value using the drop down list in Combobox2 to another value, it changes the record displayed in all my other controls, including Combobox1.
I'm not too sure what settings to use in my properties. Would anyone know how to achieve the above?
(MS Access 2010)(Windows 7 Pro)


In App Maker, can you fake valueIsRecord with a dropdown field?

In App Maker, what is the simplest way to achieve the same result with a dropdown box that you can with a suggest box, which can return the whole record when you make a selection giving you the ability to assign associated record values to other fields on the page?
Consider a data model with three fields, (Code, Description, and Severity). Add a dropdown box to select the Code. Have the selection, (probably using onValueChange or onValueEdit), write the selected Code's Description to a label field beside the dropdown box. The Code's Severity will also be used to affect the style in some way like background color or something, but for this answer, merely assigning the value to a scripting variable will be good enough. It's the record value access and assignment mechanism I am after.
Clarification: This data model will not be the page's datasource. It is a secondary reference table used for assigning a code to a ticket. You can also assume that a record value will be written to a field in the page's datasource as well.
I would appreciate the simplest low code solution as we will have non-programmers attempting this. Thanks.
As long as you leave your value binding on the dropdown blank the following should work:
Set the options binding to:
You may want to consider changing the 'Names' binding to be the projection of a particular field in this datasource otherwise the values showing in your dropdown will only be the 'keys' from this datasource.
Then in your onValueEdit event you will gain access to individual fields like this:
var item = widget.datasource.item;
item.YourFieldToEdit1 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField1;
item.YourFieldToEdit2 = newValue.YourOtherDatasourceField2;
That would probably be the simplest way.

Filter and Bind a Multiselect

I am trying to implement a Many-to-Many relation between a class and its students in a form.
The form can be used to create or edit a class. Also students can be added to that class. To reduce the effort needed to enter students, I would like to add a multi-select that shows the entries from the students-table. But since the number of students is expected to be large, I would like to filter this multi-select.
I checked this question on filtering lists and the sample app "Project List. I understand that the standard workflow with a table would be to bind the value of a search box to the and set the tables datasource property to STUDENTS
But, as I understand it, a multi-select element's value property must be bound to #datasource.item.students and its datasource property must be CLASS in order for the auto-saving to work.
Hence I wonder whether it is possible to filter a multi-select element.
I don't see the problem, but I think I see a misunderstanding.
You said: "I understand that the standard workflow with a table would be to bind the value of a search box to the"
You need to bind the OPTIONS (not value) to the datasource query, as it is the options that will draw its records from the #datasources.Students.query datasource.
You can then set the VALUE of the multi-select widget to #datasource.item.students (where you want selected values from the student query options to be saved).
You will also need to set the NAMES property (since the options are likely student records). Names will be the Student datasource projection of whatever string field you want to appear in the options list.

Ms-Access forms view will not display lookup table "value"

Using Ms-Access 2010 on Windows 7 - forms view will not show the lookup table value, just the number ID. The drop-down arrow is non-functional, but works fine in the table view. Table view shows the value - Georgia from States table, drop-down list works, relationships show valid links from employee state field to the States ID. No answers posted address this peculiar problem. Any ideas? Thanks
On the form, do you have StateID as a text box or a combo box? To get your desired behaviour it needs to be a combo box. The properties should be set as per the attached image. Note that only one column width value is set - this means that the first column is hidden (width = 0cm) so you only see the second column. The first column needs to be there though as this is holding the value (StateID) that is being stored on the Employee table
This is one of the issues with the use of Access Look-up fields stored directly in tables. They are very confusing, and worse still not supported in other database formats, so if you upscale to SQL Server or MySql you'll have to convert them all to separate tables anyway.
Create a separate table with your values in and use it as the source for your combo, and store the the StateID in your main table.
There is more of an explaination here

