Getting Data from Server side to Client template - meteor

I currently use meteor for a microproject of mine to get a bit usage experience with it. Shortly after setting up I ran into some trouble getting Data i recieve from an API call to a third party site to the client into the template. I checked the usual places for answers and found some information but nothing seems to get it working for me.
So I have a simple API Call to the Steam Web Api:
getPlayerStats: function() {
return HTTP.get("");
(Api key and steam id removed for anonymity purpose, but the call indeed returns a valid response)
So I use Iron Router for template rendering.
Router.route('/profile/:steamid', {
template: 'profile',
data: function() {'getPlayerStats', function(err, res) {
if(err) {
return {err: err, stat: null};
} else {
var redata = JSON.parse(res.content);
var stats = redata.playerstats.stats;
console.log({err: null, stats: stats});
return {err: null, stats: stats};
So as you can see i return an object in the data method containing either err or a parsed version of the result i get from the api call. The console.log actually returns everything as intended in the client browser, that is an object like this:
{err: null, stats: [{name: "xx", value: "XY"},...]}
And now the part that actually gets me wondering, the template:
<template name="profile">
{{#each stats}}
<li>{{name}} - {{value}}</li>
Which fails to render anything, not the err (which is null and therefor not very important) but neither the stats array.
Anyone has any idea where I went wrong on this one?

You cannot return data from asynchronous call. Instead, You can do it in the template's created function by using ReactiveVar or Session Variable like this
Template.profile.created = function () {
// or Template.profile.onCreated(function () {
var template = this;
template.externalData = new ReactiveVar(null);'getPlayerStats', function(err, res) {
if(err) {
template.externalData.set({err: err, stat: null});
} else {
var redata = JSON.parse(res.content);
var stats = redata.playerstats.stats;
console.log({err: null, stats: stats});
template.externalData.set({err: null, stat: stats});
// }); //comment the above line and use this, if you used onCreated instead of created.
Then in your helpers,
externalData: function () {
var template = Template.instance();
return template.externalData.get();
Then in your template html,
<template name="profile">
{{#if externalData}}
{{#if externalData.err}}
<p>There is an error. {{externalData.err}}</p>
{{#each externalData.stats}}
<li>{{name}} - {{value}}</li>


Meteor Tracker error after multiple routes

When a running a particular route, I'm getting an error (see below), but ONLY if I've run one or more other routes before running this one. It doesn't matter what those other routes are. So if I reload the home page, and then click to this route, no error. But if I reload home, go to any other route, and then the one in question, I get this error:
Exception from Tracker recompute function: undefined debug.js:43
Error: {{#each}} currently only accepts arrays, cursors or falsey
at badSequenceError (http://localhost:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?hash=550c39b36ab0e65194ea03cdc7ecbe99dcdd07f6:174:10)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?hash=550c39b36ab0e65194ea03cdc7ecbe99dcdd07f6:139:17
at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (http://localhost:3000/packages/tracker.js?hash=f525263111eb9d90f4ce1ad064f97aca4a6c1b07:631:12)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?hash=550c39b36ab0e65194ea03cdc7ecbe99dcdd07f6:116:15
at Tracker.Computation._compute (http://localhost:3000/packages/tracker.js?hash=f525263111eb9d90f4ce1ad064f97aca4a6c1b07:339:36)
at new Tracker.Computation (http://localhost:3000/packages/tracker.js?hash=f525263111eb9d90f4ce1ad064f97aca4a6c1b07:229:10)
at Object.Tracker.autorun (http://localhost:3000/packages/tracker.js?hash=f525263111eb9d90f4ce1ad064f97aca4a6c1b07:604:11)
at Object.observe (http://localhost:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?hash=550c39b36ab0e65194ea03cdc7ecbe99dcdd07f6:113:31)
at . (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?hash=ef41aed769a8945fc99ac4954e8c9ec157a88cea:2763:43)
at fireCallbacks (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?hash=ef41aed769a8945fc99ac4954e8c9ec157a88cea:1955:26)
My Router code:
Router.route('/exercises', {
name: 'exercises',
waitOn: function() {
this.exercisesSub = Meteor.subscribe('exercises');
this.progressSub = undefined;
if (Meteor.userId() && Meteor.user() && Meteor.user().emails[0].verified) {
this.progressSub = Meteor.subscribe("progress", Meteor.userId());
return [this.exercisesSub, this.progressSub];
data: function() {
if (this.exercisesSub.ready()) {
if (this.progressSub === undefined || this.progressSub.ready()) {
var data = {
subHeader: 'Exercises',
exercises: Exercises.find({}, {sort: {order: 1}}),
if (this.progressSub !== undefined) {
data.progress = Progress.findOne({});
return data;
<template name="exercises">
{{#each exercises}}
<exercise id="{{_id}}">
<criteria>Criteria: <b>{{criteria}}</b></criteria>
Highest score: <score>0%</score>
{{>button name="launch" text="LAUNCH"}}
The returned collection Exercises contains the same data with or without error, but for some reason Meteor doesn't see that data if I've loaded previous routes. Any ideas?

Template specific subscriptions in an array

Template.recent.created = function () {
this.autorun(function () {
this.subscriptions = [
Template.recent.rendered = function () {
this.autorun(function () {
var allReady = _.every(this.subscriptions, function (subscription) {
return subscription.ready();
Is this the correct way to subscribe to more than one DB source in a template? When I render this template again while it's still loading, then it seems to go into infinite loading state.
Related doc:
There is no need to wrap your subscriptions in a Tracker.autorun. In fact, each sub has a onReady callback that you can use:
this.subscribe('subName', {onReady: function() {
//Do something when ready
But besides that, there is a subscriptionsReady() function that returns true when all your template subs are ready (see the doc):
So your code become:
Template.recent.onCreated(function () {
this.subscriptions = [
if(this.subscriptionsReady()) {
//do something when all subs are ready
And in your template you can also check if all template's subs are ready:
<template name="templateName">
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
Everything is ready!

