Consistent mysqldumps across tables: --lock-tables vs --single-transaction - innodb

I have the task to do consistent mysqldumps across tables, so that one database is always consistent with itself (all tables inside).
Now I read that there are two options --single-transaction for InnoDB and --lock-tables for all others.
My two Question are:
Can I simply check if all tables of one database use InnoDB and if so apply --single-transaction to that database.
If any table inside one database is not using the InnoDB engine can I simply apply --lock-tables?
Would the above two cases guarantee me to always have consistent database backups across tables?
By consistent dumps I mean, that once the backup process is started, it will dump the current state of one database and no other operation (which might take place at the same time) can interfere with the current state.


How can I improve performance while altering a large mysql table?

I have 600 Millions records in a table and I am not able to add a column in this table as every time I try to do it, it times out.
Suppose in your MYSQL database you have a giant table having 600 Millions of rows, having some schema operation such as adding a unique key, altering a column, even adding one more column to it is a very cumbersome process which will takes hours to process and sometimes there is a server time out. In order to overcome that, one to have to come up with very good migration plan, one of which I jotting below.
1) Suppose there is table Orig_X in which I have to add a new column colNew with default value as 0.
2) A Dummy table Dummy_X is created which is replica of Orig_X except with a new column colNew.
3) Data is inserted from the Orig_X to Dummy_X with the following settings.
4) Auto commit is set to zero, so that data is not committed after each insert statement hindering the performance.
5) Binary logs are set to zero, so that no data will be written in these logs.
6) After insertion of data bot the feature are set to one.
SET sql_log_bin = 0;
Insert into Dummy_X(col1, col2, col3, colNew)
Select col1, col2, col3, from Orig_X;
SET sql_log_bin = 1;
7) Now primary key can be created with the newly inserted column, which is now the part of primary key.
8) All the unique keys can now be created.
9) We can check the status of the server by issuing the following command
10) It’s also helpful to issue FLUSH LOGS so MySQL will clear the old logs.
11) In order to boost performance to run the similar type of queries such as above insert statement, one should have query cache variable on.
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_query_cache';
query_cache_type = 1
Above were the steps for the migration strategy for the large table, below I am witting so steps to improve the performance of the database/queries.
1) Remove any unnecessary indexes on the table, pay particular attention to UNIQUE indexes as these when disable change buffering. Don't use a UNIQUE index if you have no reason for that constraint, prefer a regular INDEX.
2) If bulk loading a fresh table, delay creating any indexes besides the PRIMARY KEY. If you create them once all after data is loaded, then InnoDB is able to apply a pre-sort and bulk load process which is both faster and results in typically more compact indexes.
3) More memory can actually help in performance optimization. If SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS shows any reads/s under BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY and the number of Free buffers (also under BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY) is zero, you could benefit from more (assuming you have sized innodb_buffer_pool_size correctly on your server.
4) Normally your database table gets re-indexed after every insert. That's some heavy lifting for you database, but when your queries are wrapped inside a Transaction, the table does not get re-indexed until after this entire bulk is processed. Saving a lot of work.
5) Most MySQL servers have query caching enabled. It's one of the most effective methods of improving performance that is quietly handled by the database engine. When the same query is executed multiple times, the result is fetched from the cache, which is quite fast.
6) Using the EXPLAIN keyword can give you insight on what MySQL is doing to execute your query. This can help you spot the bottlenecks and other problems with your query or table structures. The results of an EXPLAIN query will show you which indexes are being utilized, how the table is being scanned and sorted etc...
7) If your application contains many JOIN queries, you need to make sure that the columns you join by are indexed on both tables. This affects how MySQL internally optimizes the join operation.
8) In every table have an id column that is the PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT and one of the flavors of INT. Also preferably UNSIGNED, since the value cannot be negative.
9) Even if you have a user’s table that has a unique username field, do not make that your primary key. VARCHAR fields as primary keys are slower. And you will have a better structure in your code by referring to all users with their id's internally.
10) Normally when you perform a query from a script, it will wait for the execution of that query to finish before it can continue. You can change that by using unbuffered queries. This saves a considerable amount of memory with SQL queries that produce large result sets, and you can start working on the result set immediately after the first row has been retrieved as you don't have to wait until the complete SQL query has been performed.
11) With database engines, disk is perhaps the most significant bottleneck. Keeping things smaller and more compact is usually helpful in terms of performance, to reduce the amount of disk transfer.
12) The two main storage engines in MySQL are MyISAM and InnoDB. Each have their own pros and cons.MyISAM is good for read-heavy applications, but it doesn't scale very well when there are a lot of writes. Even if you are updating one field of one row, the whole table gets locked, and no other process can even read from it until that query is finished. MyISAM is very fast at calculating
types of queries.InnoDB tends to be a more complicated storage
engine and can be slower than MyISAM for most small applications. But it supports row-based locking, which scales better. It also supports some more advanced features such as transactions.

