Selectors, child and not for color span-parent and a-child - css

I am learning Selectors and not.
What I am trying is to PUT the text of the span in color red BUT NOT the text of the link, combining both. It is just to learn.
My HTML code
<span>Here red
<a>Here NOT red
What I am trying to do with CSS
div p span:not(:nth-child(0)) {
color: red;
/* Or */
div p span:not(a) {
color: red;
Anyone can help me? I do not want to set another rule for A. It is just to learn as I said.

There were a couple of issues with your page. One is that you had an extra div closing tag. Second, the a tag defines a hyperlink, so it should have an href attribute. Your a tag had no attributes.
Take a look at this snippet
span:not(a) {
color: red;
<span>Here red
Here NOT red
Alternatively, you could just close the span tag before the a tag, and then just select the span element.


How do I select the first line of ::after (::before)?

How do I make the first line of ::after in bold?
I'm making a CSS snippet for Obsidian. I want to make a Dropdown for tags that start with '#-'. How do I make the first line bold?
I can't change HTML code:
<a href="#-Dropdown" class="tag" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
Those CSS blocks don't even appear in the devtools:
a.tag[href^='#-']::after::content {
font-size: 20px;
a.tag[href^='#-']::after::first-line {
color: red;
A jsfiddle if you're willing to try yourself

css not select the first class between other container

css doesn't select the first class
:not(:first) doesn't work because .callout is wrapped by other container
.callout:not(:first) {
color: red;
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="flex-fill">
<div class="callout">
Text A
<div class="flex-fill">
<div class="callout">
Text B - only this set color red
Select the .callout element whose parent is not the :first-child of its parent element
.flex-fill:not(:first-child) .callout {
color: red
Or just revert the logic and target the :last-child
.flex-fill:last-child .callout {
color: red
Or target the .callout inside the second parent element, no matter how many .flex-fill siblings you have
.flex-fill:nth-child(2) .callout {
color: red
Codepen example
Anyway, I don't recommend to use this kind of selectors or to rely on a specific markup structure because this approach can easily cause maintainability problems as the code grows and, if possible, I'd suggest to place instead a specific class for this purpose on the right element.

CSS Selector Within a Selector

Essentially what I am trying to do is have one element react as the hover state of a different element.
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover { .page-template-page-services-new .ButtonService {color: #6395ce; background-color: #fff; } }
Not currently working - is this a thing? If not, how might I accomplish it. I know the selectors are correct, they work independently.
What I think you are referring to is that you've seen something akin to
//style definitions
//other style definitions
This comes from pre-processors such as SCSS (Sass) or LESS, I'll assume you can do a quick google on those.
For the other part of your question, yes, you can style an element differently if it's parent container or even a sibling is hovered.
.container-hover:hover .red-on-hover{
.sibling-hover:hover + .sibling-hover{
<div class="container-hover">
<h3>Other Text</h3>
<div class="red-on-hover">Background will turn red on hover</div>
<p class="sibling-hover"> When I am hovered, my sibling will be blue</p>
<p class="sibling-hover"> Blue? Blue</p>
For the sibling hover, please note that if you added more .sibling-hover elements that all but the first one would be able to turn blue if you hovered over it's immediately prior sibling.
It can work if they have a parent child relationship.
.page-template-page-services-new {
background: #ccc;
.page-template-page-services-new .imgBlock:hover .ButtonService {
color: #6395ce;
background-color: #fff;
<div class="page-template-page-services-new">
<div class="imgBlock">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="ButtonService">
This is a test

CSS not() clause does not fire

Sure this is a too easy question but incredibly I did not understande why this code does not run as desired.
<div class="remember">
<a class="foo">INSIDE text (Should be black)</a>
<a class="foo">OUTSIDE text (Should be red)</a>
div:not(.remember) .foo
Here the JsFiddle.
I would like that every item with class .foo OUTSIDE a parent with class .remember will be red, but it seems that "not" clause does not fire.
Where is my error?
Your upper most <div> doesn't have .remember, it passes your selection and so .foo has styles changed. Use the child combinator.
Your selection requires that the parent that isn't .remember is also a <div>, because you haven't given your second .foo a parent, in this case, its parent will be <body>. If you don't make this restriction, it is black in colour, as expected.
:not(.remember) > .foo {
<div class="remember">
<a class="foo">INSIDE text (Should be black)</a>
<a class="foo">OUTSIDE text (Should be red)</a>
Here is a working jsfiddle
The was not inside a div, it is fixed. The div:not(.remember) .foo expects the link to be inside of a div.
<div class="remember">
<a class="foo">INSIDE text (Should be inherited)</a>
<a class="foo">OUTSIDE text (Should be red)</a>
There was no style for div.reminder .foo, it should specifically inherit from the parent style.
div:not(.remember) .foo
div.remember .foo { color: inherit; }
In the above fiddle, I added the first line which should represent any styles already set to the page (parent containers and etc). Its purpose is to play with it in order to see how the inner content behaves. You can remove it safely, the behavior will be as expected.
The div.remember .foo will simply inherit them rather than force something else. However{color:red;}
This will cause all .foo elements to be red, unless it is nested inside the parent .remember, it will then be black.

Is it possible to change two styles independently inside the same link tag on a:hover?

I have an anchor link which has an image and two spans of text, a title and a tagline with different colors, and i want them to change differently when hovering the link.
span.title {color: #666;}
span.tagline {color: #aaa;}
<a class="button" href="" target="_blank">
<div style="display:block">
<img src="images/button.png">
<span class="title">TITLE</span><br>
<span class="tagline">tagline</span>
I wonder if it's possible to use something like:
a.button:hover span.title {color: #000;}
a.button:hover span.tagline {color: #2ae;}
Yes thats possible. Psuedo class :hover doesn't have to be for the last element in the selector.
Live Demo:
For future reference its easier/quicker to try this out for yourself in jsFiddle before asking questions.
