create list without findall in prolog - recursion

I'm working on a predicate to generate a list of values from rules.
I have these rules:
and I need to save the last value of each rule in a list, for example:
BOARD = [3, 1, 2, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1].
I try to recursively save every element of this form:
createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, [VALUE]) :-
createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, [VALUE,T]) :-
createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty,T).
but really I do not understand the error,I only returns the first VALUE thanks.

To avoid findall/3 (why?), we need something like this inefficient, procedural code:
createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, L) :- createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, [], L).
createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, Seen, [VALUE|R]) :-
\+ memberchk(casilla(Difficulty,N,X,Y,VALUE), Seen),
!, createBoard2(N, M, Difficulty, [casilla(Difficulty,N,X,Y,VALUE)|Seen], R).
createBoard2(_N, _M, _Difficulty, _Acc, []).

If you don't want to use something like findall/3, then you should not store your data in the form of facts.
Alternative 1: put your casilla/5 terms into a separate data file, then use open/3 and read/2 to read these terms one by one from this file into a list.
Alternative 2: put all the casilla/5 terms into a single fact as a list, i.e.


Rewriting tail recursion prolog code into simple recursion

I'm quite new in prolog and I want to practice rewriting a tail-recursion code into a simple recursion to understand better the process, but I did not succeed in it. If anybody can help with it I would really appreciate it.
Note: Converting tail-recursive (tail-call) code to non tail-recursive code is not a wise thing to normally do in Prolog. This question is only for academic purposes of learning.
The code:
%the tail has elements with ID and Numbers like [(1,3),(2,5),(4,3)])
%in the D I count steps if different conditions are fulfilled
%I would like to write something like: some_predicate(T,1,3,D) without the Acc
some_predicate(_, _, 1, D, D):-!.
some_predicate([], _, _, D, D):-!.
some_predicate([(UP,_)|_], ID, H, D, D):-
UP >= ID + H,
some_predicate([(UP,UH)|T], _, H, D, RetD):-
H > UH,
TH is H - 1,
TD is D + 1,
some_predicate(T, UP, TH, TD, RetD),
some_predicate([(UP,UH)|T], _, _,D, RetD):-
TD is D + 1,
some_predicate(T, UP, UH, TD, RetD),
My attempt
some_predicate(_, _, 1,0):-!.
some_predicate([], _, _,0):-!.
some_predicate([(UP,_)|_], ID, H, 0):-
UP >= ID + H,
some_predicate([(UP,UH)|Er], _, H, D):-
H > UH,
some_predicate(Er, UP, TH, TD),
H is TH - 1,
D is TD + 1,
some_predicate([(UP,UH)|Er], _, _,D):-
some_predicate(Er, UP, UH, TD),
D is TD + 1,
A comment in the question says that you would like to rewrite the code without an accumulator, but it doesn't use an accumulator. The general schema for predicates using a list accumulator would be something like this:
foo(X, Ys) :-
foo(X, [], Ys).
foo(X, Acc, Acc) :-
foo(X, Acc, Ys) :-
baz(X, Y, Z),
foo(Z, [Y | Acc], Ys).
The recursive call involving the list accumulator gets a bigger list than the accumulator was before. You add something to the accumulator before you pass it to the recursive call.
Your program instead uses the common pattern of "list iteration" (comments with a better name are welcome) in Prolog which does the opposite of recursion using an accumulator:
foo([], Y) :-
foo([X | Xs], Y) :-
foo(Xs, Y).
(This uses similar names to the predicate before, but I'm not saying that they are equivalent.)
The list constructor [_ | _] is in the head of the clause, not in a recursive call. The list in the recursive call is smaller than the list in the head. You remove something from the list before you pass the tail to the recursive call.
This is therefore not an answer your question, just a hint that you need to start from the right place: Some predicate definition that really does use an accumulator list. The simplest interesting case is probably reversing a list.

