EntityFramework: Code First Model with Methods - ef-code-first

Simple question, Lets say you are creating a code first database. Is it okay to put methods in your Model? I don't want the database to have procedures or functions for these methods though. So basically, all I want is to have my attributes mapped.


Is there an elegant solution for models that are very similair and do have a relation towards each other, but are not quite the same?

I've recently started developing in .NET core.
When developing I encountered the situation that I have to make very similair models that aren't quite the same. For example, let's talk about a booking model:
Frontend: Here I need a model that gets posted as a JSON to my backend and gets deserliazed to a sort of FrontendBooking model.
Backend: I need to add Customer data to the booking, therefore I need to add fields like: CustomerName and CustomerAddress, based on their CustomerId. The backend needs to provide this data, I do not want the frontend to determine these fields. I combine these models to prepare it for an API call. To a model called RequestBooking.
API: I sent RequestBooking to an API and get a response with a similair object that has for example a Status and BookingId added, this was added to the model by the API. So I need to deserialize this to an object called: ResponseBooking.
Database: Finally I wish to store the object to a database, not all properties of the model are relevant however, therefore I create another model called: DatabaseBooking and store this to the databse.
When a property is added, removed or changed. Then I'll have to change it for each of these models.
Is there a design pattern or some other solution, so this is more manageable?
Also, what is best practise for naming these models? Naming them all Booking doesn't feel quite right and adding what they're used for doesn't feel quite right either.
Thanks in advance.
Well, in general you will need different (although similar) models at least at these levels:
Server: here you can make use of Domain Driven Design. You will have an object Booking that is responsible for its logic and contain all properties and methods like e.g. MarkAsCancelled. You can use Entity Framework to use the same object in the database, which will correspond to a database table. EF allows you to mark some properties as not being saved in the DB. Also you can set up EF in the DbContext class and thus not use DB specific attributes in the class. So one object for DB and backend business logic.
API: obviously you cannot send your domain object to the API, e.g. REST. In the API you may want to combine properties of several domain objects or hide some properties. You will have to define a set of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), e.g. BookingDto. How to convert your domain objects to DTOs? Solutions like AutoMapper may help. You just set up convertion rules once.
Now you can describe your API in e.g. Swagger. With Swagger Codegen you can than generate code for your server (.net) and client (e.g. JS).
In the end you will have to support the following:
API definition (e.g. Swagger). Code for server DTOs and client
objects is autogenerated. You modify API definition once, both sides
get new objects.
DDD Models that also are used for the Database. They
may be faily independent from your DTOs. Mapping is handled for you
semi-automatically by e.g. Automapper
All said is just a suggestion. All the layers and number of objects can and should be adapted to the specific needs of your project. E.g. you may want to use separate objects for the database if you are not using a relational mapper like EF or do not want to mix DB and logic.

ASP.NET Entity Framework, Add Table to Model

So I've found similar questions, but could really use some help! I have an Entity Framework Application with a whole bunch of tables. I've had to add a new table, and I understand that I can get the model to update using the wizard from .edmx file. The problem is that I REALLY don't want to udpate all of the other models. I've added validation for my models as they're being used in forms, regenerating these models will get rid of all that code. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
You won't be able to preserve the changes you made to the auto-generated classes as part of the .edmx.
This may not be the answer you want to hear, but your situation is one of many reasons to use different classes for your user submitted data (i.e. web form in your case).
A few other reasons you should separate your models:
Prevent over-posting which could result in bad data or even security issues
Keep your data models clean and simple by avoiding having UI specific properties (e.g. SelectList which is an object to help populate <select> elements, but doesn't need to be part of the database)

MVC Development Best Practice to represent database object and page model objects

I have MVC 3 web app where I get record(s) from DB which is used to render page elements and populate different partial views.
I have classes that represent these DB objects (service layer).
I have also separate set of classes which holds models get returned by the controllers to the view(s).
In my controller, I query DB that returns object to represent DB record.
Then I transfer (MAP) that DB Object to object that Represent the model used by the view(s)
These classes are big and I have to write lots of code in the controller to map.
In most cases I only have some properties which are different.
It seems lots of extra work to do this mapping & lots of code to do the mapping
That is why I am asking.
Is this the correct design approach of developing in MVC framework?
If no, then do you have some pointers that outline the best practice on this aspect.
The Model or ViewModel should only contain information that is used by the View. In some cases, this can be almost identical to what the objects you get from the database are,but this is not always the case. Keeping these concerns separate is good for a number of reasons beyond the scope of a stackoverflow answer. On a side note, I hope you have a separate data access layer and am not querying the database , entity framework or service directly from the controller, again, just to keep those concerns separate.
You can use AutoMapper to map between your DB objects and view models automatically.
SomeViewModel model = Mapper.Map<SomeViewModel>(someDbObj);
Getting started guide.

