Asterisk connect to a parked call - asterisk

I am developing a custom application to control an Asterisk based pbx using ami/agi interface. What I have to do is:
receive a call from a pstn external line
answer the call
play a welcome message
transfer the call to a specific extension
park the call
reconnect to the call from a different extension
Everything should be done using ami/agi interfaces. I succesfully developed everything up to point 5) but I am unable to understand how to transfer (using ami/agi) the parked call to a runtime-defined extension.
Can someone give me an idea on how to do it ?

you should originate from Local/XXX#parked_context to the extension you want.
something like this..
Action: Originate Channel: Local/XXX#parked_context (XXX is the number of parked call)
Context: default (here you put the context where you can reach the second party)
Exten: 123 (number who will receive the call)
Priority: 1
Callerid: 3125551212
Timeout: 30000

Simplest way is just use async agi or conference or Wait extension instead of parking, i.e redo parking-like logic yourself.
That way you will 100% know channel name and how to transfer it back.
Considering you are gooing use ami - AsyncAGI is best option for you.


Asterisk 11 Who Hanged Up?

I do have an Asterisk 11 PBX and I'm developing an Windows Service application using the github AsterNET.AMI Library to connect my PBX. Till here everything is working fine, I can send commands and read incoming event messages.
But now I need to develop a feature on my software based over one information that I thought it could be easy to retrieve. The information I'm looking for is - who hanged up?
I googled for it a lot and I could find a few answers, most of them talking about setup the G option on CDR but also some considerations about this approach. Still like this I couldn't grab any valuable information for my scenario.
Maybe if I tell you about my working scenario you could help me. Lets go, I'm going to bullet split this:
I do have a caller calling from a cellphone and this calling are incoming to my internal PBX extension
My PSTN trunk is a E1/R2 directly to my PBX
No matter if caller or callee hangs up always I do have "normal clearing" message for hangup_cause
I know I'm receiving from my service provider the information about the releasing device, because if I use my Siemens 3800 Hipath over CSTA I can retrieve this information.
So the gold question is: How can I retrieve who is the releasing device on this situation?
You can try a combination of g and F options in the Dial application. The g option allows dialplan execution when the called party hangs up, while the F option allows you to continue execution to a context,extension,priority of your choice if the caller hangs up.
So, you can understand which party is hanging up by the dialplan being executed after the call ended.
Find here more info on these options:
The only way I could find after read Asterisk doc almost entirely was reading HangupRequest event messages.
As I'm using AsterNet.AMI library to connect and manage my Asterisk, so I change the source code a little bit to have an event handler do read HangupRequest event.
HangupRequest event writes the messages like the following one:
Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/8103-000001be
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 8103
CallerIDName: Agent 8103
ConnectedLineNum: 51999887766
ConnectedLineName: 51999887766
Language: en
Context: from-internal
Exten: 8100
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1569618521.446
Linkedid: 1569618519.445
So accordly to HangupRequest Event Asterisk documentation I could notice the channel in the message is the channel related to the releasing device, also CallerIDNum and CallerIDName are related to.
This feature is not implemented right now on the github library, but I'm going to push over there and ask them to include on next release.
Yet I don't know where to read this information on FreePBX Admin.

How to dispatch message to several destination with apache camel?

My problematic seem to be simple, but I haven't find yet a way to solve it...
I have a legacy system which is working and a new system which will replace it. This is only rest webservices call, so I'm using simple bridge endpoint on http service.
To ensure the iso-functional run, I want to put them behind a camel route dispatching message to both system but returning only the response of the legacy one and log the response of both system to be sure there are running in same way...
I create this route :
.setHeader("CamelHttpMethod", header("CamelHttpMethod"))
.to(urlServer1 + "?bridgeEndpoint=true")
.to(urlServer2 + "?bridgeEndpoint=true")
It works to call each services and to log messages, but response are in a mess...
If the first server doesn't respond, the second is not call, if the second respond an error, only that error is send back to client...
Any Idea ?
You can check for some more details in multicast docs
Default behaviour of multicast (your case) is:
parallelProcessing is false so routes are called one by one
To correctly implement your case you need probably:
add error handling for each external service call so exception will not stop correct processing
configure or implement some aggregator strategy and put it to the strategyRef so you can combine results from all calls to the single multicast result