Robot in a Grid - how to get all possible paths

I'm trying to solve this problem:
There is a grid with with r rows and c columns. A robot sitting in top left cell can only move in 2 directions, right and down. But certain cells have to be avoided and the robot cannot step on them. Find a path for the robot from the top left to the bottom right.
The problem specifically asks for a single path, and that seems straight forward:
Having the grid as boolean[][], the pseudocode I have is
List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>()
boolean found = false
void getPath(r, c){
if (!found) {
if ( (r or c is outofbounds) || (!grid[r][c]) )
if (r==0 AND c==0) // we reached
found = true
getPath(r-1, c)
getPath(r, c-1)
String cell = "(" + r + ", " + c + ")"
Though I was wondering how can I get all the possible paths (NOT just the count, but the path values as well). Note that it has r rows and c columns, so its not a nxn grid. I'm trying to think of a DP/recursive solution but unable to come up with any and stuck. It's hard to think when the recursion goes in two ways.
Any pointers? And also any general help on how to "think" about such problems would be appreciated :).
Any pointers? And also any general help on how to "think" about such problems would be appreciated :).
Approach to the problem:
Mentally construct graph G of the problem. In this case the vertices are cells in the grid and directed edges are created where a valid robot move exist.
Search for properties of G. In this case G is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph).
Use such properties to come up with a solution. In this case (G is a DAG) its common to use topological sort and dynamic programming to find the amount of valid paths.
Actually you don't need to construct the graph since the set of edges is pretty clear or to do topological sort as usual iteration of the matrix (incremental row index and incremental column index) is a topological sort of this implicit graph.
The dynamic programming part can be solved by storing in each cell [x][y] the amount of valid paths from [0][0] to [x][y] and checking where to move next.
After computations the answer is stored in dp[n - 1][m - 1] where n is amount of rows and m is amount of columns. Overall runtime is O(nm).
How about find all possible valid paths:
Usual backtracking works and we can speed it up by applying early pruning. In fact, if we calculate dp matrix and then we do backtracking from cell [n - 1][m - 1] we can avoid invalid paths as soon the robot enters at a cell whose dp value is zero.
Python code with dp matrix calculated beforehand:
n, m = 3, 4
bad = [[False, False, False, False],
[ True, True, False, False],
[False, False, False, False]]
dp = [[1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 1, 2],
[0, 0, 1, 3]]
paths = []
curpath = []
def getPath(r, c):
if dp[r][c] == 0 or r < 0 or c < 0:
curpath.append((r, c))
if r == 0 and c == 0:
getPath(r - 1, c)
getPath(r, c - 1)
getPath(n - 1, m - 1)
# valid paths are [[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3)],
# [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)],
# [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3)]]
Notice that is very similar to your code, there is a need to store all valid paths together and take care that appended lists are a copy of curpath to avoid ending up with an list of empty lists.
Runtime: O((n + m) * (amount of valid paths)) since simulated robot moves belong to valid paths or first step into an invalid path detected using foresight (dp). Warning: This method is exponential as amount of valid paths can be .

Find number of successes from a list of terms/goals

I have written the following predicate exactly/2 that succeeds if exactly N of the numbers in the list L are equal to 1:
:- pred exactly(int, list(int)).
:- mode exactly(in, in) is semidet.
:- mode exactly(out, in) is det.
exactly(N, L) :-
length(filter(pred(X::in) is semidet :- (X = 1), L), N).
For example, the call exactly(X, [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]) will bind X to 3.
I want to create something similar, but for predicates: I want to write a predicate that succeeds if exactly N goals from the list L are successful.
For example, the call exactly(X, [true, false, member(1, [1, 2, 3]), member(0, [1, 2, 3])]) should bind X to 2.
Actually, this can be done, as shown by this code:
:- module exactly.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
main(!IO) :-
Test1 = list_member(1, [1, 2, 3]),
Test2 = list_member(0, [1, 2, 3]),
Tests = [Test1, Test2],
exactly(N, Tests),
io.write_line(N, !IO).
:- pred exactly(int::out, list((pred))::in(list_skel((pred) is semidet)))
is det.
exactly(0, []).
exactly(N, [Test | Tests]) :-
exactly(NTail, Tests),
( if Test then
N = NTail + 1
N = NTail
:- pred list_member(T::in, list(T)::in) is semidet.
list_member(E, L) :-
list.member(E, L).
The predicate list_member tells the compiler which mode of
list.member you want to call. As for true and false, you would
need to define predicates of those names as well. (By default,
they exist as goals only.)

