shiny red hat enterprise linux 5.8 specific issue - r

Is there a known issue with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 and shiny install? I have R and shiny code working on multiple PCs and Mac OS. My Linux farm IT/SysAdmin person says the R and shiny packages installed properly (I'm at his mercy for installs.) I can run other R packages he installed.
But when I
from a R prompt, the browser fires-up and input widgets and non-reactive things show up, but output from reactive and render blocks do not appear. There are no traceback or error messages in R console.
This behavior is the same for demonstration shiny code from Rstudio.
I can't try URL examples served from shiny-server sites to see if those work because external webpage browsing is turned off in this system. Thanks.

My support IT person did not give me full details, but he said he needed to recompile some of the base OS packages and install in a separate location, then upgrade to Firefox 12. It now works.


Why would R Shiny app run indefinitely in R Studio?

I wanted to learn how to build Shiny Apps in R so I started this beginner-level tutorial. However, when I run the app on my desktop (Windows 10 x64, 16GB RAM, 500 GB SSD, i5-3470 CPU, Dual Display) in R Studio 1.3.1093) using R 4.0.3, it loads indefinitely with no error output. I tried running even the basic built-in examples (which you could find here) and they also failed to load. The exact same scripts and examples run on my laptop (Windows 10 x64, 8GB RAM, 250 GB SSD; R & R Studio specs the same) without issue. I've reinstalled the shiny package, reinstalled R and R Studio, and changed whether the app runs internally or externally with no success. I did find this post which seems to have encountered the same issue, but with no solution.
I know it's not much to go on, but I'm at a loss as to the next thing I should check. Any suggestions?
I figured out from this mostly unrelated post that there was a file at the path C:/ Users/.../Documents\R\win-library\4.0/ called 00LOCK which was giving R trouble downloading and updating new packages. I'm not sure how it got there or why R was not telling me there were issues in updating the packages, but the shiny app seems to work perfectly fine now.

Best (standard) way to deploy the libraries for a shiny app to the shiny server?

I'm trying to get a shiny app deployed on Shiny Server. I can do that without any issues, but when trying to deploy an app that has a number of dependencies (remote and local) we keep running into issues.
We used renv to track the dependencies (on the Windows dev box) and rebuild it from scratch on the Linux prod box, but even though the dependencies are rebuilt and some get loaded, others do not. The .Rprofile of the user running the app is pointing to the renv activation script.
For the sake of clarity, we need and want all the R code to be built from the source code on the Linux box.
What is the best or standard way (or even a poor way that works) to deploy the libraries for a shiny app to the shiny server? Is renv even the right tool for this scenario or is there a better tool?
I've tried reading the shiny server documentation and the closes it only mentions that it uses the .Rprofile of the user running the app, but there doesn't seem to be any sort of guide on the best way to deploy dependent libraries.
This renv documentation discusses some reproducibility caveats:
system dependencies, and
changes in CRAN (e.g. a binary no longer being available).
Since you are moving from a Windows to a Linux system your packages may have unmet system dependencies (things that need to be installed outside of R) that you didn't encounter in Windows. For example, rJava is required for some of the Excel-related R packages, and getting its related system dependencies installed and working on Linux can sometime be a challenge. You can use the RStudio Package Manager Website to figure out what system dependencies are required for different R packages for your particular Linux OS. Also, the error messages you get when running these apps on Linux should point you in the right direction. These system dependencies are what you'll have to manage yourself since renv doesn't.
But for a more production-level solution you can try Docker and ShinyProxy. For apps with many dependencies or especially external dependencies (e.g. Python, SQL, etc.) you can guarantee more reproducibility using Docker. ShinyProxy can be used to host apps built into docker images. This is more work, but you ensure the entire system is reproducible, not just the R version and R packages. ShinyProxy also adds additional hosting capabilities like user authentication.

RStudio Project creation on Windows network share issue

RStudio 1.2.5033 and 1.3.1073 is crashing when creating standard New projects (although not with R package projects) on "some" Windows Network Share Drives.
As of current (ie Sept. 2020) this is supposed to get fixed with RStudio's next boost update see: for similar or root cause of issue
and regarding expected solution.

Flextable knit well in .docx locally but on shiny app deployed not

I have a shiny app that run some statistical tests and export as .docx (word document) with RMarkdown. I found out that the best way to handle tables is with flextable and pander
When I was trying to make flextable work I realized that my RStudio were utilizng an older version from pander and I manually needed to install a new version from pander (and made it work).
So all my tables works fine when testing locally, but when I deploy my app in my tables in the word document looks like raw code (image below)
MY GUESS is: probably the versions I'm using in my RStudio locally are newer and handle properly my tables, and the versions on are older. Could be that?
On the future I'm gonna put my shiny app in a Digital Ocean Droplet, and there I'll install all the newest versions that I need. That would solve my problem?
If you guys agree with me I'm willing to start paying Digital Ocean just to test this, but would like some feedback that this could solve my problems.
Solved my problem, my guess was right!
To know the pando version I've used pandoc_version() from package rmarkdown, and I got 2.3.1 (older than mine local that is 2.7.3)
So I downgraded my local pandoc version to 2.6 (just to test out a not so old version). This got me the same problem with (raw xml)
To test out again, I upgraded my local pandoc to 2.7.3 again e tested again. Guess what? All is working fine.
My problem is the pandoc version from, and this will be handled when I deploy my own Rstudio server (with the newest pandoc version).
Thanks all!
Notice that: to make these tests, I didn't change NOTHING in my RMarkdown file.

Is shiny dependent on having Rstudio?

I am trying to develop an shiny app, it works on my PC and not on my office server. The IT person at my office said that it is because the shiny depends on having Rstudio which they cannot install.
Therefore, I uninstalled my Rsudio to test if it works without the Rstudio. It did work and now I am asking to make sure that shiny is not dependent on having Rstudio.
Also, I can't find the R dependency of the shiny also. Does it need to be >R.3.2.5?
To clarify, this is the simple example from the shiny tutorial. It looks like this in my PC (without having shiny). I don't know how to check if I have any shiny server installed?!!!
And this is how it looks like when I try the same code on our server (R version is R/3.2.2)
