insert still works after Meteor.logout - meteor

This Meteor app has the insecure and autopublish removed and accounts-password added.
It uses Accounts.createUser({username: someName, password: somePwrd});
It avoids using allow/deny and uses instead to insert documents because reading in the docs, it says that
Server code is trusted and isn't subject to allow and deny restrictions. That includes methods that are called with — they are expected to do their own access checking rather than relying on allow and deny.
But when I fire up the Meteor.logout(), I am still able to insert new documents to Tasks1 collection. How can that be? I though logout will stop inserting any new documents. How can I fix it? Thanks
Tasks1 = new Mongo.Collection('tasks1');
Meteor.publish('tasks1', function(){
return Tasks1.find({userId: this.userId});
addTasks1: function (doc) {
'click button': function () {
if ( this.text === "SUBMIT" ) {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var params = {};
params[inputs[i].name] = inputs[i].value;'addTasks1', params);
'click #logout': function () {

In your server addTasks1 method, you should first check if the user is a user like so:
addTasks1: function(doc) {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
throw new Meteor.Error("Not Authorized");
} else {
Logout alone doesn't stop users from being able to insert. You must edit your method code to achieve this.

addTasks1: function (doc) {
if (Meteor.userId()) {


failed: Access denied on meteor collection

This Meteor app has the insecure and autopublish removed and accounts-password added.
It uses Accounts.createUser({username: someName, password: somePwrd}); which can be verified on the mongo prompt.
I am trying to Tasks1.insert(params); and getting access denied
I don't know why it get Access denied for update and insert on the browser console. Please tell me why and how to fix it? Thanks
Tasks1 = new Mongo.Collection('tasks1');
Meteor.publish('tasks1', function(){
return Tasks1.find({userId: this.userId});
logMeIn: function(credentials) {
var idPin = credentials[0] + credentials[1];
Accounts.createUser({username: idPin, password: credentials[1]});
insert: function (userId, doc) {
//var u = Meteor.users.findOne({_id:userId});
return true;
'click #logMe': function() {
var credentials = [$('#id').val(), $('#pin').val()];'logMeIn', credentials, function(err, result) {
if (result) {
console.log('logged in!');
'click button': function () {
if ( this.text === "SUBMIT" ) {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
var params = {};
params[inputs[i].name] = inputs[i].value;
Tasks1.insert(params); //<<<<<<----------------------
Since you have edited your question and added that Tasks1.insert(params); is getting access denied message, you should add allow rules on Tasks collection and not Meteor.users collection.
insert: function (userId, doc) {
return true;
update: function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
return true;
remove: function (userId, doc) {
return true;
If Accounts.createUser is working without allow rules on Meteor.users then please remove them as it might allow users to insert/delete others from client itself.
End of update.
Since you removed insecure, you need to add allow/deny rules for inserting, updating or deleting files from a collection.
insert: function (userId, doc) {
//Normally I would check if (this.userId) to see if the method is called by logged in user or guest
//you can also add some checks here like user role based check etc.,
return true;
update: function (userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier) {
//similar checks like insert
return true;
remove: function (userId, doc) {
//similar checks like insert
return true;
Check the API documentation for more details.
Defining your Meteor.methods like this will define it for both server and client. This means the you will be trying to create a user TWICE, once on the server (the one that works) and another time on the client. The client does not have the right to insert user documents so you receive this error.
There are two options for you:
1: Define the method on the server only by surrounding it by if(Meteor.isServer) or putting it in a folder named "server"
2: leave it as is, it will not cause harm but keep showing the error in console.
I am sure there is a 3rd and maybe 4th solution, but those are the two I'd use.

Publish which depends on user state

I have publish method that depends on user state:
Meteor.publish('myGroup', function () {
if (this.userId != null) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);
return Group.find(user.profile.groupId);
} else {
return [];
When user state changes (user.profile.groupId), I don't get new data. I can fix it by refreshing the browser.
I was trying to fix that, by making subscription reactive:
Tracker.autorun(function () {
var user = Meteor.user(); // depend on user
if (user != null) {
But it doesn't seem to work. What is the best way to solve this problem?
Passing unused parameters seems to be the best workaround:
Meteor.subscribe("myGroup", user.profile.groupId);

Meteor methods wait before execution on client proceeds

could anybody please tell me how to make clients wait until the called function on the server is executed?
My code:
markLettersAsRead: function(userId) {
if(serverVar) {
Users.update({_id: userId}, {$set: {letters: []}}); // removing all references
'click a': function() {'markLettersAsRead', Meteor.userId(), this._id, function(err) {
if (err) {
var usersExistsWithThisLetter = Users.find({letters: {_id: this._id}}).count();
In my example usersExistsWithThisLetter is always 1 because the Users.find() doesn't wait until the is done. I verified this by checking the database and no users exists with entries in the letters array.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to query the collection inside the callback, because then you can be certain that your server method has already been executed. I would do something like this (note the self variable declaration):
var self = this;'markLettersAsRead', Meteor.userId(), this._id, function(err) {
if (!err) {
var usersExistsWithThisLetter = Users.find({letters: {_id: self._id}}).count();
} else {
I hope it helps!