Multiple files for a single SQLite database

Afaik, SQLite stores a single database in a single file. Since this would decrease the performance when working with large databases, is it possible to explicitly tell SQLite not to store the whole DB in a single file and store different tables in different files instead?
I found out, that it is possible.
sqlite3.exe MainDB.db
ATTACH DATABASE 'SomeTableFile.db' AS stf;
Access the table from the other database file:
SELECT * FROM stf.SomeTable;
You can even join over several files:
FROM MainTable mt
JOIN stf.SomeTable st
ON ( = st.mt_id);
tameera said there is a limit of 62 attached databases but I never hit that limit so I can't confirm that.
The big advantage besides some special cases is that you limit the fragmentation in the database files and you can use the VACUUM command separately on each table!
If you don't need a join between these tables you can manually split the DB and say which tables are in which DB (=file).
I don't think that it's possible to let SQLite split your DB in multiple files, because you connect to a DB by telling the filename.
SQLite database files can grow quite large without any performance penalties.
The things that might degrade performance are:
file-locking contention
table size (if using indexes and issuing write queries)
Also, by default, SQLite limits the number of attached databases to 10.
Anyway, try partition your tables. You'll see that SQLite can grow enormously this way.

Storing messages and threads in Windows Azure Table Storage

I am designing a simple messaging service using ASP.NET MVC / Windows Azure Table Storage. I have two kinds of entities - messages and message threads. Relation between them is simple - each thread can have multiple messages but the message can only be assigned to one thread.
Table storage is not a relational DB, so representing relations is always a bit tricky. I need to decide between 2 approaches:
Having one big table for threads and one for messages. And having threadId as a partition key of message entity so that messages are partitioned by threads.
Dynamically creating a special table for each message thread and having threadId as a name of the table.
I tend to prefer the second because it fits better into architecture of the rest of the service. But there will obviously be large number of tables created in a storage account.
Do you think this may be a problem?
You could also consider having just one table, that stores both Thread and Message entities. This would give you transaction support, and you could use Lucifure's hybrid approach on this table.
Creating a large number of tables may be an issue, depending on how you want to manage them. The underlying REST API for listing tables works like a query for table entities. It only returns the first 1000 tables, after that you have to use a continuation token. All of the storage explorers I've seen don't allow you to query tables based on name, they simply like the first 1000 tables. If you end up with 20000 threads, it could take you a while to get to the table you want.
One way you could mitigate this is to put your message table in its own storage account. This way your storage account with all of your other tables won't get crowded out by all of these dynamic tables that you will be creating and possibly deleting.
Deleting is actually one of the ways in which using a separate table for each thread would be easier. To delete all of the related messages you simply have to delete one table rather than iterating over each message and deleting it.
Everything else however will be more complicated than keeping all of the messages in one table. If this is core functionality to your app and you can dedicate enough time to develop it this way, one table per thread is probably a good idea. Otherwise the easy way to do things is with one big table.
You may consider a hybrid approach to keep the number of tables to a manageable level, depending on your scalability needs.
My experience has been that date based partitioning at the table level is a very effective approach and can be leverage across the board.
For example you could partition tables based on date and with a granularity of day or month. So a table name like “Thread201202” could be used for all threads started in February 2012.
Your thread id would implicitly include the “201202” and be something like “201202-myid01” although you would not need to explicitly store it in the partition key since it would be implied in the table name.
Aged threads could then be easily disposed by deleting tables say more than a year old.

How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database?