ASP.NET MVC3 - Multiple Stored procedures on Single Page

Is it possible to call multiple stored procedures (not multiple result sets from a procedure) and display results on a single page in ASP.NET MVC 3 application?
From what I understand only one Model can created on any single page and my stored procedure is already tied to that Model. I would like to call another procedure and display that result as well on my page
I think the root problem is to understand the meaning of the Model in the MVC pattern.
First of all,
The model consists of application data and business rules, and the controller mediates input, converting it to commands for the model or view.[3] A view can be any output representation of data, such as a chart or a diagram
In ASP.Net MVC you link a model to your view, this model should not be part of your domain logic or any domain object
The real model (using the meaning of the MVC pattern) is represented by your domain objects.
So what should you put inside the object that you link to your view??
These objects should contain a representation of the view, in other words simple DTO's containing only the data that is going to be used in the view and nothing more. These models should represent the data being used in the view. If you follow this approach, and you need to display more data in the page, you only need to add another property to this model and voila, you can use it from your view.
In a CQRS architecture, these DTO's should be populated by the Query repositories.
If you do not have a CQRS architecture, just populate these objects in your domain, repositories, etc. Do not do it inside the controller, keep your controllers clean and simple, by making calls to your real domain using services or repositories
Try to avoid the reuse of these DTO's, they should belong to one view only. And do yourself a favor and do not try to reuse a domain object instead of a DTO just to use it as the model.
Following this approach your view-models will be clean, since they will be only DTO's and only containing the data needed by the view. And you can fill these DTO's from different sources, even from different databases if you want.
When you want to perform an action you would read from the model the data provided by the user, and with this data you would call your domain through repositories, services or in a CQRS arc. using commands
The simple answer to your question is "yes".
I suggest you do some more research (ie reading articles and looking at sample apps) into MVC and concentrate on understanding these points:
The Model is a class used to group the data you want to display in the View. It can be populated by a variety of methods and does not have to be the domain object or the pure representation of the database result.
A "page" (the concept of what a user sees in their browser window) can be made up from one or more Views. Each View can be responsible for displaying one type of Model allowing for reuse, but a "page" can have multiple Views.
Models are not "tied" to stored procedures. Perhaps you are using an ORM tool that returns a DTO class (which you call model)? This doesn't have to be the Model used by the View. The Controller could compose several of these DTO classes into one Model class.
N-tier application design where database access is separated from the display logic. MVC tries to encourage this but it still has to be done correctly to avoid tying yourself in knots.
Good luck!

Creating a custom property in Entity Framework

I have a database I'd like to create an entity from, and then generate RESTful output.
My objective is to add a property to one of the tables once it becomes an entity. The data for that property would be one I'd come up with through calculations done on a few different fields in the table. From there, the code generator would create RESTful output like it normally does.
I have managed to be able to update the SSDL, CSDL, and the mapping sections of the edmx file along with using the SampleEdmxCodeGenerator as a custom tool. When I have all the sections in the edmx file filled out with my custom property, the svc fails because (I'm assuming) the property doesn't exist in the database. If I leave the property out of the SSDL, but put it in the client schema (CSDL) and the mapping section, I can't build my project.
I've modified the partial class and added to it, but the problem there is that I need to populate the methods on the creation time of the class, and I haven't been able to do that yet.
Am I headed in the right direction, or is this not possible? It seems like I should be able to do this with minimal effort, but I keep hitting walls.
I think you're taking detours to get where you want. I haven't used either of these approaches (recently), so they might not do exactly what you're after, but you could try this:
Create a partial class file right next to the .edmx model, which has the same name as your entity.
In it, specify the property you want as a read-only property, that does the calculations on each get.
Partial Classes and Partial methods were the first part of my answer. What I'm essentially trying to do I can't do. I can manipulate data that is returned by using partial methods and partial classes. I can plug the OnmethodnameChanged() method to format the data how I'd like it to be shown, but that only gets me part way to my desired result.
What I would also like to do, is create a property c, which doesn't exist as a column in the database (and therefore does not exist in my entity), calculated from a couple different properties in the database (say a and b), and then add property c to the entity framework class. In doing this, I figured it would then get generated into the RESTful webservice output.
A problem that occurs comes from the need for the class to update any changes you make, and have it propagate back to the data source. I didn't care about that, because I want my property to be read only. From what I've gathered this isn't possible.
For reference, these two posts really helped:
Adding custom property to Entity Framework class
(I can only post one url currently, so here is the address to the other article)
What I've decided to do, is to expose my entity as I've done so far, then consume the RESTful service that manipulates data and reformats it, and introduces needed properties. I'll turn the results into my own data object, and use that as a datasource to be exposed by yet another RESTful web service. I think this website gives a good example on how to expose a custom datasource.
If for some reason that is too slow, I suppose I could just make another table in my database that has a reworking of the data, and the calculated output in a format I'm looking for. The thing I want to avoid is having my resulting client having to do any of the data manipulation since it will be on some micro devices like palms, iphones, and blackberries.
Hope that helps anyone else with the same problem. It seems that is a shortfall in the current version of Data Services, but to some extent, I'm sure they'll be addressing it in later versions. Maybe T4 and .net 4.0 will be addressing it. I'm not sure.