Prolog: Splitting a number into a sequence of increasing integers

After doing some Prolog in uni and doing some exercises I decided to go along somewhat further although I got to admit I don't understand recursion that well, I get the concept and idea but how to code it, is still a question for me. So that's why I was curious if anyone knows how to help tackle this problem.
The idea is given a number e.g. 45, check whether it is possible to make a list starting with 1 going n+1 into the list and if the sum of the list is the same as the given number.
So for 45, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] would be correct.
So far I tried looking at the [sum_list/2][1] implemented in Prolog itself but that only checks whether a list is the same as the number it follows.
So given a predicate lijstSom(L,S) (dutch for listSum), given
?- lijstSom(L, 45)
L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
My Idea was something along the line of for example if S = 45, doing steps of the numbers (increasing by 1) and subtracting it of S, if 0 is the remainder, return the list, else return false.
But for that you need counters and I find it rather hard to grasp that in recursion.
Steps in recursion.
Base case empty list, 0 (counter nr, that is minus S), 45 (S, the remainder)
[1], 1, 44
[1,2], 2, 42
[1,2,3], 3, 39
I'm not sure how to read the example
?- lijstSom(L, 45)
L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
...but think of the predicate lijstSom(List, Sum) as relating certain lists of integers to their sum, as opposed to computing the sum of lists of integers. Why "certain lists"? Because we have the constraint that the integers in the list of integers must be monotonically increasing in increments of 1, starting from 1.
You can thus ask the Prolog Processor the following:
"Say something about the relationship between the first argument of lijstSom/2 and the second argument lijstSom/2 (assuming the first is a list of monotonically increasing integers, and the second an integer):
lijstSom([1,2,3], Sum)
... should return true (because yes, there is at least one solution) and give Sum = 6 (because it constructs the solution, too ... we are some corner of Construtivism here.
lijstSom(L, 6)
... should return true (because yes, there is at least one solution) and give the solution [1,2,3].
lijstSom([1,2,3], 6)
... should return true (because yes, [1,2,3] has a sum 6); no further information is needed.
lijstSom(L, S)
... should an infinite series of true and pairs of solution ("generate the solutions").
L = [1], S = 1;
L = [1,2], S = 3;
L = [1,2,3], S = 6;
lijstSom([1,2,3], 7)
...should return false ("fail") because 7 is not in a relation lijstSom with [1,2,3] as 7 =/= 1+2+3.
One might even want things to have Prolog Processor say something interesting about:
lijstSom([1,2,X], 6)
X = 3
or even
lijstSom([1,2,X], S)
X = 3
S = 6
In fact, lijstSom/2 as near to mathematically magical as physically possible, which is to say:
Have unrestricted access to the full table of list<->sum relationships floating somewhere in Platonic Math Space.
Be able to find the correct entry in seriously less than infinite number of steps.
And output it.
Of course we are restricted to polynomial algorithms of low exponent and finite number of dstinguishable symbols for eminently practical reasons. Sucks!
So, first define lijstSom(L,S) using an inductive definition:
lijstSom([a list with final value N],S) ... is true if ... lijstSom([a list],S-N and
lijstSom([],0) because the empty list has sum 0.
This is nice because it gives the recipe to reduce a list of arbitrary length down to a list of size 0 eventually while keeping full knowledge its sum!
Prolog is not good at working with the tail of lists, but good with working with the head, so we cheat & change our definition of lijstSom/2 to state that the list is given in reverse order:
lijstSom([3,2,1], 6)
Now some code.
#= is the "constain to be equal" operator from library(clpfd). To employ it, we need to issue use_module(library(clpfd)). command first.
lijstSom([K|Rest],N) :- lijstSom([Rest],T), T+K #= N.
The above follows the mathematical desiderate of lijstSom and allows the Prolog Processor to perform its computation: in the second clause, it can compute the values for a list of size A from the values of a list of size A-1, "falling down" the staircase of always decreasing list length until it reaches the terminating case of lijstSom([],0)..
But we haven't said anything about the monotonically decreasing-by-1 list.
Let's be more precise:
lijstSom([],0) :- !.
lijstSom([1],1) :- ! .
lijstSom([K,V|Rest],N) :- K #= V+1, T+K #= N, lijstSom([V|Rest],T).
(We have also added '!' to tell the Prolog Processor to not look for alternate solutions past this point, because we know more about the algorithm than it will ever do. Additionally, the 3rd line works, but only because I got it right after running the tests below and having them pass.)
If the checks fail, the Prolog Processor will says "false" - no solution for your input. This is exactly what we want.
But does it work? How far can we go in the "mathematic-ness" of this eminently physical machine?
Load library(clpfd) for constraints and use library(plunit) for unit tests:
Put this into a file that you can load with [x] alias consult('x') or reload with make on the Prolog REPL:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
lijstSom([],0) :-
format("Hit case ([],0)\n"),!.
lijstSom([1],1) :-
format("Hit case ([1],1)\n"),!.
lijstSom([K,V|Rest],N) :-
format("Called with K=~w, V=~w, Rest=~w, N=~w\n", [K,V,Rest,N]),
K #= V+1,
T+K #= N,
T #> 0, V #> 0, % needed to avoid infinite descent
:- begin_tests(listsom).
test("0 verify") :- lijstSom([],0).
test("1 verify") :- lijstSom([1],1).
test("3 verify") :- lijstSom([2,1],3).
test("6 verify") :- lijstSom([3,2,1],6).
test("0 construct") :- lijstSom(L,0) , L = [].
test("1 construct") :- lijstSom(L,1) , L = [1].
test("3 construct") :- lijstSom(L,3) , L = [2,1].
test("6 construct") :- lijstSom(L,6) , L = [3,2,1].
test("0 sum") :- lijstSom([],S) , S = 0.
test("1 sum") :- lijstSom([1],S) , S = 1.
test("3 sum") :- lijstSom([2,1],S) , S = 3.
test("6 sum") :- lijstSom([3,2,1],S) , S = 6.
test("1 partial") :- lijstSom([X],1) , X = 1.
test("3 partial") :- lijstSom([X,1],3) , X = 2.
test("6 partial") :- lijstSom([X,2,1],6) , X = 3.
test("1 extreme partial") :- lijstSom([X],S) , X = 1, S = 1.
test("3 extreme partial") :- lijstSom([X,1],S) , X = 2, S = 3.
test("6 extreme partial") :- lijstSom([X,2,1],S) , X = 3, S = 6.
test("6 partial list") :- lijstSom([X|L],6) , X = 3, L = [2,1].
% Important to test the NOPES
test("bad list", fail) :- lijstSom([3,1],_).
test("bad sum", fail) :- lijstSom([3,2,1],5).
test("reversed list", fail) :- lijstSom([1,2,3],6).
test("infinite descent from 2", fail) :- lijstSom(_,2).
test("infinite descent from 9", fail) :- lijstSom(_,9).
:- end_tests(listsom).
?- run_tests(listsom).
% PL-Unit: listsom ...................... done
% All 22 tests passed
What would Dijkstra say? Yeah, he would probably bitch about something.

