Index of string value in MiniZinc array - constraints

The question
Given a MiniZinc array of strings:
int: numStats;
set of int: Stats = 1..numStats;
array[Stats] of string: statNames;
... with data loaded from a MiniZinc data file:
numStats = 3;
statNames = ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA"];
How can one look up the index of a specific string in the array? For example, that ARMOR is located at position 2.
The context
I need to find an optimal selection of items with regard to some constraints on their stats. This information is stored in a 2D array declared as follows:
int: numItems;
set of int: Items = 1..numItems;
array[Items, Stats] of float: itemStats;
So in order to write a constraint on, say, the minimum amount of ARMOR obtained through the selected items, I need to know that ARMOR has index 2 in the inner array.
Since the data file is generated by an external program, and the number and order of stats are dynamic, I cannot hardcode the indices in the constraints.
One solution (that won't work in my case)
The MiniZinc tutorial uses an interesting trick to achieve something similar:
set of int: Colors = 1..3;
int: red = 1;
int: yellow = 2;
int: blue = 3;
array[Colors] of string: name = ["red", "yellow", "blue"];
var Colors: x;
constraint x != red;
output [ name[fix(x)] ];
Unfortunately, as variable declarations are not allowed in MiniZinc data files, this trick won't work in my case.

You can write your own custom function to get the index of a string within a string array:
function int: getIndexOfString(string: str,
array[int] of string: string_array) =
sum( [ if str = string_array[i]
then i
else 0 endif
| i in index_set(string_array) ]
In this function I create an array of integers where the integer at position i either equals the index of str if string_array[i]=str and 0 otherwise. For instance, for your sample string array ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA"] and str ARMOR the resulting int array will be [0,2,0].
This is why I can simply sum over the int array to get the index of the string. If the string does not occur, the return value is 0, which is fine since indices in MiniZinc start with 1 by default.
Here is how you can call the function above for your first example:
int: numStats;
set of int: Stats = 1..numStats;
array[Stats] of string: statNames;
numStats = 3;
statNames = ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA"];
var int: indexOfArmor;
indexOfArmor = getIndexOfString("ARMOR",statNames);
solve satisfy;
Note however that the function above is limited and has some flaws. First, if you have multiple occurrences of the string in the array, then you will receive an invalid index (the sum of all indices where str occurred). Also, if you have your own index set for your string array (say (2..6)), then you will need to adapt the function.

Another, cleaner option is to write a function that uses a recursive helper function:
% main function
function int: index_of(string: elem, array[int] of string: elements) =
let {
int: index = length(elements);
} in % calls the helper function with the last index
get_index(elem, elements, index)
% recursive helper function
function int: get_index(string: elem, array[int] of string: elements, int: index) =
if index == 0
then -1 % the element was not found (base case of recursion)
elseif elements[index] == elem
then index % the element was found
get_index(elem, elements, index - 1) % continue searching
The helper function iterates recursively over the array, starting from the last element, and when it finds the element, it returns the index. If the element was not found in the array, then -1 is returned. Alternatively, you can also throw an assertion following the suggestion of Patrick Trentin by replacing then -1 with then assert(false, "unknown element: " + elem).
An example of calling this function:
set of int: Customers = 1..5;
array[Customers] of string: ids = ["a-1", "a-2", "a-3", "a-4", "a-5"];
var int: index = index_of("a-3", ids);
var int: unknown_index = index_of("x-3", ids);
where index will be assigned 3 and unknown_index will be -1.

