How to prevent sensitive fields updated by client - spring-mvc

For example, in an web appliation, I have a user model:
class User{
String username;
String email;
String passowrd;
boolean active;
Set<Role> roles;
The following operations are supported:
1 guest can register(create a new user)
2 user can upate its info
3 user with role of admin can set the `active` and `roles`
At the server side we use the SpringMVC to get the model User directly:
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
protected Result create(#Valid #RequestBody User user, BindingResult bindingResult) {
So far so good with normal workflow, but think about someone(not admin user) send that:
/user HTTP/Update
If this requset is accepted, the user jk will have the role of super_admin, which is not expected.
How do you protect that?

First of all, #RequestBody User user you sent is just a regular object you wanna update. It's not Spring Security User. If you want to define User as in spring security user, you' ll have to implements UserDetails. Do you already have spring security setup correctly? I don't know if you use xml or java configuration. If you use java configuration, you can control the access by roles as follow:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/resources/**", "/signup", "/about").permitAll()
.antMatchers("/db/**").access("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('DBA')")
// ...


spring-boot security identify by token

I got an app and I wanna create a connection to my rest-api.
Each user will get a "token" which will automatically be refreshed by google and co. In my requests, I will send the token and if it can be resolved to the user, the request should be answered, else if it is not up to date, I just wanna drop the request and return an error.
Are there still some possibilities?
Thanks for your help!
Current starting:
You need to implement custom authentication in spring. I did the same thing but I had a db like:
fb_email_address | user_id | other_fields...
You must create these classes:
class TokenAuthenticationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) {
String theToken = request.getParameter('theToken');
TokenAuthentication tokenAuth = new TokenAuthentication(theToken)
You need to add the authentication provider to spring's security system:
class WebConfigHolder extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implements WebMvcConfigurer {
#Autowired private TokenAuthenticationProvider tokenAuthenticationProvider
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Implement authentication provider which actually checks to see if the token is valid.
class TokenAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
//called by provider manager at some point during execution of security filters, I think
//it's the security api's job to call this
//the fbauthentication we create in our fbauthenticationfilter gets passed into this
Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) {
TokenAuthentication tokenAuthentication = (TokenAuthentication) auth;
String theToken = auth.getThetoken();
boolean theTokenIsInDB = ///CHECK TO SEE IF TOKEN IS IN DB
if(theTokenIsInDB) {
TokenAuthentication t = new TokenAuthentication();
return t;
} else {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Could not find user");
boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
boolean ret = TokenAuthentication.isAssignableFrom(authentication)
return TokenAuthentication.isAssignableFrom(authentication)
You need a simple Authentication Class that is just the object that's used to store the credentials while spring is waiting for the thread to get to the spring security filter; once it gets to that filter it passes authentication objects to the providers that support them. This allows you to have multiple authentication methods like FB, Google, custom tokens, etc... In my app I use FB tokens and in my provider, I check to see if the FB token corresponds to an authorized email address on my whitelist of email addresses. If it does, the user gets access to my app.
public class TokenAuthentication extends Authentication{
String token;
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
public TokenAuthentication(String theToken) { this.token = theToken;}
//getters and setters
What this code all does is, whenever someone accesses your API such as /api/person/get?theToken=132x8591dkkad8FjajamM9
The filter you created is run on every request. It checks to see if theToken was passed in and adds the TokenAuthentication to spring security.
At some point in the filter chain, spring security filter will run, and it will see that a TokenAuthentication has been created, and will search for a provider that can perform authentication on that. That happens to be your TokenAuthenticationProvider.
TokenAuthenticationProvider does the actual authentication. If it returns an authentication object that has isAuthenticated set to true, then the user will be allowed to access that api call.
Once authenticated, a user doesn't need to pass theToken again until his cookies are cleared or you invalidate his session. So he can call /api/person without the query parameters for the rest of his interactions. That's because the authentication is stored as a session-scoped data in spring.
Hope that helps. Let me know if anything's missing.

