Is it possible to transfer sqlite file to watch os 2 - watchkit

Can any one help me out on this problem. I am struggling to transfer the sqlite to watch os 2. If you have any example share with me or please give your suggestion on this

Have not tried this for sqlLite files but works with audioFiles.
What I did is:
Turn ON App Group both on watch extension and main project.
Place file in App Group Container
// I create the file there so my code is
NSURL * urlOut = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: APP_CONECTIVITY_ID];
urlOut = [urlOut URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"myfile.wav"];
Send via WCSession sendMessage the link, need to send as string so you will send urlOut.absoluteString.
You should be able to use stuff like sendMessageData //reading the file as date beforhand.
and there is also this WCSessionFileTransfer.
But I haven't had a chance to try that yet.


How to open a database in Sql Browser which is encrypted by sqlCipher?

I apologize for the duplicate question if it is. I almost searched everywhere but couldn't find any solution.
see this and this picture. To mention that I used the latest version of the SQLite browser on Windows.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ok first you need to create the database as non encrypted
then open Android Studio and run the emulator with the code I will give you below
Now minimize every thing Emulator and Android Studio BUT BEFORE YOU DO THAT LOOK IN your logcat you will see the path to your DB Highlight and COPY that
Now find adb.exe folder it will be on C drive under where ever you installed AS. OR just do a search on C drive OK when you get to where that folder is HOLD DOWN the SHIFT KEY and RIGHT CLICK any where in the white SELECT "Open command Window here"
now in the command window type this
adb pull (do a right click and paste that path you coppied C:\name of folder on your C Drive Best to create one and name it AASafe
bingo your data base is now on your PC in the folder AASafe HERE IS RHE CODE it is a method that needs to be called under onCreate
// Is External Storage Avaiable if so use it and find the path for DBHelper
public void onAvail() {
String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
if (state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) && (!state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY))) {
File removable = ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(this, null)[1];
THE_PATH = String.valueOf(removable) + "/Documents/";
System.out.println("SD Card Path ==> " + THE_PATH);
} else {// if (state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY)) {
THE_PATH = "";
System.out.println("Internal Path ==> "+ THE_PATH);

Storing Data in firebase using VBA

Is there any way to upload files using VBA to firebase?
Web code for uploading files in firebase
var storageRef ="folderName/file.jpg");
var fileUpload = document.getElementById("fileUpload");
fileUpload.on(‘change’, function(evt) {
var firstFile =[0]; // get the first file uploaded
var uploadTask = storageRef.put(firstFile);
uploadTask.on(‘state_changed’, function progress(snapshot) {
console.log(snapshot.totalBytesTransferred); // progress of upload
But how do I use this in VBA? any help is appreciated. Also if you can point to me in right direction.
I did some research on Firebase. Currently you cannot use VBA to upload files directly to FB Storage, through API.
You can try using JS, as mentioned by you.
Another alternative will be Google Cloud Storage. Which is the back-end for firebase storage.
two ways of doing this.. Assuming there is a website where you can upload files, in such case you can use the standard IE object to navigate to a specific website, find the controls, select the files and using submit or click function upload the file..
The other way is to write a web-service and call it from vba. Both suggestions involves in calling the website/service.
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
IE.Navigate "Your upload page.."
Do While IE.ReadyState <> 4 Or IE.Busy = True
we don't have enough information so I just continue with the logic.
Find the upload document/filename field. insert your filename
IE.Document.getElementById("txt_upload_field").Value = myFileName
find the button/element to upload and perform click/submit action.
wait for your website and read the result
or you can write your own web service and perform a web-request using XMLHTTP. I personally would go for web-service.
there is also a third way. FTPing to your server..!

Unity read from http

I have:
public TextAsset ttt;
void OnGUI(){
GUI.TextArea(new Rect(600,10,350,300),ttt.text,style_text);
I already have hosting anf file txt
My question is: how can I read this file online and put in TextArea?
You can use WWW to do so
public string GetHTML(string uri){
WWW www = new WWW (uri);
while (!www.isDone) //wait until www isdone
if (www.error != null)
return null;
return www.text;}
Above is simple code for you,for more, see also
In fact you can use WWW to get text/texture/audio from web/filepath, I'm sure you can handle after read that manual :)
As you want display a text, AKA UI, I suggest you leave Unity GUI alone. Generally, for now, if you want to develop quality games quickly, Unity GUI system ain't your best choice, it's waste time somewhat. You may take a look to NGUI(, most people use it(or maybe iGUI, fastGUI etc) on products, not that native one.
With NGUI, you can create a UILabel widget/component, and call UILabel.text = "SomeString".

Asterisk: Record application is generating empty files

User making the call is asked to dial an extension. This is done by 1#playing a prompt with Background and then 2#wait_for_digit. Based on the extension that has been dialed, the destination number is determined and the call is forwarded to that number.
If the called person doesn't not answer, then Playback is used to play a prompt that asks the user to record the voice message; recording the voice message is done with the Record application.
This Record application is always generating empty wav files, size 44 bytes. If I remove the 1#playing a prompt with Background the Record application is generating proper files. If the Background is included, all recordings are empty.
I am using Perl Asterisk::AGI module.
$agi->exec('Background', 'en/extra/please-enter-the-extension,n'); # this is the troubling part
my $my_extension = $agi->wait_for_digit(5000);
$agi->exec('Playback', 'en/extra/the-party-you-are-calling&en/extra/is-curntly-busy,noanswer');
$agi->exec('Playback', 'en/vm-intro,noanswer');
my $file = 'xyz.wav';
$agi->exec('Record', "$file,0,10,k");
What should I do to make it work as I want it to?
Thank you.
The same script is working without glitches now. Not sure if something unrelated to the script has changed.
Most likly you have check your codecs. IF you use g729 or g723 and no transcoder,it just can't write in wav format.

VLC-Player in adobe Air App does not stop/quit

Well i have an adobe air , downloaded from below link.. it is wonderful app..
and this works fine. It captures my screen , record audio but it just does not stop or quit as vlc-player.exe continues to run in the task manager.
i tried lots of vlc- commands but it just does not stop once it starts capturing screen video.
I need help on it..
I know this is a old thread, but just in case someone wants to know...
You can't use rc-fake-tty because Windows doesn't support terminal. For Windows, tell VLC to run with only one instance, then send it the quit command as a separate NativeProcess call.
So, in the linked article, change the stopRecording() method to this:
public function stopRecording():void{
var startupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = vlcFile;
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
startupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
var killSwitch:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
And make sure to add this:
To your initial screen record startupInfo in startRecording() method.
I quit using vlc for the same reason and started to write my recording application using .Net 4, but i am having less performance using c# now.
VLC for windows does not support fake rc control so setting rc-fake-tty is useless. As the very last try, i wanna control is via socket. If you got it working this way, please make me informed.