An alternative approach to that presented by Andrea Rendl-Pitrey, is the following one:
array[int] of string: statNames = array1d(10..12, ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA"]);
var int: indexOfArmor =
sum([i | i in index_set(statNames) where statNames[i] = "ARMOR"]);
solve satisfy;
output [
"indexOfArmor=", show(indexOfArmor), "\n",
which outputs:
~$ mzn2fzn example.mzn ; flatzinc example.fzn
indexOfArmor = 11;
note: that var can be dropped from the declaration of indexOfArmor, since the index can be statically computed. I kept it here only for output purposes.
A better solution is to declare a new predicate:
predicate index_of_str_in_array(var int: idx,
string: str,
array[int] of string: arr) =
not exists(i in index_set(arr), j in index_set(arr))
(i != j /\ arr[i] = str /\ arr[j] = str),
"input string occurs at multiple locations",
exists(i in index_set(arr))
(arr[i] = str),
"input string does not occur in the input array",
exists(i in index_set(arr))
(arr[i] = str /\ i = idx)
which enforces both of the following conditions:
str occurs at least once in arr
str does not occur multiple times in arr
predicate index_of_str_in_array(var int: idx,
string: str,
array[int] of string: arr) =
array[10..13] of string: statNames =
array1d(10..13, ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA", "ATTACK"]);
var int: indexOfArmor;
constraint index_of_str_in_array(indexOfArmor, "ARMOR", statNames);
solve satisfy;
output [
"indexOfArmor=", show(indexOfArmor), "\n",
~$ mzn2fzn example.mzn ; flatzinc example.fzn
indexOfArmor = 11;
If one changes statNames in the following way
array[10..13] of string: statNames =
array1d(10..13, ["HEALTH", "ARMOR", "MANA", "ARMOR"]);
then mzn2fzn detects an assertion violation:
~$ mzn2fzn example.mzn ; flatzinc example.fzn
MiniZinc: evaluation error:
in call 'index_of_str_in_array'
in call 'assert'
Assertion failed: input string occurs at multiple locations
example.fzn: cannot open input file: No such file
A similar result would be obtained by searching for the index of a string that does not occur in the array. This condition can of course be removed if not necessary.
DISCLAIMER: older versions of mzn2fzn don't seem to check that the declared index-set of an array of strings variable matches the index-set of an array of strings literal that is being assigned to it. This rule is enforced on newer versions, as it is also valid for other data types.

According to this other post on Stackoverflow there is no way of converting strings to integers in MiniZinc, only the other way around. You need to first pre process your data in some other language and turn it into integers. You can however turn those integers into string once you are done in MiniZinc.
You can however load MiniZinc files instead of data files if you would like. Use the include syntax to include any .mzn file.


Higher order function on lists Ocaml

I created a function p that checks if the square of a given value is lower than 30.
Then this function is called in an other function (as argument) to return the first value inside a list with its square less then 30 ( if p is true, basically I have to check if the function p is true or false ).
This is the code :
let p numb =
let return = (numb * numb) < 30 in return
let find p listT =
let rec support p listT =
match listT with
| []-> raise (Failure "No element in list for p")
| hd :: tl -> if p hd then hd
else support p tl in
let ret = support (p listT) in ret
let () =
let a = [5;6;7] in
let b = find p a in print_int b
But it said on the last line :
Error: This expression (p) has type int -> bool
but an expression was expected of type int -> 'a -> bool
Type bool is not compatible with type 'a -> bool
However, I don't think I'm using higher order functions in the right way, I think it should be more automatic I guess, or not?
First, note that
let return = x in return
can replaced by
Second, your original error is on line 10
support (p listT)
This line makes the typechecker deduce that the p argument of find is a function that takes one argument (here listT) and return another function of type int -> bool.
Here's another way to look at your problem, which is as #octachron says.
If you assume that p is a function of type int -> bool, then this recursive call:
support (p listT)
is passing a boolean as the first parameter of support. That doesn't make a lot of sense since the first parameter of support is supposed to be a function.
Another problem with this same expression is that it requires that listT be a value of type int (since this is what p expects as a parameter). But listT is a list of ints, not an int.
A third problem with this expression is that it only passes one parameter to support. But support is expecting two parameters.
Luckily the fix for all these problems is exremely simple.

Pattern Matching SML?

Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
(* Description of g:
* g takes f1: unit -> int, f2: string -> int and p: pattern, and returns
* an int. f1 and f2 are used to specify what number to be returned for
* each Wildcard and Variable in p respectively. The return value is the
* sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
datatype pattern = Wildcard
| Variable of string
| UnitP
| ConstP of int
| TupleP of pattern list
| ConstructorP of string * pattern
datatype valu = Const of int
| Unit
| Tuple of valu list
| Constructor of string * valu
fun g f1 f2 p =
val r = g f1 f2
case p of
Wildcard => f1 ()
| Variable x => f2 x
| TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => (r p) + i) 0 ps
| ConstructorP (_,p) => r p
| _ => 0
Wildcard matches everything and produces the empty list of bindings.
Variable s matches any value v and produces the one-element list holding (s,v).
UnitP matches only Unit and produces the empty list of bindings.
ConstP 17 matches only Const 17 and produces the empty list of bindings (and similarly for other integers).
TupleP ps matches a value of the form Tuple vs if ps and vs have the same length and for all i, the i-th element of ps matches the i-th element of vs. The list of bindings produced is all the lists from the nested pattern matches appended together.
ConstructorP(s1,p) matches Constructor(s2,v) if s1 and s2 are the same string (you can compare them with =) and p matches v. The list of bindings produced is the list from the nested pattern match. We call the strings s1 and s2 the constructor name.
Nothing else matches.
Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
The function g has type (unit → int) → (string → int) → pattern → int, so it takes three (curried) parameters of which two are functions and one is a pattern.
The parameters f1 and f2 must either be deterministic functions that always return the same constant, or functions with side-effects that can return an arbitrary integer / string, respectively, determined by external sources.
Since the comment speaks of "what number to be returned for each Wildcard and Variable", it sounds more likely that the f1 should return different numbers at different times (and I'm not sure what number refers to in the case of f2!). One definition might be this:
val counter = ref 0
fun uniqueInt () = !counter before counter := !counter + 1
fun uniqueString () = "s" ^ Int.toString (uniqueInt ())
Although this is just a guess. This definition only works up to Int.maxInt.
The comment describes g's return value as
[...] the sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
Since the numbers are not ascribed any meaning, it doesn't seem like g serves any practical purpose but to compare the output of an arbitrarily given set of f1 and f2 against an arbitrary test that isn't given.
Catch-all patterns are often bad:
| _ => 0
Nothing else matches.
The reason is that if you extend pattern with additional types of patterns, the compiler will not notify you of a missing pattern in the function g; the catch-all will erroneously imply meaning for cases that are possibly yet undefined.