Recursion in prolog using append

I'm new in Prolog and I have some problem understanding how the recursion works.
The think I want to do is to create a list of numbers (to later draw a graphic).
So I have this code :
nbClassTest(0, _).
nbClassTest(X, L) :-
append([A], L, L),
X is X - 1,
nbClassTest(X, L).
But it keeps giving me 'false' as an answer and I don't understand why it doesn't fill the list. It should end if X reaches 0 right?
The numberTestClass(A,X), gives me a number (in the variable A) for some X as if it was a function.
You should build the list without appending, because it's rather inefficient.
This code could do:
nbClassTest(0, []).
nbClassTest(X, [A|R]) :-
numberTestClass(A, X),
X is X - 1,
nbClassTest(X, R).
or, if your system has between/3, you can use an 'all solutions' idiom:
nbClassTest(X, L) :-
findall(A, (between(1, X, N), numberTestClass(A, X)), R),
reverse(R, L).
the problem is that you use the same variable for the old and the new list. right now your first to append/3 creates a list of infinite length consisting of elements equal to the value of A.
L = [42|L].
?- append([42],L,L), [A,B,C,D|E]=L.
L = [42|L],
A = B, B = C, C = D, D = 42,
E = [42|L].
then, if the next A is not the same with the previous A it will fail.
?- append([42],L,L), append([41],L,L).
there is still on more issue with the code; your base case has an non-instantiated variable. you might want that but i believe that you actually want an empty list:
nbClassTest(0, []).
nbClassTest(X, L) :-
append([A], L, NL),
X is X - 1,
nbClassTest(X, NL).
last, append/3 is kinda inefficient so you might want to avoid it and build the list the other way around (or use difference lists)
It fails because you use append in wrong way
nbClassTest(0, _).
nbClassTest(X, L) :-
append([A], L, Nl),
X is X - 1,
nbClassTest(X, Nl).
append concatenate 2 lists so there is no such list which after adding to it element still will be same list.