Spring security Login does NOT propagate my form(POST) to Controller

On Home page (permitAll() )
I have a form (Action "/saveX" authenicated() )
I have a Controller with #PostMapping(value="/saveX")
User fills in form data & hits submit (POST)
Spring redirects to default login page
User enters username & password & hits login
User is now presented with Home page (logged-in features are now visible)
Was expecting Spring (successful)login to forward to my (#PostMapping)Controller
Now that User is logged-In
User fills in form data & hits submit (POST)
Controller with #PostMapping(value="/saveX") is invoked
Shouldn't successful login result in continuing with the original action (ie my form POST)
NOTE - there will be many paths which could be the 1st reason for Authenticating the User --- so I won't have a default successfullogin link that can be used
I want to get these basics sorted out before I move on to implementing more sophisticated Authentication mechanisms - so will be replacing Spring default login later
Any help/hints greatly appreciated
You can do this by implementing AuthenticationSuccessHandler and need to extend SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler which will give you options on redirection decisions.
public class RefererRedirectionAuthenticationSuccessHandler
extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler
implements AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
public RefererRedirectionAuthenticationSuccessHandler() {
In Spring Security configuration file, you need to register your AuthenticationSuccessHandler using successHandler() method.
public class BasicConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception {
//put your logic here
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.successHandler(new RefererAuthenticationSuccessHandler());

Spring MVC session resource is getting shared by logged users

I have deployed a web application using Apache tomcat 8, java 8 and centos server in production.
When i tested the system by 5-6 users concurrently in office network everything seemed ok. But in client network, one users info is getting by another user(session attributes are shared/mixup). For example, if user A logs in, after a while his name is showing user B, who is logged in from different computer. If user presses Ctrl+R then his/her previous session restores for a while.
N.B. this scenario never happens other than that client network. They are using specific proxy. Other than proxy, this scenario does not happen.
I have a simple LoginController class without defining any scope. Some code snippets are below:
1. Login GET method:
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getLogin(#ModelAttribute LoginForm loginForm)
return "login";
2. Login POST method:
#RequestMapping("/login", RequestMethod.POST)
public String Login(#ModelAttribute LoginForm loginForm, HttpSession session)
User dbUser = this.userService.getUser(loginForm.getUserID());
if (dbUser != null)
if(passwordCheckedSuccess(dbUser.getPassword(), loginForm.getPassword()))
session.setAttribute("userName", dbUser.getUserName());
session.setAttribute("userId", dbUser.getUserId()); // primary key of user class
return "dashboard";
return "login";
3. I have created a loginIntercptor class to filter secured pages:
public class LoginInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception
if (!request.getRequestURI().endsWith("/login"))
if (request.getSession().getAttribute("userId") == null)
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/login");
return false;
return true;
I am not using spring security.
Please suggest a way to get rid of it. Thanks.

why spring security makes spring mvc 's postmapping controllder do not work

when I config spring security like this
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{
public UserDetailsService userDetailsService(){
return new MyUserDetailsService();
public MyAuthenticationProvider myAuthenticationProvider(){
MyAuthenticationProvider provider = new MyAuthenticationProvider();
return provider;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
and then I config my controller like this
public String showLoginPage(){
return "login";
public void authUser(#RequestParam String username,#RequestParam String password){
// just for testing
and then I visit my login page and enter my username and password, but the console doesn't print "PostMapping", which means the program doesn't go into my method "authUser" with #PostMapping.
Though my program runs successfully, but it makes me quite confuse.I suppose spring security doing some work automatically, but now I have no idea where to add my Authentications to the SecurityContextHolder.
I hope somebody can help and thanks very much
It has done by UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, and the default processing path is Post /login, and the Authentication already exist in SecurityContextHolder, you can get it in controller.
If you want to disable form login, change to this.
Normally, POST mappings are filtered by CSRFfilters. Although it is not recommended in the production environment, you can disable CSRF filter simply using for learning cases:

Using a Custom Authentication/Authorization attribute for an action

We have a website that uses ASP Identity and works great with the [Authorize] attribute sprinkled on all the appropriate classes.
What i'm looking to do is create a separate authentication system for a specific set of actions. It's a page that isn't exactly anonymous, but can be viewed if a PIN is entered correctly.
I started looking into Authentication/Authorization attributes and got to a point where it redirects to my PIN entry page if not authenticated.
So I guess what i'm asking is how do I authenticate a virtual user (aka: not in the database) to be able to access those pages after entering in the correct PIN?
You could create your own version of the AuthorizeAttribute by inheriting from it and overriding the AuthorizeCore method.
public class PinAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
private readonly string _password;
public PinAuthorizeAttribute(string password)
_password = password;
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
//Check if user has entered the correct PIN, perhaps
//by keeping the PIN in the Session
if(Session["PIN") == _password)
return true;
return false;
Now add it to your action method:
public ActionResult ProtectedIndex()
