How to render a template in Sitecore, if it does not have a content item -

This seems to be a very simple concept, but I am unable to resolve. What I'm trying to do is, render/display a Standard value of a template, to the page.
Created the items & templates using Rocks. Here is the structure.
1. Sublayout - footer.ascx
<div class="content">
<h1>This is a title.</h1>
<p>All the content goes here</p>
<sc:placeholder runat="server" Key="footercontent" />
2. Sublayout - StickyNav.ascx
<a class="btn" href="#">
<sc:Text Field="Sticky Nav Title" runat="server" />
3. Template - Sticky Nav
The first pic is of the template & the second one shows the assigned default value in _Standard Values.
Then, in Sitecore Explorer,
right clicked on (Sticky Nav - _Standard Values) > Tasks > Design Layout on Standard Values.
Now, there is a content item "index" under /sitecore/content/. It has these layouts declared:
When I right click on Index > Tools > Browse > Preview, the index page does open and the footer content is also displayed.
But, I am unable to see the text 'Go To Top', that was set as a Standard value (Image 2). It is empty.
What am i missing here.

There could be a few factors blocking the content being showed. For the front end the best bet is to rule out things like publishing - i.e. make sure that the template, fields, standard values, and the content items are all published correctly. If you are in preview this is probably of less relevance but worth noting when you deploy
When the sc:Text control renders is will be running the renderField pipeline. At the point that interacts it will be talking to Sitecore via the api.
To check things via the code behind for your control (assuming it's an ascx due to the runat="server" tag). Check:
Field field = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["Sticky Nav Title"];
if (field != null)
string value = field.Value;
And debug through to check the field actually has the value you require.
In the cms, when you view the page of interest does the 'Sticky Nav Title' field appear to have a value, and be the value you are interested in?

I realized the initial thought itself was a mistake. There HAS to be an item if it's value has to be displayed on page.
So, I created a new item under /sitecore/content/Sticky Nav Button using the template Sticky Nav.
And in StickyNav.ascx, updated the control as:
<sc:Text Field="Sticky Nav Title" runat="server" DataSource = "/sitecore/content/Sticky Nav Button"/>
Hope this helps beginners like me.


How to create a Show More button in this .TPL file

I have downloaded a template with a module called Publications. When the News Page is loaded it calls this .tpl file:
<div class="newsPage">
<h1>Latest News</h1>
{foreach from=$articles item=entry name=articles}
{if $smarty.foreach.articles.first}<dl><br />{/if}
<dt><a href="{$GLOBALS.site_url}/publications/{$}/{$}/{$entry.title|replace:' ':'-'|escape:"urlpathinfo"}.html" class="title"></dt>
{if $smarty.foreach.articles.last}</dl></a>{/if}
[[There are no articles available at this time]]
And there's the problem. If there are 1000 articles, all of them will be loaded and no pages will be created.
I'm trying to create a "show more" button with only the latest 4 articles displayed at first and then when the "show more" button is clicked, the next 4 articles will be displayed, and so on...
Is that possible? Can anyone help me with new ways to create a dynamic news section with this?
i still didnt install my editor, but you can give a div or any thing some property, which make that object hidden, i'm not sure if it was block, or hidden it self,
then you can also give it an id, and refer to it with java script, and as you already know a query language like jQuery, you can do it even simpler to refer to the div element, and change its property, (i didnt worked with jQuery), if it's about to be as a toltip, you can use your parent div/ image/ button/ any thing:
for styles which normaly are:
or instead of display, u can use
for stle which are like this:
this is a ways which most of sites menus take advantage of
Solved. Changed the <dl> <dt> <dd> to <ul> <li> and then:
var vis = 5;
$('.news li').slice(vis).hide();
var $more = $('Mais')
$('.news li:hidden').slice(0,vis).show();
if($('.news li:hidden').length == 0)
$('.newsPage ul').after($more);

Drupal: views display as a block; putting inside an html tab

Drupal 6.28:
I'm re-theming a particular section of a site and the new design called for five pages to be displayed as five tabs on one page with the appropriate one shown when either clicking on the tab itself or in an expanded menu to the left.
I created all that in html and jquery so that I could deep-link the tabs, ie... someone can click on any menu link and hit the page with the appropriate tab open instead of having to go to the master page and then click the appropriate tab. (using location.hash)
This is all working fine, but the last tab is to house content that currently is a view set as a block.
What is the best way to pull that view/block into the html div I have set aside for that specific content?
I have used this great snippet before:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block', 'view', '15');
print $block['content'];
which allows one to place any block anywhere, but with a view with a display set as a block, I'm not having any luck invoking that view. Also, I'd had to have to use "php" instead of 'full html' on the node since it's just a snippet but as it's not currently working, it probably doesn't matter.
so, I'm trying to figure out how to have something like this:
<!-- all the other tabs content-->
<div id="fifthTab">
all the content from the view which is set to 'display like a block'
I'm fairly new to Drupal and not even sure if I create a page display how I would call that data anyway.
So my html structure is:
-sub link/tab 1/default
-sub link/tab 2
-sub link/tab3
-sub link/tab4
-sub link/tab5
So if someone either clicks on on the sub link/tab 5 in the left nav or clicks on the actual tab 5 or enters the url xxx/#tab5, the appropriate tab is show, the rest hidden. That's all working great, I just cant get the view content to show in that tab5.
so a page template based on the url is the easiest. The variable $content is just placed in the last tab and all other html content for that specific page is just put in the template.
At least this way, as docs are added, it's still dynamic and the static info is easy to edit if needed.
Just in case something similar comes up for someone else.