Create not routed call from asterisk

I can use .call files to create outgoing calls from asterisk trunk TRNK
cat /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
Channel: IAX2/TRNK/12345
Application: Playback
It works perfectly, but this calls not routed through AGI interface (I suppose because they are not routed internally in asterisk).
So is it possible to create call using call file that will be incoming (or not yet routed) in some trunk(or in some context), and Asterisk will try to route it and will make route request to AGI ?
Make call to extension, then Asterisk will use extension matching and run AGI when necessary.
If the call answers, connect it here:
Context: <context-name> Context in extensions.conf
Extension: <ext> Extension definition in extensions.conf
Priority: <priority> Priority of extension to start with
Set: Set a variable for use in the extension logic (example: file1=/tmp/to ); in Asterisk 1.0.x use 'SetVar' instead of 'Set'
Application: Asterisk Application to run (use instead of specifiying context, extension and priority)
Data: The options to be passed to application

Out Bound Dialing Asterisk

I have a calling application developed in PHP with AGI on Asterisk framework, below is the basic flow of application.
We receive a call from user at our Asterisk ss7 server and forward the same call to another user from our server.
I want to know the status of call forward to another user. Status means what happen with call between both users e.g. Hangup, Busy, Not Answered etc.
Not much detail on how you are placing the call or anything else but if you are performing a Dial() and want to know at the end of the call the result try ${DIALSTATUS}.
This will contain something like 'ANSWER', 'NOANSWER' or 'BUSY'. For the full list and more info check out
you can use CDR feature or use a diaplan to get the dialed status

Asterisk AMI - pickup call

I want to pickup call in Asterisk using AMI. I can originate call, but totally don't know, how to answer the phone...
Script for calling:
sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
sock.send('Action: login\r\n')
sock.send('Events: off\r\n')
sock.send('Username: '+str(ast_server.login)+'\r\n')
sock.send('Secret: '+str(ast_server.password)+'\r\n\r\n')
#originate call
sock.send('Action: originate\r\n')
sock.send('Channel: ' + str(user.asterisk_chan_type) + '/' + str(user.internal_number)+'\r\n')
sock.send('Timeout: '+str(ast_server.wait_time*1000)+'\r\n')
sock.send('CallerId: '+str(user.callerid)+'\r\n')
sock.send('Exten: '+str(ast_number)+'\r\n')
sock.send('Context: '+str(ast_server.context)+'\r\n')
if ast_server.alert_info and user.asterisk_chan_type == 'SIP':
sock.send('Variable: SIPAddHeader=Alert-Info: '+str(ast_server.alert_info)+'\r\n')
sock.send('Priority: '+str(ast_server.extension_priority)+'\r\n\r\n')
sock.send('Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n')
I need something similar, but for answering calls.
Can't find any useful command in *CLI> manager show command
Halp me, plox
You can't answer a call directly via AMI. This is because a new call will "arrive" at the given context/priority/extension configured in the dialplan (or it will be rejected if cant find one that applies). So whatever happens with that call will start at the given context/priority/extension in the dialplan.
If you want to handle calls via AMI, try using asynchronous AGI, like this:
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi:async)
This will handle all calls to any extension that has at least 1 digit, by issuing an event (AsyncAGI) that you can handle with your AMI client.
Then, from your AMI client, you can send AGIAction's, like:
Action: AGI
Channel: SIP/adevice
Command: ANSWER
CommandID: MyCommandID
This will effectively allow you to run AGI commands (and handle a call like you would normally do in any AGI script) from your AMI client.
Hope it helps!