Lookup field appears as numerical values instead of text on Access report

I am trying to create a report putting a field called contact which has the name of a person. This name is linked directly to another table where I keep all the contacts.
For some strange reason, when I include this name (which in query view displays as the name of the contact), instead of the name appearing, the unique ID number is shown on my report.
As mentioned in the article cited in the above comment, you can use a Combo Box control on your report to do the lookup for you. To see how this can be done, create a new report based on the table containing the lookup field, then drag and drop that field onto the report. That will create a Combo Box control with properties that look something like this:
Row Source: SELECT [Clients].[ID], [Clients].[LastName] FROM Clients;
Bound Column: 1
Column Count: 2
Column Widths: 0";1"
You could use a similar Combo Box control on your actual report to display the client's name rather than their numeric ID value.
Another alternative would be to change the Control Source of the report's Text Box control to have it do a DLookUp() on the table. If the lookup field is named [client] then changing the Control Source of the Text Box to something like
=DLookUp("LastName","Clients","ID=" & [client])
would also work.
I wanted to add to the great answer by Gord:
When using a "web" database (started in Access 2007 I think), you cannot change a report's fields to ComboBox style, nor can you use DLookUp(). (web databases lack a ton of features)
The workaround for this, if you want to create a Web-Report that uses lookup fields, is to create a Web-Query first based on your Web-Table (all the Web-* stuff has a www planet icon over the logo, if you create a new Web-DB in Access 2007+ you'll see what I mean)
So, instead of Table -> Report, you'll have to do W-Table -> W-Query -> W-Report.
Then, the only thing you need to customize to get the data right is the W-Query. Start by trying to reproduce the look in the query to match what you want users to see in the report. Note that here in the query, lookups will work fine (instead of the unique ID's, you get field names like you want). However, this will not carry over to the report. To do that, you gotta get the actual text field name you want into the query:
You should already have one table in your query; start by adding the table that your first lookup field points to. For example, the table I want to print is called Stock_Boards, and it has a lookup field called PCBID_lookup that points to the table Stock_PCBs.
Since you're using lookup fields, there should already be a relationship line between the two tables when you add the second one. If there isn't, something has gone horribly wrong.
Now, see how that line connects two fields on the two different tables? For example, I've got my PCBID_lookup field on my Stock_Boards table, which connects to the ID field on my Stock_PCBs table. If I created a report from this now, PCBID_lookup would be a number, a number that correlates to the ID of a record on Stock_PCBs.
To fix it, I will add the name field I want to show up on the report. In my example, that happens to be a Part Number, rather than the ID. I add the PartNumber field from my Stock_PCBs table to the query, and remove the PCBID_lookup field of the Stock_Boards table from my query.
Since PartNumber is what I want to show up on my report, it effectively replaces the original field (PCBID_lookup)
Repeat for all lookup fields you want in your report.
I had 1 more: I removed the Status field of the Stock_Boards table (which was an ID/Lookup) and added the 'Status' field from the Status table (which was the actual text name)
When finished, your query should look exactly how you want the data to appear, without any special tricks or asking Access to do something unnatural. Save your query, and create a web-report from it. Done!

Populate a value in combobox dynamicly

I have a form where user picks a Item# and gets info for the selected Item. This form got enhanced by adding another filter, using a combobox control, to select a 'warehouse'.
I could use a lookup for the warehouse(the list is huge) to chosse a 'warehouse' but what am trying to do to query warehouse on Item# value and populate into combobox.
Tried to attached a screen shot, unfotunately, the system doesn't let me do it. If I need to put more details, please let me know.
Is it doable?
I would suggest you to do this with a temporary table. Create one in AOT, and declare it as global variable in your form.
When Item (datasource field or design control, choose what's more accurate for you) is modified, just delete table content, and fill it at your needs.
In the control lookup method, call temporary table lookup method, i.e. "static void lookup(TMPTable _tmpTable)". Do a SysTableLookup, with a standard query over TMPtable, but it's important to use QueryBuildDataSource.setCursor(_tmpTable) (I don't remember now where was method setCursor() in Query or QueryRun, search for it a bit).
