How to markdown/html tables containing plus/minus - r

I use a chain of
knitr::knit2html("test.Rmd") # generates & test.html
rmarkdown::render("") # overwrites test.html
to generate an html report.
This chain provides good functionality as my report usually combines pictures, tables & text. If I ran only
"test.html" will be generated, but it looks awkward, i.e. pictures not shown correctly.
Normally, this works fine, but this time sample names that are headers of a table contain '+' or '-'.
| | IP_gene8-_1st| IP_gene8+_1st|
|IP_gene8-_1st | 1.0000000| 0.4357325|
|IP_gene8+_1st | 0.4357325| 1.0000000|
"test.html" generated by knit2html("test.Rmd") will contain a valid table, but other pictures are not shown correctly.
<th align="left"></th>
<th align="right">IP_Rad18-_1st</th>
<th align="right">IP_Rad18_1st</th>
<td align="left">IP_Rad18_1st</td>
<td align="right">1.0000000</td>
<td align="right">0.4357325</td>
<td align="left">IP_Rad18_1st</td>
<td align="right">0.4357325</td>
<td align="right">1.0000000</td>
Running rmarkdown::render("") produces a "test.html" with a table as text only, but e.g. pictures shown correctly. The crappy table output looks like this:
| | IP_gene8-_1st| IP_gene8+_1st|
|IP_Rad18_1st | 1.0000000| 0.4357325|
|IP_Rad18_1st | 0.4357325| 1.0000000|
Usually, '+' and '-' can be protected using '/', but this does not have any effect in the table context.
Is there any way to trick rmarkdown::render() to create a valid html-table?

You can use below unicode entity code for +/- sign in markdown as well as html:


How to embed file content into body of the email using mail command?

I have requirement,where i need to send file content as mail body.can we dot through unix scripting.
Thanks in Advance
With the data create a html file. And then send that file in email as content.
use an expression to create your file data like this -
v_data= ' <tr>
<td>'||company ||'</td>
<td>'|| contact_person|| '</td>
<td>'|| country ||'</td>
Use an aggregator to concat all these data into one single row. group by none.
Then use another expression transformation.
create a ports like this -
v_head ='
<b>pls find below data.</b>
v_body = Aggregated_v_data
v_output = v_head||v_body ||v_tail
Then use this output and connect to a flat file target.
Then send this flat file sing mailx command/any mail client.
Output should look like this.
html file should looks like this
pls find below data.
<br> </br>
<td>Alfreds </td>
<td>Maria </td>

Text wrapping in cell spanning over multiple rows - Sphinx ReStructuredText

When creating a table with cell spanning over multiple rows I notice that the contents of the text don't wrap but increase the width of the table to produce horizontal scroll bars.
For example consider the following RST,
| | |
| | This text must |
+-------+ wrap over to |
| | the next line |
when built produces,
As I increase the length of the text, the table grows horizontally. what should I do for it to wrap? For now, I'm forcing it to wrap by manually inserting line breaks with "|" but the produced output looks bad.
There is a table directive with a :widths: attribute.
.. table::
:widths: 20, 80
| | |
| | This text must |
+-------+ wrap over to |
| | the next line |
There might also be a way to control column widths with custom CSS, but I was not able to override the <colgroup> tags in the Sphinx output.
You won't be able to override the colgroup tag in Sphinx. You could try using the rst2html5 package instead, which doesn't generate colgroup. Another option is using CSS to control column widths:
col:nth-child(1) {
width: 200px;
col:nth-child(2) {
width: 300px;
<table border="1" class="docutils">
<col width="29%" />
<col width="71%" />
<tbody valign="top">
<tr><td> </td>
<td> </td>
<tr><td> </td>
<td rowspan="2">This text must
wrap over to
the next line</td>
<tr><td> </td>

Angular-moment deprecation warning

The following line of code generates a the warning below:
<span>{{prac.dateShown | amAdd: i : 'd' | amDateFormat:'dddd D MMM'}}</span>
Deprecation warning: moment construction falls back to js Date.
Both of the following line of code do not. Does anyone know what is going on?
<span>{{prac.dateShown | amAdd: i : 'd'}}</span>
<span>{{prac.dateShown | amDateFormat:'dddd D MMM'}}</span>
i is a number from the array: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,]
prac.dayShownis a moment variable in my controller.
Adding more code
<div ng-repeat="prac in practices">
<th ng-repeat="i in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]">
<span>{{prac.dateShown | amAdd: i : 'd' | amDateFormat:'dddd D MMM'}}</span>
When using prac.dateShown you have to make sure the type is Date to allow Moment.js to understand the format of the value, do something like this in your component:
this.prac.dateShow = new Date(YOUR_VAR);
then prac.dateShow will be a valid date

Ractivejs: How to get to work Nested properties in view

I have 2 objects results and headers being headers generated from _.keys(result[0])
I have to create a table dinamically so I create this:
<table class="ui celled table segment">
<td>{{????}}</td> <-- Here is where I fail to know what to put into
Can someone help me to fill in the blanks. So I can create a table that display the contents
If I remove the {{#headers}} part and I already know the elements <td>{{.head1}}</td> work perfectly the problem is that I'am generating different objects on the fly.
The reason this works is that the <td> is repeated for each item in the headers array, because it's inside a headers section - so far, so obvious. Because of that, we can use this to refer to the current header (head1, head2 etc). The trick is to get a reference to the current row - and because you've already created the i index reference, we can do that easily with result[i]. Hence result[i][this].
Here's a demo fiddle:

How to create zebra-stripe CSS with TAL?

How can I use Chameleon or Zope Page Templates to easily create CSS zebra striping? I want to add odd and even classes to each row in a table, but using a condition with repeat/name/odd or repeat/name/even looks rather verbose even with a conditional expression:
<tr tal:repeat="row rows"
tal:attributes="class python:repeat['row'].odd and 'odd' or 'even'">
<td tal:repeat="col row" tal:content="col">column text text</td>
This gets especially tedious if you have multiple classes to calculate.
The Zope Page Templates implementation for the repeat variable has an under-documented extra parameter, parity, than gives you the string 'odd' or 'even', alternating between iterations:
<tr tal:repeat="row rows"
tal:attributes="class repeat/row/parity">
<td tal:repeat="col row" tal:content="col">column text text</td>
This is also much easier to interpolate into a string expression:
tal:attributes="class string:striped ${row/class} ${repeat/row/parity}"
This works in Chameleon as well.