Unique array of random numbers using functional programming

I'm trying to write some code in a functional paradigm for practice. There is one case I'm having some problems wrapping my head around. I am trying to create an array of 5 unique integers from 1, 100. I have been able to solve this without using functional programming:
let uniqueArray = [];
while (uniqueArray.length< 5) {
const newNumber = getRandom1to100();
if (uniqueArray.indexOf(newNumber) < 0) {
I have access to lodash so I can use that. I was thinking along the lines of:
const uniqueArray = [
].map((currentVal, index, array) => {
return array.indexOf(currentVal) > -1 ? getRandom1to100 : currentVal;
But this obviously wouldn't work because it will always return true because the index is going to be in the array (with more work I could remove that defect) but more importantly it doesn't check for a second time that all values are unique. However, I'm not quite sure how to functionaly mimic a while loop.
Here's an example in OCaml, the key point is that you use accumulators and recursion.
let make () =
Random.self_init ();
let rec make_list prev current max accum =
let number = 100 in
if current = max then accum
else begin
if number <> prev
then (number + prev) :: make_list number (current + 1) max accum
else accum
make_list 0 0 5 [] |> Array.of_list
This won't guarantee that the array will be unique, since its only checking by the previous. You could fix that by hiding a hashtable in the closure between make and make_list and doing a constant time lookup.
Here is a stream-based Python approach.
Python's version of a lazy stream is a generator. They can be produced in various ways, including by something which looks like a function definition but uses the key word yield rather than return. For example:
import random
def randNums(a,b):
while True:
yield random.randint(a,b)
Normally generators are used in for-loops but this last generator has an infinite loop hence would hang if you try to iterate over it. Instead, you can use the built-in function next() to get the next item in the string. It is convenient to write a function which works something like Haskell's take:
def take(n,stream):
items = []
for i in range(n):
except StopIteration:
return items
return items
In Python StopIteration is raised when a generator is exhausted. If this happens before n items, this code just returns however much has been generated, so perhaps I should call it takeAtMost. If you ditch the error-handling then it will crash if there are not enough items -- which maybe you want. In any event, this is used like:
>>> s = randNums(1,10)
>>> take(5,s)
[6, 6, 8, 7, 2]
of course, this allows for repeats.
To make things unique (and to do so in a functional way) we can write a function which takes a stream as input and returns a stream consisting of unique items as output:
def unique(stream):
def f(s):
items = set()
while True:
x = next(s)
if not x in items:
yield x
except StopIteration:
raise StopIteration
return f(stream)
this creates an stream in a closure that contains a set which can keep track of items that have been seen, only yielding items which are unique. Here I am passing on any StopIteration exception. If the underlying generator has no more elements then there are no more unique elements. I am not 100% sure if I need to explicitly pass on the exception -- (it might happen automatically) but it seems clean to do so.
Used like this:
>>> take(5,unique(randNums(1,10)))
[7, 2, 5, 1, 6]
take(10,unique(randNums(1,10))) will yield a random permutation of 1-10. take(11,unique(randNums(1,10))) will never terminate.
This is a very good question. It's actually quite common. It's even sometimes asked as an interview question.
Here's my solution to generating 5 integers from 0 to 100.
let rec take lst n =
if n = 0 then []
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> x :: take xs (n-1)
let shuffle d =
let nd = (fun c -> (Random.bits (), c)) d in
let sond = List.sort compare nd in snd sond
let rec range a b =
if a >= b then []
else a :: range (a+1) b;;
let _ =
(String.concat "\t" ("5 random integers:" :: string_of_int (take (shuffle (range 0 101)) 5)))
How's this:
const addUnique = (ar) => {
const el = getRandom1to100();
return ar.includes(el) ? ar : ar.concat([el])
const uniqueArray = (numberOfElements, baseArray) => {
if (numberOfElements < baseArray.length) throw 'invalid input'
return baseArray.length === numberOfElements ? baseArray : uniqueArray(numberOfElements, addUnique(baseArray))
const myArray = uniqueArray(5, [])

How many valid parenthesis combinations?

