Doctrine 2, prevent getting unjoined entities - symfony

given a user and his coupons, I want to get a user and all of his coupons:
foreach ($this->createQueryBuilder('x')->select('u, c')->where(' = ?0')->setParameter(0, $email)->leftJoin('', 'c')->getQuery()->getResult() as $entity)
this is very good until I forget to join the coupons:
foreach ($this->createQueryBuilder('x')->select('u')->where(' = ?0')->setParameter(0, $email)->getQuery()->getResult() as $entity)
sadly this still works even though no coupons were joined. Here it does an other SELECT. In additional, this 2nd select will be wrong. Id rather want to get a exception or AT LEAST an empty array instead. Is there any workaround for this?

What you're experiencing is expected doctrine behavior.
When you select a User entity, Doctrine will get the record from the database. If you aren't explicitly joining the Coupon entity (or any other entities with relationship to User), Doctrine will create a Proxy object. Once you access this proxy object by calling $user->getCoupons(), Doctrine will fire a new query to the database to get the coupons for your User entity. This is called lazy-loading.
I'm not sure if there is a way to change this in the way you described.
What you can do is to create a method in your UserRepository called findUserAndCoupons($email) and have your query there. Whenever you need to find a user and his coupons, you could simply retrieve it in your controller using:
class MyController extends Controller {
public function myAction(){
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('UserRepository')->findUserAndCoupons($email);
foreach($user->getCoupons() as $coupon) {
// ....
This way you won't need to remember the actual query and copy/paste it all over the place. :)


Receive all kind of Entity as an Argument in Symfony

I have a method to get a change set of Entity from the unit of work (entity manager) in Symfony and I would like it to receive all Entities (Post, User...) instead of specific Entity.
public function getChanges(Post $event): array
$uow = $this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork();
return $uow->getEntityChangeSet($event);
Do you have any idea to do it?
One solution is getting the object as the argument but I prefer to get only the Symfony Entity objects in the function.
Look for doctrine entity listener.
And do not filter entity inside it, remove this part from the example:
// if this listener only applies to certain entity types,
// add some code to check the entity type as early as possible
if (!$entity instanceof Product) {
if (!$this->entityManager->contains($entity)) {
throw new Exception('The given object must be doctrine entity');

What is the best way to create a singleton entity in Symfony 4?

I want to create a settings page, which only has a form in it. If the form is submitted it only updates settings entity but never creates another one. Currently, I achieved this like:
* #param SettingsRepository $settingsRepository
* #return Settings
public function getEntity(SettingsRepository $settingsRepository): Settings
$settings = $settingsRepository->find(1);
if($settings == null)
$settings = new Settings();
return $settings;
In SettingsController I call getEntity() method which returns new Settings entity (if the setting were not set yet) or already existing Settings entity (if setting were set at least once).
However my solution is quite ugly and it has hardcoded entity id "1", so I'm looking for a better solution.
Settings controller:
public function index(
Request $request,
SettingsRepository $settingsRepository,
FlashBagInterface $flashBag,
TranslatorInterface $translator,
SettingsService $settingsService
): Response
// getEntity() method above
$settings = $settingsService->getEntity($settingsRepository);
$settingsForm = $this->createForm(SettingsType::class, $settings);
if ($settingsForm->isSubmitted() && $settingsForm->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirectToRoute('app_admin_settings_index');
return $this->render(
'settings_form' => $settingsForm->createView(),
You could use Doctrine Embeddables here.
Settings, strictly speaking, should not be mapped to entities, since they are not identifiable, nor meant to be. That is, of course, a matter of debate. Really, a Settings object is more of a value object than an entity. Read here for more info.
So, in cases like these better than having a one to one relationship and all that fuzz, you probably will be fine with a simple Value Object called settings, that will be mapped to the database as a Doctrine Embeddable.
You can make this object a singleton by creating instances of it only in factory methods, making the constructor private, preventing cloning and all that. Usually, it is enough only making it immutable, meaning, no behavior can alter it's state. If you need to mutate it, then the method responsible for that should create a new instance of it.
You can have a a method like this Settings::createFromArray() and antoher called Settings::createDefaults() that you will use when you new up an entity: always default config.
Then, the setSettings method on your entity receieves only a settings object as an argument.
If you don't like inmutablity, you can also make setter methods for the Settings object.

Dynamically eager loading deep relationships with Doctrine

I'm currently working on an API using the following stack;
Symfony (3)
I'm wanting to integrate the ability to specify, via query parameter, which relationships to include when retrieving an entity/collection, e.g;
[GET] /users?include=friends.addresses
Fractal comes with the ability to handle includes however, as this happens around the serialization point of the response building, each related entity is retrieved via lazy loading, thus triggering additional queries.
Is there a way to tell Doctrine, when retrieving a collection, to dynamically also retrieve relationships specified? Ive seen the following from the Doctrine docs which shows how to dynamically change the fetch mode however this only seems to work with associations on the target entity (friends in the example above) and not deeper relations (addresses of friends in the example).
If I remember correctly you can "preload" relations by joining them in rather than letting the lazy loading mechanism handle it. An idea could be to create a service that creates a query builder based on your criteria. This is a crude snippet of what I mean:
class EagerService
protected $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function resolveIncludes($class, $alias, $includes)
// Parse includes into an array
if (strpos($includes, '.') !== false) {
$relations = explode('.', $includes);
} else {
$relations = [$includes];
// The next relation is owned by the previous one, so we keep track of the previous relation
$previousRelation = $alias;
$qb = $em->getRepository($class)->getQueryBuilder($previousRelation);
foreach ($relations as $relation) {
// Add inner joins to the query builder referencing the new relation
$qb->innerJoin("{$previousRelation}.{$relation}", $relation);
$previousRelation = $relation;
// Return query builder or the result of the query
return $qb;

