How can I get fixed IP address on my vagrant even when I move to other network? - networking

I'm using vagrant as Linux machine.
I'm a student and I'm coding in like everywhere such as home, classroom, univ, cafe, library, etc.
The problem is that everytime I move to other place, I have to halt the vagrant machine and re-up again because the network is changed.
For example, I do some coding in cafe, where the private network IP address is 192.168.1.x. Now, I move to other place, say classroom, where the IP address this time is 192.168.99.x.
Since, IP has been changed, I have to reboot the vagrant machine. Although it takes only couple of mins but it is kinda bothering much to me.
I want to keep programming on my vagrant environment even if network environment has been changed. Need your help, Thanks.

You can have static IP wether you're using private or public network, just by specifying which IP you want to use
for public network: "public_network", ip: ""
for private network: "private_network", ip: ""

While the answer provided by Frédéric Henri is accurate, it may not actually be helpful. The problem with setting a static IP in the Vagrantfile is when you change networks (or subnets) as you described, the network device in charge of handing out IPs might not be willing to give that IP back to you - it may already be in use, or on another subnet or network.
Assuming you're trying to regain network connectivity from the Guest, you can just reboot the adapter or network interface you need in the Guest by doing the following (from the Guest):
ifdown eth0
ifup eth0
Where eth0 is the name of the network adapter you need to restart. You can verify this by running ifconfig on your Guest and determining which network interface is being used to get the IP you want to renew.
See this similar question for more information.


What does this Vagrant error mean and how do you fix it? For 'public_network' and 'private_network' together

I have this in my Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "public_network" "private_network", type: "dhcp"
It's giving me this error when I try vagrant up
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
A host only network interface you're attempting to configure via DHCP
already has a conflicting host only adapter with DHCP enabled. The
DHCP on this adapter is incompatible with the DHCP settings. Two
host only network interfaces are not allowed to overlap, and each
host only network interface can have only one DHCP server. Please
reconfigure your host only network or remove the virtual machine
using the other host only network.
It uses a lot of words, but I still don't understand it. All of my virtual machines are powered off. Why can't there be more than one DHCP client on the network anyways? There are often multiple DHCP clients on the same network! All of my machines are using NAT adapters except for one using Bridged Adapter.
VirtualBox 5.2.4
Vagrant 2.0.1
In Vagrant a public network is like a private one(in a pure networking sense) with dhcp that is implicitly bridged to your host so it can be accessed from outside your machine, it is a bit ambiguous as the documentation state.
So you are trying to create two networks using DHCP on the same hypervisor for the same machine, this cannot work with Virtualbox as Virtualbox can only assign one IP to one machine over DHCP.
If you don't need "the outside world" to access your machine the public network is useless, just use a private network over DHCP.
Or try using a public network with a private one with a static IP.
I had the same error, and in my case I did the following:
1) Enabled a new 'host-only' adapter in virtualbox: just select your box, click 'settings', click 'network' and enable a different adapter than your other boxes have.
2) Check the ip of that adapter you created by running 'ipconfig' in powershell or command line in Windows.
3) Finally, in your vagrant configuration file, specify an ip within the adapter's network: "private_network", ip: "place_ip_here".
If your adapter's ipv4 is '', for example, and subnet mask '', then your first three numbers in the IP remain the same '172.28.128.another_number_here'
This issue may happens for different reasons. In my case when vagrant boots the vm, it brings up a other network adapter vboxnet2 while I have already created and attached an adapter vboxnet1. Thus, those two adapters were overlapping.
This thread enter link description here helped me to solve my issue

Proxmox with OPNsense as pci-passthrough setup used as Firewall/Router/IPsec/PrivateLAN/MultipleExtIPs