How to verify if a Meteor.user username exists?

I'm building a messenger application, and before a conversation is created I want to verify if a user exists. If it does, then it will create the conversation. If not, then it should return an error. I've been working with this code on the server side but for some reason it won't work. I've tried many different tweaks, but this is basically my structure:
createConversation: function(secondPerson) {
function doesUserExist(secondPerson) {
var userx = Meteor.users.findOne({username: secondPerson});
if (userx === secondPerson) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
if (doesUserExist()) {
person1: Meteor.user().username,
person2: secondPerson
} else {
person1: "didn't work"
The main point you were missing is that find returns a cursor, whereas findOne returns a document. Here is one way to implement the method:
createConversation: function(username) {
check(username, String);
if (!this.userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error(401, 'you must be logged in!');
if (Meteor.users.findOne({username: username})) {
return Conversations.insert({
person1: Meteor.user().username,
person2: username
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, username + " does not exist!");
Note the following features:
validates that username is a string
requires that the user be logged in to create a conversation
reduces the user existence check to a single line
returns the id of the new conversation
uses Meteor.Error with explanations which can be seen on the client
To use it just open your browser console and try making calls like:'createConversation', 'dweldon', function(err, id){console.log(err, id);});

meteor findOne or find returns undefined

I'm trying to do some validation prior to loading the main page. To do this I need to find a document that I have confirmed, exist in the Mongo Collection. Unfortunately finding the document in the client.js doesn't seem to work. In my opinion the client and server collection are not in sync. Based on similar articles i have read I made many changes without success. Here is a quick summary of what I have tried.
Option1: Try to find the record in the client side and not using auto-subscribe: record not found.
In app.js
credentialToken = "2KcNCRzpTHzyZ1111";
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to ares_sso.";
Meteor.startup(function () {
var results = Meteor.findrec(credentialToken);
console.log("results:",results); //results is undefined.
'click input': function () {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
console.log("You pressed the button");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
In /client/app.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
Meteor.findrec = function(credentialToken) {
target = {credentialtoken:credentialToken};
recfound = crs_collection.findOne(target);
//No luck with find either.
//recfound = crs_collection.find({credentialtoken:credentialToken}, {limit:1}).fetch()[0];
console.log("recfound:",recfound); //returns recfound is undefined.
return recfound;
In /server/server.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
Meteor.publish("crs", function(){
return crs_collection.find();
Option2: Next I did the find in the server side, using a method "server_recfind" which worked but I'm not able get the content to the client.
In app.js
credentialToken = "2KcNCRzpTHzyZ1111";
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to ares_sso.";
Meteor.startup(function () {
var results ='server_findrec',credentialToken);
console.log("results=",results); // also returns undefined
'click input': function () {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
console.log("You pressed the button");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
In /client/app.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
In /server/app.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
Meteor.publish("crs", function(){
return crs_collection.find();
// Using Sync which finds the record but how do I sent the content to the client?
Meteor.methods ({
'server_findrec': function(credentialToken) {
// tried unblock but didnt work
var rec = crs_collection.findOne({'credentialtoken': credentialToken});
console.log("INSIDE server findrec rec=",rec); //shows content found
// tried flush but it didn't do anything
return rec; //rec not returning to the client
Option3: Frustrated and since I was able to find the document record with the server method. I tried adding global variables to delivery the content to the client side. Unfortunately it didn't work
In app.js
credentialToken = "2KcNCRzpTHzyZ1111";
//added global variables
c1 = '';
c2 = '';
c3 = ''
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to ares_sso.";
Meteor.startup(function () {
var results ='server_findrec',credentialToken);
console.log("results=",results); // also returns undefined
'click input': function () {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
console.log("You pressed the button");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
In /client/app.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
In /server/app.js
crs_collection = new Meteor.Collection("crs");
Meteor.publish("crs", function(){
return crs_collection.find();
// Using Sync which finds the record but how do I sent the content to the client?
Meteor.methods ({
'server_findrec': function(credentialToken) {
// tried unblock but didnt work
var rec = crs_collection.findOne({'credentialtoken': credentialToken});
console.log("INSIDE server findrec rec=",rec); //shows content found
c1 = rec.cont1;
c2 = rec.cont2;
c3 = rec.cont3;
//confirm that c1,c2 and c3 have content
console.log(In server_findrec c1=",c); //shows content
console.log(In server_findrec c2=",c2); //shows content
console.log(In server_findrec c3=",c3); //shows content
// tried flush to sync to client...didn't work
return rec; //rec not returning to the client
There is a lot more code, so I have assembled all of the above hoping it gives you a clear picture of what I have tried and what I'm trying to do. I'm sorry if I made a mistake in the process.
Overall it will be great to know what am I doing wrong? I believe the 3 scenarios should work. Any help or recommendation will be appreciated.
I'm using Meteor Release, no CoffeeScript.
Thank you all
You're making two mistakes:
Define crs_collection once, and make sure its in a file thats executed on the client AND the server. It should be defined globally.
crs_collection must be defined before your pub/sub code. Meteor executes files in the lib directory first, so its best to put your collection code there.
That's really all there is to it. I'm happy to provide an example if needed.
