Image size shifts when page loads - wordpress

I have a ghost-in-the-machine it seems: I have put a thumbnail with a rollover stage on a Wordpress site I'm working on. It works fine except that it does this strange resizing when the page loads. A small but very annoying thing.
This is the page
I've also added the same code to another Wordpress site I am working on, which is based on the same theme (Quark). It doesn't happen on the other site.
How do I resolve this?

You are using percentages to define the widths of the containers and images, which is fine. However, upon initial page load, not all of your elements are available yet, so the relative percentages gradually reach their end-point when the document finishes loading. Doesn't look like like it's doing too much on my screen but in order to get around this you can load the images via jquery and set it to $(document).ready which will wait until the page is done loading, to even load the iamges.


What effect does this CSS code have on a wordpress website?

I would like to confirm what effect this CSS code has on the homepage of a wordpress website.
.lazy { display: none !important; }
Many thanks for explanations.
I have noticed images in the homepage are being blocked from being displayed which is why im asking this question.
The CSS code itself, prevent any element which has it from being displayed on the screen.
Due to its name, it may be used to enable something called lazyload (you can read about it here).
lazyload is usually used for several reasons:
Remove the pressure of loading many images at first; sometimes images are placed at the end of the page so the client won't see it at the top of the page, with lazy loading trick it. You can prevent those images from being loaded, and force them to load only the moment your client reach them by scrolling or other events so it cause page loading improvements (because the page is now lighter)
For making some visual effects; almost everywhere you need the image to be hidden and after some juggling or some specific events it is shown (like wp-admin and sub-menus, which will be shown if you hold your mouse on or click them)
Recording to the reasons; I guess your kind of codes (which will be handled in client-side and client browser) does not fit the first reason and may be used for the second one because for the first reason it is better (and I guess it must) implemented on server-side. Why? Because in your code, the image is loaded and be will there and just not shown because of the CSS code
This was all I know but if you want a more specific answer you have to say where you saw it in WordPress, in a plugin, wp-admin, template, etc...
Hope the answer becomes handy for you

How to Prevent Image Resizing In Real Time (during page load)

When I visit the homepage of my site, the header image at the top of the page loads at 90% width, and then expands to 100% width as the page continues to load. If you scroll down, it looks like all elements that are intended to be full-width, initially load at about 90% of their full width, and then go on to expand.
I am trying to locate where in the code this is happening. I thought it might be in the css style sheet but i'm not having any luck locating it. My best guess is there is some sort of wrapper loading before the image expands?
For more info, the image is being pulled in using the WPBakery Visual Composer plugin. I tried turning off the image parallax, which removed the image entirely.
I'm inspecting the source code, but nothing is jumping out to me (my webdev knowledge is extremely basic). I'm looking for any recommendations for where to look in the code.
I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but the source code can be viewed here:
It seems like something from Javascript is loading after the initial page load.
If you go to Google Chrome dev tools -> Sources -> Then (on the right side) choose Event Listener breakpoints and under DOM Mutation check DOMContentLoaded and reload the page, it will load DOM step by step. On the initial load elements have a bit different style - your is not full width.
When you are clicking that little blue play button on the screen, it goes on another step. After 4 or 5 steps the content goes full width. If you look into the network tab (also in the dev tools) you can see that widgets.js and platform.js were loaded and after those also some images. I'd say that you have to look in your js files for something you load after the initial page load.
When comparing loaded page and partially loaded side to side, it shows vc_section hide-mobile as display: block and vc_section hide-desktop as display: none.
Just read hungerstar's comment - he shows a bit more of the cause. I just found the result of that cause. Hope it helps.

Revolution Slider Carousel loads tiny

I implemented a rev slider in my wordpress site and im not very impressed.
The first carousel slider loads okay on page load but the next batch of carousel sliders seems to take ages before it assumes the actual size. Here is a snapshot to explain better.
This is the first carousel slider on the tab and displays by default on page load which looks great.
This second one on the secon tab just doesnt load quite right and will last forever in this size unless i refrest the page many times. Not cool at all.
I have the feeling i missed some configuration but cant seem to get any help throug google searches and will appreciate all the help i can get.
This is not a configuration issue but script conflict issue happening because sliders are in tabs so initially first tab content is visible while others are hidden so technically content of 2nd tab has 0 height. And since slider calculates the space it is going to occupy dynamically, it gets smaller height as tab scripts are loaded a bit after slider scripts are. Try contacting ThemePunch support and ask them for redraw code which will redraw slider using slider API forcing slider to force reload upon page load, resulting in loading slider properly the first time.

prevent whole page from flickering when clicking on links

If you look at you will see that when you click on a category whole pages doesnt get refereshed, ie you dont notice any flicker, content above menu doesn't get repainted.
How do i achieve that? Is it only speed or something else? My site locally works fine (most of the time, but sportsdirect gets slight flicker sometimes). Online page gets "refreshed", ie there is 300ms when there is gray screen.
This is something that is very important for a client and i dont know how to fix it.
You should look into AJAX. This allows you to update parts of your page without refreshing the whole page. This will often reduce or eliminate flicker since it does not rebuild the entire page.
A good place to start is Here

Web page behaves strangely

Have a look at the following site
The whole page has been built with CSS Page Builder Magic 2 (
Every button is a link to a different .html page.
However, I do not know why every button press creates a flash effect in the page, the background changes instantly color and generally it gives an impression of abnormal operation. I have not met any site with such behavior except some pages inside projectseven site.
Do you have any idea why that happens? Is it something wrong with Page Builder Magic approach?
I am new to Web Development world and I want to know if there is any problem with these guys.
Thank you very much
I checked it out, it doesn't behave abnormally at all for all those effects you have there, I checked out the size of one of the images it is about 250kb, then imagine the other images which I assume are of the same size, and they are all going to be loaded when the page loads, you definitely should expect some effect