Server side rendering with Meteor and Meteorhacks:ssr and iron-router

This came out recently: but there doesn't seem to be a full fledged example of how to use this with iron-router.
If I had a template like:
{{#markdown}} {{body}} {{/markdown}}
How would I populate it with a single records attributes from a request for a specific ID ?
E.g page requested was localhost:3000/p/:idofposthere how to populate it with data and render it in iron-router for that route / server side?
Actually a bit easier than you think (I just followed Arunoda's SSR example and converted it to iron-router for you):
if(Meteor.isServer) {
Template.posts.getPosts = function(category) {
return Posts.find({category: category}, {limit: 20});
} {
this.route('view_post', {
path: 'post/:id',
action : function() {
var html = SSR.render('posts', {category: 'meteor'})
var response = this.response;
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/html'});
It only gets tricky if you share the same route for client and server side for example, if you want it to render client-side based on user agent.
Source: We use this strategy on our own apps.
While the above code is simply what the question is asking for, we can get this working to follow Google's Ajax spec by checking the ?_escaped_fragment_= query string before we reach the client..
Basically, what we mostly don't know about Iron-Router is that if you have identical routes declared for server and client, the server-side route is dispatched first and then the client-side.
Here's the main javascript (with annotations):
layout: 'default'
Posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts');
// Just a test helper to verify if we area actually rendering from client or server.
UI.registerHelper('is_server', function(){
return Meteor.isServer ? 'from server' : 'from client';
myRouter = null;
if(Meteor.isServer) {
// watch out for common robot user-agent headers.. you can add more here.
// taken from MDG's spiderable package.
var userAgentRegExps = [
// Wire up the data context manually since we can't use data option
// in server side routes while overriding the default behaviour..
// not this way, at least (with SSR).
// use {{#with getPost}} to
'getPost' : function(id) {
return Posts.findOne({_id : id});
}); {
this.route('view_post', {
path: 'post/:id', // post/:id i.e. post/123
where: 'server', // this route runs on the server
action : function() {
var request = this.request;
// Also taken from MDG's spiderable package.
if (/\?.*_escaped_fragment_=/.test(request.url) ||
_.any(userAgentRegExps, function (re) {
return re.test(request.headers['user-agent']); })) {
// The meat of the SSR rendering. We render a special template
var html = SSR.render('view_post_server', {id :});
var response = this.response;
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/html'});
} else {; // proceed to the client if we don't need to use SSR.
if(Meteor.isClient) { {
this.route('view_post', { // same route as the server-side version
path: 'post/:id', // and same request path to match
where: 'client', // but just run the following action on client
action : function() {
this.render('view_post'); // yup, just render the client-side only
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
<template name="default">
{{> yield}}
<template name="home">
<template name="view_post">
hello post {{is_server}}
<template name="view_post_server">
hello post server {{is_server}}
I uploaded the app at to see it in action, But it seems to crash when using SSR. Sorry about that. Works fine if you just paste the above on Meteorpad though!
Here's the Github Repo instead:
Clone and run!
SSR is lacking real life examples, but here is how I got it working.
if (Meteor.isServer)
{ {
this.route('postserver', {
where: 'server',
path: '/p/:_id',
action: function() {
// compile
SSR.compileTemplate('postTemplate', Assets.getText('post_page.html'));
// query
var post = Posts.findOne(this.params._id);
// render
var html = SSR.render('postTemplate', {title: post.title, body: post.body});
// response
this.response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
Assets are documented here:

What is the best way of fetching data from server in Meteorjs?

I am making simple application where user can add some data in the website. Every time, when user adds new 'name' I want display the latest name automatically for every connected users.
I am not sure if my implementation of is a good idea, maybe I should use subscribe instead?
Here is my code:
<template name="names">
<p>What is your name ?</p>
<input type="text" id="newName"/>
<input type="button" id="nameSubmit" value="add new"/>
<p>Your name: {{name}}</p>
if (Meteor.isClient) {{
'click input#nameSubmit': function () {'newName', document.getElementById("newName").value);
}); = function () {
var obj = Names.find({}, {sort: {"date": -1}}).fetch()[0];
if (Meteor.isServer) {
newName: function (doc) {
var id = Names.insert({
'name': doc,
'date': new Date()
return id;
I use meteorjs version
The only thing I see inherently wrong with your code is your method.. To define methods you can use with you have you create them with a call to Meteor.methods
newName: function (name) {
'name': doc,
'date': new Date()
Another couple notes.. The Method should be defined in shared space, not just on the server unless there is some specific reason. That why it will be simulated on the client and produce proper latency compensation.
Also in your you can return the result of a findOne instead of using a fetch() on the cursor. = function () {
return Names.findOne({}, {sort: {"date": -1}}).name;

Default error page

I would like to define a default error page in meteor. That is if application is crashing or other error occurs the user should be redirected to a "friendly" page that says something like : system is unavailable , please contact etc etc.
Is there any way to accomplish this or something similar ?
Thank you
You have to use BackboneJS(Backbone Router) for routing. With this code the session variable 'page_type' let's you know if you are on a wrong url.
var BackboneRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"/": "default",
":error": "list"
default: function () {
Session.set("page_type", "default");
error: function () {
Session.set("page_type", "error");
Router = new BackboneRouter;
Meteor.startup(function () {
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
Now you can use the 'page_type' to tell the template engine which template to load.
Template.tmp.route = function () {
if (Session.get("page_type") == "default") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
<template name="tmp">
{{#if route}}
{{> default}}
{{> error}}