Custom Content Block in Sitefinity

I want to create a custom content block in Sitefinity so I can wrap an tag around it and pick up my CSS.
I created a custom widget, but I'm not sure how to make it a content block. I cannot find documentation on this, but I'm sure it is a common occurrence. Basically, I want a drag out content block that does this:
[code for content block]
I don't know how to generate the [content block] code in .net. I am new to .net development. I am using VB but can use C#.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You can create a custom Layout Control which can be used in conjunction with other controls, such as Content Blocks.
To create a Layout control, open your project in Visual Studio and create a new control (.ascx) file in the WebApp project. I normally put mine in a ~/LayoutControls folder which I create. In that control file, enter something like:
<div runat="server" class="sf_cols">
<div id="Div1" runat="server" class="sf_colsIn"></div>
You'll notice that besides the markup you want, the aside tag, I have two other divs with some specifics. These are needed so Sitefinity can treat this as a control, and be able to dynamically inject content into it.
A div with class sf_cols is common to all controls and the div with class sf_colsIn (id="Div1") is where control you drop onto the layout control will go. So there is an outer wrapper div, your markup, and an inner div. It's the inner div where your content will go.
Save your file, compile the project, then register the control in Sitefinity.
To do that, login to the backend then navigate to Administration | Settings | Advanced Settings | Toolboxes | Toolboxes | PageLayouts | Sections. I normally add a new section with these properties:
name=Custom,Title=Custom,Description=Custom Layouts,Global resourceClassId=PageResources
Then select your new section, select Tools, then Create New. The Name, Title, Description are whatever makes sense for you control. The Control CLR Type should be Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.LayoutControl, Telerik.Sitefinity and the Layout Template should be the path to your ascx file, i.e. ~/LayoutControls/AsideBlock.ascx. The other properties can have the default values (most are just blank). Then Save.
Now when you are editing a page, click the 'Layout' button in the right hand column and you will see a 'Custom' Section which contains your control. Drag it onto the page, then go back to 'Content' editing (using the button in the right hand column). You will see your layout control and drop a content block onto it.
Add content normally. When the page renders, the content will be wrapped in the aside tag.
the easiest way to do this is with an external template for the content block. The template you want is ContentBlock.ascx and is in the SDK.
Copy this file to your project then add the wrapping tags around the contentHtml literal control (which renders the actual content of the control).
Then open the Advanced settings of the content block widget you want to use this template and specifiy the LayoutTemplatePath. It should have a default value of something like "~/SFRes/Telerik.Sitefinity.Resources.Templates.Backend.GenericContent.ContentBlock.ascx".
Simply change this to the virtual path to the template you created, then save and publish the page.
The content block will render with your template instead of the default one, with any markup you add.
I hope this is helpful!
I'm going to create a more detailed blog post that walks through this process and will link it here when I'm done. thank you for the inspiration!

Router for a portion of a page

Does the view <--> URL matching pairs, effectively mean that the router has to control the entire page and cannot be used for controlling a subset of the page? I have a situation where Ember is used for a portion of a page where the outermost container view is manually added to a DOM element. A workaround would be to convert the entire page to Ember but perhaps there are other ways? Thanks for any pointers!
You can specify outlets to insert a dynamic portion of a page. An outlet renders the current view. In that view there can be another outlet to display the subview.
See this example:
application template
<div id="content">
<nav> .. menu part .. </nav>
This renders the dynamic part of your app. When you browse to for instance /pages you can display a list of pages in it. When you go to '/pages/1' there is an {{outlet}} in the pages-template which renders the page-template.
pages template
{{#each page in controller}}
<li>{{#linkTo page}}{{}}{{/linkTo}}</li>
page template
The page-name header is now rendered below the pages-list.
This way you can add as much dynamic content as you want.

Load html (getText) based on global tabs

I am trying to load different html pages based on each global tab (each tab would load a different html page) using getText. Does anyone know the code to specify a certain tab for each different piece of text? The code below loads the same text into all the tabs:
<div class="col_3" metal:define-macro="highlights" i18n:domain="plone">
<tal:block tal:condition= "exists:here/graduate-study/highlghts-grad"
tal:replace="structure here/graduate-study/highlghts-grad/getText">Footer content here</tal:block>
<div class="col_3" metal:define-macro="highlights" i18n:domain="plone">
<tal:block tal:condition= "exists:here/undergraduate-study/highlghts-grad"
tal:replace="structure here/undergraduate-study/highlghts-grad/getText">Footer content here</tal:block>
etc, etc for all tabs...
The global tabs in Plone are navigation roots. You can detect the current active navigation root in two ways:
The body HTML tag has a section-[id_of_section] CSS class, where id_of_section varies with the pathname of each section.
From a viewlet or portlet you can retrieve these classes using the ##plone_layout view:
tal:define="plone_layout context/##plone_layout;
bodyClass python:plone_layout.bodyClass(template, view)"
after which you'll have to test if a certain state- string is present in the bodyClass value.
By retrieving he current navigation root directly from the ##plone_portal_state view:
tal:define="plone_portal_state context/##plone_portal_state;
nav_root plone_portal_state/navigation_root;
nav_root_id nav_root/getId"
You can then vary your viewlet or portlet based on the nav_root_id.
Note however that each navigation root is has a portal type, and possibly an interface declaration, that you could use to register viewlets or portlets for. Detecting the exact navigation is usually not the best option.
This effect is commonly referred to as a "megamenu." There is a product that implements this for Plone, I've not used it, but I'd certainly recommend that you explore it as a starting point.