Background: I am using SQLite database in my flex application. Size of the database is 4 MB and have 5 tables which are
table 1 have 2500 records
table 2 have 8700 records
table 3 have 3000 records
table 4 have 5000 records
table 5 have 2000 records.
Problem: Whenever I run a select query on any table, it takes around (approx 50 seconds) to fetch data from database tables. This has made the application quite slow and unresponsive while it fetches the data from the table.
How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database so that the time taken to fetch the data from the tables is reduced?
As I tell you in a comment, without knowing what structures your database consists of, and what queries you run against the data, there is nothing we can infer suggesting why your queries take much time.
However here is an interesting reading about indexes : Use the index, Luke!. It tells you what an index is, how you should design your indexes and what benefits you can harvest.
Also, if you can post the queries and the table schemas and cardinalities (not the contents) maybe it could help.
Are you using asynchronous or synchronous execution modes? The difference between them is that asynchronous execution runs in the background while your application continues to run. Your application will then have to listen for a dispatched event and then carry out any subsequent operations. In synchronous mode, however, the user will not be able to interact with the application until the database operation is complete since those operations run in the same execution sequence as the application. Synchronous mode is conceptually simpler to implement, but asynchronous mode will yield better usability.
The first time SQLStatement.execute() on a SQLStatement instance, the statement is prepared automatically before executing. Subsequent calls will execute faster as long as the SQLStatement.text property has not changed. Using the same SQLStatement instances is better than creating new instances again and again. If you need to change your queries, then consider using parameterized statements.
You can also use techniques such as deferring what data you need at runtime. If you only need a subset of data, pull that back first and then retrieve other data as necessary. This may depend on your application scope and what needs you have to fulfill though.
Specifying the database with the table names will prevent the runtime from checking each database to find a matching table if you have multiple databases. It also helps prevent the runtime will choose the wrong database if this isn't specified. Do SELECT email FROM main.users; instead of SELECT email FROM users; even if you only have one single database. (main is automatically assigned as the database name when you call
If you happen to be writing lots of changes to the database (multiple INSERT or UPDATE statements), then consider wrapping it in a transaction. Changes will made in memory by the runtime and then written to disk. If you don't use a transaction, each statement will result in multiple disk writes to the database file which can be slow and consume lots of time.
Try to avoid any schema changes. The table definition data is kept at the start of the database file. The runtime loads these definitions when the database connection is opened. Data added to tables is kept after the table definition data in the database file. If changes such as adding columns or tables, the new table definitions will be mixed in with table data in the database file. The effect of this is that the runtime will have to read the table definition data from different parts of the file rather than at the beginning. The SQLConnection.compact() method restructures the table definition data so it is at the the beginning of the file, but its downside is that this method can also consume much time and more so if the database file is large.
Lastly, as Benoit pointed out in his comment, consider improving your own SQL queries and table structure that you're using. It would be helpful to know your database structure and queries are the actual cause of the slow performance or not. My guess is that you're using synchronous execution. If you switch to asynchronous mode, you'll see better performance but that doesn't mean it has to stop there.
The Adobe Flex documentation online has more information on improving database performance and best practices working with local SQL databases.
You could try indexing some of the columns used in the WHERE clause of your SELECT statements. You might also try minimizing usage of the LIKE keyword.
If you are joining your tables together, you might try simplifying the table relationships.
Like others have said, it's hard to get specific without knowing more about your schema and the SQL you are using.

sqlite3 bulk insert from C?

I came across the .import command to do this (bulk insert), but is there a query version of this which I can execute using sqlite3_exec().
I would just like to copy a small text file contents into a table.
A query version of this one below,
".import demotab.txt mytable"
Sqlite's performance doesn't benefit from bulk insert. Simply performing the inserts separately (but within a single transaction!) provides very good performance.
You might benefit from increasing sqlite's page cache size; that depends on the number of indexes and/or the order in which the data is inserted. If you don't have any indexes, for a pure insert, the cache size is likely not to matter much.
Be sure to use a prepared query, as opposed to regenerating a query plan in the innermost loop. It's extremely important to wrap the statements in a transaction since this avoids the need for the filesystem to sync the database to disk - afterall, partially a written transaction is atomically aborted anyhow, meaning that all fsync()'s are delayed until the transaction completes.
Finally, indexes will limit your insert performance since their creation is somewhat expensive. If you're really dealing with a lot of data and start off with an empty table, it may be beneficial to add the indexes after the data - though this isn't a huge factor.
Oh, and you might want to get one of those intel X25-E SSD's and ensure you have an AHCI controller ;-).
I'm maintaining an app with sqlite db's with about 500000000 rows (spread over several tables) - much of which was bulk inserted using plain old begin-insert-commit: it works fine.