This setup should be based on a proxmox, being behind a opnsense VM hosted on the Proxmox itself which will protect proxmox, offer a firewall, a privat LAN and DHCP/DNS to the VMs and offer a IPsec connection into the LAN to access all VMs/Proxmox which are not NATed.
The server is the typical Hetzner Server, so only on NIC but multiple IPs or/subnets on this NIC.
Proxmox Server with 1 NIC(eth0)
3 Public 1IPs, IP2/3 are routed by MAC in the datacenter (to eth0)
eth0 is PCI-Passthroughed to the OPNsense KVM
A private network on vmbr30,
An IPsec mobile client connect ( to LAN
To better outline the setup, i create this [drawing][1]: (not sure its perfect, tell me what to improve)
How to setup such a scenario using PCI-Passthrough instead of the Bridged Mode.
Follow ups
I) Why i cannot access PROXMOX.2 but access VMEXT.11 (ARP?)
II) is why do i need a from * to * IPSEC chain rule to get ipsec running. That is most probably a very much opnsense related question.
III) I tried to handle the 2 additional external IPs by adding virtual ips in OPNsense, adding a 1:1 nat to the internal LAN ip and opening the firewall for the ports needed ( for each private lan IP ) - but yet i could not get it running. The question is, should each private IP have a seperate MAC or not? What is specifically needed to get a multi-ip setup on WAN
General high level perspective
Adding the pci-passthrough
A bit out of scope, but what you will need is
a serial console/LARA to the proxmox host.
a working LAN connection from opnsense (in my case vmbr30) to proxmox private ( ) and vice versa. You will need this when you only have the tty console and need to reconfigure the opnsense intefaces to add em0 as the new WAN device
You might have a working IPsec connection before or opened WAN ssh/gui for further configuration of opnsense after the passthrough
In general its this guide - in short
vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet intel_iommu=on"
vi /etc/modules
Then reboot and ensure you have a iommu table
find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l
Now find your network card
lspci -nn
in my case
00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM [8086:15b7] (rev 31)
After this command, you detach eth0 from proxmox and lose network connection. Ensure you have a tty! Please replace "8086 15b7" and 00:1f.6 with your pci-slot ( see above)
echo "8086 15b7" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/new_id && echo 0000:00:1f.6 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:1f.6/driver/unbind && echo 0000:00:1f.6 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/pci-stub/bind
Now edit your VM and add the PCI network card:
vim /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf
and add ( replace 00:1f.6)
machine: q35
hostpci0: 00:1f.6
Boot opnsense connect using ssh root# from your tty proxmox host, edit the interfaces, add em0 as your WAN interface and set it on DHCP - reboot your opnsense instance and it should be up again.
add a serial console to your opnsense
In case you need a fast disaster recovery or your opnsense instance is borked, a CLI based serial is very handy, especially if you connect using LARA/iLO whatever.
Do get this done, add
vim /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf
and add
serial0: socket
Now in your opnsense instance
vim /conf/config.xml
and add / change this
Be sure you replace the current serialspeed with 9600. No reboot your opnsense vm and then
qm terminal 100
Press Enter again and you should see the login prompt
hint: you can also set your primaryconsole to serial, helps you get into boot prompts and more and debug that.
more on this under
Network interfaces on Proxmox
auto vmbr30
iface vmbr30 inet static
bridge_ports none
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
pre-up sleep 2
metric 1
WAN is External-IP1, attached em0 (eth0 pci-passthrough), DHCP
LAN is, attached to vmbr30
Multi IP Setup
Yet, i only cover the ExtraIP part, not the extra Subnet-Part. To be able to use the extra IPs, you have to disable seperate MACs for each ip in the robot - so all extra IPs have the same MAC ( IP1,IP2,IP3 )
Then, in OPN, for each extern IP you add a Virtual IP in Firewall-VirtualIPs(For every Extra IP, not the Main IP you bound WAN to). Give each Virtual IP a good description, since it will be in the select box later.
Now you can go to either Firewall->NAT->Forward, for each port
Destination: The ExtIP you want to forward from (IP2/IP3)
Dest port rang: your ports to forward, like ssh
Redirect target IP: your LAN VM/IP to map on, like
Set the redirect port, like ssh
Now you have two options, the first one considered the better, but could be more maintenance.
For every domain you access the IP2/IP3 services with, you should define local DNS "overrides" mapping on the actually private IP. This will ensure that you can communicate from the inner to your services and avoids the issues you would have since you used NATing before.
Otherwise you need to care about NAT reflection - otherwise your LAN boxes will not be able to access the external IP2/IP3, which can lead to issues in Web applications at least. Do this setup and activate outbound rules and NAT reflection:
What is working:
OPN can route a]5]5ccess the internet and has the right IP on WAN
OPN can access any client in the LAN ( VMPRIV.151 and VMEXT.11 and PROXMOX.2)
i can connect with a IPSec mobile client to OPNsense, offering access to LAN ( from a virtual ip range
i can access ( opnsense ) while connected with IPsec
i can access VMEXT using the IPsec client
i can forward ports or 1:1NAT from the extra IP2/IP3 to specific private VMs
Bottom Line
This setup works out a lot better then the alternative with the bridged mode i described. There is no more async-routing anymore, there is no need for a shorewall on proxmox, no need for a complex bridge setup on proxmox and it performs a lot better since we can use checksum offloding again.
Disaster recovery
For disaster recovery, you need some more skills and tools. You need a LARA/iPO serial console the the proxmox hv ( since you have no internet connection ) and you will need to configure you opnsense instance to allow serial consoles as mentioned here, so you can access opnsense while you have no VNC connection at all and now SSH connection either ( even from local LAN, since network could be broken ). It works fairly well, but it needs to be trained once to be as fast as the alternatives
As far as i can see, this setup is not able to be used in a cluster proxmox env. You can setup a cluster initially, i did by using a tinc-switch setup locally on the proxmox hv using Seperate Cluster Network. Setup the first is easy, no interruption. The second join needs to already taken into LARA/iPO mode since you need to shutdown and remove the VMs for the join ( so the gateway will be down ). You can do so by temporary using the eth0 NIC for internet. But after you joined, moved your VMs in again, you will not be able to start the VMs ( and thus the gateway will not be started). You cannot start the VMS, since you have no quorum - and you have no quorum since you have no internet to join the cluster. So finally a hen-egg issue i cannot see to be overcome. If that should be handled, only by actually a KVM not being part of the proxmox VMs, but rather standalone qemu - not desired by me right now.