Updating an entity through Doctrine while it's persisted by a backend process

I've got an issue with Doctrine being somehow nasty with automagical tracking of entities and changes. I've got a UserManager which gets data for a new user from a form and sends the data to the backend which creates the corresponding database entries. As the backend is only inserting some basic data like username, I want to persist everything else like a collection of user roles given through the form.
So my method should look like this:
public function create(User $user)
My issue now is that Doctrine either drops the data from the given $user and replaces it with the database content. This way I lose the chosen user roles. Without the merge() Doctrine tries an INSERT which is clearly not what I want.
I tried everything coming to my mind from fetching a managed copy before the merge, cloning or whatever. In all cases the objects are linked so I lose the data from the form (although their spl_object_hash differ).
Some more simplified details as requested:
class User
// Username is tracked by backend
private $username;
// Fullname is only tracked by frontend/Doctrine
private $fullname;
Variant 1:
public function create(User $user)
// The user entity gets passed to the backend, which does some stuff
// and also inserts the entity in the database.
// The entitiy is in the database, but not managed by the EM.
// Therefore Doctrine does an INSERT.
Variant 2:
public function create(User $user)
// The user entity gets passed to the backend, which does some stuff
// and also inserts the entity in the database.
// Now there's an entity in the db with ID and username, but not the fullname
$user = $this->em->merge($user);
// The merge finds the entry in the database and refreshes its data.
// This leads to $user->fullname which was given in the form to be emptied. :(
I also tried to put the return value from merge into an $otherUser variable, but the objects are linked and fullname still gets dropped.
I'd just need something to tell Doctrine that the new entity is managed, but it should not touch its data. I've looked into the underlying UnitOfWork, but couldn't find a trick to solve this.

Symfony/Doctrine entity leads to dirty entity association when merged multiple times with entity manager

I am using Symfony2 and Doctrine
I have a doctrine entity which is serialized/unserialized to a session and used in multiple screens. This entity has a number of one to many associations.
The doctrine entity has the following one to many, for example:
class Article {
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="image", mappedBy="article", cascade= {"merge","detach","persist"})
protected $images;
public function __construct()
$this->images = new ArrayCollection();
The article entity is saved and retrieved as follows:
public function saveArticle($article)
$articleSerialized = serialize($article);
public function getArticle()
$articleSerialized = $this->session->get('currentArticle');
$article = unserialize($articleSerialized);
$article = $this->em->merge($article);
return $article;
I am able to save and load the entity to and from the session any number of times, and then merge it back to the entity manager and save. This is only if it is a new entity.
However, once I load an entity from the db and then save it to session, I get problems.
I know, from other posts, that after you unserialise a saved entity, you have to run $em->merge($entity);
I am able to merge the entity, add a new sub-entity (one to many) and then save:
$article = $this->getArticle(); //Declared above, gets article from session
$image = new Image();
$this->saveArticle($article); //Declared above, returns the article to session
However, after the first merge and image add, I can't add any more sub-entities. If i try to add a second image, It returns the following error:
A managed+dirty entity <<namespace of entity>>
image#0000000067078d7400000000221d7e02 can not
be scheduled for insertion.
So in summary, i can make any number of changes to an entity and save it to session, but if I run $em->merge more than once while adding sub-entities, the new sub-entities are marked as dirty.
Does anybody know why an entity would be marked as dirty? Do I need to reset the entity itself, and if so, how could I do that?
Got it.
For anyone who might run into this problem in the future:
You cannot merge an entity which has unpersisted sub-entities. They become marked as dirty.
You may have an article with two images already saved to DB.
-> IMAGE (ID 2)
If you save serialise the article to session and then unserialize and merge it. It's ok.
If you add a new image, then serialize it to session you will have problems. This is because you cannot merge an unpersisted entity.
-> IMAGE (ID 2)
What I had to do was:
After I unserialize the article, I remove the unpersisted images and store them in a temporary array (I check for ID). THEN i merge the article and re-add the unpersisted image(s).
$article = unserialize($this->session->get('currentArticle'));
$tempImageList = array();
foreach($article->getImages() as $image)
if(!$image->getId()) //If image is new, move it to a temporary array
$tempImageList[] = $image;
$plug = $this->em->merge($article); //It is now safe to merge the entity
foreach($tempImageList as $image)
$article->addImage($image); //Add the image back into the newly merged plug
return $article;
I can then add more images if need be, and repeat the process until I finally persist the article back to DB.
This is handy to know in the event you need to do a multiple pages creation process or adding images via AJAX.