We have:
n1 number of {} brackets ,
n2 number of () brackets ,
n3 number of [] brackets ,
How many different valid combination of these brackets we can have?
What I thought: I wrote a brute force code in java (which comes in the following) and counted all possible combinations, I know it's the worst solution possible,
(the code is for general case in which we can have different types of brackets)
Any mathematical approach ?
Note 1: valid combination is defined as usual, e.g. {{()}} : valid , {(}){} : invalid
Note 2: let's assume that we have 2 pairs of {} , 1 pair of () and 1 pair of [], the number of valid combinations would be 168 and the number of all possible (valid & invalid) combinations would be 840
static void paranthesis_combination(char[] open , char[] close , int[] arr){
int l = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++)
l += arr[i];
l *= 2;
paranthesis_combination_sub(open , close , arr , new int[arr.length] , new int[arr.length], new StringBuilder(), l);
System.out.println(paran_count + " : " + valid_paran_count);
static void paranthesis_combination_sub(char[] open , char[] close, int[] arr , int[] open_so_far , int[] close_so_far, StringBuilder strbld , int l){
if (strbld.length() == l && valid_paran(open , close , strbld)){
System.out.println(new String(strbld));
for (int i = 0 ; i < open.length ; i++){
if (open_so_far[i] < arr[i]){
paranthesis_combination_sub(open , close, arr , open_so_far , close_so_far, strbld , l);
strbld.deleteCharAt(strbld.length() -1 );
for (int i = 0 ; i < open.length ; i++){
if (close_so_far[i] < open_so_far[i]){
paranthesis_combination_sub(open , close, arr , open_so_far , close_so_far, strbld , l);
strbld.deleteCharAt(strbld.length() -1 );
Cn is the nth Catalan number, C(2n,n)/(n+1), and gives the number of valid strings of length 2n that use only (). So if we change all [] and {} into (), there would be Cn1+n2+n3 ways. Then there are C(n1+n2+n3,n1) ways to change n1 () back to {}, and C(n2+n3,n3) ways to change the remaining () into []. Putting that all together, there are C(2n1+2n2+2n3,n1+n2+n3)C(n1+n2+n3,n1)C(n2+n3,n3)/(n1+n2+n3+1) ways.
As a check, when n1=2, n2=n3=1, we have C(8,4)C(4,2)C(2,1)/5=168.
In general, infinitely. However I assume, that you meant to find how many combinations are there provided limited string length. For simplicity lets assume that the limit is an even number. Then, lets create an initial string:
(((...()...))) with length equal to the limit.
Then, we can switch any instance of () pair with [] or {} parenthesis. However, if we change an opening brace, then we ought to change the matching closing brace. So, we can look only at the opening braces, or at pairs. For each parenthesis pair we have 4 options:
leave it unchanged
change it to []
change it to {}
remove it
So, for each of (l/2) objects we choose one of four labels, which gives:
4^(l/2) possibilities.
EDIT: this assumes only "concentric" parenthesis strings (contained in each other), as you've suggested in your edit. Intuitively however, a valid combination is also: ()[]{} - this solution does not take this into account.

Binary trees as innested pairs

I'm trying to represent a generic binary tree as a pair.
I'll use the SML syntax as example. This is my btree type definition:
datatype btree = leaf | branch of btree*btree;
So, I'd like to write a function that, given a btree, print the following:
bprint leaf = 0
bprint (branch (leaf,leaf)) = (0,0)
bprint (branch (leaf, branch (leaf,leaf))) = (0, (0, 0))
and so on.
The problem is that this function always return different types. This is obviously a problem for SML and maybe for other functional languages.
Any idea?
Since all you want to do is to print the tree structure to the screen, you can just do that and have your function's return type be unit. That is instead of trying to return the tuple (0, (0, 0)) just print the string (0, (0, 0)) to the screen. This way you won't run into any difficulties with types.
If you really do not need a string representation anywhere else, as already mentioned by others, just printing the tree might be the easiest way:
open TextIO
datatype btree = leaf | branch of btree * btree
fun print_btree leaf = print "0"
| print_btree (branch (s, t)) =
(print "("; print_btree s; print ", "; print_btree t; print ")")
In case you also want to be able to obtain a string representing a btree, the naive solution would be:
fun btree_to_string leaf = "0"
| btree_to_string (branch (s, t)) =
"(" ^ btree_to_string s ^ ", " ^ btree_to_string t ^ ")"
However, I do not really recommend this variant since for big btrees there is a problem due to the many string concatenations.
Something nice to think about is the following variant, which avoids the concatenation problem by a trick (that is for example also used in Haskell's Show class), i.e., instead of working on strings, work on functions from char lists to char lists. Then concatenation can be replaced by function composition
fun btree_to_string' t =
fun add s t = s # t
fun add_btree leaf = add [#"0"]
| add_btree (branch (s, t)) =
add [#"("] o add_btree s o add [#",", #" "] o add_btree t o add [#")"]
in implode (add_btree t []) end