debian networking sets wrong ip

I'm currently trying to automate our beaglebone flashing - therefore we have to manually change the ip address.
I created a script which basically adds sth. like:
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address theip
gateway gateway
to /etc/network/interfaces
After adding this I restart networking via:
service networking restart
Which returns "ok", but ifconfig doesn't return "theip" it seems like it just ignores the changes and still uses dhcp.
When rebooting the system, the ip is changed and everything works as expected, but I don't want to restart the system. So how do I correctly restart the networking?
Thanks in advance,
Do ip addr flush dev eth0 first and then restart the networking service.
The /etc/network/interfaces file is used by the ifupdown system. This is different than the graphical NetworkManager system that manages the network by default.
When you add lines to control eth0 in the /etc/network/interfaces file, most graphical network managers assume you are now using the ifupdown service for that interface and drops the option to manage it.
The ifupdown system is less complicated and less sophisticated. Since eth0 is new to the ifupdown system, it assumes that it is unconfigured and tries to "add" the specified address using the ip command. Since the interface already has an ip address assigned by dhclient for that network, I suspect it is erroring out. You then need to put the interface in a known state for ifupdown to be able to start managing it. That is without an address assigned to the interface via the ip command.

CentOS - Wrong automatic ifconfig broadcast address

Running a Centos 5.11 machine with two network cards.
One is facing the internal network (private IP), the other the Internet (public IP).
Because we had some issues lately with it (ARP collision - but that's not the point here!), I started verifying its config. And I find out the broadcast set for the public IP is wrong.
IP is
Subnet is
So basically we should have:
First IP
Last IP
But the broadcast is automatically set to last host
If I change it using command line, it is reseted back to the same IP once I do a service network restart...
I had to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 for the broadcast to stick to what I wanted.

OpenStack: Assigning IPs manually

I am deploying OpenStack Havana over Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS following the official documentation ( I'm using a single-node installation, so one physical machine is acting as controller node and compute node at the same time.
Right now I have everything working except for the network. I should remark that I am not using Neutron, just Nova Network. Also, I should say I'm far from being a networking expert.
The problem is the next one: in my enterprise, as far as I know, every device has a public IP. This is, there are no IPs such as 192.168.X.X or 10.0.X.X. Rather, all IPs are located in a public subnet, to say, A.B.0.0/16. In particular, my department has the subnet A.B.C.0/24 assigned, so all our devices should be assigned an IP in that range. The gateway has assigned the IP A.B.C.2.
So far, I have not been able to configure the network correctly. What I would like to do is the following:
Using, nova network create, create a new network which is the same one that the physical machine:
nova network-create vmnet --fixed-range-v4=A.B.C.0/24 --gateway=A.B.C.2 --dns1= --dns2=
Then, assign IPs manually to each virtual machine. If IPs were assigned in that subnet, it would override other IPs from existing computers. So what I would like is doing pretty much what I can do with VirtualBox when I setup the adapter as a "Bridge Adapter", i.e., assigning an IP manually in the guest OS.
Is that even possible?
Thanks a lot.
Use Neutron network and specifically go for ovs plugin. Because the instructions I am giving below will only work for it.
You have to setup the ovs plugin with the following configuration in '/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini'
tenant_network_type = gre
network_vlan_ranges = EXTNet
enable_tunneling = True
tunnel_type = gre
tunnel_id_ranges = 1:1000
integration_bridge = br-int
tunnel_bridge = br-tun
bridge_mappings = EXTNet:br-ex
local_ip = <your machine IP here>
Note the Bridge mappings entry. It maps the EXTNet to br-ex. Later you will use this EXTNet as provider physical network while creating your network in Openstack. For now you have to add one of your host's interfaces that is connected to your enterprise networks to br-ex. After adding it you may not be able to access your host through that interface so always use a secondary interface for this.
Once you are done with the setup do the following.
quantum net-create EXTNet --provider:physical_network EXTNet --provider:network_type flat
quantum net-update EXTNet --router:external True
quantum net-update EXTNet --shared True
quantum subnet-create --name EXTSubnet --gateway <external network gateway> EXTNet <external network CIDR> --enable_dhcp False
There may be other ways of doing. But I have tested this approach and hence recommend.
Once you have successfully created a subnet, just lauch instances in it.
One thing to note here is since you have disabled dhcp in your subnet openstack will not run dnsmasq on it ahd hence you should have to provide your own dhcp server.
Second since the network_type is flat there wont be any vlan packets. The packets from your instance will flow as it is on your external network, which is what you want.
